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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique


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>> No.4827396 [View]
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Unironically How To Draw Manga books. 90% of anime boys are twinks and pretty boys, so stuff like this will help you. After you've learned the basics from this, study Gesture, and then porn poses and shit from whatever sick, degenerate hentai you watch.

>> No.4665153 [View]
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anybody have this book.

>> No.4630106 [View]
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>What's the average span of time for someone to become decent at drawing?
The time frame is irrelevant, all that matters is how much time is actually spent actually drawing. About 1000 hours, drawing atleast 1 hour a day (though 5-7 is ideal), and you'll be atleast decent, provided you spend a lot of that time studying and drawing from reference. You can 'just draw', but this only works if you are constantly looking to see what you're doing wrong and drawing from reference and guides to fix it.
>I'm older so I'm looking for a cutoff point
>Any older beginners here with some sort of success in art?
Your age when you start drawing is irrelevant. It literally doesn't matter. Anyone who tells you otherwise is just memeing. Literally just start drawing, just make sure you're drawing with guides and references.

Most importantly of all, the sticky has a bunch of books by Andrew Loomis. Start from 'Fun with a Pencil.' This will teach you the basics of drawing and construction (which you will need for ALL drawing). Once you've done that, either study Loomis' other books or read something like pic related if you just want anime shit. Post in /beg/ constantly to find out how you can improve, then do what they tell you. Repeat this for 100 hours of drawing and you'll be atleast decent, no matter how old or autistic you are.

>> No.4624851 [View]
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If she's intent on drawing animu shit, buy her a 'how to draw manga' book or something. Atleast that way she might become less shit.

>> No.4616305 [View]
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My honest advice? First of all, start drawing. Literally anything. Get a feel for it. Don't buy any tablets or software yet, just draw with some pencils, erasers and paper. Then, once you've drawn a fair bit and have decided that you want to draw more, read the /ic/ sticky. In it is a free link to the book "Fun with a Pencil" by Andrew Loomis. This will teach you the basic methods of construction used for all drawing.

After that, there are about three major pathways you can take, depending on how much 'into drawing' you want to get (feel free to switch at any time). The first is to get something like pic related; cheap, easy, 'how to draw' books. Not anything in the style of 'realism', just fun shit to draw. Youtube tutorials on how to draw, like Proko or Ethan Becker, are also great help if you're just drawing for fun or as a hobby. This will teach you how to draw, and how to draw well. Not to a professional level, but enough to wow normies and make you a good artist. The next level up, of course, is to Draw from imagination, but whenever you do, make reference to Fundies Masters, like Andrew Loomis (whose books are all avaliable for free in the sticky, I would especially recommend 'Figure Drawing For All It's Worth'), George Bridgman, Glen Vilppu. Just whenever you get to a point in your drawing where you're stumped, like "how do I draw this hand", reference how a professional artists would draw a hand, learn their methods, and apply it yourself.

The Third and most hardcore of these paths (the one most people who want to become 'professional artists' will take) is to STUDY. There are books in the Sticky that will teach you Perspective, Anatomy, Composition, Rendering, Proportions, all that fucking jazz. Online Courses, real life classes, and even Youtube Videos will also teach you this. If you wanna go hardcore, study these for hours every day. You will become an incredible artist.

>> No.4498270 [View]
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Any manga book recommendations to buy physically? I wanna get pic related but not for 23 USD from Amazon. I tried searching for it on eBay but couldn't find it. So any other genuinely good weeb books to get?

>> No.4485110 [View]
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"How to draw Manga" books generally have few words to save on translation costs. Most are trash, but ones like Pic Related are unironically great. If you do study from one, though, make sure you're also studying Loomis or Bridgman at the same time to make sure you learn your fundies, not just anime stuff.

>> No.4453503 [View]
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Loomis and Bridgman, but if you want to draw like your pic related, you'll also need something like my pic related, which covers how to draw manly anime dudes

>> No.4428518 [View]
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My honest advice is to study Loomis AND something like Pic Related. You need pic related to draw manga or whatever the fuck you want, but Loomis (or something similar, like Hampton or Bridgman) is still necessary to teach you basic construction, anatomy, perspective, ect. Basically, all the shit you'll need if you want to draw manga. Even if you hate realism and only want to draw stylized characters, you still need to know what the body looks like and how different bits look and work in different actions, as well as perspective, plus the construction methods Loomis teaches can be applied to anything, including manga.

>> No.4331883 [View]
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Either read something like Pic Related, do >>4331627, study emotional scenes and characters in anime and Manga, or all of the above.

>> No.4325764 [View]
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Loomis is actually helpful, and a meme.
Basically, you know the incredibly famous method of drawing a head where you draw a sphere and then lines across it to connote the placement of the brow, eyes, nose, ect? He was the guy who invented that. All of his guides are incredibly useful, though because he's so useful for learning how to draw, so many people say "Just study Loomis lmao" without stating why or how that it's become a meme to just say "Study Loomis". Loomis guides themselves are still very, very good though.

If you just want to draw hentai-style porn, then I would still very much recommend studying Loomis in order to understand basic human form, anatomy, proportions and poses, all of which are vitally important for drawing any human, even if it's animu.

However, if you want to draw Hentai, I would recommend that in addition to Studying Loomis, you also buy or pirate something like Pic related, and study that too. Finally, there are plenty of guides on /ic/ on how to draw hentai, so I'm sure if you ask, someone in the /nsfw/ general will be able to help you.

Before you can even start drawing porn, though, you really need to understand how to draw a human body, and again, Loomis is probably the best guide on how to draw it.

>> No.4324041 [View]
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"Figure Drawing For All it's Worth" by Andrew Loomis, "Bridgman's Complete Guide to Drawing from Life", and Pic Related.

>> No.4318127 [View]
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Read the sticky. It links to some books, most notably by the author Andrew Loomis. Debatably his most famous book, "Figure drawing for all it's worth" provides guides on anatomy, proportions, perspective, ect. Basically, the shit you need to Git Gud. Whilst I would recommend learning Loomis before going for a more stylized approach, such as anime, if you *really* want to draw anime and only anime, I would recommend buying (or pirating) pic related, as it still teaches really good methods for construction, proportions, anatomy, ect, basically just all the shit you need to be a good artist (in terms of line art, atleast). Once you've learned all that shit, move on to study colour theory and rendering, and before you know it, you'll be creating absolute FUCKING masterpieces.

>> No.4316263 [View]
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For only having started drawing a month ago, your anatomy, proportions, shading, facial structure and linework are fucking God-Tier. If you want to improve at Animu, you should read something like Pic Related

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