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>> No.7168481 [View]
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What's your point, nigger OP? That people draw in order to see their imagination realized? That they need an incentive to continue? This is a given, you didn't need to make a thread about it. The thing is, plenty of people manage to do this without incredible difficulty and you don't seem to be one of them.
I drew crappy shit pretty often before I started taking art seriously, but often enough there was a diamond in the rough, and it's only by being "easy to please" and by being easily naturally motivated that I got to where I am now (people like my work, I like my work).
If you don't like it at least a little bit now you simply won't later.

>> No.7149716 [View]
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That is the point. If you're trying to profit from it, there is no point if you're not getting rewarded.
And there is no point in posting on social media if you're not trying to profit from it, hence why people have this """competition""" mindset and it is impossible to be on social media for any other reason since 99% of the userbase is on it to profit.

But somehow people shit on you if you don't do it for free.

>> No.7111777 [View]
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>and he's trying to argue semantics again
>if you're not in favor of porn you're a puritan conservative
>if you're not that, you're a jew
thank god porn is getting banned

>> No.6964813 [View]
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>u mad omg u mad u so mad
Lmao no

I'm just saying, it make no sense why women would always say they want 1% of men, yet they still go fuck literal bottom of the barrel hood niggers and send love letters to jailed serial killers and even get obsessed with them that film makers keep pushing any "documentation" about them and they go crazy for this shit.

It's like they say one thing to APPEAR as what they perceive as "high value", but in truth, they're just like animals spreading their legs for anyone "dangerous" individual because of the """roller coaster of emotions""".

>> No.6948609 [View]
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were you the dude who joined, posted no work and then immediately left lol ?

>> No.6939296 [View]
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>uuuhrr durr tHis Has toB BaIt because uuuuuum... it just is ok? because bad words ddduuuurr wow i cant even LIKE you GAISE R BAD BECAUSE WOW LIKE i cant even
Quite basically what you are saying.

Would you rather like it like this:
My dearest Anon (who is beautiful, hecking valid, and smart and genuine), please allow me to disagree with you, but also agree with you that the individual with a lot of followers is clearly the better person (because "they" have lots of followers and get likes on their art), so of course you're right and you're valid argument, but i tend to disagree, which i know will offend you (btw i am being genuinely honest) but might i reinforce that you are valid? So, keeping on; i would really like if you would revise your clearly false statements (that are true and valid of course and so are you <3), that do not reflect the reality of our society and are based on ignorance and clearly lack of knowledge and life experience.
Of course, you don't have to admit to being wrong if it offends you or if it doesn't match your own personal and subjective world view because you are hecking valid, beautiful and smart!!!!

With much non-binary love, Anon
(btw you are epic and valid, sister!)

>> No.6921256 [View]
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I litcherally feel it, anon. I feel the form. I'm not speaking figuratively here. It's a motor feeling in the drawing arm, a subtle "pull" along the path of the familiar contour, a feeling of sculpting the drawn subject to life. This only works for repeatedly drawn subjects, and it's a pretty pleasant feeling.
I have a theory that the rational-visual and the motor components of drawing are inextricably linked, and construction - true construction - attempts to hack the process of motor-memorization and skip over this step, with bad results.
But hey that's just a theory...a draw theory

>> No.6894745 [View]
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>crying about semantics
>wow like did u take the image literally wow like lmao
You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.6765987 [View]
File: 64 KB, 640x640, D91FA4B7-3636-43EA-8233-F3F8D11F179D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>long tirade against ESLs
>despite native speakers also using the term
Now that is irony.
You’re not as good at English as you think you are. Oh, and by the way, niggers don’t count as a measure of the average English speaker’s competence.

>> No.6722152 [View]
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I think OP is looking for like-minded individuals looking to help each other improve, not a god he has to appease in order to hear some divine knowledge.

>> No.6710901 [View]
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Yes Anon, AI is the best thing ever, robots will replace all of us. It's all over.
Making money is only for the elite now.

What's the point in anything anymore?
People have become content for and to each other, everyone just aims to be an e-celebrity and no matter how hard you work, there is someone who is going to fuck you over. If you say anything that requires an IQ of 79 to understand, you're the crazy one.

I'll just go on government gibs, play vidya and jerk off all day while uploading clips of my epic and funny gameplay on twitter, while also uploading porn i prompted myself.
The alternative is nuclear genocide.

I'll go make some epic gameplay clips for my robot followers now.
like and subscribe

>> No.6087230 [View]
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Do you guys have some sort of contract with the discord trannies that you have to whiteknight anyone of your """friends""" to the extreme if they're even mentioned in a post with mean words in it?
I don't get it.

Of course shit is more nuanced than whatever Anons post and Anons are right to call you retarded if you're being a retard.
No, no one cares about the 6 gorillion followers you have and they don't make your IQ go higher.
No, people that disagree with you are not schizos and trolls.
And no, whatever scenario you make up in your head isn't reality because it's more convenient for your own ego.

The thread is about opinions, not baseless dicksucking of some LITERAL WHO.
I don't need to tell you that you need to filter out the "mean words", right?
You'll have a better time and shit up the board less.

Now post your work.

>> No.4509236 [View]
File: 65 KB, 640x640, 925947_1529077893982913_950417382_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about youtube






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