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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique


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>> No.6474513 [View]
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I love /cbsg/.
I love how we have a place where we, the hope-pilled male-enjoyers, can all work hard and support each other so that one day we may achieve our artistic dreams no matter what condition we may arrive in. I love our vision to build each other up so that we may all climb the staircase of greatness together.

Many may not share our vision, many may want to destroy us and everything wonderful we have built here. Many who despise all that is good and beautiful. Many who are referred to as "nodraws". The nodraws may attack a dozen, a hundred, or maybe even a thousand threads, but they will never destroy what we have created here. Because for every flower trampled there will be more to take its place, for every harsh winter there will be a beautiful spring waiting to embrace us in its warmth, and for every forest burned there will be new growth ready to peer through the ashes and share with the world all its beauty.

In the pits of this war-torn landscape, there cannot be despair without hope, there cannot be darkness without light, there cannot be hatred without love, and there cannot be nodraw bottom-feeders without us drawchad gods! Without us, they are nothing. They try to steal from us our happiness and our joy because they have none of their own. Trying to steal from thread after thread without ever realizing that the banquet has been open to all since the very beginning.

Hold your heads up high, sisters. For the brighter we shine the more the nodraws attempt to dim our light. For the more we are unified the more they attempt to divide. For the more we strengthen our souls the more they attack us in desperation, hoping to shatter our hearts to look just like theirs. They push and shove with all their might, only for us to stand as still and tall as our collective resolve.

I love /cbsg/, because to me /cbsg/ is more than a thread: It's a feeling, an idea, a home.

You all have a beautiful Sunday, and happy drawing.

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