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>> No.7432231 [View]
File: 913 KB, 1098x790, snowglobe153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7369867 [View]
File: 913 KB, 1098x790, snowglobe153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With me,it's loving a child whose profundity astounds me even as I pen his words,sentiments and ideas coalescing through the fun house mirror of his thought process.

But IS it profound? My opinion doesn't count, and I have yet to get an answer after asking in several threads. His gift is to make the various threads of a mystery weave themselves into a solution through his own skewed viewpoint.

>> No.7330697 [View]
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For the answer to this question:

Is he Right? Profound?

I post this strip a lot,and I have never received anything in the way of answers. I am not hopeful even as I write these words, and I sincerely wish I knew. As a writer,I tend to think of the characters objectively, presenting them with dynamic circumstances and deciding how each would react,and progressing the plot. Sometimes, especially at the very beginning of a strip,I might draw something unintended,constructing it's place in the narrative even as it appears under my pen,accident dictating story. And so through this process do things like this come up:something that I be surprised at even as I draw it. Because only by thinking in his head can his ideas reach out to grace the paper. Or so I think. Lemme post another example.

>> No.7215653 [View]
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The whole of the intellectual property is aimed at "children". And the psychedelia is intentional. Subversive kid friendly fare.

>> No.7209359 [View]
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I even made a video isolating each panel cloe up. Mister J is the prism from which this kaleidoscope springs. I am a Spectator to it all,curious as to What Happens Next as any reader would. Even as I engrave their history onto paper.

>> No.7204963 [View]
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I want him to Save the World.

>> No.7147199 [View]
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Kinda sorta.

But the world is full of bunnyburgers.

>> No.6996763 [View]
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You are generally right.

The shorthand of capital letters does tire the eye,even back when the children were continually "SHOUTING" back in the AOL chatrooms I haunted in the late 90s. And I think the immediacy of texting forces itself to process all writing by it in some minds. I spell out words fully when I text,but I find myself condensing my meaning into as few words as possible. Forum posting is far slower,and allows for great consideration for expressiveness,or decidedly not.

This storyboard page is my OC,my World,my ficdom. And it's only from thinking in these characters' heads that spawn such ideas. How many Bunnyburgers do YOU know? I can't judge how profound those ideas are,and the act of instilling word balloons with the situation filtered through their personalities leaves me as surprised as any other reader.

>> No.6994909 [View]
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And here is a prime example of Jeremey Logic, something that would never occur to me unless I was thinking in his head.

>> No.6796783 [View]
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My religion spurts out between the cracks of the narrative.

>> No.6444771 [View]
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What bad things have happened to me? I was talking about the characters in the comics.

Up your meds.

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