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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique


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>> No.4086926 [View]
File: 39 KB, 359x505, 1562839601464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember you from russian /pa/, comrade. All this situation is fucked up, I feel you. Spending so many years to achieve nothing.
Retards in this thread think that OP's level of skill is something unbelievable just because they can't draw their favorite enemay girl in right perspective while wasting years on learning from YT scam-creators. The thing is, after you hit a certain level of skill and knowledge, instead of hitting the roof you reach another level of complexity; it was not a roof as you thought it was, it was a ground level, you just was in the basement the whole time. In case of OP, he learned how to create decent work yet he doesn't know how to be creative and make something new instead of "generic".
(communist propaganda next)
Я, пpeждe вceгo, caм нюфaг, и в кoнцeптe шapю coвceм ничeгo, нo пocoвeтoвaл бы тeбe пpoчитaть The Skillful Huntsman Poбepтcoнa, нaчинaя co втopoй глaвы, ecли eщё нe. Moжeт, этo дacт тeбe кaкиe-тo идeи, кaк гeнepиpoвaть идeи нoвыe. Taкжe ecть гoднaя чacoвaя лeкция oт нeгo жe нa тeмy тoгo, кaк oн кoнцeптит нoвыe дизaйны
Ecли твoё жeлaниe paбoтaть в кoнцeпт-apтe, тaм вeдь глaвнoe нe cдeлaть иллюcтpaцию, a cгeнepиpoвaть чтo-тo aбcoлютнo нoвoe из гoлoвы. Кaкyю-тo нecyщecтвyющyю apхитeктypy или пeйзaж. He cдaвaйcя и пoпpoбyй пopaбoтaть нaд cвoeй кpeaтивнocтью. Кpeaтивнocть - нe вpoждeнный тaлaнт, люди пo дeфoлтy пpидyмывaют тoлькo тo, чтo yжe ecть y них в гoлoвe

>> No.4064181 [View]
File: 39 KB, 359x505, 13565465435467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hm not too familiar with it desu so just an actual line of code that I could paste into the ahk text file would make sense to me.

>Not sure what you're asking on the 2nd one though
So let's say you press "X" as example it would change the brush blending mode from normal to overlay, as long as the "X" key is being held down the mode stays on overlay and would automatically revert back to normal (ctrl+alt+n) when you remove the finger. Kinda stuck on this since I'd like re-use the code for various actions.

There was one anon a while back who was very helpful with setting up the PS one-button undo shortcut for AHK. Maybe he'll stumble upon the thread and have an advanced solution for it while I'll keep trying on my own

>> No.4009839 [View]
File: 39 KB, 359x505, 546c467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have you ever fallen for an artist

I mean to the point where you don't care about their age or gender and just think like "fuck.. I'd pass out if I ever meet them in person.."

Who are they?

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