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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique


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>> No.7432927 [View]
File: 3.66 MB, 4000x3507, Christ_in_the_Wilderness_-_Ivan_Kramskoy_-_Google_Cultural_Institute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Years of social isolation, hedonism and cynicism have completely numbed me from feeling any particular emotion. Make me feel once again. Move me, and the other anons browsing this thread, with a touching piece, character, story. I beg you.

>> No.6940739 [View]
File: 3.66 MB, 4000x3507, Christ_in_the_Wilderness_-_Ivan_Kramskoy_-_Google_Cultural_Institute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Artwork with themes of solitude and isolation
Pic related, Christ in the Desert by Ivan Kramskoy

>How many of you gave up all social and family obligations to focus on your artistic goals? How did it affect you mental health and your artistic ability?

Oh boy. I could write a novel about this, as someone who has actually done this. I'll dedicate some posts because I feel this a pair of complex questions that I think I personally have been through the grit of this shit dealing with addiction and alienating, pretty much everyone. Family included.


I. RELIGION and UPBRINGING (Why you ultimately don't need God in your corner, but in trying times, There's no such thing as a atheist in a foxhole)

II. FOCUSING ON ART as a NEET (Why it is ultimately a challenge, as opposed to drawing in your free time amidst a 9-5 job)

III. MENTAL HEALTH and ARTISTIC ABILITY (Why talent as a youth is truly overrated and why prodigies do not always make for successful creative adults)

IV. CONCLUSION (On the Hero's Journey or Why you can always count on your friends; assuming you already can count on yourself)

I have 0 and I written out and will post the rest of the essay when I finish. For now, I guess I can just post the first two "chapters" just to see what you guys think so far.

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