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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique


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>> No.2462785 [View]
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>Friends always said I was really good and I should go to school for art
>All I can really do is draw boobs and butts
>Couldn't draw an airplane to save my life
>Mostly practice boobs n butts because fuck, it's like my favorite stuff to draw
>Christmas rolls around
>Get my friends and gf presents
>Forgot something for my friends gf who I am also friends with
>Decide to draw her and my friend in different poses
>Keep it more cartoony so her imagination could fill in the blanks n shit like that
>Christmas comes and I give it to her
>"Is... that supposed to be me? Uhh, thanks."
>Tosses it onto a table and leaves it there
>Never hear an opinion about it from her or anything
>Days roll by of trying to figure out what I did wrong
>Start to doubt myself and think my friends were just saying all that stuff but didn't mean it
>Open up one of my sketchbooks and see a drawing I did of a tiny naked girl holding on to the paper with a scared look on her face
>Cheer up instantly

My problem is I just need to practice more, I usually find myself doing absolutely nothing when I could just put a pencil in my hand and go at it. Also my drawing is babby crayon and construction paper-tier compared to the shit I've seen on here so there's no way I could post it here without getting totally dunked on, but I've been trying all the time I can to come here and just see what other people do

Oh and a little story of a moment back in highschool
>Be in art class
>Learning perspective
>Decide to draw a 50's gas station setting
>Almost done with it, actually looking really nice
>This fucking dead-beat faggot who I wish death upon comes up to me
>"Hey anon, what's that over there?"
>Can't believe I fell for it, I look over to nothing
>Look back and see him walking away
>Look down at my drawing
>Giant charcoal strikes everywhere on the paper
>Resist urge to suplex this kid into the burning kiln
>Show paper to teacher and point at said faggot
>He gets no credit and I get more time to redo drawing

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