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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique


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>> No.7206461 [View]
File: 3.64 MB, 7797x1500, timeline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>always warm up again
i say be as economical with your time as can be and follow your wants not shoulds

>don’t avoid weak points
easier said than done. If i told you your art looked really flat, would you just accept it and try to improve? not if you are an artist prima donna. also seems kind of obvious.

>flip your canvas doesn’t always work, though i do occasionally go hmm that actually looks better flipped, but this is rare. Some drawings only work with not doing so, but to duchess celestias credit her drawings look pretty much the same if you flip them.

>always use refs
again i am just going to take a bet and say this person does not take their own advice. everyone i know that does not use refs draws anime girls. People that use refs for things are trying to become visual encyclopedias, different goals. Drawing anime girls does not require ref.

>always use stabilizer
These feel less like rules and just mantras this person tells themselves, christ why so many rules? so many extremes. case by case basis, you don’t always use stabilizer and you can trace to improve stability.

>Seek critique
again, something you yourself should do but I would add to this SEEK CRITIQUE FROM THOSE WHO HAVE YOUR BEST INTEREST IN MIND and learn to filter out the rest. Free advice isn’t free, there is always a catch, either the person is an asshole and shilling something or completely full of shit/delusional.

>make thumbnails
i wonder if this girl genuinely does this because the micro sized image of her and her chart looks like shit with all the black bars and this leads into my last point

>use bw for values
then why do you use only base shadow and some other minor highlights. This person spends too much time drawing anime. which is funny because this is my art.

>> No.7147745 [View]
File: 3.64 MB, 7797x1500, timeline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FALL OF USSR 1992. Virgo, Leo, Capricorn rising. Ohio 1997 Be five. First memorable drawing: Blastoise. PhD Organic Chemistry dad and Programmer MS Mom: Not enough $ for GBC. Stick to Drawing. Start drawing fake pokemon cards and trading them with other people. Rabbi of JCC says: write what you want on paper we mail 2b put into western wall Israel. I write, I wish pokemon were real. I assume it made it and claim full responsibility for fukushima. Not joking. California 2006 Middle school years. Start business of photocopying my original manga "SHADOW ALLEY" and "PROBE 11" both earn me enough to buy Sonic Archie comics. I am glad. Friend who is jewish claims he deserves cut of my profits because of he came up with jokes. I stiff him and claim I did the art so I get to to keep all of it. Only years later did I realize he had low self esteem and such and probably just wanted some money/validation for credit. Always pay your writers folks, or you'll get the evil on ya.Texas 2010 GPA:3.0 High School Score 5 AP art portfolio. Graduate High School.Don't go to college I wanted, go to UTSA.GPA.4.0 UTSA to UTAustin. Pre-med 2.5 years: got to design t shirt for cancer fundraiser and shaved head. Fail out. GPA:.8 Switch majors to art for one semester. Love it, but dads wallet does not. Next semester, switch to Philosophy. Phil. of Aesthetics is lit, Phil. of Language, not so much. Fail out.2014Move to Pennsylvania. 2018 . Finish degree in State Penn Abington. 2019 teach english to inner city russian kids in Haifa. VIsit Motherland 1st time since birth 2020 Work at Dunkin' for 1.2 years. Mainly through all of Covid, 2021 get massage therapy liscence. 2022-2023...gradual getting of shit together until...2024 Today I am making this post. Awaiting disability check. : (

I just want to work as an artist anon but i feel as though theres a gaping hole in my art knowledge?

I would like to be a SFW artist :<

>> No.7006595 [View]
File: 3.64 MB, 7797x1500, im comin back to normal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anon, I dont have schizophrenia but if real,

your father is coping with a disease. You don't know if the real man you once knew is still trapped inside there.
I can attest to the power of drawing giving voice to the voiceless, do not stop your father from drawing,

At least these otherwise dark feelings are manifesting as thus; safe drawings, these are not unholy works my child, but rather documentation.

Would you rather he just keep these images in his head? Its a portal into his world, even though it seems like satan has sprung schizophrenia, upon thee, a horrid disease, I feel for you anon.

Art is the silver lining to your fathers condition, one day, when he is gone, there will be nothing left but this art and youll be glad you had them no matter how dark they seem now.

God is with you, dont submerge his last bastion of humanity, I have seen schizophrenia firsthand. schizos seem like they dont care, but these are people dealing with traumatic processing of the brain anon.

Even when I was deemed lost, i found god, and to this day persist that my goal in life is to lessen suffering for all men, however much I can.

>> No.6908901 [View]
File: 3.64 MB, 7797x1500, final timeline 2008 to 2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low-mid beg. stop drawing porn. art is the ultimate expression of our divine right as human beings (free will)
using it to make porn is perverse

>pic related
this is my real powerlevel.
I could also not disagree with you more, unless you are denying your own humanity is all.
The sacred and the profane are two forces, have you not seen the ecstasy of Teresa by Bernini? The union is is what brings about the divine for the genius.

Pic related is half my timeline, 2020 to 2023 will be the next post after this.

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