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>> No.7177583 [View]
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>Why would you want any of this? No one's ever acceptably explained it to me.
Status and ego substitution + delusions.

Most people believe others will automatically respect and worship them if they mention they worked on projects/games or other type of consumer media or by having a big following and that more possibilities will magically open up to them and they will have their big break and become millionaires after their second attempt and then they won at life and don't need to do anything anymore.
Of course don't forget that most young people for the most part believe that they're in their own movie and are destined to "win at life".

Having bigger number on social media is now attached to an illusion of quality and trustworthiness, hence why everyone wants them and tries to reach it by all means.
You can see how much personal value those people put in defending that system when you mention that social media numbers are indeed meaningless numbers and that their following are bots and children or obtained in less than honest/organic ways.
They will accuse you of being jealous; which is completely unreasonable, since why would anyone be envious of something that has no real value, unless they didn't know or understood the underlying systems and placed some sort of non-existent value on that, as the accusers mostly do? This reaction is a defense mechanism because it threatens their "potential future social status they will totally obtain".

In the end, most who meme about the industry or clout are genuinely kids, immature people or other type of individuals who would die if you left them to their own devices for a couple hours.
>It's insane to me most artists consider this worthwhile in their identity formation, let alone brag-worthy.
That's all they have, or possibly would.
You should realize that the average person is extremely miserable, low IQ and would kill their own parents for e-validation from strangers they can project their own feelings unto.

>> No.6493387 [View]
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high IQ
>critical thinking
>high impulse control
>ability to observe everything including themselves as objectively as possible
>long term thinking
>comprehension of abstract themes and ideas
>living, adapting to and mastering their surroundings
>high resistance to social pressure
>high resistance to mental illness
>sociable yet doesn't mind being by themselves
>art is simple yet full of actual meaning
low IQ
>low impulse control and acting out on emotions
>inability to think about anything beyond how it affects themselves
>dishonest and deceptive
>short term planning for immediate rewards
>incapable of comprehending something beyond the literally definition
>destroys their surroundings to make space for himself
>gives in to social pressure and mob mentality
>asocial yet constantly seeks company
>art is defined by technical execution but offers nothing else

>> No.6253441 [View]
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>it can't
>it will never
You could pretty much say this about a human baby.
>the baby isn't conscious of itself
>It could never learn to speak
>It could never learn to walk
>It could never learn to create technically impressive qualitative artwork
unless guided by human hand

Did you understand and comprehend everything and anything from the moment you were born?
A human might as well be a glorified search engine in a meat bag parroting the knowledge it assimilated until he starts being aware of himself and the knowledge he possesses, going beyond just repeating what he knows but truly understanding what he knows and being aware of the things he doesn't know.
There is always the outcome of the IF the human even begins to be aware of himself and is able to look at himself as objectively as possible.

Are you conscious of yourself?
Are you aware of the things you say, the thoughts you think, have you ever questioned yourself, have you ever questioned your sanity, have you ever questioned your own existence on every possible level of existence?
Are you critical of your own actions and thoughts?
Are you fully 100% conscious and aware when doing anything?
Are you aware and in control of every single one of your bodily functions on a macro and micro scale?
Do you even fully understand the reason of why your own body works the way it does without looking it up or gaining knowledge from another person that is knowledgeable on the subject?
Would you have an objective understanding of quality without having absorbed the meme from somebody else?
Do you even know what you're doing?

If you weren't guided by human hands, if you didn't get exposed to memes, you would have the same linguistic, intellectual, philosophical and social capabilities as a primate.
What makes a human different from a machine is not the intelligence, but the bodily functions and instincts.
How would you know how to define something as conscious, if not for the memes you absorbed from others?

>> No.6089515 [View]
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>be productive member of society
>goes outside because that's just what you do, ok?
>feels justified to inflict harm upon people that:
>make him feel insecure about himself
>say things he doesn't have the intellect to process because he convinced himself that he the pinnacle of human intellect
>are better than him in any way
>have more possessions than him, unless he can take those possessions from them
>are better looking than him
>or slightly deviate from his own very narrow perspective
>doesn't even think about how he reacts and treats people because he reacts and behaves on the first emotions he feels
>has no real interests besides what makes his brain do the most dopamine
>never does any kind of introspective because he'd kill himself if he spent 5 minutes alone
>constantly seeks social gatherings because of that and to get dopamine
>never tries to better anything unless he can directly benefit from it
>money is god
>will worship anyone with a higher social status
>this is apparently completely sane behavior

>be mole person
>see normies
>can't say anything to them that will trigger their monkey brains into going into a totally sane murder rage
>you're only allowed to submit, praise and consume and be miserable like they are
>decide to stay in your hole to avoid the totally sane bucket full of sane and happy persons
>you avoid them and they avoid you
>both parties should be happy
Normies are a danger to the human species, the planet, culture, arts and civilized societies.
Normies have been nothing but working cattle to make themselves useful to people with actual intelligence or destroyers of society seeking nothing but pleasure and self-interest without regards for the future.

Misery wants always company.

>> No.4856287 [View]
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>don't talk about your views or whatever.
I get politics. Politics are fucking retarded but, i can't and won't walk around eggshells for my own sanity.
If somewhere where to ask me something and i would happen to disagree, i'd be honest about it because fuck your feelings, grow a thicker skin.

>> No.4779328 [View]
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Do you feel forced to believe that if you don't draw anime titties you wont make it to relevancy or big social media numbers?
I get that.
But I highly doubt that the majority of new artists starting to lurk into art communities and the industry, don't start by having some resentment against porn because the reality doesn't coincide with their ideal.
>"if i want my existence to even be considered, i MUST draw porn but i don't really want to force myself to draw what i do not want but i want big social media numbers and make money by drawing what i want"
Not gonna happen unless you already made a name for yourself.
You have to learn the market and it's demand, if you meet those demands you will be rewarded. Demand for lewd/porn/pinups/pornfanart etcetera is damn high, the beast is insatiable and most people are unable to control their dicks.
If you want to go deeper into the porn problem, the root of all it is the society.
Porn wouldn't be this popular and people wouldn't be addicted to the many things they are if the world out there wasn't such a hellhole full of shitty people and shitty things.
Addiction is a coping mechanism. Porn consumption is mostly coping with the lack of intimacy and/or emotional neglect.
There are plenty of artist that have made it without pandering with porn and many artists that draw titties because they simply want to.
Titties will always be popular because we're all hairless monkeys.
Want do make it without porn? Make something interesting and instead of complaining why people don't find your work interesting, refine your work and make it interesting.
Removing porn from the playing field will not make your work suddenly popular; It will make porn only more sought after and make porn artists even richer.

Want to know the secret to art?
Discard any expectations. Remove ego. Just draw.
Now stop spamming and gtfo my board, hyperbeg.

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