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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique


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>> No.7183610 [View]
File: 2.31 MB, 4000x3000, 20231110_074619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My point was,other than the excuse to ramble,that times change. I had an assembly method comic project in hand with long range collation and syndication plans,but that requires a computer, and life sidelined that. I told a story in sketchbooks instead,and that was a doodle that I was happy enough with to explain its existence in the World of my ficdom that began it. It ran 180+ strips and was left with severe depression when Covid ate my server space and domain name. But I was cured of that by a bag of marijuana dropped by a customer that rekindled the urge to Make Stuff, and this pic is a recent project. 180 strips is a lot of composition practice, and I have been videoing myself drawing random ideas after my morning bowlful since last year. I barely have time to draw, so I thought to document myself creating the first story,and have the comic appearing before your eyes. It will all be Canonically Correct, and the story will unfold as it unfolded to me moments before. I need someone to tweak the videos and market the channel so I can focus on content creation. The game changes but the story must be told.

>> No.7093941 [View]
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My biggest problem is what to do with the 10 hour per week of "drawing time".

I usually get one night off,and lately it's been two. And if the transit gods are kindly,I can make it home around 7:45AM,and should be heading to bed around 11AM.An hour for dinner and showers, maybe 45 minutes for "chores",so that leaves about an hour for drawing for my average work day. For the past 6 months I have been videoing myself drawing stuff, usually random things that would strike my pot-addled fancy,just to share the joy of discovering what will appear under my pen. I made a YouTube channel where I uploaded these,and haven't done anything for promoting it, concentrating on producing content for now. Then I stumbled upon the idea of composing the first introductory story in hyperlapse, so that the viewers can see it unfold before their eyes. The story I was telling at my website was similarly made up on the spot,and only later I started cleaning up the panels and lettering. It spanned over 180 strips,and is an intriguing tale full of mystery,drama, comedy and heartfelt emotions, so I was sure that this was a good thing to create as my "shtick",from the mind of God to the paper. This was the first strip,and it will be flawed and imperfect, but it is a foward journey into the unknown, that undiscovered country called imagination. When the pot ran out in January, so did my enthusiasm, and I decided to ink the first Angry Wedding strip just to be proactive and do something useful instead of sleeping in. Now that I have a handle on producing hyperlapse videos, I will continue with it. But not tonight. I have to be awake in the afternoon to do my taxes,so I will draw something and share it here. Dunno what.

But I will.

>> No.7002438 [View]
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I am listening.

And after a few dozen,I will get the hang of it. I am composing everything then and there,a one way journey that will establish the canon,and introduce the cast. I realize I am fighting the clock,and it's getting it down on paper is important. I am not sure what a Textbook Nod means,but if I had time to do it properly, assembling comics in Photoshop in full color, I would be doing that. As for your example of storytelling, I would not know anything about the characters unless you told me. Anime tends to become a blur to the uninitiated. And I have a saga in mind.

>> No.6952171 [View]
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This was done in pen. Not ballpoint, but something with black gel ink,bought in my local supermarket. Some cheap pens have a red tinge to their ink,and its hell to photograph from the wrinkles that occur when trying to make black areas. I have had good results going over ballpoint with a better quality gel ink to accent the black bits,but I wanted consistency of line for this.

>> No.6940158 [View]
File: 2.31 MB, 4000x3000, 20231110_074619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have hopes.

Not only do I want my stories to be appreciated, I want the readers to dissect and theorize about them. My successful business model "hero" is Richard Burlew who does Order of the Stick. Own your intellectual property and merchandise it as my "living". I had a webcomic for over 10 years and when I installed forums, the only signers up were bots peddling South American Bootleg Viagra. So I never really recieve feedback about the story as a whole,and it is two thirds told eith over 180 strips. But I toyed with the idea of retelling that storyline in my Photoshop legerdermain assembly method of making comics,in full color,in a Sunday newspaper sized strip. A few dozen strips in the can,and I would syndicate it for a lot of money up front so can start cranking them out at a weekly schedule if I could walk away from my present job. But that would be too time consuming for me at this time, since my drawing time is very limited. But after experimenting with time lapse videoing myself drawing stuff,I am now embarking to tell the First Story,what I did back in the late 90s as 20 page chapters that would be packaged as a monthly comic book. I was embarking on the third chapter, and only have a vague idea of what the story will be. So I will draw it in front of your eyes,the iconic and the poignant,and possibly I can get my YouTube channel a following. And sell merchandise through it. I can do that in my time,and the story will be told.

>> No.6928779 [View]
File: 2.31 MB, 4000x3000, 20231110_074619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Debuting here....the First Strip in the First story of the Saga. I am videoing myself drawing every line,so you can see things that will be iconic materialize before your eyes. I am embarking on the second after I post this. I tried telling this story in regulation comic book sized pages,and arranged the story to be 20 pages of Stuff,and 4 extra fir ads,letters,extra art,and whatnot. I did two chapters of 20 pages each,and was doing the groundwork for the third,and it proved so fucking tedious to generate.

I prefer to assemble comics from scanned and Photoshopped bits of my raw art,to cope with the free time I had from my nightcrew grocery job. I was planning on telling a story serialized in newspaper sized strip format,and through recycling things like backgrounds and other picture elements I could knock out a weekly update and keep to schedule. But life intervened and I told a completely different story in sketchbooks. Now,it's this. Let the world watch its creation. It's what I am doing.

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