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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique


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>> No.7464273 [View]
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I don’t think my goal is that abstract: I’m just looking for efficiency in terms of time, effort, and aesthetics in artistic creation. And let’s be honest, all current artistic knowledge lacks rigid foundations, the canon is just things stuck on the wall after being thrown randomly and in large quantities. Don’t you think that’s highly inappropriate? In response to this, TC was born, which is the desire to fully axiomatize each of the processes involved in artistic production. In theory, with well-developed TC algorithms, what used to take 100 hours could now be done in 1. Although I admit that this might seem ridiculous at the moment.

TC doesn’t believe that the aesthetic phenomenon is something esoteric and incomprehensible; no, we rather believe that if one dedicates time to studying it, it can be systematized and tamed.

By the way, I don’t like unnecessary conflict. If you’re not interested in this iconoclastic approach, I can understand that. But there’s no need to be sarcastic or ill-intentioned. After all, my autistic intentions are altruistic.

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