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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique


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>> No.7101807 [View]
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>it will take one report to ban any nsfw artist
And what's the problem then? You'll finally be able to enforce the rules on the big dogs and when the platforms won't do that, you'll just know what it's all about.

>> No.6876033 [View]
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you literally said
>Nobody speeds runs or uploads let’s plays or even tries to get good at games anymore
They do, they stream and try to get money, even entering competitions
>that indian guy in the OWL who got the whole team disqualified as an example
>CSgo being full of cheaters
>streamers and esport pro wannabe constantly getting caught cheating and justify it with "i just wanted to get followers in the beginning i swear i would not have cheated anymore"
yet they all try to seem legitimate and they get banned or punished because people care about the integrity of it

But when the arts and artists are majority of grifters and take
>no rules, just tools
autistically literate, you get the shitshow we have now full of hacks and retards who think they're outsmarting the system and making everyone mad while openly being provocative about it.

Like, man, i dunno, guess they should have no problem with people taking their work and claiming it as their own?
No rules, just tools, right?
But then you have
>haha checkmate and gottem, you do it, then i can steal your work and put it in the machine! artists btfo
and then whole spiral of retardation continues to no end

These things where one side doesn't admit when they're in the wrong usually end up with violence being the only solution

I mean, i don't mind.

>> No.6836604 [View]
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>there is no point in frequenting drawthreads unless you're willing to do free comms for a handful of poor autists or if there is already the resident artist who will feel threatened by others and will proceed to shit on it and start drama
>put my shitty art on socials and get no reactions because i don't have a whole brigade of internet friends boosting my account
>don't draw shitty fanart
>don't publish the epic realistically rendered digital painting that took me 20 hours and there is no point in it anyway unless it's an """"appealing"""" product of an already existing consumer product
>realize everything is fake and gay
>put no effort into what i post publicly
>just draw and keep the good shit to myself either for future projects or to monetize it elsewhere
>inb4 but art is supposed to be shared
>"You're supposed to play the social media lottery and scream into the void to gain attention and validation and for useless numbers that don't translate well into money for the effort you're supposed to put in, when there are other ways doing less, taking less risks, putting in no effort, exposing themselves less and getting much more out of it"
>imagine believing it would be different if one had 500k+ followers
>inb4 but muh % of potential customers
>ignoring or outright not realizing that 99% of followers are there for the free shit and you'd pull in the same amount of money if you had sub 10k
>/ic/zoomers are still obsessed with social media numbers and validation its the only thing they can talk about
>Ted was absolutely correct
>OP still didn't post his work

>> No.6800747 [View]
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>I think you just spend to much time on 4chan or any other online public spaces anon
Where do i go if i want to have autistic discussions about things and topics without people getting uppity if they don't feel heckin' valid?
All the shit i experience online, is the same shit i saw and experienced irl.
You can't talk about anything anymore if it's not circle jerking.
Online is the only space you should be able to talk about shit without getting directly ostracized or attacked for not having the popular opinion or risk beating the shit out of a retarded faggot.
Meanwhile fucking youtubers and ecelebs say the exact same shit i said, and everyone magically agrees and sings praises.
>nice and niche
>so long as you are polite
That's bullshit when even pointing out things that are less than flattery is "being a dick" and gets you attacked for the sole reason of not parroting the correct opinion or people just go off on assumptions and projection like:
>"oh you must be bad at the game"
>"oh you must suck"
>"oh you're just terminally online"
>"oh you must be mad"
But i honestly don't get it; Why come to forums and participate in discussion when people have nothing but insults to post and only derail discussions?

But no, it's always and somehow my own fault instead of admitting that most people fucking suck and just want to consume and get clout like the brain dead cattle they are.

If i could talk about this shit irl i wouldn't seek out online spaces, but you can't say anything anymore and in the end; why bother contributing anything at all if shit is all you get in return?
This is why communities decline; because the shitters who don't care about the thing the community revolves around except for trying to farm ego and clout, alienate actual people who care and make them leave.

>> No.6647351 [View]
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>There's nothing bad about have more options to monetize your work.
Who said that?

No one is stopping you from getting blue, but don't come crying when people already warned you.
If anything you will serve as an example.

>> No.6604795 [View]
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>You keep insisting on that as if you were trying to push this narrative
I am only left to assume based on the responses you give me.
>The only difference is that instead of making generalizations, I speak from personal experience.
Do your personal experience reflect the absolute truth? They're your own experiences, limited to yourself, not an objective reflection of reality.
How do you want me to respond? It's either i share my own observations or don't say anything.
You're sharing a different viewpoint, good for you, it's not like i am not allowing you to or claiming that you're wrong.
>To some, posts like >>6604646 (You) might be discouraging, making them hesitant to contribute
It is really not my problem. I am just a messenger, if anything.
"He who is without sin should not fear judgement" or something like that.

And discouragement leads to questioning oneself, questioning oneself leads to personal growth, growing leads to personal betterment.

If what i posted is somehow discouraging, it is in no capacity my fault; i'm just saying it how it is.

>> No.6216297 [View]
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>be attractive woman on the internet in the year of the clown 2022
>everyone and their mom follow you
>everyone likes you
>get free money from kids and social rejects
Her success has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with her art.
The drawings are a pretense to post herself half naked on the internet.

But always remember that everything on social media is fake;
Her followers might be mostly bots.
Her patreon/fanbox might mostly be money laundering
Her drawings might as well be just a comic filter.

Being a woman is literally easy mode at anything you want and drawing coom is double easy mode.
You could draw literal coom scribbles, have some pictures of a woman in your profile and you will have everyone praise your artistic skills and give you money.

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