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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique


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>> No.7432236 [View]
File: 301 KB, 1086x779, snowglobe97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7122875 [View]
File: 301 KB, 1086x779, snowglobe97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having a story to tell.
Giving a damn about the characters and what they are going through, sharing the pain as you inflict it onto them. But share in their rejoicing too,hard won and costly, but live in their moments to compel you into creating What Happens Next.

>> No.6994904 [View]
File: 301 KB, 1086x779, snowglobe97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since the thread invites both critique and criticism, I will post a couple of strips from a storyline extending over 180 pages and ask for examination. Not of the art,per se,nor of the clumsy arrangement and orchestration of the panels and walls of exposition. What I want to know, and could never guess at since I never received feedback from the 3800 unique visitors per month average my site had,was this:

The Writing. The World Building Through Inference. Can people link their answers to each strip,and in a sentence, summarize what you think went on in it? I want to know if I am delivering the facts adequately, and if the ideas behind the dialogue are getting comprehended.

In short,am I doing a proper job Writing This Stuff Up.

>> No.6960707 [View]
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My work has anthromorph characters, but aren't the focus of the story. So I decided to attend a Furry party at a sci fi convention back in the early 90s. Bunch of geeky guys with their sketchbooks, all of it PORN. Very embarrassing. So that's not my target market.

>> No.6922658 [View]
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>> No.6608988 [View]
File: 301 KB, 1086x779, snowglobe97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I haunt threads around here, posting episodes of the strip I have here,and been often criticized for its crampt,ill conceived,and could have been improved in a dozen ways. All true,however, my defense has been that it was a product of pure accident. Instead of a newspaper sized strip that was constructed of pre processed chunks of drawings assembled into comic panels,so I could produce a weekly update in my spare time from my night crew supermarket job. Then,I started a relationship with a single mother and her problems dragged me away from my workstation, and I was drawing in pencil, so I couldn't do that in waiting rooms without stuff smudging before it gets to the scanner. When I realized that this was my life now,being supportive in waiting rooms, and I had black pens and a new black hardbound sketchbook.

And,on the first page, now about to break its virgin whiteness with my invasive pen,I at random,drew a demon head. And thought about what it could be in J___'s world,and a story took shape. I have made one page MidAdventure Snapshots,and present a panel of an adventure in progress, and try to pack the scene with details a savvy and devoted reader of mine could infer from the situation that the characters are in. But the first page was interesting enough to prompt a continuation of the idea the first suggested. And then a third,and a fourth. And at 181 strips,I am about two thirds through,since the Big Villain has shown up and I was set to barrel down to an end. But Covid happened, and I lost the domain name and the server rental,struggling with having it for 10 weeks but only wrestling 2 weeks of unemployment money from my state. I am now grinding penciling, preparing for the Full Color Super Rendering treatment I will give the raw art I churn out,and when I get 50 strips under my belt,I will shop it around, and get enough money to leave the job and concentrate on producing the strip.
The project, the dream.

>> No.6416509 [View]
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So,after several examples of the strip,can anyone take a moment and,in a sentence, explain what went on in it. I am curious as to how this is answered.

>> No.6400465 [View]
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I only have the vaguest idea of what I want to draw initially. And as some sort of image appears under my pen,I find myself inventing its personality, its purpose in the story I am trying to tell,and why it looks the way it does. The story spurs the art and the art spurs the story.

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