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>> No.6955870 [View]
File: 259 KB, 514x674, 1684526939460395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason why people tell you this argument is in bad faith is because ML training and generation is in no way, shape or form on the same complexity as how humans perceive, learn, and utilize information. "It just works like a human brain" is the kind of simplified abstraction given to laymen like you, or clueless investors who have fallen for worse than this. It's the best we can achieve with current tech- (and I'm not even talking about image gen tech, which is arguably not AI and just raw probabilistic). But it's not complex at all.

It's in bad faith to compare, because we still have yet to understand the underlying process of how our brain works, and I'm pretty sure a faggot like you who genuinely has no clue on how the img gen tech he keeps gloating about functions, also has no place pretending that the two are alike. Leave the debating you're so fond of for people who actually know what they're doing. You're very, very easily impressed by what you see- (aka le cat reflection on water, completely ignoring said cats had two heads and mangled bodies, AND incorrect "reflections") and you expect us to be as retarded as you are. I haven't seen anyone fit the crab in the bucket saying so neatly before.

The reality of it is, you're desperate for others to accept you and what you're doing because you've been buck broken by AI. Yet, you fail to realize that a lot of people just simply do not care about your opinion and are simply annoyed that you shit threads constantly like a lolcow. You're wasting your time, and if you truly believed in the tech's future, you wouldn't be here desperately trying to get some other fag to debate you. You're ultimately only making things worse, as I can tell you you normies and artists wouldn't despise AI as much if you morons didn't have this cult mentality going on. Just look at the WaifuLabs threads we had before and cry.

tl;dr: You're wasting your time. And I'm probably wasting mine as well.

>> No.6661745 [View]
File: 259 KB, 514x674, contempt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

non-artist here. I came here to tell you subhuman faggots to stop putting this garbage AI shit in your YouTube thumbnails if you make YouTube videos. your thumbnails all look like the same piss ugly mangled artificial midjourney shit. I also hope that those YouTube "musicians" who upload ambiental shit get automated out of existence for also using this gargle as """""album"""""" covers. I swear to god you fucking retards, just because there's a brand new ting TM that just came out, you don't all have to make use of it just for the sake of novelty. it won't make you special, it will only show how unoriginal, boring and uninspired you are. you morons, you NPC brained homogenized retards

>> No.6279588 [View]
File: 259 KB, 514x674, CCibJNT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disregard art, you should be dragged back and shot for even entertaining the thought of being glad of diminishing humanity to mere animals. what pushes a man to become this satanic?

>> No.6252061 [View]
File: 259 KB, 514x674, CCibJNT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It will, and it will fuck you up real good because you didn't use your brain and sought only self-gratification with anything you did and any social interaction you had.
pure unhinged incoherent madness from the same pedophile who posts smug anime girls, shaking his fist about how artists dare to be proud of their work.
>I'm not mad, i don't feel an ounce of malice towards any of you. You're all animals, after all.
this is definite proof that you should lay down the anime, you assblasted nihilistic faggot. you try too hard to sound like a manga villain with every vomit you post

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