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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 40 KB, 474x641, OIP (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7155693 No.7155693 [Reply] [Original]

Digital art is ugly slop. At best it looks like concept art for a video game and usually it just drips with a stale soullessness that makes it repellant to all normal minded people.

I would not feel proud of showing any digital ""painting"" to friends or family. I would feel slightly embarrassed by it. I would show friends and family significantly lower skill traditional paintings.

There is something inherently disgusting about the idea of a man slouched in front of a computer or tablet and manipulating pixels on a screen when compared to working with real pigments, real materials, etc.

All digital art feels like it was made by an autistic person.

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>> No.7156014

zased... so fucking based

>> No.7156571

friar tuck I kneel

>> No.7156580
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Fortunately AI killed digital art. As soon as I got wind of what the techfags were up to I transitioned to traditional. Bought some pencils, cheap paper, ink, nibs, etc. It feels fucking good to actually draw; the tactile sensations simply can't be reproduced. My wacom tablet lies in the corner now, collecting dust. I might use it again for cheap commissions and shit, but otherwise my workflow is always going to be trad from here on out.

>> No.7156582

I saw some guy on twitter do anime oil paintings and selling them. I'd love to do that but I'm paranoid of shipping fucking up and losing the only copy or idiots claiming they never got it or that it's damaged

>> No.7156632

sell prints of them and keep the original.

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7155644 No.7155644 [Reply] [Original]

how do you avoid this?

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>> No.7155730

You can't, he was literally force to make the cover art this way because the Japanese Otaku are just a bunch of infanticide manchildren that only care about cute there anime girlslop are. Hopefully mass migration will slap these losers back to reality by assiging them a struggle once more.

>> No.7155762

he's more interested in storytelling now? once the page gets his point across, he's done with it. vs BLAME! where the point was the picture

>> No.7155809

Style evolution? Just stay being a /beg/ forever I guess.

>> No.7156057

Try working in an industry where sales aren't king. It's not a secret at all why Nihei changed his art style and subject matter, it's a very deliberated and well communicated change.

You can't. He's in japan, his manga is made for the japanese, and the japanese will simply buy what the japanese like, which is overwhelmingly cuter things (not a modern phenomenon btw). Besides, the damage has been done, I doubt he could draw like Blame! anymore, he's not a young man and he's likely lost the flame that he stoked while drawing Blame/Biomega/Aposimz anyway.

>> No.7156059

oops, I meant Abara.

File: 238 KB, 582x791, twitter2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7155635 No.7155635 [Reply] [Original]

wtf is he even trying to say?
"I feel compelled to draw the problem version, but it's not my fault! pls don't cancel me!"

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>> No.7158128

the tweet is terribly written, even you had to prefix with that's what I got from it, meaning even a pseud retard like you is unsure about what it means

>> No.7158221

So what's "please spare me" for then?

>> No.7158234

Probably a single comment from a typical Twitter schizofaggot criticizing boobs

>> No.7158238

If a single schizofaggot makes you apologize for liking tits then you're a schizofaggot as well

>> No.7158305

you must be 18 or older to post here

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7155558 No.7155558 [Reply] [Original]

I really like art in loop hero, want to try making something like this. Can anons recommend good software dedicated to pixel art? I usually use photoshop to draw, so maybe there are some settings and techniques there as well

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>> No.7155592

Paint literally has layers now so it's an actual alternative

>> No.7155608

libresprite, piskel, or graphics gale
try them out

>> No.7155634

I use photoshop to draw, but I prefer aseprite for pixelart.

>> No.7155736

I haven't really tried it for this purpose, but Drawpile seems pretty good for pixel art. It can do animation too.

>> No.7155947

Aseprite is the pixel software I'm familiar with, but you can also use Photoshop's Pencil tool for a pixellated binary brush. Use the Nearest Neighbor scaling setting to upscale your pixel art once you're done with it to keep it crisp. If you zoom in far enough on Photoshop, a pixel grid shows up, which can be handy but also distracting.

File: 30 KB, 960x960, kangaroo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7155414 No.7155414 [Reply] [Original]

>three months into learning to draw
>practice drawing a lot but of pretty narrow set of angles and subjects
>step out of comfort zone and try to draw something wildly different
>it turns out horribly
>erase attempt and close sketchbook in shame

any paintings for this feel?

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>> No.7156884
File: 198 KB, 1270x724, IMG_4139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his sir is this true that I need to study right to learn to draw like you? Good evening from gadha kind sir

>> No.7156893

good evening sir. yes, I studied the skeleton, the muscles, and the flesh. I copied Goku at least twice too.

>> No.7158126
File: 1.49 MB, 3293x3293, kangaroo 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fun shape though
keep going
try to have fun with it

>> No.7158155

kek, i love this board.

>> No.7158160

So whatever happened with Proko and that other guy Jeff Watts? It's all over out there?

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7155408 No.7155408 [Reply] [Original]

>just realized I have basically no original content of my own, only studies and cheap imitations
It's over.

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>> No.7157726
File: 2.21 MB, 7000x5000, Illustration204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After 3 years of drawing the only thing i'm capable of is filling my canvas with black and white doodles for hours but never actually making "finished" work.

>> No.7157735

But you still need to make artwork that aren't studies in order to apply what you learned. You have to fail in order to succeed.

>> No.7157740

I don't think a work is necessarily only a study or only the application of study, but regardless you can apply your studies in unoriginal art (say a portrait from a reference photo).

>> No.7157747

Well, it looks pretty nice actually.

>> No.7158119

I've never even tried to draw anything I want to draw, because I don't know how to structure an attempt at it and can't imagine a process that would lead to the result I want. I can't really even picture the result I want, for that matter, as while I have a subject in mind, I can't extrapolate from it what a drawing of the subject might look like. Even as a kid, all I ever managed to do is copying other people's stick figures and square+triangle houses and such. My best effort at producing something of my own was mindlessly scribbling and being disappointed that this didn't magically create my desired drawing.

I wish I could learn how to doodle. My starting point was using a series of mental measurements to produce copies of other people's work, and I haven't managed to expand from there. It seems like most resources aimed at beginners expect a starting point of silly doodles and try to teach how to copy, but I'm trying to go in the opposite direction and haven't had any luck.

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7155400 No.7155400 [Reply] [Original]

Is the art industry doing well right now (i.e. gaming, vfx, etc industry wise?)

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>> No.7156108

>Not blaming females and globomo
Kill yourself jewish nigger

>> No.7156267
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>> No.7156276

Shonen Jump puts out a new magazine every week, which costs $1 at most, is available at nearly every convenience store in the country (unlike our specialized, expensive comic shops), and are each 150+ pages. You get access to the newest chapter of your favorite stories, and you also discover new series that you would've never heard of. In America, each series is published in an individual leaflet. If you want to discover a new series, you need to risk $5 on something totally unknown, and may be of questionable quality. It's very very hard to discover new things in the way the current American comic model is set up. This is probably why Webtoons is so popular. It's not because it's on your phone, or because it costs less (it doesn't. their paywall is very steep) It's because it's very very easy to find new series.

Finding new creators and stories is the surest path towards the health of the comic book industry. We need to make that easier.

>> No.7156298

>Shonen Jump puts out a new magazine every week, which costs $1 at most
No need to even do that, just make the current floppies $1 and distribute them to more places than fucking speciality stores.
And for god's sakes, make the comics for kids! Why they thought catering only to adults and leaving kids by the wayside was a smart idea is far beyond me. Who was supposed to grow up as a comic fan if they didn't have comics to read as child because they were all violent and 'mature'.
Do you know what currently the most popular, and financially successful, western comics currently are? Kids comics.

Hell, just do ANYTHING other than what they're currently doing. The leaders of these comic companies are genuinely the most incompetent business leaders there have ever been. There is likely never been a case of a business fumbling a golden opportunity (the movie fad) so hard and for so long. How they didn't capitalise on that situation in the slightest is genuinely astounding.
Business students will be taught this in the future and say out loud 'what the fuck were those retards doing!?', like I am right now!.

>> No.7156307

I agree with what you're saying, but I just feel like the change needed is too big. We're talking about remodelling the entire infrastructure of the comics industry.

Faster to just learn Japanese and publish my manga that way, desu

File: 49 KB, 581x600, 1673501167824943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7155343 No.7155343 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to be honest. I care DEEPLY about social media engagement when it comes to my art. As far as I'm concerned, if my work doesn't get enough likes, it's bad art.
Yes, I draw for clout
Yes, I draw for followers
Yes, I draw for approval and validation
Why the fuck else would I even bother posting anything online?

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>> No.7156731

why do people keep bumping these threads

>> No.7156736

not like anyone draws on this board anyways. but everyone has an opinion on art adjacent topics like this so its fun to discuss topics you cant talk much anywhere else in other circles.

>> No.7157773
File: 65 KB, 1242x855, ferg1fee-2574662681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not like anyone draws on this board anyways.
I draw

>> No.7158227

I only draw stuff that’s relatively niche, like, characters who barely get any fanart. That way, even if I don’t get huge numbers on my art, I know there’ll be some autists out there who’ll find it and appreciate it.

>> No.7158649


File: 160 KB, 767x1031, Carrie.Fernandez.full.236049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7155244 No.7155244[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So what is the deal /lsg/? Was it deleted because of the quality of that particular thread or is it permanently disallowed now?
If not, then I guess this can be the next thread, if it's not allowed anymore maybe a mod can confirm it and let anons know.

>> No.7155249

It's not allowed... Because it just isn't, ok?

>> No.7155250

Op image it's very lsgish

File: 1.69 MB, 1200x1169, 1613362667324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7155234 No.7155234[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Animation General
>Self-Promotion Thread

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>> No.7155239
File: 1.46 MB, 268x274, d21.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/mmg/ ngmi
>/wmg/ gmi

>> No.7155240

>he doesn't know

>> No.7155242

where's /lsg/

>> No.7155243


>> No.7155271

Putting the resource threads in NGMI is also dumb unless you're specifically referring to hoarders, but even then those threads are valuable.

>no mention of /lsg/

File: 2.22 MB, 5120x2880, bfb9237b-4f22-4385-b3b5-36f46966bb19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7155139 No.7155139 [Reply] [Original]

like a week ago or so i posted wip of a big painting i was doing, i finished it and wanted to share it <3

>> No.7155192

do you have nightmares?

>> No.7155199


I used to have hardcore nightmares and hallucinations in my bed, but for the last year or so i've been chilling

>> No.7155232

It’s important to avoid attracting demons into your home and mind. You should try praying to Jehovah through his son Jesus Christ to help you find the truth. Take care

>> No.7155557

you clown

>> No.7156265

you're gay

File: 175 KB, 426x426, MutsukiArchive - https:⧸⧸t.co⧸7xfk74gotu [1786317406622642176].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7155116 No.7155116 [Reply] [Original]

>browsing booru
>spot the hardest image imaginable
>check source
>"Page not found"

Why do they do this?

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>> No.7156742

The diaper succubus

>> No.7156757

I saw this happen to one nip i was following for a long time. His case was that he freaked the f out when some other nip copied his artstyle. Idk why he freaked out that much about it that he deleted his entire gallery.. youd think the guy got raped or something.

>> No.7157297
File: 267 KB, 3000x1680, 1701632497831142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's what some people think they have to do when they "go legit". Got to look clean cut professional and pretend the NSFW art never ever happened. The thing is anything posted on the internet in the first place will get copied and archived somewhere.

>> No.7157333

It's usually that they became too popular and they don't know how to handle people "stealing" from them by reposting and sharing images or it's because people, usually gaijin, asking them for free requests and shit. In the case of the latter you might see them pop up on more japanese oriented sites like nijie or their own blog under a new name

>> No.7157448

>doesnt know that 日本人 moved on cause twitter harrasement

File: 1003 KB, 738x1000, 1686154706089794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7155106 No.7155106 [Reply] [Original]

This makes me nauseous

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>> No.7156070 [DELETED] 

this desu

>> No.7156071
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, 1593478087707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i concede. you win

>> No.7156224

Fun With A Pencil by Andrew Loomis

>> No.7158544
File: 559 KB, 2892x3562, IMG_20220918_161240539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I'll dig it out again
No, but shilling it on here like some kind of religion is.

I drew this pic when I first started drawing. I got sick of the crabs pushing their favorite book instead of actually answering questions. Ironically, copying that hand was a good exercise, so whatever

>> No.7158558

This, however you don't have to copy other artists (master copies.) It does save time however. No need to figure out shit through trial and error when you can just copy some shit here and there in a tiny fraction of the time and effort.
Instruction books are good for artist block. If you can't do anything at all, come back to it. Hell, use it as negative motivation.
>If I don't draw something original or copy something on my own, I have to do chapter 5.
Honestly, just draw whatever is in front of you as accurately as you can. You can always learn from it and you can always do a better job.

File: 263 KB, 1185x1125, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7155028 No.7155028[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain the usage of colored lineart here?
Why are some lines light brown and some dark brown?
the red arrows point to lightened lineart.
the blue arrow points to lineart that is also "inside" her hair fill region but is still dark.

how do people decide on which lines to color in which way? just intuition?

i can post more examples.

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>> No.7155171

Lighten if the line is not an edge or the line would make am edge wider than the brush width

>> No.7155175

Some people use auto action to color lineart, others use another layer and clip to the lineart layer and paint over with multiply or whatever blending modes they prefer. Dont get too stuck up on this shit lol. This effect is absolutely miniscule for the whole artwork.

>> No.7155181

cute child gf

>> No.7155186

Wake up babe /lsg/ is back

>> No.7155201

Is this the new loli artists thread???

File: 501 KB, 963x618, Cultural Phenomenon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7154987 No.7154987 [Reply] [Original]

You guys have the power to create anything out of nothing yet you waste your time drawing boxes, fanart or coom.
It's laughable how you guys waste your superpower, talent and God's gift with such BS.

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>> No.7156179

>God's gift

The Copium of the Normie. I sacrificed all my savings, years of my life, my former work. Went through the rough phase were I was garbage and people giggling behind my back wtf am I even doing with my life in my 30ies. Even people who know this about me call it a gift or talent
This is why you will never be skilled in a craft and berate others what to create instead. They made the sacrifices and you didn't, face the truth.

>> No.7156248

Only slop and degeneracy will make it in this world.
Beautiful Art won't ever make money because it can't be understood, in fact, it offensive to the slop crowd.

>> No.7156251

every time i check this place it somehow degrades worse but now leaning harder into a protestant shithole.

>> No.7156624

The box. You drew it, we came.

>> No.7156642

Make it trend and maybe they will.

File: 280 KB, 600x851, 8e7-1395386094.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7154964 No.7154964 [Reply] [Original]

We all know /ic/ is a hilariously toxic shithole, but most art communities are poisonous in one way or another, being either vapid hugboxes filled with meaningless ball fondling or burnt out hoods filled with gangbangers who relentlessly fling their shit at every sincere question or discussion. I'm curious about why, in all things, artists are so resistant to the very idea of authenticity, of actually talking about art and what they like about it.

The zeitgeist everywhere online is self-deprecation, self-hate, and a complete refusal to take what one does seriously, or talk about it without having to wink at the audience or debase themselves in some way.

For example, an artist posts a piece that moves me. I leave a comment along the lines of "I love this, the two figures seem to represent [blah blah blah.] Was this your intention?"

Artist responds with "yeah I guess lol it's really just a bunch of pretentious crap tho I'm garbage glad you like it but whatever it's shit lol nobody cares anyway."

This is the default mode. On /ic/ art related questions are always met with "kill yourself" or immediately turn into a shitshow of hot takes. One gorilla takes a shit, another gorilla runs with it, takes another shit, and by the end it's just five monkeys jerking off in a pile of their own feces. It's impossible to discuss or analyze art for art's sake without some sort of meta-aware self-deprecating zoomer showing up to shit everywhere in an act of defiance against what they perceive to be "cringe authenticity."

Why? Why are artists like this? Is it some weird maladaptive coping mechanism for having been shamed or bullied for drawing dinosaurs in highschool? Is having a passion for character design (or even anime titties) that embarrassing? Why do artists have such shit self-esteem, and why do they perpetuate it by internalizing negativity? At what point did artists go from casually talking about what they authentically love to refusing to take their work seriously?

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>> No.7155353

i dont think you understand what i meant
people dont believe in my genuine self and call it a fake persona or a troll and yes they use those words irl and said it to my face
im not afraid of being sensitive im just old and tired so im just mean to people by default

>> No.7155362

Authenticity implies some amount of vulnerability involved. It's hard enough to be vulnerable publically, let alone in the cultural zeitgeist you've pointed out, where being 'cringe' is to be avoided at all costs, and self deprecation acts as a good defense mechanism for any possible criticism. There is also a well documented downward trend of literacy, and long posts almost guarantee a tl;dr sort of dismissive response, and it's harder to get people to engage in good faith or with some sort of sincerity. Also, people try really hard to be funny online, but don't understand it doesn't work when you try to make every second sentence a zinger. A combination of all of these is my guess, I think younger artists specifically really care about their projected image and 'branding', maybe that plays a part.

>> No.7157731 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 850x400, michelangelo quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my opinion, is that it would just sound pretentious. We like people thinking that we are simply spontaneous genius, that it didn't took that much of effort for doing it, so having a more complexity concept behind that painting that's sometimes just mid is just unacceptable for us. Even Michelangelo talked about it.

>> No.7157734
File: 46 KB, 850x400, michelangelo quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my opinion, is that it would just sound pretentious. We like people thinking that we are spontaneously genius, that it didn't took that much of effort for doing it, so having a more complex concept behind that painting that's sometimes just mid is just unacceptable for us. Even Michelangelo talked about it.

>> No.7157770

its just the internet. new generations wont understand this and its fucked you likely never will know the difference

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7154956 No.7154956 [Reply] [Original]

one of the most impressive drawings ive ever seen

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>> No.7155527

samefag nodraw lul

not readin that reply btw

>> No.7158181
File: 233 KB, 711x900, Rapoza - Sheik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't argue with Wrightson. I'll throw this out as well.

>> No.7158301


>> No.7158695
File: 2.59 MB, 2560x1440, 1592720221035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes wrightson
also watterson

>> No.7158734

text replyslop

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7154809 No.7154809 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it so rare to see art where something is actually happening like pic related, instead of some character striking a pose (and looking at the camera)?

Art is supposed to capture a moment, not emulate a photoshoot.

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>> No.7155556

He already did. Did you reply to the wrong post?

>> No.7155559
File: 716 KB, 1200x800, E8846B34-B05D-4F0A-91A6-8AD6A33823E0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7154957 #
I like light novels for this reason but it sucks illustrations are seen as kiddie. Probably because publishing houses want to save money just like when Tor got caught using AI art for a cover.

>> No.7155857

My problem is I don't feel like spending 9 hours for 3k likes and 200 retweets. Or 100k likes and 3k retweets. Because either way you're just a moment on a timeline, and there's always another You below you waiting for their 3 seconds. Even if it touched someone, it's not a moment that endures.
>Oh wow this is amazing
2 weeks later you aren't even in the rear view mirror of their deepest thoughts. You happened, and for what? It's rewarding to look at art like this, it's just not as rewarding to make it

>> No.7155985
File: 1.01 MB, 728x949, Frans-Hals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's because art is "content" now instead of something with depth and value.
Oh, come on. As if pinups and portraits haven't existed for hundreds of years

>> No.7155988
File: 2.94 MB, 2090x2804, 20230706_193224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are Portraits, a pose looking at the camera, and there is Illustration, portraying a scene from some story,defining the world through details.

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7154709 No.7154709[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why do female artists need to mention they had sex or post lewd selfies of themselves

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>> No.7154721

stop fucking spamming you kissless incel

>> No.7154722

When the American Elf guy posts about his sex life, everyone is cool with it. A woman posts about her sex life, annoying faggots won't shut up about it.

>> No.7154723

why do I need to explain myself to? shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.7154724

He's very very horny but also scared of women

>> No.7154725

>American Elf guy

File: 263 KB, 1200x1113, spookygirls1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7154701 No.7154701 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for more art with the same vibe as pic rel. Please post and share

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>> No.7156450

>spend all life loving goths
>too shy to approach one, completely overwhelmed by emotion but can approach other women fine
>fast forward current age, finally jaded enough to go for it
>very quickly realize 99% modern day goths are literal just fucking whores with a black and white paint coat
>"real" goths are now almost extinct and relegated mostly to 'just a phase' teens and fat 35 years olds that can't grow up
I found myself a wife that's the reverse of a goth eventually, but man this was one of the biggest regrets of my life. I wish I had the balls to try back then, I was so enamored with this shit I literally blushed just by having one of these gals cross me on the sidewalk

>> No.7156525
File: 99 KB, 500x703, ophelia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like these manical looking ones, very haunting and expressive

>> No.7156526
File: 392 KB, 1280x912, the sorceress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7156533
File: 117 KB, 870x1257, witches-in-the-air-1798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read about this Goya painting. "Witches Sabbath" Goya 1798

>> No.7156536
File: 472 KB, 650x665, Monsterbation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bit pornographic, bit I think this image is appropriate.