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>> No.7185201 [View]

Eat shit pseud

>> No.7183180 [View]

Good god, what a fart-sniffing, pseud post. The only problem with digital art is that it feels like shit compared with the more direct control over tools afforded by traditional, and there's no fucking natural texture. The latter issue especially does incline digital art to a more sterile appearance.
But the "le stamp" shit has always been pure retardation cooked up by pseudointellectuals. You know what else is stamp-like? The humble marker. It has a definite, firm shape to it, tends to mark the page without subtlety as to gradation, and can only really make a few types of lines (thin, thick) in and of itself. With such tools, it's always the artist's application and technique that create variety in marks, digital or otherwise.

>> No.7171454 [View]
File: 230 KB, 700x1296, idiocy for fags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The woman's face is barely even a triangle, it's completely stupid pseud pinterest-core hog-slop. Triangles have no inherent subjective value, they're merely geometric primitive forms. They only gain symbolic, cultural, or subjective significance in a specific context. For example, triangles COULD symbolize a dangerous pointy villain character, or they could suggest the opposite - a little wispy, thin wimp. All depends on the design and what is placed next to.
I hate this slop because it makes idiots feel like they're learning something when they're not.
Please tell me how this arbitrary, rhombus, is meaningfully different from "oval" in the same "tutorial." This tumblrnigger just made up some shit full of grammatical errors and 75000+ people just swill it down.

>> No.7167082 [View]

>le paneling
is there a bigger pseud term than this?

>> No.7163229 [View]

sorry if it sounded like that's what I was saying
as what I was saying was intended to be on the contrary.

Regarding attachment: It is an oversimplification.
The anon I'm responding to was overcomplicating it. It's clear he's a beginner and he needs to go back to basics before he moves on to those painful details you're aware of.

I was aghast at how many anons claim to have well-reasoned positions on subjects that they only understand the side they prefer to be on.
These people look to me like they are are slaves to the whims of their feelings and their thoughts.

They've grown into manchildren, incapable of holding the dialectic and incapable of participating in the democratic process with any good faith.
They shitposts on 4chan about shit no self-respecting man, gay, trans, straight, lesbian, teletubby, grouch, circle or square has any good reason to make time for.
Their ideas are "erroneous" and have failed in the natural selection of ideas.
No one gives a fuck if anon thinks he's figured out "the reason" for futanari artwork like he's some kind of pseud doctor who isn't allowed to practice medicine because he can't meet basic requirements to do so. This anon can barely pick up a pencil to draw, let alone write a thesis paper.

I'm not "schizo" I just "jump around" when I write sometimes. I'm writing for the idiot that gets pissed off by what I say and is too afraid to "take the bait" when I tell certain people that they're wrong and I have a very long list of words alone that are sufficient to prove out the many problems with "the futanari realm" and "coomer visualization" that don't even require me to ask questions about "what does anon mean by those things." I know what he means by those things. I know those things are fucking stupid and I know why because I know what those things actually are. I have "truths" that cut through "stupid talking points" like a knife to warm butter.

>> No.7158128 [View]

the tweet is terribly written, even you had to prefix with that's what I got from it, meaning even a pseud retard like you is unsure about what it means

>> No.7156527 [View]

what a shit design. His comic is soulless pseud kino.

>> No.7155090 [View]

>Why do you think this happened? I get not wanting to be a pseud, but the definition of pseud has expanded to include virtually any expression of love or enjoyment for something.
this behavior has been on the internet for a long time. anonymity makes it easy to make fun of others. its human nature to want to put others down and appear better than them, unfortunately.

>> No.7155087 [View]

Thanks for the rec, interesting reading already.
Have a (You). May it momentarily distract (you) from your (((fated))) condition.
Why does this tend to happen, and is there a way to undo or mitigate the social damage? It's hard to believe this is the inevitable destination of social media and discourse online. Seems bleak if the ultimate outcome of our culture is "everyone turns into socially inept spergs lashing out at each other in a desperate attempt to protect themselves from genuine contact with feeling the wrong feelings."
I can agree with that assessment as a physiological cause of the artistic temperament. But in my experience, the worst extremes of the artistic temperament are now the default for more artists than ever before.

We seem to fall increasingly into rigid categories of behavior, archetypes, cliches, stereotyped behavior. Behaviorally, people online seem more like parodies of humanity than actual humans. We have become reduced in some essential way.

Artists seem to have either an entirely fake but still self protecting public facing persona (the ingratiating "OH THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE COMPLIMENTS LOVE YOU" type that doesn't even register the existence of other people,) or self debasing ("thanks but I suck ass.") The other type is the barely functioning schizo that seems to be completely enslaved to their lowest scattered impulses, and have distanced themselves from feelings of inadequacy they can't resolve by paving over them with psychopathic hostility towards other artists. It didn't used to be this way, and when it was, it was the exception, not the rule. It's like the worst traits of artists are now elevated and amplified in an inescapable feedback loop.
Why do you think this happened? I get not wanting to be a pseud, but the definition of pseud has expanded to include virtually any expression of love or enjoyment for something.

>> No.7155066 [View]

>meta-aware self-deprecating zoomer showing up to shit everywhere in an act of defiance against what they perceive to be "cringe authenticity."
zoomers arent banding together to be self deprecating in an act of defiance against the concept sincerity. its called having humility, even if the humility is often taken to the extreme and veers more into self hatred, thats because a lot of people online (as in, in niche circles like this) were bullied in school and told that they were worthless by society, perhaps even by their own family depending on their upbringing, and use things like drawing as an escape. also, in todays day and age if you take yourself seriously you're seen as a pseudointellectual, they dont use that word outside of 4chan but the culture is the same no matter where you go. on here you're called a pseud and told to kill yourself, on discord you get the "naaah bruh :skull:" treatment and on twitter you get the side eye like you're one of those roman statue pfp political accounts and get told "my brother in christ its not that deep". sincerity was killed by millenials and zoomers acting this way is the effect.

>> No.7135463 [View]

Pseud nodraw replies

>> No.7130824 [View]

>any tips for increasing entropy?
what about increasing enthalpy?
fucking pseud retard i should smash your head in

>> No.7130258 [View]

anon, do you have art socials or an artist name (pseud) you go by? I am a big fan of your drawings.

>> No.7113436 [View]

least midwitted pseud nonadvice on /ic/

>> No.7109915 [View]
File: 418 KB, 750x720, 1709840779750654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every frog pfp on dad is either chill or a teenage plebbitor tier pseud, there is no inbetween

>> No.7105579 [View]

>moving the goalposts
Stop being such a fucking pseud and accept that realism is its own thing. Retarded faggot.

>> No.7098959 [View]

I agree with you, but holy fuck do you type like a midwit vaush/hasan viewer
try to be less pseud sounding

>> No.7085684 [View]

> art finally proven to be a giant pseud jerkoff session
like practicing autistically for years to draw a perfect circle when lasers and computers do much better and faster.
art was never special, just like you

>/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

You are crying inside. Imagine you, a non-artist (nay, a hater of art by your own words) spending your free time on a board for artists, typing furiously on your sticky keyboard about how art is dead. That’s a new level of sad. Kek

>> No.7085652 [View]

stay shambled
art finally proven to be a giant pseud jerkoff session
like practicing autistically for years to draw a perfect circle when lasers and computers do much better and faster.
art was never special, just like you

>> No.7084270 [View]

Also this whole spiel of "layering memetic imagery booba diddly" is pseud nonsense. You paint epic reddit maymays and celebrities and think that makes you 2deep4u and the hottest shot of the century, just like every other person who shoddily paints celebrity photographs. We had some black faggot here before, can't remember his name, who did that too and he was every bit as insufferable about it.

>> No.7044900 [View]

ah yes the final stand of the pomo shit eater. "show me something YOU like so i can poopoo THAT!" fuck all the way off you coping pseud

>> No.7011659 [View]

>10% per product
Wrong, retard. There are untold labor-based operating expenses in the form of logistics, marketing, and other services that the fat homeless pseud ignoramus Marx never once accounted for in a single one of his gay books. Labor cost-manual AND service oriented-is the single biggest expense any company has.

>100 billion people
Grow up, you're right about the Jews, but the Jews are right about depopulation. God bless the homos and trannies they'd created and legitimized for taking themselves out of any future equation.

>> No.7010232 [View]

Peak pseud post.
>It doesn't even make sense on its face, why would you be able to IMAGINE as well as you can SEE?
Do you know what you are talking about? sentience itself doesn't make sense in an evolutionary sense, yet, here we are.
>outlandish claims of perfect visualization were more revealing of low self awareness/metacognition than anything.
it translates well to:
>how can this be real if i can't experience it?
You never experienced the touch of a woman, but it exists. Retard

>> No.7005084 [View]

You said nothing of substance In your original post just random words that make you look like a pseud kek

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