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Search: shit dog fuck man

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>> No.3522245 [View]

shit dog fuck man

>> No.3486126 [DELETED]  [View]

Shit dog fuck man.

>> No.3473254 [View]

Hey man wait until the dog shit it out. Fuck I know your feel.

>> No.3467012 [View]

Fuck shit peepee man dog

>> No.3461297 [View]

He's just a random shitposter, there is no rhyme or reason, you'll occasionally see completely random posts like, "mama i wanna pee pee" or "shit dog fuck man" which have nothing to do with anything in this thread, it makes no sense, don't bother wasting brain cells on it.

>> No.3451598 [View]

**************ACTUAL TIER LIST**************
>DAB completionists, grinders, lavaflake, thready, lassies are sleeping uwu, Loomis
>you're mom, bookmarker, chumsposter
>ShrineyCat, the1banana, fortune cookie critiquer
>strawpolls, Mr. Peniston, Mr. Beariston, niche, nicnac, avatarfriend
>badgers, Rover
>GoodMorningposters, animefags, furfags
>choobposter, me, you, shit dog fuck man
>las2.esy.es, is halibut any good lads, jerry
>the new discord, slug
>mama I gotta peepee, skipped, NAMES, mention me
>the discord, w, tierlists

>> No.3431420 [View]

The dog shit. I said fuck, man.

>> No.3429545 [View]

fuck man shit dog

>> No.3422945 [View]

it's the same guy that did "shit dog fuck man", it's posted with the same frequency and form of variations

>> No.3390266 [View]

Shit dog fuck man poster got banned?

>> No.3374987 [View]

it's replaced the "shit dog fuck man" forced meme

>> No.3352607 [View]

I will help.

Shit dog fuck man

>> No.3317390 [View]

Dog shit man, fuck.

>> No.3278463 [View]

shit man

fuck dog

>> No.3238453 [View]

fuck dog

shit man

>> No.3229928 [View]

Fact #2 : shit dog and a fuck man

>> No.3204953 [View]

shit dog fuck why didn't I think of that man

>> No.3196036 [View]

This works approach works wonders in high school, but unfortunately, sorry males 18-25, these are the worst years of your life. See, now the girls start gettin hella insecure and suddenly those sweaty IT nerds, with their "security in their future" unlike you, doesn't even know WHY he draws! This is a shit time for the gals as well, (whose ug game mostly involves oh god i'm getting older must pamper self no stress or food and must lie to men with makeups) . they feel the pressures of marriage and babymaking so hard that they are forced to realise their options: a) hunk olderbro with a deadbeat job and anger management issues in addition to horridly mainstream taste. b) their BFF beta friend who they are not attracted to in the slightest but he does like me...and he will at least be able to afford a house...fuck is this selling out? c) the art school dog with bags under his eyes who smokes and is so cool and sweet and!...super mentally unstable. shit. d) Lakwanda don't need no man! I'm just gonna put off this whole love thing until and i am 35 successful oh god why do i have no social connections any more fuck what do i talk about e)people in debt / life problems / addictions => these are the people that remind them of their deadbeat dad and electkra complex blah blah bad idea

What was I saying? Oh yeah, my point is don't waste your time before you're 25 with the ladies. When you are 25, having grinded your cg and ug properly, you gonna find some gook in accounting or shirley temple or whatever who will be able to take you seriously because literally all the other options are ass, your only downside is that your love of art is a tad strange/eccentric.

>> No.3193338 [View]

Only people who advertise their MGTOW status are hated yes. The real MGTOW are the only respectable ones because they realize that no one in the world is going to feel sorry for their problems no matter how much they whine and complain. Real MGTOW understand that they can do nothing about most of society and women and general being "stupid" in their minds.They also understand that anyone trying to tell them how to be a man is just manipulating them into their own understanding of what they think the ideal man is. The true MGTOW is what a "normal person" would have been in the days of farming and conquest, not giving a shit what anyone or society says and coming to their own truths in a way that appeals to them. It's almost reminiscent of Diogenes in a sense, he wass the Greek philosophers critic who just didn't give a shit about anything. He lived in a barrel, did whatever the fuck he pleased and probably lived a better life than any of us stressed out mouse utopianites did because he realized that all you're going to end up as is fucking fertilizer in the soil.

The current MGTOW movement is quite simply, male feminism; a response to feminism trying to change the the world too fast. By observing the process of feminism, MGTOW hope to achieve something similar by hating and blaming women for all their problems. If you think that either are different from one another than you are already a mentally confused individual lost to one side or the other. You think that both genders can be equal when in fact they are both unequal and designed by nature to be so. The problem is that people on either side don't like science, so they try and change it or ignore it completely in favor of identity politics. Gender is now a spectrum of everything from identifying as a dog to an Arbys Melt, sooner or later these movements are going to be lost in a sea of the next generation of moron who are going to be pointing the finger.

TL;DR: You're all useful idiots.

>> No.3178698 [View]


best design sense: shit
best aesthetics: dog
best color choice: fuck
best newbie: man

>> No.3164210 [View]

I unironically like shit dog fuck man though.

>> No.3164206 [View]

No, they're the worst generation of shitposts to grace these threads and a far, far cry from any of the entertaining memes that these threads used to have.
Choobposting - Focused on a user that left LAS eons ago, long lost its entertainment value some weeks into its inception, overstayed its welcome, became irrelevant and been reduced to beating a dead horse ever since.
Shit dog fuck man - Has always been completely unrelated to these threads, pure shit.
Avatarfagging - A cancer on every imageboard and that doesn't change when it's used in these threads.

>> No.3160721 [View]

shit dog, fuck man

>> No.3159635 [View]

Choobposter and shit dog fuck man, the worst memes of LAS.

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