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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique


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>> No.1402223 [View]
File: 110 KB, 347x345, md24hs8mRS1rkzh25o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Im the OP
>mfw Im glad some artists are getting some benefit from it

>> No.1402239 [View]
File: 238 KB, 768x576, coop_thumbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1402257 [View]
File: 417 KB, 823x557, thumbsup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1402258 [View]
File: 25 KB, 500x542, CBJPG4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Jayne,

Good. See that you are taking the lessons in deeply.


>> No.1402314 [View]

This thread is goddam adorable.

>> No.1402360 [View]

just spent damn near an hour working out this golden ratio shit.. hope they follow thru.. maybe with something discussing the relevance of all this. otherwise i just made myself feel like the smartest dumbass in the world for nothin

>> No.1402370 [View]


>> No.1403126 [View]
File: 295 KB, 782x736, Round1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Captain

The work you have assigned is sorcerous alchemy to be sure! (Pic related)
Counter Clockwise from Top Left: Finding Phi, Star of Cheops (before cutting and folding), Pentagon using Golden Triangles, Pentagon Using Euclid's Method, Pentagon using Durher's Method, Golden Triangle using Euclid's method.

I have not done any of the folding exercises, or the tiling exercises and will be doing them tomorrow along with the rest of the drawings (pavement, perspective).

A few of the projects require materials or books I do not currently have access too. Specifically the following projects are causing issues:

The Medieval Method for Constructing a Pentagon (I have been unable to find this method and do not have access to the books referenced)
Brunelleschi's Peep show
Camera Obscura
Perspective Machine

For the last two I do not currently have access to the materials needed. The Peep show reproduction I have problems with conceiving of a way to show it with photos and no idea how to go about recreating it in a believable fashion.

Please advise if I am doing anything wrong so far. I will return tomorrow


>> No.1403130 [View]

I am dyslexic... clockwise from top left.

>> No.1403607 [View]
File: 30 KB, 480x320, CBJPG6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Jayne,

Good work.

I do hope you are becoming very fascinated by the balance of these abstractions of math and imagery. If not already, then soon you will see the world with enhanced understanding due to these very studies.

Let the out-of-reach books be dismissed. Proceed with the folding and tiling; mastering geometric folding is the mark of excellence, as demonstrated by the origami article.

Once you've finished these, and I've approved of them, I will advance you from geometry for now, and connect things to perspective study.

With that said, let me be clear about something, My Jayne.

Understand that our relationship is impossible without mutual trust; you trust in my wisdom, and I trust in your curiosity and passion.

It is expected of you to meet my demands, yes, but it is also expected that you strive for an inside-out understanding of the entire world at large, starting with my art lessons.

You cannot become any more than a puppet of education if you do not wire yourself to question everything. Wait for an alleged truth to be approved by your judgment before accepting it as truth, even if it's considered axiomatic.
This is the Art of Heroism.

Never enslave yourself to one who will not teach you to become free of needing a Dominus.
I will see that you emerge from the coming months or years taking flight on your own, no longer needing residence under my broad wing.
You must meditate on this.


>> No.1403800 [View]
File: 96 KB, 500x506, i-see-what-you-did-there-261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>captain batman and jayne
>the thread /ic/ deserves

>> No.1404051 [View]

Let's archive?

>> No.1404211 [View]

I believe it's already been done.

>> No.1404640 [View]
File: 132 KB, 800x813, Captain_Penrose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Captain,

I'm spending a large amount of time folding and folding and playing around with these tiles. It is quite interesting. Because of this there is some delay, for which I apologize. The folding in particular I'm trying to get done properly and in a way that is appealing. The rest of my work shall be posted shortly, in the meantime I offer this emblem.


>> No.1404829 [View]
File: 9 KB, 138x160, CBJPG7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My Jayne,

You may carry on as you are.

The sooner the better, but don't compromise the quality of your training for speed if there is enough time to indulge in the experience. If you can give me better, give me better.

>March 21st

I look forward to your update.


>> No.1405436 [View]
File: 384 KB, 2000x1837, Round2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Captain

I had hoped you would find that amusing, may those who need you shine it upon this board.

Here is the rest of my work (pic related). From top row: Polygons formed by connecting vertices on a 4x4 grid set in a circle, The Sacred Cut Octagon, Polyhedra, 5 pointed Star, Perspective Line Studies. Bottom Left, the beginnings of a penrose pattern, far right, pavement construction before and after learning the method (vanishing point off to the right).

The delay was wholly due to the folding, the incessant folding. It was a lesson in dexterity, humility and perseverance. I have folded so many shapes, and so many have failed. The ones that are pictured are the ones that are halfway decent. I have decided I'm going to learn how to properly fold more platonic and archimedean solids, but I will need a book to do so it seems so the search is on. With luck I will have new shapes to show in the future.

Side benefits I encountered-

I now have a nice variety of shapes to use for still life studies, once I fold some more polyhedrons and solids I should have even more interesting bits.

Trying to find the perspective lines in paintings has given me an entirely new way to look at them. I was familiar with the absolute basics of perspective (there is a vanishing point in most realistic renderings) but that's it. Trying to find that point and seeing the lines leading to it is a exercise that has proven quite useful. I generally assumed perspective would take care of itself with simple observation, but it seems that treating it much like the construction of various geometric shapes would be a good thing. At the very least it provides guidelines that will show you when you are "off".


>> No.1406471 [View]
File: 68 KB, 962x646, CBJPG8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Jayne,

Congratulations on completing the first assignment.
I hereby reward you with a break until March 23rd.

In the meantime, do this to strengthen your spirit:

Spend 30 minutes tomorrow drawing absolutely anything, no matter how nonsensical or ugly.
Draw whatever lines or brushstrokes come to mind, traditional or digital.
Your intention will be to let your creativity breathe without judgment.

If you are inspired by geometry, you may draw shapes (as you may do of anything you've just recently been studying), but do it in a state of mental movement, never remaining in the same state for long.

This is the Art of Honing Emotion & Creativity.

On March 23rd I will return with your new task.


>> No.1407733 [View]
File: 215 KB, 996x840, CBJPG9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Jayne,

Your next task is both in perspective and self-learning.

Attempt to reveal as much as possible about isometric perspective without having read about it. Use your geometric logic to derive a bootleg understanding of this form of perspective. Once you feel you've hit a dead end and would benefit greatly just from seeing a little diagram or googling a little fact about isometric perspective, look it up then.

Demonstrate a grasp over it by drawing your very own isometric grid.
Then draw boxes and cylinders in various combinations that interest you.
Then start drawing organic shapes that you cannot immediately solve using the basic grid.
See what techniques you can invent (based on your grid, and your sense for geometric accuracy) to break down the otherwise arbitrary shape into something solved, not simply eyeballed or guessed. This means using the isometric grid as a foundation on which to create fine, logical graphing for the arbitrary.

>To think of interestingly challenging organic shapes, simply find something that looks "hard enough" to do. It will probably be too hard when you try it for real, and you will find something slightly simpler to start with before advancing upwards. This is acceptable.

For the last activity, I anticipate drawings with a great too many lines of measurement and proportion for otherwise trivial curves that would perhaps be very easy to eyeball in the first place.
The reason for this seemingly inefficient method is for proof of concept, and a grasp of accuracy for when it's going to matter.
This is the routine of The Draughtsman.

Report back to me with how far you've gotten by March 26.
If my instructions are unclear, ask for clarification.


>PS - Has My Slave done 30 minutes of free-drawing yesterday?

>> No.1408079 [View]

the fuck?

>> No.1409756 [View]
File: 976 KB, 2048x1024, Round3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Captain,

I have not had access to a computer as of late, however I am confident that I will be able to devote several hours to the next exercise tomorrow.

Here are my doodles, the bottom right is all of them stacked on top of each other.


>> No.1409843 [View]
File: 52 KB, 296x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1409847 [View]
File: 50 KB, 640x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1410051 [View]
File: 229 KB, 848x1200, CBJPG10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Jayne,

I see you're still ticking.
Time has been as well.
>Report back to me with how far you've gotten by March 26.
It's the 26th, as it happens.

And going against my orders and deciding to pass work in tomorrow (instead of the deadline I gave you) does not show respect for my authority.

Nevertheless, the purpose of this exercise is to see what you can do with time to yourself.
I want you to do this for 2 days at least.
You have until March 28th (noon, Minsk time) to investigate isometric perspective.

For now, let me remind you that honesty is the path to long term success with your Dominus.
What happened, My Jayne?


>> No.1410057 [View]

My Captain

Aha you are correct sir, the interesting thing about time is I live at the ass end of the world, when I posted my work it wasn't the 26th yet where I was. I was not attempting to ignore your assignment. I apologize for that oversight and shall use the board time stamps for all future measurements. My current progress on the isometric assignment is: I'm starting it now.


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