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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 808 KB, 1680x1050, mask1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9359926 No.9359926 [Reply] [Original]

I know /fa/ likes to stay fashionable but what skin care products/grooming products do you use? Surely theres no point looking good in clothes if you've got shit skin with acne and spots all over.

Need to get my skincare game up.

>> No.9359940

Paula's Choice everything lol

>> No.9359941

Wet razor shaving for babby smooth skin

9 parts jojoba oil 1 part tea tree oil for general upkeep

Macadamia oil for hair

Witch hazel for blemishes

Leave spoons in freezer over night and apply to eyes to remove sleepy eye bags

St Ives Walnut exfoliator to remove all them dead skin cells, (Basically any abraisive exfoliator will do, this one worked wonders) avoid microbeads and all that bullshit, if you cant feel it against your skin, it aint doing shit

La Roche Possay or Roc Moisturizer, skits so hype.

Avoid lemon Juice/sugar and all those other bullshit cures, avoid benzoyl peroxide also

I had bad acne for ages and so I was routinely using different products,

I found that all that above helped the most (until I started accutane)

>> No.9359960

Wait, is this satire?

>> No.9359967


>> No.9360097

just dropped roughly £200 on products, but forgot to get some fragrance.

Whats recommended?

>> No.9360106
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Has anyone tried this, 99% of reviews are positive

>> No.9360122

I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

>> No.9360124

I use Cerave face wash and Stridex max strength BHA pads~

>> No.9360137

How long did that take?

>> No.9360142

To do the routine? Only around 10-20 minutes.

>> No.9360281
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>> No.9360299

Nice ebin u faggot.

>> No.9360305

/r/skincareaddicts is a good community for this

>> No.9360307

I love it. Removes all the dirt from my pores and they look smaller now.

>> No.9360311


>> No.9360337
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What products do you guys think he uses?
Do you guys use bbcream? If so what brand?

>> No.9360534


>being a useless trip

>> No.9360594
File: 106 KB, 300x300, Reaction 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, he is over doing it and the product he uses might not be compatible with your skin but anyways the routine should be

>Cleanse (every day 2 times)
>Exfoliate ( 1 time per week or 2)
>Moisture (everyday 2 times)

To start you need to get specific products that were made for your skin type. After you found what your skin type is then search for the products.

Use this list of exfoliators https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=D0EB846A2D608343!363&authkey=!ADSnhCY4a4epvcI&ithint=file%2cdocx

Use this Cleanser because it work with all skin types http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003YMJJSK/ref=ox_sc_sfl_title_3?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER

Now, you found a exfoliator from the list a linked and a cleanser. The only thing left is the moisturizer.

Good luck

>> No.9361950

You have to use it religiously, meaning 3x per week.

The benefits of one application on its own won't last until tomorrow, but over a month of 3-5x per week you'll see a pretty big and mostly permanent improvement.

>> No.9361956

Peeling open green tea keurig packs and rubbing my face with the contents seems to help me.

Is it placebo?

>> No.9361971

lol don't get that shit. you have to mix it with acv. get st helens mint julep mask

>> No.9361983

that good feeling when I have perfect skin and I don't have to do shit to have it, only ever had a few small pimples and they went away after being popped. All I gotta do is wash like a normal person

>> No.9362043

3x per week? That's too much!
Even in the label it says once a week I think.

>> No.9362086

I have mild acne which I treat with prescription topical gels/creams. My biggest skin problem now is that it's oily. What can I do to prevent my skin from getting so oily? It makes me self conscious and I use blotting sheets a couple times a day.

>> No.9362451
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Skin care is 95% diet and avoiding the sun. Sure you can get 5% from skin care products but it's just a make up and mostly placebo. For the long run you must have a good diet, exercise and avoid the sun.
Also if you smoke or drink regularly, don't even bother. (pot counts as smoking too)

>> No.9362468

where does one fckn cop that?! A swapmeet? lol.

>> No.9362469

+ genetics because I do every preventative measure you noted and still had the worst fucking inflamed acne lesions in history

>> No.9362473

They stick with original packaging because it's become somewhat iconic and really cheap.

>> No.9362482

I have stopped using soap for 3 years now on my body when washing. Basically, I use a body bath scrubber to exfoliate dead skin cells etc and rub real good until my skin looks red. Anyone else do this or am I the only one?

>> No.9362492

cool. A little research led to me finding out that its sold at walmart.

>> No.9362955

>implying its not genetics

>> No.9362964
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before I get Planets-of-the-apes-core, since my beard wants to climb up to my eyebrows, should I shave this few (but black) hair? It has always been like this (well, since I grew a beard).
I'm just afraid that more black hair would come up and plucking it hurts like hell.
Shaving it Y/N? Thanks (pic very related)

>> No.9363062

Bumping this, sorry

>> No.9363322

amazon you autist

>> No.9363359

ofc you should. That looks disgusting.

>> No.9363398

Will it get worse if I shave it?

>> No.9363402

No. It couldn't possible get any worse

>> No.9363459

Funny and unpredictable :^)

>> No.9363508

Semen is all you need, it's really good for your skin and it's natural

>> No.9363907

just buy some elmers glue. Same thing.

>> No.9364060

Damn, it looks a thousand times better shaved.

>> No.9364082

Genetics is what losers blame for their own failures.

Can't get girls, I'm short
My x body part is small
I'm to dumb, how I increase my IQ?
Attractiviness is all about face, my face is ugly
My skin is shit

>> No.9364108

I got the bear face one (3rd on Amazon I belive) and it's preddy gud

>> No.9364109

> My skin is shit
> >genetics
This one is true though.
I remember high school, I ate like shit, drank soda etc., washed face with just water maybe twice a day and had (and still have) porcelain skin which everyone was envious of. I remember my pizza-faced friend's gf asking what do I do with my skin, what's my SECRET and how to cure her bf's face. And the dude was eating clean, using cleansers and whatnot, frequently visited cosmetologists and yet didn't cure his face. I think it passed naturally like 5 years later.

>> No.9364240

But... all of those things are attributable to genetics. Not in whole whatsoever, but every single one of them are dependent on both genetics and environment.

>body size
Mainly genetics, and then diet/exercise.

>body part size
Mainly genetics, and then diet/exercise.

Mainly genetics, and then education and mental challenges.

>Facial structure
Mostly a matter of genetics as well. Diet/exercise/posture appears to affect this as well. (No, you don't need to remind us about tongue/jaw posture)

>Skin condition
Mainly genetics, and then a matter of diet, habits, hygiene.

>> No.9364333
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We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.

>> No.9364341

kill urself

>> No.9364389

how is intelligence genetic

>> No.9364450

rexy plz fuck off

>> No.9364731

I was on holiday and I stayed on my normal skincare routine, which is scrub face with hot wet microfibre cloth, apply facewash and rub around face, wait a few minutes, rinse off, then apply Benzac AC.

Since getting back from holiday, despite doing the same thing, my skin has flared up again and is notably worse. What's the deal? The only difference is that I was using a borrowed facewash, but everything else was the same.

>> No.9364841


It's also obviously environmental: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environment_and_intelligence

>> No.9365213

>Also age and hormones are a big factor

Age 16-20 I was in great shape and ate well had shit skin until my hormones started calming down and I started a good skin care routine which has helped tremendously and I barely even excercise now and I definitely eat less healthy than when I was running and lifting a lot.

>> No.9365217

>make up and placebo....
>let me guess, you put a towel on your pillow and your acne disappeared over night?

>> No.9365230

the dumbest shit I've read in one of these threads.

>> No.9365239


here, here. fucking people talking out of their asses

>> No.9365327
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Indian dude here. How do i do more aesthetically pleasing eyebrows? I usually just do general maintenance of the unibrow and make sure to not keep the eyebrows too long, Any idea on how to shape them but still keep them bushy enough to look good?

>> No.9365341

*ding diding diding diding di ding diding diding diding*

hello my friend!

if I were indian, I would focus on anything, but my brows, my friend!


*ding diding diding diding di ding diding diding diding*

>> No.9365503

Look up male eyebrow grooming. Don't pluck ttoo much of an arch but tweeze (don't fucking shave) the edges and the ends to clean it up. indian guys can have nice brows if they maintain thema nd work out

>> No.9366051

>tfw I'm having a drug induced acne and will probably leave a fuckton of scars and PIH on my face
I want to die, I've never had any problem with acne but I am now at 21 because of this shit.

>> No.9366054

I see the sun every day when I open the door for the pizza delivery man.

>> No.9366079

dont do drugs then

>> No.9366091

I have to take them because I'll die if I won't.
This is what's stressing me, I can't do anything about it.
The therapy stops in March, hopefully I will get my normal skin again, I'm so fucking tired

>> No.9366107

oh, they're medicine drugs
well don't die dude
i hope everything will be ok

>> No.9366109

what drug?

>> No.9366118

I know someone who got his liver pumped or alc poisoning or some shit and took these drugs that made his cheeks really puff out huge so that his head is almost completely round so be happy you only have acne

>> No.9366130

anti tuberculosis drugs


Yeah, I know some people got it worse.
But I was suffering like a slave for the months prior the medication because of the tuberculosis, I didn't deserve even acne man ;_;

>> No.9366154

that is true very true tuberculosis must be fucking terrible

>> No.9366163

but dont fret anon its only uphill right

>> No.9366312
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Sweat drenching cardio to unclog pores and showering immediately after, typical exfoliate cleanse moisturize stuff seems to be going alright

I'd still like to shrink my pores/even my skin tone some how

Pic related

>> No.9366322

would help if you removed your make up first

>> No.9366342

can't, looks like sun damage. Slow down the damage.

>> No.9366345

if you have bad skin and you have never put anything on your face before start with basics:

2. cetaphil face cleanser. it's really gentle and doesn't try out your skin.
3. thayers witch hazel toner
4. use cetaphil lotion. not too much or you'll be greasy later.

I swear your skin will be better after 2 weeks of daily use. From there you can start exploring new products.

>> No.9366351

lol I was on Anti-tuberculosis. It caused my whole body to have an attack and I still have scars on my penis from when the skin went crazy.

>> No.9366353

I wouldn't even start with a cleanser. Oil cleansing method with tea tree oil mixed with mineral oil applied to face at 85* F will melt almost all acne away.

>> No.9366367

So my skin is fine for the most part, other than large pores on and around my nose. What's good for shrinking large pores?

And are little raises just some unavoidable thing that happens with age?

>> No.9366373

Any of you guys use tree oil for their acnes? And how to treat those bumps the blackheads/acne leaves? What do you guys use?

>> No.9366379

How to rid blackheads?

>> No.9366474

Shrink pores, even skin tone, both? ;_;

>> No.9366497

>have horrific acne for ~8years
>cleanse, moisturise, full routine religiously
>finally go on Accutane last year
>acne disappears
>literally now just use water & a moisturiser

I'm scared to add any products to my 'routine' incase I break out. Acne pretty much destroyed my life and I just want to avoid it forever.

>> No.9366755
File: 652 KB, 1200x941, derm1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sweat drenching cardio to unclog pores

Well, take a look at this image here and see why that won't work. There are two main openings in the skin, the "pilosebaceous" ducts (PSD, the one with hair and fat/sebum), and sweat ducts (pores). It's a common misconception that acne takes place in "pores", when in fact it is related to the PSDs. Exercising will not clear out your PSDs to any noticeable degree whatsoever, as the sweat is being emitted from the pores of your sweat glands.. In fact, it could /may/ help excess skin/bacteria/dirt to accumulate in your PSDs.

(The sweat gland "version of acne" is known as "hidradenitis suppurativa" (HS), btw)

If I were you I would be very content with my skin. It's not possible to make your PSDs smaller beyond a certain functional limit. The skin flushing/redness can be managed by not using irritants such as alcohol/ethanol, alkali bar soap, chemical and mechanical exfoliants on the skin - or at least limiting their use in that specific area.

Sun is also a risk factor for aggravating it. It's completely impossible to accurately state that your skin condition is caused by any degree of sun damage like >>9366342 does, judging from this kind of visual examination.

Salicylic acid, various AHAs, OCM, can help clear out your PSDs - and make them visibly smaller, if possible. Then use makeup to cover up the rest. Skin flushing can be managed by decreased use of irritants, coupled with the use of a sunblock and a good moisturizer + makeup as a finish.

You seem to have great skin, regardless of makeup.

>> No.9367350

In the morning if my face is a little puffy I actually do apply ice or splash with very cold water.

Cerave foaming cleanser

Paula's Choice 2% BHA

1 part Apple cider vinegar 1 part water for toner

Nivea Creme (use for eye balm too)

Biore sunscreen

At night

CeraVe foaming cleanser

St Ives AHA pads

Paula's Choice 2% BHA or Stridex (cut in half)

I use a few different facial masks. My favorites are the Mintjulep, and Aztec indian healing clay

I then apply a thick layer of vaseline to lock in moisture overnight.

>> No.9367409

>uses a different product on his face
>asks what's changed

You tell me Einstein.

>> No.9368242


>> No.9368723

What? scars on penis from what? did you have acne on your cock?
Please, you are scaring me. I only have it on my face and back for now.

>> No.9368780
File: 8 KB, 236x225, fuk ju.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cetaphil face cleanser
Literally 30 minutes after using this my skin was oily and shiny like it's never been before, junk

>> No.9371317


>> No.9371682

maybe you have oily skin nigga, cetaphil has a stronger oily skin version

>> No.9371797

What are some good cleanser for men with medium-oily skin?

Preferably something available outside the US.

>> No.9371850

>tfw I can feel my skin getting ready to break out even tho it just started calming down the last few days
>tfw exercise and drink lots of water
>tfw can't wash my face with face wash because I break out so I just use water to alleviate that dirty irritated feeling

I'm an attractive person but this shit skin makes me so fucking self conscious I can hardly even interact with people. What the fuck am I doing wrong

>> No.9371895

Can someone reccommend me a great moisturizer? Price range doesn't matter, a solid moisturizer is all I'm missing from my daily skin care routine.

>> No.9371916

yes, this is really good. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003YMJJSK/ref=ox_sc_sfl_title_3?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER

remember, even tho you got oily skin you still need to use moisturizer.

>> No.9371928

First, mention what type of skin you have.

anyways if oily use this if skin is oily or sensitive http://www.amazon.com/Neutrogena-Oil-Free-Moisture-Sensitive-Ounce/dp/B000FKJP9C/ref=sr_1_2?s=beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1422065034&sr=1-2&keywords=neutrogena+oil-free+moisture

>> No.9372151

Witch Hazel for the face

Sweet Almond Oil everywhere else

>Keep It Simple Stupid

>> No.9372379
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Almond oil is mildly comedogenic though. See "Comedogenicity and irritancy of commonly used ingredients in skin care products" by Fulton (1989).

>> No.9373014


How important is avoiding the sun? I avoid the sun a lot and use SPF and shit, eat well/excercise and shit but am pasty and gross yet I see these kids with perfect tanned people walking around with great clear skin who spend hours in the sun and probably drink/eat shitty

Is laying in the sun with sunscreen and moisturizing alright for the skin? Don't wanna be a pale zombie anymore but don't want to fuck my skin which every skincare website says it does

>> No.9373383
File: 20 KB, 640x360, 120604072310_Trucker Sun Damage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a truck driver who has had some decades of exposure on the left side of his face.

UV radiation will wear down your skin, but it will take a pretty long time (of course: depending on exposure and melanin content). There is ultimately a trade-off between skin color and later wrinkles - but it's very possible to use everything in moderation. Use SPF (at least +15), tan carefully, use moisturizer (this could be the SPF itself).

Also, remember that skin tone (and perceived attractiveness) is also related to diet, copy-pasting some old stuff:



The thing is that it's not a matter of a "tan", since that's related to increased skin melanin due to UV* exposure (the browning of the skin). It's therefore nothing you can affect through sun exposure. It's rather a matter of making the skin a bit more red/orange by the use of foodstuff which seems to work as a cue for "healthy person" when people examine faces. This apparently plays into how attracted some people get to others.

It is absolutely possible to change your skin hue, and seems likely that it will impact how others perceive you. +4-7 portions is what recc'd based on the 1st-2nd studies. Carrots! Tomatoes! Pills work as well. Dosage depends on the brand.

Don't worry about carotenosis. Increase your intake gradually. The hue change should take weeks, and will disappear in months.

>> No.9373390

The sunlight is antibacterial. It keeps skin clean

>> No.9373693

Im 18 and have laugh lines, help me pls

>> No.9373719

Been using it about 3x a week. Its actually amazing. The fact there is no chemicals is also comforting.

>> No.9373906

stop laughing

>> No.9374514

Ok :^)

>> No.9375822

bumping this post for interest

>> No.9375832

everything's a chemical

>> No.9375857

look at this >>9360106

>> No.9375861

I'm sure this has been asked to death already, but what's /fa/'s thoughts on proactiv? Just discovered I had a whole package not even opened up in my cabinets. Does the shit work?

>> No.9375862

>no chemicals
You're an eejit

>> No.9375864

A lot of people do, short of Botox there isn't much you can do

>> No.9375865

meg heard it work for the first time, then acne comes back stronger so you keep buying the same shit

don't try it if you already have a routine, if you don't listen to advices at least do a test on the back of your neck to make sure it doesn't cause you problems

>> No.9375890
File: 31 KB, 650x400, darkcircles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup faye

starting to notice I have dark eye circles

what are good products to get rid of them?

>> No.9375891

Anyone recommend a good bodywash/soap/shampoo for someone who has really dry skin?

I've already tried cetaphil body wash and dove moisture

>> No.9375917

Dark eye circles are effay tho
Well it actually depends on the rest of your face

>> No.9376686

>wanting to get rid of one of the most effay facial features

>> No.9376698

I get 10 hours sleep a day and drink plenty of water but i still have fairly dark purple-ish rings under my eyes. How do i get rid of them?

>> No.9376711

ive had acne long before i smoked weed or cigarettes or drank alcohol, and its had no fucking effect on my acne. please.

>> No.9376722

i would be envious of people here who dont have acne, but you're on 4chan and /fa/ so youve done something to fuck up your life

you can still be a homo without acne

>> No.9376776

you dont. they are /fa/.

>> No.9376944

Mine are really bad too, and I've had them for over a decade. Apparently there is some kind of cosmetic surgery? I'd be fine with some darkness, but huge bloody death-looking sacs right under my eyes make me look terribly unhealthy.

>> No.9376949


>t Ives Walnut exfoliator to remove all them dead skin cells, (Basically any abraisive exfoliator will do, this one worked wonders) avoid microbeads and all that bullshit, if you cant feel it against your skin, it aint doing shit

>damaging your pores with micro-tears using abrasive exfoliates
>not knowing what chemical exfoliates are
>thinking it needs to be abrasive to work

>> No.9379480

don't buy this, it produces mustard gas

>> No.9379683

bump for this

>> No.9379713

what's a good daily sunblock that is unnoticeable and doesn't give off a smell? mainly using for face and arms

>> No.9379739


>> No.9379782

The Missha's sun milk - sunblock is really nice and light and unnoticeable.

It doesn't have a thick consistency, it is really watery sunblock, which I personally like because the thick western lotion sunblocks tends to clog up my pores and suffocate my skin.

>> No.9379969

uh your skin might be dry and is overproducing oil to compensate. do you use a moisturizer?

and please people, don't use rough exfoliators like st ives if you actually care about your skin. use a chem. exfoliator

>> No.9380004

Does anyone know what kind of products to use for protecting yourself from the sun when you have oily skin and acne? I break out if I even touch regular sun block.

>> No.9380103
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How can I get rid of the dark spots that are left after my zits?

>> No.9380135

Dead Sea Magic range.
My skin has never looked better, I have real sensitive skin but now I can cleanse every day and exfoliate, sometimes with a massive, three times a week. I use the bath \ shower gel and the body lotion with the salt scrub, iskinsand I use the super night cream before bed. My pores are almost invisible and my skins no longer blemished, red...so yeah, get it and just follow instructions with each product

>> No.9380138

and fuck proof reading

>> No.9380786

going to a dermatologist next week. i dont know what to expect. anything i should avoid that they recommend? i see a lot of people who say that some medications have really shitty side effects.

>> No.9380835


Nice dubs. :^)

>> No.9380837

god damn, same issue

>> No.9380841

Anything other than accutane doesn't do shit at all

>> No.9381180
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What is the general consensus on peel-off masks?

>> No.9381705
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>> No.9381933

Get a Hydroquinone cream and an AHA



Hydroquinone is a skin bleaching agent, and AHA a chemical exfoliate.

Also if you're not already, go pick up a broad spectrum 30spf sunscreen for your face.


The sun makes dark spots worse.

>> No.9382391

Anyone use DMAE cream?

>> No.9382468

Mutual interest

>> No.9382474

Are laugh lines effay

>> No.9382903

show me one study where anything other than accutane actually got rid of more than 90% of acne

if you just use retinoids and BP for severe acne ur a fucking retard. you will still be miserable with the lame 60% reduction in lesions they give. and youll still look like shit and get ridiculed and have a red face on top of that.

>> No.9382919

In general, a mask isn't a bad thing to do on occasion but it probably isn't something you wanna do on a regular day-to-day basis, as it can do a number on your skin.

Or maybe I'm not understanding your question.

>> No.9382953

Sometimes I get zits on my chest and back. Anything to do to get rid of those?

>> No.9382964
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tl;dr skin is okay, how do I improve?

So I never really struggled much with acne, and my skin as a whole is pretty soft. I usually just scrub a bit of it with my face and call it good. Really, my face just looks "average" in terms of skin. My forehead is dry, I get the occasional red spot (which usually goes away on it's own), but my nose shows off the sebaceous filaments pretty well, and when you squeeze it, you get some of that white shit. My complexion isn't great either if you look closely, but it isn't bad by any stretch of the imagination. Just a little uneven in spots. I guess if I had to give a simple description, my skin just doesn't look like it has any life to it.

So, I'd kinda like to change that. Again, since it is diet I don't feel like I need to go overboard and certainly less is more, just a few products to maybe clean me up and give some life and moisture back to my skin would be great.

If I can avoid using sun screen, would be fantastic because I really don't wanna go full autistic trying to protect my skin from the slightest bit of sun, but I'll do what I need to.

>> No.9383176

"worlds most powerful facial" lol

>> No.9383661

Urban decay pore perfection is amazing. It goes on using a small amount and makes the pores almost invisible and doesn't clog them at all. Use alone or under makeup

>> No.9383724

sleep without shirt, drink water cut sugar

>> No.9383781

This. Use a BHA.

>> No.9384065
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But Accutane contains isotretinoin... Which is a retinoid. Are you trying to refer to the difference between topical *retinoid treatments, and oral isotretinoin treatement?

Are you referring to a 90% reduction in NIL or IL, or both? I'm not disputing the efficiency of Accutane whatsoever.

The image I linked provides you with the information that there are several other substances that "does shit at all" - in the sense that they each deal with some of the four key factors in Acne vulgaris etiology.

Accutane deals with all of the factors, but at great cost. That's why it's only prescribed for severe and treatment-resistant acne.

>> No.9384799
File: 31 KB, 340x264, Rosacea2-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got any remedies for rossacea? ( RED CHEEKS) i used to have really bad case of this when I was a teenager, now it is much better, but still noticeable. My entire face has no pimples, but I have really dry skin and 24/7 cheek inflammation.

>> No.9385172

any recommendations on a daily moisturizer for your face?

>> No.9385183

Get something with petrolatum. It actually works, other moisturizers and lotions do nothing. Put it on before bed.

>> No.9385328

already mentioned but cetaphil is great stuff, cheap and a little goes a long way. If it's making you oily you may either be using too much or your body needs more time to adjust it's oil levels.

I'm using CLINIQUE Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel. I'm a fan, it's nothing fancy but it provides adequate moisture without leaving me greasy and cause be used AM/PM.

If you're a person with oily skin don't jump to the conclusion right away that you need less moisturizer. You might actually have DRY skin therefore your body is trying to overcompensate by producing more oil leaving you looking like a grease ball. Generally that's the case with people with combination skin [oily/dry patches on their face]

Another thing to note, depending on your skin you might need a gel over a lotion. Gels tend to be water based and are considered a lighter moisturizer. Lotions are heavier. Just something to consider.

>> No.9385454

Boiled or raw?

>> No.9385474

No I do that too, except I use soap on my private parts and armpits

>> No.9385511

Has anyone tried any oil cleansing methods? I use mineral oil on my upper cheeks/nose for blackheads and sebaceous filaments, and I get a few black plugs that come out (3-4). I hear people praising this shit because it makes all the crap come out of your pores. Am I doing it wrong? M

>> No.9385561

Right sunglasses and a hat

>> No.9385584

Drink a lot of water and moisturise regularly, have occasional spots and blackheads but they don't bother me and leave quickly.

>> No.9385624


>> No.9385641

my experience with these is that no home application products / creams work against these spots. laser treatment though is extremely effective, have had it done multiple times by now but the damn zits keep popping up and leaving marks. make sure to remove your already existing acne / zits and then get the treatment.

>> No.9386284


Somebody said to use this in a thread a few weeks ago. Has anyone ever tried it before? It's not gonna fuck me up even worse is it?

>> No.9387238

I'll take your advice and see what happens. Thanks.

>> No.9387569

Have you tried Neutrogena's Ultra Sheer face sunscreens? There's one that's oil free and they claim to be non-comodogenic so that's a starting point.

>> No.9388124

Skin care starts from the inside.
Go vegan, stop eating processed foods.
Do liver flushes and colon cleanses.
Skin becomes better and gives natural protection for the sun.

Sun is good in moderation, sunscreen is bad you get no Vitamin D and get cancer, is the opposite of what you have been told.

Just drink 200grams of carrot juice everyday to protect the skin and use some fractionated coconut oil.

Stress and emotional problems can be bad for the skin. Check on youtube for FasterEFT.

Use some bloodroot paste to remove moles, spots,etc. Indian Herb from lifelinewater is a good option.

>> No.9388132

got this but it's such a fucking cunt to use, applying it to face with fingers is just shit, it doesn't stick and is tedious and frustrating and ends up getting everywhere

it's not bad but I find it takes a lot of motivation to use

>> No.9388346
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>> No.9388355
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>> No.9388974
File: 18 KB, 445x134, Screenshot_2015-01-28-13-30-14-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ordered the skin Peel thingy majiggy. How to do I properly use this without destroying my face

>> No.9388979

Spot test it first to see how it works. Don't just go putting it all over your face immediately.

>> No.9388992

>laugh lines
What to do to get rid of these?

>> No.9389010

Well, oh wow. That concentration is rather high. It's usually reserved for dermatologists doing chemical dermabrasion procedures in clinical settings because of reasons, you know. I wouldn't use it if I were you, unless you're going to dilute it a bit before using it.

You really should have found out how (and if) to use it before ordering it.

What were you planning on using it for? Dermabrasion, I get it, but for what purpose?

>> No.9389026

Read the instructions included with the product.
There should be one according to the Amazon page.


Also, don't use the "free microdermabrasion crystals", unless you really want free microscopic wounds and later scars.

>> No.9389029

there's also a 30% version


>> No.9389036
File: 127 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 1-28-15 at 22.37 #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i make these spots go away. most of them are months old and don't seem to lighten. i'm using gentle salicylic acid face wash and an antibiotic cream with benzoyl-peroxide.

>> No.9389037

and 25% and 20%

>> No.9389108

Acne scars and dark spots. Acne isn't that much of an issue, just the aftermath scars that makes my face look dirty. Especially if I don't have for 2 days and get specks of facial hair growing in. Thanks for the instructions, you used it as well

>> No.9389113

*don't shave for a couple days

>> No.9389119

Also what do you mean by "dilute"?

>> No.9389326

>what do you mean by "google"

>> No.9389428

So I dilute it with water or some other liquid?

>> No.9389614

Ah, yes. Exactly. It's water based, so that's what you'll dilute it with. You don't really need to, but I personally prefer to use a lower concentration during longer periods of time, instead of short bouts with really strong stuff. I guess you could experiment and see what works best for you. Follow the instructions. Be careful about your eyes.

>> No.9389704

My eyes are pretty much priority,especially when I have to relax my hair. Thanks for the advices though, I'll be careful about the instructions. Should I continue to use my regular face wash (oxy) after using the skin peeler

>> No.9391215

I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

>> No.9391303

This is just getting ridiculous

>> No.9391334
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Should I get a pitted scar excised or should I try chemical peels first?

It's on my check. Its had about 5 months months of healing. Should I just wait for a year of healing before I make a decision?

>> No.9391356

>get a decent face wash
>sleep on a clean surface every night

acne gone within 7-14 days

>> No.9391359

show us the scar anon

>> No.9391360

100% percent jojoba is amazing for your earlobes if you're stretching them.

>> No.9391813
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Nah 4chan has seen enough of me.

It doesn't like ruin my day, but I guess it's my next effay move.

>> No.9393415

can someone explain why dark cirlces are effay?

>> No.9394355

just people obsessed with heroin chic

>> No.9395040

How my advice is bait? Is like you guys don't want to be helped.

Do some research and you will find the samething.

Skin problems is the body not being able to filter all the toxins.

>> No.9395052

Can anyone else help with >>9388012 ?
I looked up if it's suitable to use on the face and it says it's usable on the body, face, elbows anywhere else etc.

>> No.9395699 [DELETED] 
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Some people can't simply be reasoned with. They're just so far divorced from the thing you're used to call reality, that there's generally no point in arguing. It's a severe premise issue.

>Skin problems is the body not being able to filter all the toxins.
<- These books disagree.

The research disagrees vehemently.

But if you were to, say, explain how these toxins affect (1) follicular hypersecretion of sebum, (2) abnormal desquamation of follicular epithemial cells, (3) hyperproliferation of P. acnes in microcomedones and (4) the production of mainly pro-inflammatory substances by P. acnes - also known as the four key factors to acne pathology, then we can talk.

>> No.9395701 [DELETED] 

Some people can't simply be reasoned with. They're just so far divorced from the thing you're used to call reality, that there's generally no point in arguing. It's a severe premise issue.

>Skin problems is the body not being able to filter all the toxins.
<- These books disagree.

The research disagrees vehemently.

But if you were to, say, explain how these toxins affect (1) follicular hypersecretion of sebum, (2) abnormal desquamation of follicular epithelial cells, (3) hyperproliferation of P. acnes in microcomedones and (4) the production of mainly pro-inflammatory substances by P. acnes - also known as the four key factors to acne pathology, then we can talk.

>> No.9395705
File: 21 KB, 315x393, safe_image.php.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9395706
File: 198 KB, 620x653, this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people can't simply be reasoned with. They're just so far divorced from the thing you're used to call reality, that there's generally no point in arguing. It's a severe premise issue.

>Skin problems is the body not being able to filter all the toxins.
<- These books disagree.

The research disagrees vehemently.

But if you were to, say, explain how these toxins affect (1) follicular hypersecretion of sebum, (2) abnormal desquamation of follicular epithelial cells, (3) hyperproliferation of P. acnes in microcomedones and (4) the production of mainly pro-inflammatory substances by P. acnes - also known as the four key factors to acne pathology, then we can talk.

>> No.9395749

thank you based scientist for an actually useful post in this thread full of morons

>> No.9395800

exfoliate once every other day
then cleanse
get out of the shower
let the toner dry
moisturizer+full spectrum sunblock

go all day

that evening get back in shower
reapply cleanser and wash off
get out of shower
let toner dry


>> No.9395806

@derma bro

so would you actually recommend this nigga's routine? ( >>9360594)
>Cleanse (every day 2 times)
>Exfoliate ( 1 time per week or 2)
>Moisture (everyday 2 times)

Or what is reasonably low maintenance and low behavior change that I can improve my skin with. (istory: 23 y/o white male, skin gets a little dry in the winter, some eczema and other stuff around eyes and elbows, post accutane treatment in my teens if that's relevant)

>> No.9396128

Not that anon but...

You can do that, but reconsider the moisture. In my particular case, my face naturally oily, so I don't need it.
I only wash my face twice a day (morning shower and before going to bed) with neutral soap (bar).

>> No.9396135


this is why vegans are fucking retarded and arent taken seriously

they have no claim shit without concrete evidence and get mad whenever people call them out

>> No.9396142

Intelligence is inherited

Dumb people have dumb kids

Smart people tend to have smart kids

>> No.9396197

that's because the kids of dumb parents are surrounded by dumb people and the kids of smart parents are surrounded by smart people

>> No.9396312

You must be truly dumb to believe that

>> No.9396316

not as dumb as you

>> No.9397888

I'd say that the advice are good in general, but that it's hard to pinpoint an exact number that is good for everyone. Those who primarily have acne problems could use some more cleaning and exfoliation (but not less moisturizers), and those who primarily have dry skin could use less cleaning and exfoliating products - and more moisturizers. Your skin will pretty much tell you what it needs more of.

To me it sounds like you need a bit more moisturizers, as well as cortisone for the eczema. Thick and occlusive-based moisturizers is what generally works best for cracked skin/eczema. Not "water-based" moisturizers, in other words. Water-based moisturizers are preferred in the face though, since occlusives makes the skin looks shiny. I guess it's better than eczema. There are plenty of options at the pharmacy.

thank you, friend.

>> No.9397946

Anything that may help with follicular keratosis rubra faceii? Whiteheads, red cheeks, all that. Looks absolutely unhealthy.
Also got whiteheads on my upper arms and chest, feels like sandpaper

>> No.9398022


>> No.9398040 [DELETED] 


>> No.9398077

It ain't so easy, anon. I've been trying cremes prescripted by my dermatologist and I've been trying diets. Didn't help. Something more certain than "read wiki" would help me much more, I guess.

>> No.9398081

try another dermatologist.
that will probably help you much more than asking on /fa/

>> No.9398096

they either say "follicular keratosis isn't curable" or start saying tumblr stuff like "you're beautiful and your red cheeks don't change anything".
I'm not trying to get 100% cured by internet strangers, just any advices like "I used this or did that and it helped me".

>> No.9399782

I'll look around a bit and see what I can find. Could possibly do it tomorrow. May come up with something you haven't tried yet. If the thread gets pruned, then you can write to me in any thread or reach me at sthlm.fa@gmail.com

>> No.9400406
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You wouldn't get so many zits if you drank water once in a while, your are dehydrated as fuck

>> No.9400839

What about Collagen and Hyaluronic Acid with Vitamin C and Amino Acids? How do I afford it and is it worth it?

>> No.9401918
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Is accutane worth the risk for someone with mild acne?

>> No.9402189

hard to say really. chances of serious or permanent sides is really low honestly. like rare.
so there is a very minimal risk. but still a risk all the same.

personally i would say no, there are alot more managable ways to control your acne, which youll probably just outgrow anyways.

accutane really should be taken for like cystic or body-related acne (i took it for bacne)

post pics of your acne, i doubt its even that bad

>> No.9402382
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It's not that bad anymore, but it still occurs, currently taking antibiotics which are kind of working/giving me IBS.

I've acne for 10 years now, so don't see it stopping unless I do something, thinking of doing accutane just so I never get it again, but the some of the stories are quite scary.

>> No.9402384
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Help me please /fa/..!
I looked on their site since somebody said the moisturizer is for the body.

The cleanser says
>recommended for; the face, hands and whole body
I'd imagine the moisturizer would be fine too.

I-I just want to have nice skin...

>> No.9402440

both can be used on body / face

use the cleanser properly morning / night and moisturize after.

no point on using it on your body, just do face.

not like anyone will be seeing you naked anyway.

>> No.9402478

well one's a moisturizer, kind of like a lotion
and one is a cleanser, kind of like a soap (but cetaphil is not soapy or sudsy feeling at all)

i recommend the cleanser. it's great. leaves almost no residue your skin doesnt feel oily afterwards

never had experience with the moisturizer

>> No.9402487

You're probably sleeping too long, for most people 8 hours is enough.

Or maybe it's just sleep dept, which depending on how much dept you have, it may never go away.

>> No.9402496

No dairy -- that works for me at least.

>> No.9402512

shh, this is a consumerist society let people buy useless shit to stimulate the economy :^)

>> No.9404289
File: 66 KB, 320x360, oily-t-zone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My T zone is still a problem, it seems I either exfoliate too much and I start peeling/drying out, as well as getting too oily (perhaps moisturizer isn't working?), or I exfoliate too little and my skin seems thick, dirty

Any suggestions for chemical exfoliate? Preferably wipes or something that only chemically exfoliates, doesn't clean (leaving cleaning for after)

Any links to pdf of these?

>> No.9404333

Nothing too fancy. I create my own moisturizer in bulk using vaseline and vegetable glycerin 1:1. Only use it during sleep or when you're sure you're not going to be leaving the house any time soon, since it's essentially a trap for any and all particles floating about which is conducive to acne. It leaves the skin bloated with moisture throughout the next day, so I don't apply anything after the morning shower.

Oh right, this only works if you exfoliate properly. I use a brown sugar/olive oil scrub once a week. It's sufficient.

>> No.9404341

i've been pruning through this thread but haven't found a great answer.

i have little to no acne sans redness and black heads on my nose. how would i go about clearing that up?

>> No.9404533

I still don't understand

Do I Cleanse or Exfoliate first? When do I use toner? When do I moisturize?

Does it go cleanse, exfoliate, tone, moisturize?

>> No.9404554

cleanse twice a day. exfoliate after cleansing, then rinse. Only exfoliate 2-3 times a week. wipe toner on. moisturize.

The general rule is to move from the thinnest product to the thickest (the exception is sunscreen, which should go on before moisturizer). So if you use a serum and sunscreen, the order would be: cleanse, exfoliate, tone, serum, sunscreen, moisturizer, (prime, makeup) for daytime and cleanse, tone, serum, eye cream, moisturizer for night

>> No.9404563

Are you sure they're blackheads? You might be confusing them with sebaceous filaments. They occur naturally in everyone and they fill up after a couple days after you express them. There's not much you can do about them since they're practically just part of your skin, but you can use AHAs or BHAs to keep them clean. I've found a Konjac sponge to be particularly useful, but there's no permanent cure for them.

>> No.9404576


>> No.9404663

>(the exception is sunscreen, which should go on before moisturizer)


>> No.9404700

i have the facial hair of 12 year old at 25. should i get rogaine? if i go to a doctor can they prescribe me anything to grow a beard like a proper man? i know FtM people with more beard than me.

>> No.9405138

You have great skin, but you're kinda ugly.

>> No.9405173

i just finished taking accuttane for 4 months two months ago. so far i am extremely happy with the results.
i have tried everything i could think of (healthy eating, sunprotection, drinking enough, sport, sleeping enough, reduce stress, eat raw, no sugar, no fat, eat vegan, eat vegetarian, change pillowsheets daily, wash face cold, hot, lukewarm, wash with hands, cloth, wash with soap, with water only, use oil-method, use all natral stuff, use benzoil peroxyd and all that stuff. chemical peels, mechanical peels, antibitotics for acne. you name it, i tried it.) Then at 26 i had enough and got accutane. i took special care to not get as many sideeffects. i drank no alcohol in that time to reliefe my liver (i don't smoke and only drink occasionally), i ate balanced and did some sport. i switched all my stuff to nourishing (from shampoo to bodylotion). i ALWAYS wore uv-protection. i took some herbal substitute to help my liver. i had a low dose (20mg/day for 60kg). i moisturized my whole body religiously and drank atleast 1,5l still water/day. the pimples vanished almost immediately. i never had an outbreak. not 1!!!!! Pimple since i started. my skin is healed perfectly. there are some tiny discolorations left, but i use brightening creams for that, now that i have stopped accutane. i did experience dry mounth, eyes and being thirsty for one night, everytime i upped the dose. other than that, i had very dry lips, but no other side-effects.
all in all, it was the best decision ever. if my son ever gets acne, i will not wait too long to get him help. shit is not worth the low selfesteem and suffering in any way.

>> No.9405177

oh and it had some very nice sideeffect. it also dried out my scalp a bit, so now i can go a full 3 days with having perfectly fresh hair whilst before it was kind of oily again after a day. yay!

>> No.9405984

How do I get rid of acne blemishes?

>> No.9407678

>thinks using sunscreen is full autist

nigga u stupid? using sunscreen is literally the most beneficial thing you could do to take care of your skin

>> No.9408229

sup dude! I use both of those and its the only thing I now do for my skin besides sunscreen. It. works. amazing. Yes, the moisturizer works for your body and is overly effective so you only put a very light layer on your face. If you do to much, it will make you break out.

But you have to be a fucktard to do that. Just apply a light layer, rub it in so its not visible, and then in like 5-10 minutes it absorbs or dries or something and you cant even feel that its on.

If you get an initial breakout, power through it and within 1-3 weeks your skin will be sexy as fuck.

>> No.9408243
File: 86 KB, 600x290, skin_type_check.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how do I know if I have sensitive or oily skin?

It seems like I either can't control the oil in my T zone, seeming oily, or it gets too dry and then over compensates with more oil, seeming sensitive?

>> No.9408408

Sebum (fat) secretion varies across different areas of the skin. If an area has too little sebum than what it requires, then the skin moisture levels drops and the skin becomes less elastic and pliable (feels tight), and becomes prone to redness, cracks, general irritation. This is the dry/sensitive skin.

If an area has too much sebum secretion, then the area is shiny and more prone to acne problems. Nxtlvl: Sebum hypersecretion helps clog the pilosebaceous ducts.

"Normal" skin as in "problem-free" is actually not that normal at all.

Does your skin shift from day to day in fat/oiliness without you doing anything about it, or does the skin become dry when you've cleaned it and tried to remove the oil?

I would try using a gentle synthetic soap (max once a day, you could dilute it if you'd like to), as well as a water-based (humectants) moisturizer (as needed). Leaving it alone and see what happens would be interesting as well.

The books are available on various torrent/ebook sites. Know that they're written in medspeak primarily.

>> No.9408538

i went on it after trying every antibiotic and ever home remedy i could think of (even cold showers) with zero results. then i went on accutane after developing massive cyst-like spots on my face that would swell up parts of my face, and my skin was perfect in a month. the only side effect i got was that i could feel my bones more when i lifting something heavy, but i still did heavy weight workouts with no issues.

a lot of the side effects are blown out of proportion. remember - this is a product that is only just now being discontinued by med companies because of side effects later in life such as liver damage, and as such, hospitals and doctors will scare you to death before you go on it to avoid further lawsuits. fundmentally it's basically fine, there's no real need to worry. obviously if you feel any terrible side effects you can go off them. personally i am regretful that i didn't go on it earlier.

>> No.9408548

skin sucks, can i just have it removed and replaced with some synthetic material?

>> No.9408853

bampin this out of interest

>> No.9408864

>waa da sun will get me


>> No.9408878

Yes, it will. But if you don't care about wrinkles then you don't need to bother. See:


>> No.9409004

Everyone keeps reccomending Cetaphil, but would it work for oily/combination skin prone to break outs?
Should I get both the moisturizer and cleanser? >>9402384
would these be best?

I'm completely clueless when it comes to cosmetics

>> No.9409039

Anyone have any experience with Clean and Clear oil free moisturizer? Would it be alright for oily/acne prone skin?

>> No.9410255

>Does your skin shift from day to day in fat/oiliness without you doing anything about it, or does the skin become dry when you've cleaned it and tried to remove the oil?
Let's say I don't touch my skin for a few days

I cleanse, exfoliate, tone and moisturize, it looks amazing after I do this the first time

The second time I do this routine, it looks amazing after but then by the end of the day is shiny/oily

Third time I do this routine, probably c. 30 mins after it's completely shiny/oily

Fourth time I do this routine, probably c. 30 mins I'm peeling

>> No.9410290 [DELETED] 


>> No.9410334

That's a clear indication of that you are drying your skin a bit too much. It would be good if you could find what primary products that are causing this. Things you can do: Clean your skin more carefully ("mild" products, diluted). Exfoliate less often. Use toner less (and one with less alcohol, or lactic acid). You shouldn't need to change your moisturizer, provided that you change all/some of the other things and that the moisturizer is designed for use in the face.

>> No.9410350

anyone here using dermaroller? want to know if it works or not

>> No.9410907

One of my other issues is chronically recurrent blackheads/sebaceous filaments, especially on my nose

I'll squeeze the pores of my nose together, squeeze (what always appear to be white gunk) out, nose looks really clear, however I can literally see blackheads still in my nose that I can't possible scrub or squeeze away, nothing's worked, nose strips anything

But by a couple days later the white sebaceous filament things come back... No idea of this is due to years of ignoring my skin

>> No.9411059

>get a brush
>mix with apple cider vinegar until it's a nice and smooth but not too thin
>apply with brush
>no difficulty whatsoever
>wait 15-20 minutes
>take a shower
>perfect skin.

>> No.9411843

What's a good moisturizer to use on an oily face?

I'm very prone to break outs...

>> No.9412439

I dont have bad skin per say, I dont have a terrible spot/zip problem. I just get a few spots which take ages to dissapear.

My skin care regime has always been some shitty facewash and then a mousituriser but i want to do it properly now.

What should I get to start off with?

>> No.9412543

dermarolling works, but make sure you learn your shit

It's one of those things where you can really fuck your skin up if you do it wrong.

>> No.9412545

if you're shiny, opt for a gel moisturizer throughout the day, but get a heavy moisturizer at night as the reason you're greasy is because your skin may be dry in the first place

>> No.9412567

I try to avoid lots of product as I have sensitive skin, and I'm also allergic to ~something~ a lot of skin-care products contain.

I only use Lush's Ultrabland. I's good stuff and lasts long. It's also great to remove make-up with, if you're into that sort of thing.

>> No.9412631
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>Applying masks and clays to the skin helps draw out oils and cleanses pores, but there is also concern for over drying. "My advice is to apply them only to problem areas and use them only occasionally," Rebecca Kazin, MD, director of Johns Hopkins Cosmetic Center, says. She suggests limiting masks and clays to really big events such as a wedding, a birthday dinner, or a big presentation.


>> No.9413422

How long until I start seeing progress with BP? I've been using it almost a week now and all that's happened is my face hurts and my skin is dry.

>> No.9413436

severelar weeks to months, and that's with regular use.

Your face shouldn't be hurting, if it does apply it less frequently in smaller amounts. If it's too dry apply a non-irritating moisturizer like Cerave's PM one or a face mask once a week or so.

>> No.9413638

newfag here.
If I use a post shave balm, should I also moisturise?
This is assuming I've just had a shower and used a cleanser.

>> No.9413640

I live in the American Gardens Building on W. 81st Street on the 11th floor. My name is Patrick Bateman. I'm 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

>> No.9413756

What's your opinion on BenzaClin?

It worked for me in the past, pretty much entirely got rid of my acne in a month or 2, but once I stopped using it, the acne came back. I started up again with the BenzaClin about a year ago, and stopped about 2 months ago, no real trouble yet, but I do get minor break outs on occasion. I've been trying to just stick to non-prescription cleansers and moisturizers, and recently I started using that Aztec healing clay as well.

Also, I noticed that the first time I used the BenzaClin, my face got really dry, but now that doesn't happen any more. Is that something to worry about?

I've had really oily skin for as long as I can remember. I noticed some time ago that if I rest my head facedown on a desk, you can see small circles of oil where my forehead and nose touched the desk, which I assume is not normal...

Currently, I use Nivea sensitive skin face wash and Nivea lotion to moisturize, but I'm thinking of switching to cetaphil or something now else now.

>> No.9413764

>fractionated coconut oil

Jokes on you snake oil salesman. I use activated almond oil

>> No.9413779

I'm doing the acne.org regimen because it looked like they weren't gonna jew me. As such I am using moisturizer, maybe I should use some more. I'll try easing up on the BP for now though.

That's good shit as long as you remember your emu meatball face mask

>> No.9413788

I would also like to know this.

>> No.9414482

Cardio (not sure about swimming cause of all the chlorine in the water, but running, rowing, biking, etc) and a healthy diet.

Really, 1-2 hours a day 5-6 times a week of sweating your ass off nonstop will make your skin super smooth. Add a healthy diet and you will keep it acne-free.

>> No.9414485


>> No.9414515
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Forgot to specify: this applies mostly to indoor cardio. If you will go outdoor, make sure you go early in the morning, or at night, so you avoid excess sun exposure. Excess sun exposure will make you look like a raisin no matter what you do pretty much.

yeah my advice was more focused on youthful skin. Lots of endurance athletes seem to have relatively wrinkle-free skin.

>> No.9414567

That's because endurance athletes need to drink water and stay hydrated, and they develop a habit of drinking water instead of chugging down the sugar infused shit that everyone else can't fucking live without.

It makes me sick when I see kids taking a water break after warming up and they're drinking soda out of a McDonalds cup from the lunch that they had before coming to class. I just don't understand how any parent can be that fucking dense.

>> No.9414680
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these red spots won't go away what do? never done a facial care routine so my skin is shit

>> No.9414685

man, i thought that pic was something totally different from the thumbnail

>> No.9414714
File: 89 KB, 767x767, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /fa/, is my acne bad enough that i should just get some prescribed shit from the dermatologist or do you guys have any suggestions?

>> No.9414723

eat healthier 4 real

>> No.9414743

like what

>> No.9414744

what did that look like to you?

>> No.9414748


>> No.9414771

Drink only water. If you really can't handle it, you can have a small cup of coffee in the morning and a small cup of soda during dinner, but besides that you can only drink water.

Avoid fast food, avoid red meat, eat more vegetables and fruit, etc... Take your vitamins.

Never touch your face. Wash your face with a gentle cleanser and moisturize twice a day. Wash your hands and rinse your face with water whenever you get the chance.

If the acne is still bad after a few months of that, go see a doctor about it.

You should start feeling more energetic as well.

>> No.9414776

a guy with an ass in his face

>> No.9414780


>> No.9414782

thanks anon

>> No.9414785

so how do i fix my face


>> No.9414787

Very good post. I'd personally recommend seltzer water over soda. It tastes really good once you get used to it.

>> No.9414792

You look like a girl I knew.

>> No.9414806

must've been one ugly girl

>> No.9414809

Vitamin B can increase acne, and vitamin E will slow down the healing process of acne scars. The only important vitamins when it comes to skin are A and C.

If you have more than 15 zits/comedones I'd suggest to go on a low dose of accutane for 24-28 weeks. There's nothing better than accutane and the side effects are minimal in small doses.

>> No.9415383


>be me
>take accutane for 5 months
>unholy side effects
>legs and arms cracking and bleeding
>couldn't shave
>was seething/agressive
>obviously the sensitive/peeling skin
>skin is clear for 6 months
>24 now
>I just break out same as usual

I don't get the cystic acne anymore but I still break out all over my face/have scarring. I don't think anyone would have ever guessed I did accutane. Wasn't worth it imo.

>> No.9415398
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This is the absolute best facial mosturizer on the market. I had quite bad acne and would wash my face multiple times a day, my face would become extremely dry at times. I tried a bunch of niche moisturizers they worked, but they would just give me more acne defeating the purpose. This shit is really good I just use a dab before I go to sleep and when I wake up my face hydrated and has this ever so slight glisten that's the shit.

>> No.9415444

>This is the absolute best facial mosturizer on the market.
>everyone's skin is different
>everyone's skin responds differently to different products
Zionist shill spotted

>> No.9415481

But everyone's skin does respond differently and is different. Asians have more fat under the skin, whites have thin skin, blacks have lots of melanin.

>> No.9415506


Moroccan oil and a lil bit of clay in hair

water on face

>> No.9415537

Is that what they're calling shit nowadays?

>> No.9415550
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Accutane will ruin your life. Do not take this warning lightly.

>> No.9415714

Would you recommend the hydrating cleanser for those with dry skin? I'd imagine moisturizing afterwards would suffice for the other cleanser.