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File: 1.18 MB, 1066x2000, AlphaM business strategy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15223440 No.15223440 [Reply] [Original]

G E N T L E M E N,
New AlphaM video just dropped.


>> No.15223454

Why can women start the conversation?

why are they just smiling like retard to guys they are attracted to and think everything should be served to her?

>> No.15223459

Stop spamming your shitty comic

>> No.15223467


>> No.15223475

Respek from India

>> No.15223824

I only saw my first AlphaM video a week or so on /fa/ and I had the exact same thought.

>> No.15223843

wait you're telling me all of his videos are like this?

>> No.15223854

If you guys think so shitty and lowly of this dude, that he looks like a goblin, he's short, he's cringe or whatever. Ask yourselves why does he have millions of followers and a living out of this and you do not?

Surely if you are taller, more handsome, more youthful you have no excuse?

Shouldn't this guy be inspo for some of you that if he can achieve, so can you?

Yeah, I get it, he's a funny meme machine but some of you just have blind hatred for him. It doesn't add up. He doesn't even seem like a douche at all, compared to people like "Jeremy" fragrance who seems a complete cock head.

>> No.15224173

>whiteknighting for alpha manlet
Lmaoing @ you rn

>> No.15224255

yup. based

>> No.15224409

each second of his life is like this
I imagine he wakes up shouting GENTLEMEN every morning and refuses to address his wife as anything other than spicy seniorita

>> No.15224441

>some of you just have blind hatred for him
no we don't, we just find him funny and memeable, maybe even in a slightly endearing way like the rest of the SEXcore crowd
not everyone wants to be a PUA fashion youtuber trying to sell cheap watches to second world viewers, get outta here with that dumb "ur just jealous bro" shit

>> No.15224450

what ethnicity is alpha m

>> No.15224468


>> No.15224472


>> No.15224477

He must make so much money shilling those watches. Anybody who buys them are straight up retarded.

>> No.15224487

typical piece of shit sociopath thing to say

>> No.15224503

Half goblin half orc

>> No.15224521

It still amazes me that people are willing to pay 200 bucks for rebranded twelve-dollar AliExpress shitters.

>> No.15224830

bc they're told it's too masculine and unwomanly to do start conversations, so they end up playing games and being retarded bc "that's what ladies do".
Fuck that shit.

>> No.15224845

It should be reciprocal to a point, but generally speaking the man should lead

>> No.15224881

This. Men aren’t mind readers, and lots of them are very oblivious. Just because they didn’t take the initiative, doesn’t mean they don’t possess initiative. The only way to find out is by confessing your feelings and finding out via relationships. If you absolutely want a guy to take initiative like some romantic protagonist, then wait for one to show up instead of plopping yourself In front of every guy you fancy expecting him to take the hint.

>> No.15224894


>> No.15224915

because he markets himself to insecure incels and pajeets, giving bullshit advice mixed in with no brainers. Saying he’s an actual alpha male is like saying PUAs are Casanovas

>> No.15224918

I do mire him for the normal shoulders. Sloped shoulders are repulsive brah

>> No.15225144


>> No.15225952

they do. for me anyway :^)

>> No.15225984

aight bruv post face, ye? ah'll bet ya three pence ye one ahgly wankeh ye? innit', bruv?

>> No.15226220

It's because they have options. If you won't talk to her, someone else will.

>> No.15226224

> only time in American history where entire country legally obligated to wear masks

> Makes video about what to do when a woman smiles at you

> Advice is to get up in her face and exchange virus particles after checking your cheap shit watch so it looks like you have "business" to do

> Entire economy is shut down she knows you ain't doing shit bro

>> No.15226629

If you think <<insert negative opinion>> about <<insert celebrity/musician/politician>> why do they have so many more followers than you?

Just becomes someones widely followed doesn't mean they're right, he is cringe incarnate in many ways but markets himself to the few people who are even more cringe than himself

>> No.15226647

Damn, social media only came around when I was nearing the end of highschool.

But to zoomers, Myspace friend count is legit everything to them huh?

>> No.15226654 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 1215x315, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got $300 refund for items not arriving after 2 months, and the items will probably still arrive :)

>> No.15226657 [DELETED] 

*$350 usd

>> No.15226662 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 1215x315, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got $350 usd refund for a couple items not having been delivered arriving after 2 months, and the items will probably still arrive :)

>> No.15226723

This guy gets it

>> No.15226752

hey my favorite degenerate is back!

>> No.15226963

He's just a meme here Cecil. He's a men's fashion advice youtuber who advises SEX. How could that not become a meme here?

>> No.15226984

the swarthy modest-statured med BVLL

>> No.15227025

He's not ultra tight sex core though, even the people he brings on and dresses up he doesn't dress them as sex core.

Clearly his height upsets him but he has done what he can and has been pretty successful.

Not like some roided up 20 year old with pants painted on them.

>> No.15228514

i don't think his point was that he doesn't get hin being a meme, he literally says he gets it. It's just the absolute obsessive hatred that he's critiquing and i have to agree, he's kinda cringe sure but honestly seems decent considering who he is.

>> No.15228526


>> No.15228596
File: 88 KB, 737x740, beta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15228736

what is his store? i do shopify and will take a look at his store to see what i like about it

>> No.15229353

Alpha just hit 6 million subs.

>> No.15229389

the uncomfortable truth
no matter how ugly they are, there are always men who will talk to them

>> No.15229394

Stupid because those guys with him are pretty tall, if I remember they are both around 5'10" so not fair.

>> No.15229559

lmao why the fuck is this goblin looking bitch yelling so much?

>> No.15230558


>> No.15232185
File: 384 KB, 948x611, thankumralpham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's unironic fanart of AlphaM
>and OF COURSE it's by a pajeet

>> No.15232214

dude on the left is 5'11

>> No.15232263

Mubarak Ramadan, Alpha!
Thank You from Morocco.

>> No.15232274

why does he speak at 100 decibels

>> No.15232280

love,,,, from new delhi!

>> No.15232286

Is looking at your watch a valid suggestion or did he just shoehorn that in so he could shill for MVMT? It seems like a rude gesture to me but wdik

>> No.15232319

wait, they're only 5'10??
god, what is this guy, like 5'2 or something? is this photoshopped?

>> No.15232356

>muh watch sponsor: the video

I guess the spicy senorita wasn't that important after all. also, I bet 200 bucks that this retard didn't approach his hobgoblin wife like that.