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/fa/ - Fashion

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15222565 No.15222565 [Reply] [Original]

what is truly fa and how can i become it? post some inspiration photos for me. female, 19, 5’5

>> No.15222580

Your natural personality and physical attributes affect what styles are possible for you. I mean, would you have crazy colored hair if you were shy? Probably not. If you actually were crazy, would you dress plain and boring? No.

Being /fa/ is how you combine your personality, physical features and choice of clothing into one thing. But to suggest "clothing" separate from everything else is difficult and kind've pointless

>> No.15223056


>> No.15223061

post face

>> No.15223076

Post feet

>> No.15223092

irl men don't care if you're /fa/ or not. they care if you're a pleasant, non-batshit person that would make a good wife and mother.
if you try to be /fa/ chances are you will do what most women do - compete with other women to be the biggest "inst baddie" or "sjw" or other looks/lifestyles that men don't actually like.

>> No.15223101

I care. I need someone to make up for my lack of fashion sense. If I had an effay gf I would stop browsing this shitty deadass board and just let her make my fashion decisions. If you want to attract a man with little to no standards like this poster here then listen to his advice.
is right, we need at least some sort of baseline. For me, I've gone through a self improvement wave and want to dress clean and crisp, while looking casual and relaxed, sort of 80's warm washed out orange and pink aesthetic.
What impression do you want to leave on people who see you? that you're energetic and outgoing? that you're retarded? some mixture of the two?

>> No.15223102
File: 1.01 MB, 750x1334, 1572188422215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15223104

Christ, is this really how you think? That all quality men want a woman to dress them?
Why do you even think a woman being good at dressing herself will translate to her dressing you well?
How often do you post in gentle femdom threads on /soc/?

>> No.15223107

why.. why are all women whores?

>> No.15223123
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x914, IMG_2533__28211.1430997683.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sort of agree.. I think of it this way:
Men are actually the human version of bright/flashy peacocks and females the bland peacocks - males have to be refined and standout to attract a mate, a female doesn't really have to because everyone is already after her

>> No.15223129

wow got a little touched there, didn't you.
inb4 more seethe

>> No.15223132

Yes it is offensive that a guy looking for a mommy dom gf would claim my common sense view is incorrect.
Only /fa/ weirdos care about their women being well-dressed.

>> No.15223142

why are you so mad over someone having a different opinion than you on what they want out of a partner; and where did this "mommy Dom" shit come from? OP didn't even say anything about attracting guys but you made it into that anyways. It's clear you're probably just upset that your mother didn't give you enough attention or some shit when you were a kid and now you're projecting it everywhere with your "mother and wife", "femdom", and "mommy" shit that came literally out of nowhere.

>> No.15223149

>having to use a chair to dislocate your leg just to have an ass

>> No.15223150

there's no fucking way this is OP.

>> No.15223152

Good morning

I hate women

>> No.15223726

it’s not me, i didn’t post that

>> No.15223731

gtfo for real

>> No.15223742

Stop asking others to dress you, you are not a child, are you?

Learn to choose I style that actually appeals to you, then ask advice on said style to work on it and improve it.

You must have some personality and an aim in what you have to achieve first. Some roots to build on. Such an open question means you have nothing. Completely bland and want some internet strangers to pick out your outfit as though you were an 8 year old in the store having your parents dress you.

>> No.15223750
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>> No.15223751

good point. thank you.

>> No.15223761

Your number one priority should be to get rid of that face bloat t b h

>> No.15223769

how can i achieve that?

>> No.15223775

pretty sure it’s from bulimia

>> No.15223779


>> No.15223784


Nobody would believe a random photo posted here unless they are a totally retard.

Here in an example of a total retard.


Anyway, the girls hair in the picture compliments her top color.

>> No.15223826
File: 446 KB, 686x634, 1587799041775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sharpie in pooper and timestamp then we can continue.

>> No.15223862

this is bait right? Op didnt actually come onto a fashion board with a leotard and fishnets?

>> No.15223863

don't care about this thread but
>reddit spacing

>> No.15223864

yeah that’s not me

>> No.15224042

>What impression do you want to leave on people who see you? that you're energetic and outgoing? that you're retarded? some mixture of the two?

Uh, no you don't want to leave an impression that you're retarded.

>> No.15224049

>durr hurr reddit spacing

you're a fucking idiot

>> No.15224061

stupid newfags

>> No.15224075


wishful thinking thirsties

>> No.15224103

btfo lol

>> No.15224165

it legitimately looks awful, you're a disgrace to humanity

>> No.15224192

lose weight

>> No.15224208

you're a fucking idiot

>> No.15224240

Eat more protein and vegetables, and do cardiovascular exercise

>> No.15224298

stop replying to him and he'll stop coming to this thread. he just feeds off of people's replies if he gets none he moves on. He doesn't actually care about anything else just baiting fags like you.
lose weight, go fast or do cardio. Tighten up. Be healthy. Etc etc. IMO you don't need to lose the face fat bc people like plump faces on girls, not everyone likes the Angelina Jolie cheekbones-you-can-cut-yourself-on level of definition. it's just twinkspo niggas thinking you need to be a 4 hour fast from being a literal skeleton to be "le effay".
If you feel your body is fat, then lose weight,
that's just tracking your daily caloric intake and making sure it's less than your tdee (Total Daily Energy Expenditure), which you can calculate. If your body intakes less calories than it uses then it will pull energy from fat cells, which is a simple enough concept but so many people get wrong. Also important: if you manage to eat junk food and stay under your tdee you will end up skinnyfat, don't do that, eat good food and drink lots of water. Diets are usually a fad and I just fast for 20 hours a day and eat only one hearty homemade meal. That way I can eat what I like while still being under tdee.
There's a lot to fat loss, while the general idea is simple it can get a lil complicated as there are a lot of methods and finding out what's best for you is often a mixture of methods and how those methods effect each other and your fat loss varies. Feel free to lurk on /fit/ do your own research. Read the sticky and check out the fasting general if that's what you'd like to do.

>> No.15224423

ill probably get jumped for saying this but honestly if you want fashion inspo make a pintrest account and just look around at what other people are wearing, find a style you think you'd look cute in and make it your own.