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15211378 No.15211378 [Reply] [Original]

Is he effay?

>> No.15211389

No. Sounds like a sperg. Nordic is Germanic. Most Northern and Western European people have the same roots from the beaker people. They then separated for around 2000 years hence the differences in cultures arose such as Celtic.

>> No.15211400

>Nordic is Germanic

Mmhhh. Won’t bother to correct
>>>>> skadi

>> No.15211411

"Nordic" is a region, while the tribes there are Germanic, you pleb. Swedish are North Germanic for instance but they live in the Nordic region.

>> No.15211417

Cecil, you’re cool. Gimme your discord

>> No.15211421

>using discord

Lol. I don't even have a "smart" phone. I use my cell for making calls and that's it. I'm forever living in 1999.

>> No.15211438
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same vibes

>> No.15211450

superimposed Roman cultural term and has nothing to do with genetics

>> No.15211462

This is the guy that calls you a shitskin on /pol/

>> No.15211474

Well no, it's not a genetic term as such but it's based on similar people and they all have roots in the Beaker culture, so genetically or racially they are the same.

Like when the Germanic tribes came to the British isles, the Celts were not racially different, just culturally. As both groups were one that separated a few thousand years prior.

>> No.15211501
File: 200 KB, 1280x720, delusionalIvyItacca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embrace your Ethnicity, Moron, you make Italiens look pathetic as Black Hebrew Israelites

>> No.15211504
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>> No.15211517
File: 1.23 MB, 960x660, 2eccf75be54d20a695a9e063516c48c8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In his face hides the same stupidity as already known from Fabio.

>> No.15211589

Is that Max Verstappen.

>> No.15211603

Only Amerimutts dress like this. Overcompensation for a lack of whiteness

>> No.15211653

Oh cool :))))))))))

>> No.15213092

ahahah chi è stato?

>> No.15213095

Simon from Inbetweeners looking ass

>> No.15213930

Paolo Sizzi e un grande, stai zitto

>> No.15213956

No. He strikes me as one of those Italians that prefers not to be actually Italian, but German, for instance.

>> No.15214007

This is absolutely wrong

>> No.15214015

>with a hint of Germanism
yeah and oak undertones. Half of these ethnicities sound made up lmao.

>> No.15214044

Germanic denotes linguistic-cultural roots. It has nothing to do with race as far as modern (post early 20th centurY anthropology goes). Same goes for Slavic. It’s not a race. Common misconception so I forgive your ignorance.
Now, if we were to attribute ethnolinguistic characteristics (by this I mean the language of a certain tribe, used and developed. characterised by a specific ethnicity) as a direct byproduct of the race itself then one could argue they are so closely related they represent interchangeable terms. This is not true and not practised nor recommended since it leads to misconception, such as the ones you have.
Again, your terminology is inaccurate and for everyone’s sake adapt the proper jargon

>> No.15215073


>> No.15215225

I already explained this, you spoon feeder. learn to read the thread before injecting your autism. They share the same linguistic-cultural roots because they have the same racial roots. The beaker people. We never explain the British Celts as "Germanic" either, but racially they fall under the same group because they too have the same roots from the beaker people. Therefore all Germanic people (and "Celtic") all have the same RACIAL roots and thus for reasons of simplicity we can group them as a racial group. There is a reason why Hitler thought of the British as "cousins" to the Germans FFS.

So my point stands that Nordic is a region populated by Germanic people (denoting linguistic-cultural roots) but they still have the same racial ancestry (the beaker people) so therefore while they share similar linguistic-cultural roots they also share the same RACIAL roots.

It's not hard to understand but apparently so when you have
a low IQ.

>> No.15216267

This guy looks like an attractive guy got beat with a cast iron pan.

>> No.15216269

face doesn't mean shit all if the person opens their mouth and sounds gross

>> No.15216271

actually, maybe not,Dylann Roof is literally retarded, yet still looks attractive.

>> No.15216331

Un grandissimo ahahah

>> No.15216349

redpillatemi su sto qua

>> No.15216883

È un grande difesore della italianitá concepita come uno stato federale e della grande razza bergamasca lombarda


>> No.15216922

Come mai non mi stupisce che il protagonista di un tentato stupro ai danni di un'infermiera, in quel di #Napoli, sia un negroide del Senegal?
lmao, ma è basatissimo

>> No.15216982

È più basato di quanto meritiamo ma resta comunque un NEET per quanto ne so

>> No.15217087

non che la cosa mi stupisca, fatico a vederlo come membro funzionale della società. mi ci farei comunque un drink

>> No.15217096

What the fuck are you talking about? Fabio is actually incredibly articulate if you’ve ever followed any of his interviews. He’s based as fuck when he calls out the bullshit within the US.

>> No.15217097

No face is everything it’s proven by science even if the male is dumb as rocks and the female is a bubbly bimbo.

>> No.15217588
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>> No.15217592
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