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File: 619 KB, 1075x1248, Screenshot_20200424-100043_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15209635 No.15209635 [Reply] [Original]

Would people think I'm vain and insecure if I get a hair transplant? Everyone I know can tell I'm going bald so it's not like they wont notice the change.

Do I need to take tranny pills forever after I do it?

>> No.15209639
File: 42 KB, 600x400, women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wigs, transplants, it's fraud. but not nearly blatant as the fraud that is women's makeup

>> No.15209642

absolutely they would think so.

>> No.15209675

Ask yourself if you lived in another city, nobody knew you and you knew nobody, what would you do?

If you would go for the transplant, then that's what you want and it's only others opinions holding you back.

>> No.15209693

Inform yourself how these happen, it's gruesome and horrifying.
And in the end it always looks off putting too, like every other beaty operation.

>> No.15209697

Why does literally every tryhard brown guy have that poofy hairstyle?

>> No.15209704

>Would people think I'm vain and insecure if I get a hair transplant?

That much is obvious, their own insecurities are the reason for them thinking this way. People apply different logic for others because they are retards. Are you going to let that stop you?

>> No.15209760

>Would people think I'm vain and insecure if I get a hair transplant?
Yes, but if you want hair just do it and fuck them, they'll get used to the change. They may think less of you for a few months but after that it's none of their business.

>Do I need to take tranny pills forever after I do it?
i don't know but i dont think so

>> No.15209765

>Do I need to take tranny pills forever after I do it?
yes, so you dont lose the transplanted hair. when did this calling tranny pills to dht blockers meme become a thing? they are not testoterone supressors

>> No.15210300

the transplanted hair is dht-resistant. the reason for taking the fin after HT is so you don't keep losing the remaining NATURAL hair, because a person only has so much donor hair in the back they won't be able to keep replacing it before the back of the head becomes a completely ugly scarred mess
if cell cloning actually worked today you could clone a single donor hair and replace your entire top head, and never have to take fin. but Replicel tried that and got shit results

>> No.15210565

>the transplanted hair is dht-resistant

>> No.15210700

I noticed many "after" pics such as this use sunglasses for cool points. It's also a frontal vs tilted, i.e. that account used many tricks to make the second photo more appealing than the first

>> No.15210715

the fact that you still have your fucking hair on the back and sides of your head ???

>> No.15210751

Everybody will think you are extremely insecure and vain, but do it anyway, because the opinion of others should be irreverent to you.

>> No.15210994

Turkey is one of the hotspots of baldness

>> No.15211003

they think they're european soccer players

>> No.15211004

You'll probably still end up bald and have a weird hairline like this guy

>> No.15211006
File: 30 KB, 620x430, laurent_fignon_reference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.15211280

in my opinion, that dude looked better with a buzzcut,

>> No.15211325

Why does everyone who gets a hair transplant always get that stupid haircut?

>> No.15211339

I think it's a case of when you've been balding and covering your hair up, you wanna rock the thick puffed up good hairline look like a peacock with its new feathers.

>> No.15211340

that guy looked better bald

>> No.15211345

>testosterone = unattractive
good goyim

>> No.15211353

Not true though, about test. Western men on average have 20% less test than a few generations ago and still you see balding everywhere.

Higher test will mean more DHT to attack fair follicles but it's not a significant difference. For instance people who have a full head of hair and no balding can increase test by massive amounts, like 500% or whatever with steroids and still retain their hair. Those who are balding doing the same thing will increase their hairloss.

Which would mean it;s a genetic factor as opposed to simply test amount.

More like being good goyim is eating vegan, having 2 eggs a week because of "cholesterol" when cholesterol is an important factor in test production. That's why the levels are falling in the Western world. The "healthy" diet while those in Africa and the Middle east have higher test as they don't buy into the bullshit vegan "be kind" diet shit.

>> No.15211387

I've always covered up my forehead with a fringe desu. First cause I had a really ugly boxed in hairline and whenever I used to get a fade and ask for a straight hairline it would look retarded and blocky. But now that I'm actually norwooding I have to block my hairline again. Feels bad man.

>> No.15211388

Lmao not even european soccer players are european

>> No.15211393

And if you suddenly had some great hairline with thick hair you might want to really show that off? I think that's what is going on with this guys. I hate that hair style, but I think that's what is happening mentally to them. Once they get used to having hair they will probably change the style later on down the line.

>> No.15211406

You're right I just found it funny how my hairline was too strong like khabib's when I was younger and now it's norwooding. I probably would do that but I got used to having a bangs so idk.

>> No.15211426

>Would people think I'm vain and insecure if I get a hair transplant?
Yes. And they'll be right. Also he looks better on the left.

>> No.15211427

>I broke my leg. Would people think I'm insecure if I get a cast?
>My jacket is dirty. Would people think I'm insecure if I get it cleaned?

If you have an opportunity to fix something that makes you feel bad, go for it my man

>> No.15211437

you're really stupid if you think those are the same thing at all

>> No.15211439

>female gets breast implants
>having slightly smaller breasts never had a great impact on her life
>male critiques her
>omg loser, incel, pathetic, female hating, sexist misogynist

>guy gets hair transplant because being bald has a large impact on life
>loser, insecure, pathetic
>everyone agrees

It's almost as though some of you people have been brainwashed to accept everything a female does and shoot each other down when a guy tries something similar.

Instead of letting men reach their potential and being equal to females, you work to keep them down and the females forever above them.

That's what happens when you grow up in a feminized society and yet you don't even know it or recognize it because you have been taught it from birth.

If I knew a dude who had a hair transplant I'd congratulate him and say how much better he looks and how many options he now has. if your "friends" try and make you feel bad over it, I have news for you. They are not your friends. They are parasites keeping you in your place and in chains.

>> No.15211446

The hair is those things times 10 so if washing a jacket is a positive thing then the transplant is times that positive thing by 10.

Half the posters here who attack this thing are bald or balding themselves. If everyone is bald you now fele normal.

It's like fat chicks who attack slim girls. They want the slim girls to be fat so suddenly the fat chicks are average and normal.

It's so obvious and this is coming from a bald guy of many years.

>> No.15211451

you're really not smart

>> No.15211496
File: 75 KB, 640x640, mog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good density, but he has the typical unnatural and pluggy-looking hair transplant hairline due double and triple grafts.

And you do need to take fin before and after hair transplant.

>> No.15211499

My IQ is over 130 and that's all I have to say about that.

What you really mean is you got corrected and because you have low self esteem you got hurt and so are lashing out. Never mind about my intelligence and focus on your confidence.

>> No.15211524

>If I knew a dude who had a hair transplant I'd congratulate him and say how much better he looks and how many options he now has. if your "friends" try and make you feel bad over it, I have news for you. They are not your friends.
great post, man.

>> No.15212884

If you're vain and insecure, it'll shine through in your personality anyway.

>> No.15212907

You are already vain and insecure. So it probably wouldnt change much

>> No.15213013

okay, I'll explain it to you

>I broke my leg. Would people think I'm insecure if I get a cast?
Getting a cast for a broken leg isn't comparable because a leg heals on it's own. By getting a cast you're preventing yourself from interfering with what's naturally going to happen. If your hair falls out naturally and you're artificially replacing it, you're doing the exact opposite of what getting a cast for a broken leg is.

>My jacket is dirty. Would people think I'm insecure if I get it cleaned?
You're comparing a human being to an article of clothing. This alone shows the parallel isn't worth any serious consideration. There's no natural element to a jacket because it's an artifically made item and thus artificially altering it doesn't detract from what it at its core is.

>The hair is those things times 10 so if washing a jacket is a positive thing then the transplant is times that positive thing by 10.
Getting a hair transplant is interfering with your body. It's fighting nature. It's why plastic surgery never truly looks good. You can spend 500k and get the best surgeon but you'll still fall short of what nature achieves effortlessly. Your logic is faulty here. The conclusion doesn't follow, because, as I've said, artifically repairing an artifical item isn't the same as artificially repairing a natural entity.

but fuck you haha faggot glad you're confident

>> No.15213545

So THATS why every middle aged Turkish man has the same hair style. I thought it was just a popular thing, but I guess they all just get the same hair transplants

>> No.15213555

Wow, this must be one of the finest examples of severe autism I have seen on this board.

It was a simple analogy, you utter, total and complete autistic sperg. Just wow. I bet your parents tell you to pipe down when the autism reaches its peak.

>> No.15213637

appeal to nature

>> No.15213680

Do the fucking transplant.

Take the fin pills.

Trust me, your life will improve.

>> No.15214003

Transplants are useless if youre not a good responder to finasteride. It's just gonna fall off and you're gonna look like a retard with a scar on the back of your head.

If youre a good responder to fin, definitely get one. It's not fraudulent because it's your own hair.

>> No.15214052
File: 29 KB, 448x420, 9d1b34317ef2c2aaeb7db1350ba4a8ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hair transplant?
Don't get hair transplants.
Don't listen to the siren song of "Grow natural hair on your head agaaaaain...!"
It looks like shit, it will never give you a full head of hair (it may "lower your hairline a little bit", but never like it used to be), and the hair they use from your own body isn't the same as head hair. Check the hair on your face, arms, legs, chest. Are those like the hairs on your head? Because those are the hairs that they will attempt to put on your head.
This is why hair transplants still look FAKE and UNCANNY VALLEY as fuck, despite being "natural".

Get a wig/"toupée"/"hair system".
They're not like they were in your grandpa's time, they make these things to Hollywood-special-effects levels of excrutiating detail and realism. They have professionals reference your natural hair to find a wig that matches it perfectly. They size and shape and fit it to match your exact scalp dimensions, and fit exactly along your lowest natural hairline/temples, stopping where your hair still grows, and blending in to the hair you still have, so you don't even have to shave yourself bald before sticking the thing on, it combs right into your hair.


>> No.15214058

>Will it look good?
"Yes", as in - "better than transplants".

>Will it convince people?
Not anyone who already knows you're balding, obviously. Strangers and people who only see you briefly? Of course, why would they assume it's a wig? That's not a normal thing to assume, and like I said, they don't fucking flap around in the breeze anymore like they did in the 1970s.

>Would people think I'm vain and insecure?
This is the big one:
Just fucking own it, don't deny it or hide it, not even to strangers. If the topic comes up, or someone somehow "clocks you" (lol trannies), just be straight-up:
>Yeah, it's a wig. Not bad, right? Better than they used to be. They even sized me and...
With a smile and a laugh about it, nobody can fuck with you.
You might even get other men curious. Maybe men don't have to suffer one of the few major hits to our beauty as we age. With just one cosmetic, vs. how many for the average woman? And how many more as she ages?

>Do I need to take tranny pills forever after I do it?
Brother, for your health, please don't start taking drastic drugs with risky side effects, and I'm not just talking about "hair growth" pills. No meds required for a toupee.

Not telling you what to buy or do, just giving you another option to consider. Don't rule it out until you've determined that a toupee would look super dumb on you or whatever.


>> No.15215235 [DELETED] 

>the hair they use from your own body isn't the same as head hair.

Breh wtf. They use donor hair from the back of your head.

Coll trolling, I guess?

>> No.15215239

>the hair they use from your own body isn't the same as head hair.

Breh wtf. They use donor hair from the back of your head.

Cool trolling, I guess?

>> No.15216001

If you want to go for it OP. Then go for it. Don't listen to other people.

>> No.15216317

doesn't invalidate shit

analogies are for retards incapable of abstract thought i.e. you

idiots are pig headed and you're pig headed therefore you're a fucking idiot, that works by your logic doesn't it?