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/fa/ - Fashion

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11861216 No.11861216 [Reply] [Original]

Hello friends. I am under no circumstances supposed to be telling you this but I was just laid off along with about a dozen others and I'm behind a proxy so I think I'll give you guys some tasty info

I worked for a department of a company most of you will definitely know by name, a department that essentially acted as a very secretive and very influential advertising firm. The secrecy is mostly due to just how influential the department's decisions are.

For the past 25 years we have decided most, if not nearly all of the notable fashion trends that have spread through North America, typically followed by Europe if we're lucky. These trends are decided on through what are basically auctions involving representatives from various clothing retailers and manufacturers, big and small, fast fashion or niche. (Although fast fashion companies usually end up taking note of whatever niche brands get entered and sell similar items very soon after)

Although I won't tell you the brands that bid for these, I will tell you what trends you should expect to see in the next <5 years, although some may be longer. Some may be very very soon, I'm not sure as I never got access to that information.

Trends coming in second post:

>> No.11861218

>loose yet unbaggy clothing (I know many of you are already aware of this)
>a return to tight clothing some time after the loose trend loses steam
>asymmetrical sleeve and pants length
>thick soles on men's sneakers
>black and white shoelaces
>mid-calf length jeans
>allowing clothes to decay or be eaten by moths/other before washing and wearing (many pre-distressed clothes are to be expected)
>socks designed to have joggers tucked into them
>knee-high sneakers ala Rick
>shirts completely covered in fine text
>a new brand of uniformly glowing watches (will be marketed to urban streetwear audiences)
>functional long sleeve tees (assorted tools and features implemented in the sleeves)
>functional clothing in general will catch on in urban wear
>shirted designed to have the collars popped
>reversible jeans (typically black/white but inevitably other colorways will be made)
>fishnet sleeves
>shoes that have been pre-burned with flames
>an soon-to-emerge brand of hats owned by Nike, currently being referred to as "squawk boxes"
>padded jeans pockets
>kevlar as a casual material
>"50's retro-future" rings around shoulders and collars, Jetsons-esque. (mainly in avant garde circles)
>heavily distressed/abused clothing in general
>expect a huge jump in interest in polygonal clothing and accessories

Assuming this information being leaked won't interfere with the existing deals (there is a good possibility it could, certainly for a few) these are already being prepared and some are being integrated already. The more you spread this information the more damage you'll do to the firm and the less accurate this list will be. I'll let you all decide what to do, knowing that.


>> No.11861227

Don't forget super colorful hippie-esque ripoff shit because your favorite rappers will be rapping about psychedelics more and more in the future.

>> No.11861236

Nothing that I saw in the firm said anything about this, but there are of course plenty of trends that crop up without any ulterior motive, just organically

>> No.11861237
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>loose clothing
>then tight clothing


>> No.11861242
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>kevlar as a casual material

i can dig it
the rest are bleh

>> No.11861244

It's common sense but it will also be financially backed just to ensure it

Using this trip from now on

>> No.11861246
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>le fashion conspiracy meme

fuccboi please leave and go do something else with your friday night

>describes a bunch of generalized shit or stuff that has already been happening since 2014

>> No.11861255

I'm not the one coming up with these trends. Some of the CEOs behind these entries aren't even completely in touch with underground fashion, it's just about what we are being paid to enforce

Shoot some emails to a brand if you're unhappy

>> No.11861263

Sounds horrid. But regarding the moth-destoryed clothing, shouldn't you be relatively safe from moths as long as you don't have anything with wool in it?

>> No.11861268

I don't think they'd really be concerned with how DIYers at home are doing it, they just want the moth-bitten look to be trending so they can sell clothes that are only manufactured to look like they have been

They aren't actually releasing a bunch of moths in their storage rooms, anon

>> No.11861274

Sure, was more like a fbgeneral kind of question.

>> No.11861305

This is a fashion board, if you want to post your works of fiction go to /lit/ or reddit.

>> No.11861322

How do I summon a succubus?

>> No.11861372


>> No.11861406


try harder

>> No.11862069

WHOA WHOA WHOA. Hold the fucking presses

Wait, so you're telling me that there are people in charge of marketing decisions to try and make money in the fucking fashion industry?!


>> No.11862153

Yeah, nothing here should be too surprising for anyone, I was just explaining how the firm worked