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File: 183 KB, 500x500, carapls (2015_09_18 12_40_44 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10456082 No.10456082 [Reply] [Original]

Skincare General.

Post everything related to skin care ITT.

Skin care basics: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Skin-care_Basics
Acne treatment: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Acne_Treatment

Skinacea Links:
Retinoids: http://www.skinacea.com/retinoids/retinoids.html
Sunscreen: http://www.skinacea.com/sunscreen/sunscreen.html
Ridding dark eye circles: http://www.skinacea.com/how-to/get-rid-of-dark-circles.html

General Guide: http://hastebin.com/raw/wojuyazibo
Dark circles: http://pastebin.com/t796eKvr
Soap, pH, irritants, and synthetic detergents: http://pastebin.com/51yse1NE
Popping pimples: http://pastebin.com/MufDiSfy
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation: http://pastebin.com/GXYPdwMf
Skin tone and diet: http://hastebin.com/raw/ehesotajaf
Causes of acne: http://pastebin.com/tudaKWmN


>> No.10456088
File: 110 KB, 645x773, 1432562811383 (2015_09_18 12_40_44 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really skincare but can anyone recommend any good Teeth whitening strips?

>> No.10456091

My house doctor told me to get a tan to improve my acne.

Was he just brosciencing? Most Derms tell me to always wear sunscreen. I might do it with heavy sunscreen on my face and shoulders, but I don't know it it's worth it.

>> No.10456142

For a 2% salicylic acid gel, how long am I supposed to keep it on my skin for a treatment? I can't find info on this anywhere.

>> No.10456148

thats retarded

and tanning will make acne scars more permanent

>> No.10456157
File: 378 KB, 797x661, 1443815239812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you know dat
you can cure your keratosis pilaris by not eating like a piece of shit for 9 months or so??

>> No.10456178

>and tanning will make acne scars more permanent
Exactly what I thought too. My chest/stomach is admittedly a bit pale compared to my face/arms/legs, but I really to want to get more UV damage to my face if I can avoid it.

>> No.10456191
File: 38 KB, 1042x108, Screen Shot 2015-10-04 at 9.28.04 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10456262

It's still pretty easy to tan with sunscreen on for me, depending on your skin of course it would be different

>> No.10456274

That's strange. I'm a med student and we've gone through dermatology already, and there's nothing that says that tanning remediates acne. However, every time I've been tanning I've noticed that my skin has looked cleaner. I think it may have to do with my eating habits changing and my stress levels dropping in sunny seasons thanks to summer vacation and more outdoors activities. Perhaps because the skin is darker red pimples and blackhead stand out less. Also do be aware that high sodium foods, deep fried foods and chocolate do cause acne indirectly.

>> No.10456282

Explain it

>> No.10456287

Within dermatology, many has thought that acne generally worsens during winter (main factors here are humidity levels and UV exposure), but this has been proven pretty wrong later on [1, 4].

The point of sunlight on acne is mainly related to the UV exposure. It has been shown to kill acne bacteria in the skin in studies [2, 3], and therefore help with symptoms. It's not proven though that sunlight "works in the same way", or rather that the exposure amount and kind is not the same [4].

Your doctor therefore has no scientific reason to recommend it in order to get rid of your acne. Bear in mind that your house doctor is most likely a specialist in family medicine - and not a specialist in dermatology.

Sun exposure is something I would consider if I had a limited amount of acne, though, since the red spots you get when you have acne are less prominent when you have a bit darker skin. Your acne will therefore be less visible to other people if you have color.

UV damage to healing acne wounds and scars is something you should take into consideration, though. Check out "skin tone and diet" in the FAQ if you want to change your skin tone in a safer way, and consider using a discreet foundation/spot concealer.

Hope this clears things up.

1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12227481

2: http://www.verilux.com/pdfs/Journal-of-Cosmetic-and-Laser-Therapy.pdf

3. http://www.neuglow.com/Info%20Sheets/Blumod_Clinical_Trial_China.pdf

4. http://fampra.oxfordjournals.org/content/22/1/62.full

>> No.10456290

You're my favorite trip.

>> No.10456294


The part about the darker skintone is true, if you're just a bit blotchy and you fake tan it usually eliminates the look of it. If you wear makeup you should remember to buy fitting makeup though.

>> No.10456295
File: 281 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20151004_125208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this tbh

what do i do about these shitty marks on my skin?

i got a Benzoyl Peroxide soap bar which i've used once daily for about two weeks now

and then i've been using cetaphil gentle cleansers 2x a day, 1 stridex medicate thing a day and a little moisturiser afterwards and i'm still a pizza face

sorry 4 shit quality i have no real lighting in my place + ignore my garbage eyebrows i know i need to clean them up

>> No.10456341

Thank you for the detailed reply.

I'm pretty sure he (my doctor) was referring to the hormesis effect (more white blood cells reaching skin because of slight damage) though I'm not a medfag and I'm pretty sure there's even less proof of that than "killing bacteria" hence why I'm asking /fa/.

I might do it once my acne clears up enough, my chest looks good, but I don't want to risk damaging my face that's had a recent breakout.

>UV damage to healing acne wounds and scars is something you should take into consideration, though.
Wait do you mean it helps heal them or it damages and scars them more like I think?

>> No.10456375

>Skin tone and diet: http://hastebin.com/raw/ehesotajaf
I read through the papers in these, but none of them says how much carotenoids is in "+4-7 portions" of fruit/veges.

Is consuming ~300g carrots per day enough? Should I be eating more? I've been trying to increase my hue for a month, I've noticed slight change, but that might just be due to melanin changes because it's summer here and I've been getting more exposure.

>> No.10456483


>I'm pretty sure there's even less proof of that

Afaik, yes.

Ultraviolet radiation damages body tissues. Wounds and scars are more sensitive to ultraviolet radiation. UV radiation will make wounds heal slower and "worse" - you're more likely to get dark spots and raised scars. Scar areas are also a risk factor for skin cancer from sun exposure.

I clearly need to revise that. I thought about that "portions" was very vague, but I didn't find any further specifications in the literature. A relatively small amount of lycopene (from tomatoes, for example) is needed to enhance UV protection in skin (in some studies it's as little as 55 g tomato paste/day) [1], so I imagine that it's somewhere above that for tomatoes.

As for carrots/pumpkins/sweet potato? Don't know. I'd probably just start eating 1-2 carrots/glasses of carrot juice/sweet potatoes per day and then see how my hue changes. Then I can up the dose, if needed. It takes longer time for you to get rid of the new color in the skin than it takes to get it - so you better increase it progressively and not risk being too orange/red in the skin for several months, lol.


1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20854436

>> No.10456530

Between 20 and 35 mins, girlf is a derm

>> No.10456575

>girlf is a derm


Paula's Choice 2% salicylic acid gel
>do not rinse

Stridex Pads 2% salicylic acid
>do not rinse

Neutrogena Rapid Clear 2% salicylic acid gel
>do not rinse

2% salicylic acid is always left on the skin. it's not a 30% chemical peel.

>> No.10456827

seems like BS

>> No.10456861

Thank you so much for your replies, I really appreciate you taking the effort.

>> No.10456893

I'm using it to treat comedones, but even if I wash it off after a few seconds it burns like hell where I have post acne inflammation, especially after I try to apply a moisturizer or something. Am I being retarded and fucking something up or is this normal?

>> No.10456902

is it alcohol based? what brand are you using?

>post acne inflammation
do you mean red spots or what?

>> No.10456903

Every time I use a moisturiser it makes my light acne worse. Am I making this up or does anyone else find the same?

>> No.10456949

your skin looks pretty good in the pic, just work on diet/exercise/water intake

>> No.10456955

Garnier. This is the product:

No methanol or ethanol in the ingredient shit. It has a lot of plant based shit like menthol I don't know if there's anything bad in there.

I just bought it because I didn't really know the difference between the products.

Yeah I mean redspots.

>> No.10456961

Oil based moisturizers always fuck up my skin, water based works for me.

>> No.10456979

Anyone know good black head stuff?

I've got no problems with spots but too much black heads around mu nose

>> No.10456983

oh, right. that's a wash. those are not meant to be left on for a long time at all.

the products listed here though
are all meant to be left on. they're not washes.

that one probably has some kind of detergent in it that your skin is sensitive to. try some other wash or a smaller amount

>> No.10457000

Alright thanks.

>> No.10457005

Any recommendations?

>> No.10457016 [DELETED] 

did you read the sticky?

>> No.10457028

did you check the faq?

>> No.10457029

my dick is literally diamonds

>> No.10457035

I don't have any specific recs, I use a lot of different products, most labeled sensitive skin works for me.

>> No.10457081

Here are some general tips:

1. NEVER use any pore strips or products that rip open your pores. They enlarge pores allowing access for dirt and toxins to enter more easily.

2. If you use any clay or coal products (this could be masks, soaps, face washes etc) make sure you moisturize more than usual because they strip away more moisture than other products.

3. Invest in some face masks! Clay face masks, face sheets and gel masks from Korean beauty stores work like a charm and are super cheap. If you really want to improve your skin, then invest in products. I always have a big stack of face masks and gel masks in the fridge.

4. Always drink water and don't touch your face.

>> No.10457085

*Forgot one more thing.
5. Don't use any foam cleaners or cleansers that generate suds or soap-like suds as they tend to dry out your skin easily.

>> No.10457693


>> No.10458726

just keep it up with salicylic acid

>> No.10458763

I have pretty decent skin care, but I have some pretty bad backne on the upper half of my back.

I've been sleeping with a fresh shirt every night, and trying to exfoliate as much as I can with a loofa, but I'm not seeing any improvements. Any advice?

>> No.10458786

could be your haircare products (if you use any)

when you rinse your hair in the shower the water with the product in it could be running down your back

>> No.10458793

I condition every day, but only shampoo 1-2 times a week.

Wouldn't it just wash off?

>> No.10459487


>> No.10459500

i've thought about doing this shit after wanking, never actually done it. Will try now

>> No.10459504

hey i've seen you post in the past about correlation between dairy and acne

is milk the main "culprit" here? I could cut it out of my diet p easy, but i eat plain yogurt sometimes and wonder if that should go too

I was on accutane awhile ago but got a big pimple on my jaw. Hopefully it's just a rarity

>> No.10459510
File: 97 KB, 640x640, 1443535294367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a minimum requirement for Accutane?

My skin sucks but I don't even have that much acne. It's just oily, greasy, sometimes acne-ridden, wrinkly bullshit that pisses me off. I've also got some bad back acne and lots of blackheads on my lower back.

Is it possible to get it?

Don't bullshit me with your fucking 'routines', because I've tried everything and even went on several acne medications like minocycline and doxycycline

>> No.10459514

can sleeping face down on the pillow worsen pih? i swear, i've had pih for years and it's not getting better

>> No.10459534

get the tane bro. i was the same minocycline and BP and other topicals did nothing

>> No.10459575

I think Ive been quite lucky.
As a yout I had long hair and a spotty back, some spots on my forehead. I didnt wash my hair enough at all.
But we are talking minimal spots even still.

I wasnt even a particularly clean teenager either and I think thats what might have helped. Ive never had oily skin and I do try to avoid touching my face. I have no acne scars and I cleared my back up pretty quick.

Im in my mid 20s and the only thing to give me spots is pizza or curry fingers or something. Grease around the mouth basically. I occasionally get a spot in the middle of my T zone and thats it.

So my advice is, DONT OVERDO IT or you will always be battleing with spots, pores, blackheads w/e.

I do have a teeny tiny recurring blackhead on my 'vermilion border' (lip)

>> No.10459676

you know how water isn't enough to get the grease off a dirty dish? the same thing applies to your skin and oil

i use a natural conditioner everyday that has a ton of oils in it, and if i'm not careful when washing it out i get break outs on my face and back. that's why i wash my face in the shower last and make sure to scrub my back and shoulders with soap after i condition

>> No.10459689

The post at >>10450386 ?

Dairy and high GI load foods are the two main food types that are problematic. There's good reason to skip both of those kinds of food, even disregarding the acne issue. A "simple" first step might be to skip dairy, though.


It probably won't hurt to give it a try. Abstaining from all kinds of dairy can be worth a try - and then trying yoghurt again and see how that works for you. Good luck

Main factors: Patient suffering + treatment resistance + high scores on various acne severity ratings.

Treatment resistance, check.
Patient suffering, check.

If you've tried several other things, then a good dermatologist will probably prescribe you some if you're deemed healthy enough. How bad your acne is is only part of the issue. There are other medications to try, but none of them can reliably deal with excessive oil production (except Accutane).

>> No.10460400
File: 102 KB, 908x830, Upload.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this even acne?

This appeared on my cheeks overnight two weeks ago. The rest of my skin looks perfect and I don't think it's acne scarring because I've never had a huge outbreak here before. (this pic looks a bit oily because I just applied a sunscreen moisturizer)

At first I thought it was it was whitheads because some of it formed around the facial hairs, but I'm starting to think it might be an allergic reaction or something because most of the inflammation isn't around cysts. I tried to treat it with various things with no results. A lot of skin in the area was also clearly dried up and dead at first, but after moisturizing like normal I don't see any dry skin anymore.

The inflation isn't going away and it burns like hell whenever I apply a moisturizer or something, but it doesn't hurt to touch or anything like cystic acne does, there's also no protrusion or anything. The only thing I can think of that's changed is a some metal oxides in the sunscreen I use because the seasons changed here so I used a stronger sunscreen.

Do you guys think this is an allergic reaction or is it acne?

Please help, this is the most annoying shit ever and I can't get rid of it.

>> No.10460432

Can anecdotally attest to this. Cutting out dairy is one of the best lifestyle decisions I've ever made.

>> No.10460444

How can i help my acne scarring from standing out? I just want to even out the skin tone a little. Usually if i had a pimple on my nose and i popped it, the skin would peel a little and go right back to the way it was. But with the most recent nose pimple, it left a dark spot that doesnt look like it wants to go away.

>> No.10460477

if you have dark spots, protect them with sunblock in the morning.

change skin tone through diet, but not through sunlight because it'll increase your dark spots. use foundation or spot concealer

>> No.10460491

Go see a doctor, that might be a rash.

>> No.10460545

I just remembered that right after the outbreak I used a scrub a few times to get rid of the dead skin cells.

Could that have caused it?

I'll try and MD, but my house doctor is retarded and derm consultations are insanely expensive in my city.

>> No.10460559

seems like skin irritation

wash & scrub less, and try to moistuize

>> No.10460565

Thank you.

>> No.10460597

can you rec a good sunscreen for oily skin? was thinking about trying cerave

>> No.10460600

can someone please clear up for me which cerave lotion is fine to use on your face?

i've got oily skin and am looking for a good moisturizer/sunscreen that won't break me out or contribute to the oil

>> No.10460609

go with the standard moisturizing lotion. it's goat.

check the general guide. kiehls is pretty matte for a sunscreen, but it's not the cheapest option

>> No.10460614

Have lots of blackheads and pimples @forehead. help me to choose right cleanser and Moisturizer

>> No.10460636


>> No.10460644

Alright guys, I'v had trouble with eczema since I was a newborn (its some hormonal issue) and its behaving worse than ever.

Does any of you have had a similar problem? Any advice? Because this is fucking killing me. I know my mother got a hormonal injection to deal with it, but I'm not sure if my body is grown yet for to get it and I just can't deal with this shit for more years.

>> No.10460795

I have a genetic predisposition for it too according to my derm, but I haven't had any major symptoms yet other than on my foot (from which it was diagnosed) and a few minor outbreaks, thought apparently I can expect a shitton when I'm over 25 (I'm scared ;_;).

Don't really have solid advice other not letting anything other than cold water and moisturizer 3x day touch my skin and keeping it dry otherwise works for me. Every time I've used creams, Benzyl Peroxide, steroidal etc. it all fucked my skin up, I don't know I'm sure works for some people, it just never works for me.

All I do is eat clean and try to stay healthy. My skin looks great at the moment even the eczema on my foot has receded a bit. I were you I'd try everything I could before resorting to hormonal therapy, remove any potential triggers and bad dietary habits etc. first. Hopefully the based STHLM can help you with it thought I think you should talk to your mother about trying to get an appointment with the derm.

>> No.10460900

have you tried sun/vitamin D therapy? seriously like just standing in the sunlight or getting brief UV treatment?
it's really hard to advise because it has so many (often unknown) causes and rarely a concrete treatment. the above is a less common form I believe but was triggered in a friend of mine when he moved to a region with less sunlight than before. mine is totally random, and frequently spotty, rather than consistently all over the place so it's annoying but not really problematic. hands can get a little chewed up looking though. moisturize, see if steriodal creams work. idk see a doc.

>> No.10461223
File: 22 KB, 500x500, 41SKn+fpbYL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've found the cure for nose blackheads.

Get a showerhead with a powerwasher-like setting like pic related. Blast the shit out of your nose and then use stridex pads on it after.

Did this for a week or two and my nose clear.

>> No.10461239

anyone else a skin picking degenerate?

my skin looks great when I don't compulsively squeeze every blocked pore I can find

>> No.10461252

a kind of OCD

good support community here:


>> No.10461450

don't, it will be hard to get rid of the smell of cum.
take this from a fag who has received facial

>> No.10462113


>> No.10463632


>> No.10464000
File: 74 KB, 867x825, Whiteheads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hola guys, does anyone know how to prevent whiteheads? I’m getting them a lot on the cheeks, so my skin looks crumbly. I do professional face cleaning from time to time, but it stays fine for like a month, then i get whiteheads again. Does anyone know cure or routine to prevent that?

>> No.10464206

I have a doctors appointment in a few hours, I want to get something to treat bacne that's not as strong as accutane, what prescriptions have worked for you guys

>> No.10464378


>> No.10464558

doxycycline was good and then I moved up to bactrim. I also am not in need of full on accutane.

>> No.10464605
File: 30 KB, 652x870, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a poor college student and my dad won't pay my medical bills. I can't see a dermatologist.

I've tried everything:
Cetaphil + Benzoyl
Sacilic Acid

Literally everything,
What can I even do /fa/ I fucking hate myself and can barely leave the house because of this

>> No.10464620


don't hate yourself mate, spots happen. Most people get them and its just one of lifes cruel throw ins.

>> No.10464621

chemical exfoliant

>> No.10464637

sebaceous filaments

nothing fucking gets rid of these. what can I do? SA does nothing

>> No.10464639

Seems like your fucking up your skin by using too much antagonistic shit.

Try doing nothing but cold water + moisterizer for 2 months.

>> No.10464916

You have a very good face-bone structure going for you. It'll get better, don't worry bub

>> No.10464926

Just keep your nose clean to make them less visible. Do NOT irritate them. Sadly that's all you can do.

>> No.10464932

Accutane m8. It changed my life.

>> No.10464943

Will try that, thanks

>> No.10464957

What can I do with my freckles? I don't have too many or to big like a ginger, they're just little brown dots randomly placed over my face.

Is there a way to remove them or make them less noticeable?


>> No.10465019

Dunno mans. My acne is genetic related and my mother was put on Accutane during her teen years because it made her " look like a monster ". Kinda scared it'll happen to me because genes, is this a possibility? if I go on Accutane will it get worse and then better?

>> No.10465715

all you need to know


also, sunscreen and makeup

>> No.10466724

Sebaceous filaments are entirely normal and won't go away.

However, you can reduce their appearance by using AHAs or BHAs.

There is also a BHA-clay-oil method:


Remember, this is temporary. they won't go away completely.

>> No.10466742
File: 49 KB, 600x450, flanny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If i think dairy gives me pimples will soy milk fix that?

>> No.10466781

I was thinking of just trying a routine of cold water and moisturiser. Is this a good or bad idea?

>> No.10466944


>> No.10466985
File: 89 KB, 600x424, moles[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have it this bad but what do i do about unraised moles on the body.. is there anything i can do besides burning them or lazer treatment or whatnot.

>> No.10467065


>> No.10467737

>wake up
>hey my skin is looking a lot better
>one spot appears
>hopefully wont be too bad tomorrow morning
>wake up
>hey its alright
>later in day look in mirror
>want to die

20 years old, got full routine, got BP, on high strength retinoids, still can't get clear skin. I want off the ride

>> No.10467746

Is there a correlation between caffeine and acne? Should I try dropping tea and coffee from my diet? I drink it quite a lot.

What is a drink I can sub in to quench the craving.

>> No.10467757


>> No.10467983

try no dairy and wash your face a couple of times a day

>> No.10467989

I would stay away from soy products cause all the negative bullshit that comes with it, maybe try something like i do...its a mix of coconut and almond milk in one container. Hate the taste but use it for smoothies and for baking.

No dairy has helped me tho

>> No.10468131

video related
wonder if this really works

>> No.10468762

Acne is more genetic than environmental, unless you do things that are sure to cause acne on a regular basis.

>> No.10469332
File: 27 KB, 343x355, 91WeXXiZl6L._SY355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to read into skincare but I don't understand shit.

I want a clean and soft face.
Got mild acne and blackheads going on. Will pic related help me if I just use it on its own?

>> No.10469497

finally saw a dermatologist yesterday

he prescribed me doxycycline

anyone been on it?

>> No.10469504

that looks disgusting

>> No.10469534

on it right now
its ok
i suppose its working because i get less spots and none are cystic that i know of
before being put on it i had mild acne i would say
i am on a 6 month treatment which, if it doesn't work, i am promised accutane
im in the uk
(might ask for retin-a instead of accutane since accutane can fuck you up and retin-a has anti-ageing properties)

>> No.10469568


Also get a black head scrapper. It's a metal thing with a hook on the end.
>scrape one night
>next night scrape some more
>aztec healing clay mixed with ACV
>15 min
>wash off

also use anything with AHA I use. Alpha hydrox.. Put that shit on in the morning and before you sleep.

Drink more water, avoid sugar. Wash sheets / pillowcase on the regular.

stop touching your face.

>> No.10469719

finally going on accutane for cystic acne on face and back, can anyone here who has been on it recommend me a good facial and body moisturizer to use while on it?

>> No.10470020
File: 392 KB, 720x344, whiteheads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats not my skin, whiteheads look more like this. But yeah, shit is ugly anyway.

>> No.10470061

anything from cerave/cetaphil is GOAT

cheap, too
Check Amazon

>> No.10470168

stop eating shit m8

>> No.10470299

i got prescribed retin-a as well

but from what i heard it's kind of like accutane (gets worse before better) :(

>> No.10470310

yes i used cetaphil gentle cleanser & their moisturizer

Aquaphor for lips

>> No.10470566

What do with overly dry skin on the body?

I think I'm closing in to psoriasis mode or I'm just shedding

>> No.10470578

cara delevigne has been such a meme since 2013 can we give it a rest

>> No.10470661

raw honey face mask on for 30 mins a day helps a lot.
me get a smoother skin and no more breakouts.
u need raw honey, the kind you find in farmers market.

>> No.10470814

Don't know if anyone else has experienced this, but I used to have pretty bad skin, not serious acne, just your usual pimples. I've tried almost every cleanser on the market, nothing helped. The thing that helped me was using absolutely nothing. I moisturize after I shower and that's it. My skin completely cleared up and looks great. I occasionally exfoliate my nose area every one or two weeks to deal with the a few minor blackheads I get, but that's about it.

>> No.10471247

you stop overwashing
and start moisturizing
and check for psoriasis

>> No.10472298

>p 9

>> No.10472315

did a course of it, complete waste of my time. even if it doesnt work finish the course so they're more likely to give you accutane.

>> No.10472334
File: 57 KB, 450x600, 1434146801765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid question for you people

Will having really clear skin make some of my shitty facial features look less defined? I have a big nose, and granted it will always be big, but of course will have clear skin make it kind of...blend in a bit more? Because my shitty skin is really dull, wrinkly, etc and I'm wondering if that could cause my nose to stand out.

Idk pls help im depressed

>> No.10472351

everything will look better
I promise

>> No.10472365


Really won't

for someone without great or strong structures, having clear skin makes a world of difference.

Google Mario Gotze - then imagine him with acne, you'll see what I mean

>> No.10472916

can coffee with milk cause sever acne?

>> No.10474338

Just updating this in case someone finds it useful and to also bump the thread.

Turns out I was having an allergic reaction to the sunscreen I use.

I got a topical anti-histamine and it disappeared over night. (pharma guy also gave me cortisone, but I didn't use it in case my issue was one of the contraindications)

I tested some sunscreen and it almost immediately flared up again. Anti-histamine calmed it down by nightfall.

Anyway skin is perfect now, no acne or dry skin even. The sunscreen has both metal-oxides and organics so I'm not sure which of the ingredients I'm actually allergic.

I've decided to pursue a strategy of never getting sunlight exposure again instead.

>> No.10474348


it'll just fuck with your teeth color

>> No.10474709

How do I effectively use 5% benzoyl peroxide? Any other products I should use with it (moisturizer, exfoliator, etc)?

>> No.10474741

for the best usage, read the information on the package instead of asking 4chan

benzoyl peroxide is an exfoliator.

use it after your face wahs.

>> No.10474920

Can I do anything about those lines on my forehead?

Also I hate my sebaceous filaments.

And lastly, feel good because I have eczema. It's pretty under control now but I once stopped using my steroid creams and I had to withdraw. It took almost 2 years before I could go outside normally. I was bed ridden for 9 months. Shit was ridiculous.

>> No.10475832
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Going on accutane in a couple of days

What should I expect?

>> No.10475835

your doctor should have told you this

dry skin. what do you expect?

>> No.10475848

They did tell me

I want some fucking feedback from people who have been on it. Ever thought of that you whack fuck?

>> No.10475858


But it depends of a lot of factors. Duration of the treatment and dosage, for a start.

In my case i went through all the possible side-effects, and now i'm stuck with personality change and paranoia.

It pretty much cleaned my face from zits though, i'll give you that. Now they moved on my scalp, under my hair. Don't know why.

>> No.10476016

chapped fucking lips

>> No.10476028

>tfw smile lines
How did this happen? I don't even smile.

>> No.10476938

Just age man, I'm as serious as you can get and starting getting them too. Cleansers and moisturizers have helped in diminish them.

>> No.10476945

It does, there won't be that much contrast so the nose will blend in better. If your nostrils acquire the same tone as the rest you're set.

>> No.10476952


if you don't wear sunscreen then you're gonna get wrinkles too.

>> No.10477054

A referenced post on 4chan, I'm kekking in the most positive way. Top tier post mane.

>> No.10477085

You won't be able to suck dicks, because your lips will be chapped.

But honestly:

>Get Aquaphor for your lips
>ALWAYS wear sunscreen (even if it's raining, cloudy or foggy)
>Just wash your face with Cetaphil (don't add any extra shit)
>stay away from chemical peels or anything like that (learned this the hard way)
>Patience (don't check your face all day, don't dilude yourself into thinking shit is working in just a day, because it[Accutane] fucks with your head. Your face usually starts clearing in about 3 months, so keep going until then)

>> No.10477155



I just wanted to be a dick

take care man

>> No.10477745

I'm not really sure when to apply sunscreen and when not to.

It's 10am and I'm staying home till maybe 3pm. Should I apply sunscreen now? I know it goes through windows but still it FEELS like It's not neccessairy.

>> No.10477953

Is it better to wash your face with cold or hot water, with a towel or just splashing water on your face?

>> No.10477964
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thanks bro

>> No.10477966

If you just want to wash it, I guess both are fine.
If you wash it when shaving, always hot, and end with cold.
If you wash for applying stuff, use hot water.

You don't want to wipe a towel on your face, especially if it's a towel you also use for other things. Using a facetowel too much without washing it is also not good. So if you use a towel use it by padding and use a clean one. I just prefer splashing.

For drying your face it's the same as said above, pad dry, clean towel.

>> No.10477973

Hastebin links in OP broken for anyone else?

>> No.10477976

It's just your end mate.

>> No.10477978

this might seem oddly specific but if she was wearing flannel this would be the hottest fucking picture

>> No.10478193

It is for me as well

>> No.10478308

my nose is oily as hell , and its always shiny as a result
>pls help

>> No.10478322

try some over the counter topical products on your nose, see what works

>> No.10479180

P-please answer..

>> No.10479216

stop picking your fucking face you fucking retard. holy shit. never pick your fucking face

>> No.10479541

Three ingredients for acne free, smooth skin:

Raw Honey
Tea Tree Oil
Sunflower Oil

Every night give yourself a honey face mask. Make sure it's raw because raw honey crystallizes and makes a good gentle exfoliator. Leave it on your face for about 30 mins then rinse with warm water. Then massage some sunflower oil into your face for 2-3 minutes. Rinse with warm water, then get a cotton wool pad, apply a few drops of tea tree oil and a few drops of water, and wipe all over your face. Wait 20 mins, and if your face is feeling a little tight, apply a tiny drop of sunflower oil to your face as an overnight moisturiser (don't worry about it clogging your pores, it's non-comedogenic).

Do this and all you should need on a morning is a splash of lukewarm water.

>> No.10479601

How can I avoid an oily forehead??? Have some of you guys suffered from this??? I fucking hate it.

>> No.10479718

Try Desert Essence tea tree cleansing wipes

Also, use cold water

>> No.10479773

I've seen studies that show even just 5 minutes can be effective though, at least for benzoyl peroxide. See the second search result for "five minutes" here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2989815

Note that it wasn't the same reduction as leaving it on all the time though. Also I imagine each product might be different.

Right now I've got Paula's Choice 2.5% and I leave it on for an hour, then I wipe with Stridex and leave that on for half an hour. I just had a small breakout (two new pimples) so I'm going to wait another 2 weeks and see if I get any more, and if I do I might start leaving the PC on overnight.

>> No.10480748


>> No.10481116

Thanks Buzzfeed

>> No.10481122

What can I do about ingrown hairs all over my thighs?

>> No.10481174

For Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, tretinoin>glycolic acid?
My face and chest is fucked up wat do

>> No.10481203

Drink LOTS of aloe. Literally made my skin pure as fuck

>> No.10481249

guys what should i do about:

A. Flush cheeks


B. Cold sores?

anything I can do without getting an antiviral script?

>> No.10481427

I think it's funny how people assume that everyone has the time to do this

>> No.10481432

what kind of drinks contain aloe?

>> No.10481442
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Aloe Vera: The Drink

>> No.10481452

Anyone else here get eczema?

Feels like I'm cursed, man. Nothing I have done in the last 10 years has shaken it.

>> No.10481495

Hey niggas,

I've got pretty bad acne (bacne, too) and tinea versicolor. I live in Florida so I'm constantly sweating, it's humid and hot as fuck all the time.

It was 80 degrees today. It's the 11th day of fucking October. Someone please kill me

>> No.10481809

Embarrassing post
How do you use cleansers and exfoliators? In shower? After with water? No water needed just apply it and let it dry?


>> No.10481834


the water temperature is the most important thing. Wet your face with lukewarm water, foam the cleanser in your hands then apply to your face. Massage the cleanser on your face gently and wash off.

>> No.10481885

Thanks. Same for exfoliator?

>> No.10483206

Can someone rec me a moisturizer that is less thick/shiny than cetaphil

>> No.10483263
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/fa/ confirmed gayfags

>> No.10483312

pro tip: lay a clean towel on your pillow, and replace it frequently.

>> No.10483491

for cold sores, Abreva

>> No.10483694

those are fungi
you get them from too much sunlight or something.

a friend of mine has this.

I dont know how to treat it tho

>> No.10483853

I use this:
>inb4 acne.org shill, it "just werkz"

>> No.10483857

>dat lipstick

>> No.10483866

I had cysts and inflamed acne for a long time. I think it started when I was 11 and it never really went away until I was about 20 and I started doing acne.org regimen. Please don't call me a shill, you could buy these ingredients from anywhere, I just like their program of "more is more". If you buy from them in bulk the cost of keeping your skin clear is less than a dollar a day. Here's my routine, it took a while to work it out:
Washing my face with cold water
Apply a finger's length of SPF 110 sunscreen
Foam up a cleanser and apply to my whole face
Shave using the foam as lubricant
Dry face
Apply a finger's length of benzoyl peroxide
Apply one pump of AHA
Apply one pump of moisturizer

I only get acne when I skip this routine for a day. My skin is clear and the AHA gives it a healthy glow and smooth appearance.

>> No.10483909


accutane got rid of my acne completely, it used to be really bad. I don't know how expensive it'd be paying it on your own but look into it

>> No.10483926


>> No.10483953

>follow tons of guides like this for months at a time over the period of 5 years
>it knocks down the symptoms but acne usually fucks my shit up at the slightest fuck up in routine
>get my own apartment and become lazy as fuck, skipping showers sometimes 3 days at a time
>acne vanishes in a few months and stays gone, body sweat comes down to normal levels, hair stops being greasy after skipping a day of no shower, literally all skin and hair problems nearly vanish for good

I was addicted to showers and would take 2-3 hot showers a day. If you're doing that shit, stop.

>> No.10483954
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seems to work again

>> No.10483993

There's a pretty strong genetic component to acne.
There's a greater risk for you to get more severe acne if any of your parents had it during their teens. It's not guaranteed, though.

Only a minority of Accutane users experience a worsening of acne symptoms. Skin issues on Accutane is mostly related to the skin being very dry. Flaking, red spots, cracks, et c.

>> No.10484051

No but really, it helps.

>> No.10484067
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>mfw going to dermatologist tomorrow and will probably get accutane

Cosmetic surgery in like 6 months, and I will surely be fucking top notch

Feels good man

>> No.10484624

What's a good face moisturizer?

I've been using a 14% glycolic AHA serum that is working pretty good.

>> No.10485305

If I take accutane, am I guaranteed to get depressed? How can I manage that?

>> No.10485593

>am I guaranteed to get depressed?
Probably not
>How can I manage that?
Ask the doctor

I don't even think there's a definitive answer as to if it even CAUSES depression. Just ask your doctor.

>> No.10485879

How to get rid of frown lines. I frowned so much in my younger years that I have the jaden smith fore head lines :( .

>no botox.

>> No.10485955

I want to lose weight

>no dieting

I want to pass this course

>no studying

Not saying that botox is the only thing that works, but if by "no botox" you mean no injections/fillers/face lifts at all, then there's not that much you can do to change your appearance that much.

>> No.10485964

Pretty sure theres natural remedies and such. Also, I hear botox has to be constantly re injected

>> No.10486013

any might kill urself man in?
cetaphil face wash
Stridex 2% pads
Neutrogena oil free moisturiser

still getting 3 spots a day and my skin is flakey as fuck. Can't stop with the stridex but the dry skin is killing me

>> No.10486022

How 2 deal with cold sores?

>> No.10486068

There are plenty of natural remedies

The reason to why they are not offered by clinics is that they can't sell the service/product because the shit doesn't work.

>> No.10486085

guys I never had problems with my skin
and now I switched from shaving with those oneway razorknifes to an actual electronic shaver
I thought I was doing something nice to my body but ever since then I got ugly small red pimples all around the area I'm using the machine now, and it's getting worse and worse
can those to be actually linked or did my skin just get shitty?

>> No.10486177

>get my own apartment

Could it be that you changed the stuff you eat?

>> No.10486392

don't use electric shavers.
Use a one,two,or three blade razor

>> No.10486405

I used to, I'm on the Hay diet now and it's pretty much gone. (also I know "hay diet" sounds stupid but look it up)

>> No.10486407

How big is stress as a trigger?

I was completely clear (like golden fucking glowing skin) since puberty til I was 19, absolutely did not give a fuck about skin. Didn't use any facewash (just a dirty ass face rag) til like I was 15, and then used the harshest, cheapest crap w/o moisturizing or toning and shit. Was huge into the outdoors and would spend weeks at a time without showering or facial skin care or sunscreen with almost no problem.

Ever since I got to college there's been more problems with my skin. Last year (sophomore chem.engineering) I had the worst fucking breakout of deep inflamed big pimples on my cheek area (NEVER in my life even had whiteheads there). Thing is, I've been slowly taking better care of my skin even before this freak breakout with moisturizers and better gentle cleansers and it still happened.

Only things that have changed is the huge amount of school stress, more drinking (still in moderation), and starting to lift. The drinking part I was doing in HS as well so I'm somewhat sure that's not the main thing.

Could something as intangible as stress really fuck your shit up that hard?

>> No.10486468

You only put on aha and benzol peroxide once a day? I am on the acne.org regiment too but I put on bp morning and night. Lately my face has been breaking out more again and this routine has never really made my complexion perfect, it will get to the point where I have like 2-4 whiteheads and then I will break out again,but its pretty frustrating, especially because the stuff isnt really that cheap and I feel like I have to use it or I break out.

>> No.10486719


Crest white strips professional affects.
Worked for me.

>> No.10486836
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Is this rosacea? I'm in between heath insurances so I'm not able to go to the dermatologist.

Also I've heard cold showers is good for helping get rid of acne, but when would someone start seeing results?