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9993127 No.9993127[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What porn is effay?

>> No.9993130

2d facesitting

>> No.9993137


>> No.9993140

>tfw trying to do nofap for at least 2 months so i can get my dick back

please anon. dont post this

>> No.9993164


>> No.9993254

Back from where?

>> No.9993264


Wowgirls, fo sho

>> No.9993272

actually it's not an entirely meaningless question

something that kills a lot of porn for me is how badly the women dress. even basic bitch would be an upgrade for a lot of them.

also not enough porn is shot in cold places, I'd like to see some porn where they start fully clothed for a cold winter day and then strip it all off

porn needs more attention to clothing overall

>> No.9993281
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>falling prey to lusts that are physically unachievable

I'd say no porn is /fa/. Smoke a cigarette, go on a run, etc.

>> No.9993292

one that works

currently for me it's only femdom where they stick a toilet seat on a dudes face and take turns pissing on it

and kicking him in the nuts with patent leather boots

>> No.9993309

his ass

>> No.9993319

too bad no woman would ever want to be near you

>> No.9993321

This is me
I seriously hate when they wear those stupid heels, a flashy dress, and huge jewelry

>> No.9993325

Holy shit i need to stop watching porn before i go full autistic

Noticed that i feel a lot more at ease around women when im seeing someone and stop watching porn and fapping so much. Like when a bitch breaks my heart and i go back to porn all i think about is fucking. If i dont watch porn or get sucked into RSD, its like they are real people, ya dig? Fucking surreal

Cant quit fapping and pornhubing without an special friend tho

>> No.9993339

I only really watch porn to ease my anxiety and to get rid of my morning wood. porn isn't /fa/

>> No.9993345

Is this true?

I only think about fucking, but I fap a SHIT load.
Will this solve my problem? Will I stop growing monstrous and lascivious—begin to develop significant relationships with women instead of just fucking them and retreating?

I like to think I am waiting for a girl that I like, (because when I fuck a girl, I mostly don't like her beyond a physical level), but I worry I am condemning myself to a life of desensitization.

>> No.9993348


1. Voyeurism
2. Femdom
3. Feet
4. Traps
5. Bukkake
6. Hypnotism
8. Rape
9. NTR/Cuckold
10. Loli
9001. Furry
90000001. MILF
9000000000000001. BBW

>> No.9993349


amateur porn is where it's at, it takes time finding an /fa/ girl though

>> No.9993356
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BDSM is as effay as it gets

>> No.9993360
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>> No.9993363

True for me, once i fall in love with a hoe i stop being so cynical about them, you know? They are actually intelligent and interesting again.

And since im probably obsessed with her i stop fapping, watching porn and PUA BS.

Then shit always go down because of my commitment issues and im ok for a while until i go back to porn and fapping.

I think the main thing is to stop being so cynical, kinda break out of your thought pattern. Used to think all men thought about was sex 90% of the time when i was a teenager, then i fell in love i stopped thinking about all women as cum buckets. Super weird at first, want to stay like that but a man gets horny for some latina teen facials if all by himself.

>tfw no loving partner

>> No.9993368

This is good advice, I think. I will take it!

I have a problem with 'settling' with girls. I have a lot of girls obsessed with me, but none of them are 'intelligent' or qtp2t in my eyes, so I leave.

I am waiting for that girl that sweeps me off my feet, but maybe in my unrealistically construed world that doesn't exist.

You know...maybe I am too conceited...thinking I am way smarter than I really am, having too many girls that are obsessed with me. It makes you feel like a god sometimes.

>> No.9993389

definitely this

very advanced view

>> No.9993410

If you just decide to stop fapping all of a sudden it is hard as fuck. Im sure i could right now but it would be hard, so i would rather get some instant gratification tbh. It is easier if you really like someone, like you dont even think about it (ideally)

I used to be like that too, didnt have a lot of girls, maybe 2 or 3 after me at any given time. Used to think that they were stupid and i had control over my relationships since they were after me. The truth is I went home, fapped, read, fapped, videogames, fapped. Those girls lifes are way more interesting than ours, even if they dont read, are into fashion, music, etc. Like dont judge women, or anyone for that matter, girls are fucking amazing. Unless they are vapid little shits trying to be like Snooki or whatever, even they are fun tbh

When i tried to have my 1st real relationship i couldnt do it, finally realized that i was afraid not really waiting for the one. Still cant get into a relationship, have open ones here and there but havent had a gf in like 7 years. Girls end up wanting exclusivity and no matter how attached i am i just cant.

I really think porn and fapping made me too self-centered, kinda stiff. Its ok while im young i guess but one day ill have no one

Dont change real relationships for porn bro

Have fun with women, the one doesnt exist you encounter new things that you love in every girl, and new things that you hate too. The drama is fun af too, i like breaking bitches hearts once in a while even if i feel like shit while off-porn

>> No.9993428

How old are you bruv? Just for perspective's sake.

I think you are being a bit too self-deprecative. I mean, I think I have a pretty interesting life, especially taking my uni major and goals into consideration. I always talk myself up though, shit I don't know how to assess myself. There is a stark contrast between us though.

>> No.9993435

cool meme breh

>> No.9993441

or cheap shit that isn't flattering and shows too much

>> No.9993447
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if fapping hurt your relationships with others than, like all things, give it up.

however, there are people out there that can maintain relationships while fapping every once in a while. (hint: its most of the population)

>> No.9993455

23, really happy with my life maybe i made most of those decisions, people give me too much shit about the way i am tho. Maybe because i live in the suburbs who knows. Stopped talking to my 2 girls like 3 months ago after breaking up with the one i really loved, they are pretty hurt avout the whole thing. I dont even feel bad since i started fapping, like i know i can get more right? So fuck em, before fapping i felt like shit but was too depressed to do anything.

Im an ass, pretty ok with it tho, dont feel like saying it, still want people to think im a "good person". Everyone is getting married around here, fucking nightmare.

>> No.9993462

I live in Utah, so you have no idea how many people are getting married here.

I battle my alignment all the time, though I feel monstrous in any regard. I think it's normal at our age.

>> No.9993463

Yeah but not intensive porn consumption, like seig heil, or fapping 5 times a day

I dont think people doing that can really have a healthy relationship with women, not till they break out of the pattern

I mean i have a problem, not saying every fapper does

>> No.9993478

I don't understand people who say stopping porn makes them less horny

porn helps me jack off and jacking off helps me kill my sex drive so I can be normal during the day

if I stop that then everything starts to turn me on and I end up jacking off in public bathrooms fantasizing about fucking whichever girl I saw last

or I'll be on the bus with a solid boner for an hour straight just fantasizing about the whole bus being transported into another dimension where everyone suddenly gets the urge to start a big orgy and I end up wasting an hour that I could have spent reading

constant lusting with rare fulfillment is life without porn; controlled lusting with speedy fulfillment is life with porn. I choose porn

>> No.9993482
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>falling prey to lusts that are physically dangerous
You had a point, but take the log out of your own eye before pointing out the speck in your neighbours eye