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/fa/ - Fashion

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9992660 No.9992660 [Reply] [Original]

are cameras acceptable for a guy to have? do they seem homo? pic related, new cop.

>> No.9992664

a camera is fine if you use it.

If it's accessory, I really hope you die.

>> No.9992672

>do they seem homo?
6x6 or nothing faggot

>> No.9992682

obviously I enjoy it. I'm just worried about giving the wrong impression to people.

>> No.9992687

i carry a small compact film camera on me usually. although its a bit of a pain.

carrying a leica around ur neck all the time would fucking suck

no they aren't really fashionable or anything. they don't look cool.

although its pretty much the best camera so it would be worth carrying. but yeah, not fashionable

>> No.9992696

It's actually fairly light compared to a modern dslr and lens. compact, too.

>> No.9992705

how fucking autistic are you
is /fa/ literally shut in 14 year olds?

>> No.9992708

jesus man

if you enjoy it then you shouldn't give a fuck about what others think.
You have more problems than your camera, man.

>> No.9992710

wow, you care that much about what some random fuckwad on the sidewalk thinks about you? especially someone that has no influence on your life

holy shit man, get help. seriously i mean it.

>> No.9992715

i would be all over a guy with a leica

>> No.9992720

somewhat subtle viral marketing
then again, basic camera = basic bitches

>> No.9992723

leicas are for fags. real men use medium format

>> No.9992724

how is a leica basic?

>> No.9992730


yea but falling for muh film is retarded

>> No.9992748
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>> No.9992903

enjoy blowing all your highlights

>> No.9993133

>finally into photogrraphy as a hobby
>tfw cant decide on what to spend my money

what are some good affordable cameras? my budget is $500, maybe sttretching to $800

>> No.9993174

film or digi
also go educate yourself and don't visit /p/

>> No.9993178

haha holy shit, /p/ get a load of this faggot.

>> No.9993184

why shouldnt i visit /p/
are they as bad as /g/ with thinkpads and linux shit

>> No.9993200

you buy a fucking $4000 leica and then ask this

>> No.9993224
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>do they seem homo?

>> No.9993228

my dick in that bwussy is acceptable for a guy to have

>> No.9993283


this is the stupidest fucking question
the fact that you would even ask that question makes you a faggot

>> No.9993320


>> No.9993652

As long as you have a passion, or at least some sort of interest in photography I think it's fine. You already stated that you do so yeah your good. What I'm wondering is if my new EOS M is homo to carry around. Got it on sale with 22m prime for $280 and it is much better to travel with than my 600D.

>> No.9994779

It was $1800 with a cron 35 V4.

p good deal.

regardless, just wondering.

>> No.9994786

/p/ is full of talentless kids who were told to pick up a hobby and go outside by their mothers.

>> No.9994841
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>> No.9995051



>> No.9995064

masculinity is so fragile

>> No.9995141


>> No.9995175

Its better if you use your phone. Camera's are obsolete now. Your phone can do everything a camera can do and more.

Unless you plan on making huge prints, carrying around a camera now just makes you look like a tard.

>> No.9995247

if you shoot in raw then you can do far more in adobe lightroom than you can in most darkrooms

>> No.9995253

canon rebel series is pretty good. pick up a mid tier canon zoom lens (like 18mm-70mm) and go on ebay for a 50mm f1.4 canon lens, it will help a ton for low light. pirate the adobe suite and learn it via youtube.

>> No.9995271

disregard this opinion. unless something groundbreaking hit the market recently, phone cameras do not have an optical zoom (if they do its pitiful at best) and instead crop the image, are shit at low light or anything really besides midday overcast, and even though the megapixels seem high the sensors are shit because of how small they have to be. if you are doing anything beyond snapchat, get a real fucking camera.

>> No.9995295


I own a mamiya rz67, a canon dslr with nice lenses and a canon s100 for point and shoot work and unless I'm doing a paid job or something I intend to print large, I just use my phone.

Low light shooting is catching up fast, optical zoom is rarely used anyway because you can usually walk up to whatever you wanna shoot. I've made 8x10 crystal clear prints off my s5's camera.

You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.9995303

Don't listen to this retard.
Even a $200 point and shoot will beat all modern cell phone cameras.

>> No.9995335


In the context of fashion, a phone is the superior more culturally acceptable option. A good photographer blends in and puts people at ease. Everyone has a phone, everyone shoots photos. Nobody will notice a guy with a phone because its common place. Everyone will notice a guy with a normal camera.

A real camera might have slight edges in technical ability, but a phone isn't far behind and makes up for it by making you less visible.

Butthurt amateurs.

>> No.9995362


>> No.9995364

>but a phone isn't far behind

ayy lmao
good luck exposing properly at nigth with your iphone

>> No.9995366

I'm laughing my ass off right now. you decide to name drop a medium format camera shortly after saying how cameras are obsolete. Then you should know of all the clever things you can do playing with f stops, exposure, and shutter speed that you cannot replicate with a phone. can your phone take a selfie of your duck face or a pic of you and your friends holding sholders and print it decently, sure, but for getting creative pictures you just cannot easily replicate basic camera functions in post process without spending a ton of extra time and being crippled by trying to manipulate a relatively crappy source file.

who cares if you carry a camera, no one will really care. throw it in your bag or leave it in your car. I kinda get what you are implying by it being weird if you decide to throw in a dslr with your standard phone-keys-wallet daily carry, but if you want to take good photos a proper camera and far more importantly, a proper lens will always be supreme until a manufacturer figures out how to package a full size lense into the small chassis of a phone.

>> No.9995375

and in addition to this: every day that a phone takes a step into better iso management and quality, a camera takes two steps.

>> No.9995430


You are trash.
Please die.

>> No.9995438

>Hey, is that a Nikon? What kind of photography do you like?

>N-no i-it's my dads, err my aunts, she wants..uh I'm just b-borrowing it uhm, heh

>Uhh, ok?

>> No.9995497


Phones are also smaller and more easy to carry. I don't care if you wanna get a camera dude. I'm just making a case that phones have a lot of benefits.

Fuji and Panasonic make some really good and fashionable looking cameras atm, if that's what you really want. Carrying around a dslr is not /fa/ and never will be.


I merely name dropped to show that I use all, but within the context of this thread, which is mostly a point and shoot street photography function, a phone is an ideal choice for the aforementioned reasons. Its also very slim and you can take it anywhere concealed, which is a big plus imo.

Of course its not going to generate a 6x7 pristine exposure of a Rz67 but that's not always the point, especially in photography these days. The medium has shifted. If you wanna be a purist fine, but I don't think that's wat OP meant.

>> No.9995521


>> No.9995622
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>mfw this post
yeah, try changing the exposure with your iphone

i´ve been fancying that model and its in my budget, thanks, i will try it

>> No.9995738


>what is photoshop
>what is lighting

You can do a lot with a phone if you know what you're doing.

>> No.9995760

theres no way youre a real person

>> No.9995770

thats actually pretty gay OP, id sell it asap just use your phone

>> No.9995855

leica sporting faggot spotted

>> No.9995866
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Settling for mediocrity is not /fa/. Not /fa/ at all.

>> No.9995987


Wrong, I wouldn't waste my money on one.

I work with large-format film and Canon's 5D line.

>> No.9996772

lmao name dropping gtfo gearwhore

>> No.9996891

It's all about what you're takin pics of mayne.

If you're taking erotic photos of young women in light, minimalist rooms, then a camera is perfectly acceptable. Or if you're taking photos of dangerous animals in the wild or some shit.

If you're taking pictures of your designer vinyl toys or landscapes or queer shit like that, you should off yourself