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9985594 No.9985594 [Reply] [Original]

New/fa/g here but saw a friend browsing months ago. Trying to find this certain style that usually incorporates ski mask, shorts, boots, some sort of leg wear (resembles leggings). Had no luck on Google. Pic semi-related.

>> No.9985597


idk if this is any help but yung lean (meme) and his sadboys dress like that, sorta

>> No.9985605

It's called health goth and its for sissy new fags

Oh wait

>> No.9985611

That's a surgical mask and those are sneakers

>> No.9985614

Yeah, I know. Tag Shai (pictured) bases some of his lyrical content and style off of them. It didn't have any imagery on the clothing, though. Very basic and revolving around dark colors like black/brown and maybe white.

>> No.9985618

Sand ninja

>> No.9985619

No Asian influence. More of a military look than a gothic approach.
Had no clue what to search for to get an idea going. That's the closest I could get. Imagine all black military boots, a ski mask, and a more basic top that kept the black color.

>> No.9986045

w2c sweatshirt?

>> No.9986374

Fuck off newfag.

>> No.9986384

Its low expectations. Had my gf cop me that one a few valentines ago and its actually pretty fucking nice. I mean ive stopped wearing long since but i still have it. Some loose threads but overall respectable quality and brandsmanship. Also it's a car club from the uk, so just know that. Not some random bigcartel shindig

>> No.9986403

Tag Shai p dece.

>> No.9986455

>Announcing yourself as a newfag

Summer is in full effect.

>> No.9986520

y3 qasa or black tech shoe
black skinny jeans
minimal tech top

thats all really

>> No.9986780


>> No.9987286

How pathetic.

>It's actually pretty fucking nice

I own this sweatshirt. It's not nice. It's really not very good quality at all. It's TERRIBLY cut with very strange proportions and the material is cheap as shit. It's just a bottom of the ladder sweatshirt with the Low Expectations label on it. The only remotely quality part of the garment is the screen-printing itself and even that's nothing to write home about.

It really does go to show how low /fa/ has stooped when someone with such an uneducated opinion such as yourself feels that they are knowledgeable enough to trip and I doubt you've even lurked long. You obviously have no idea what quality is.

>> No.9987313

Lol shut the fuck up. I already mentioned the loose thread bullshit you negative cunt. I beyond knowledgeable enough to trip. I get that it isnt that great quality, I was just being a nostalgic twat. Go yank one out or something you lonely bugger.

>> No.9987321

Also the cut is to layer with if you even saw the lookbook on their website. Sweatshirts always have a waistband that is tighter at the waist then the body of the garment itself. Not all are as extreme as that but it's meant to be cozy and not hang like a regular shirt. Damn your post pissed me off dude. So unnecessary.

>> No.9987339

Judging by how defensive you're being, you know I'm right. Post a fit right now. Fucking post one. Doubt you own a single piece worth anything and your wardrobe is full of crap just like you are.

I've frequented this board for 4 years now and STILL I don't consider myself knowledgeable enough to trip. What qualifications do you have as a voice of authority?You studying fashion somewhere? Doubt it...

>> No.9987360

Ive already admitted that it wasnt great quality. And that's not my problem man, you could certainly take up a trip and help people out, you don't have to be in fashion school and have some kind of "prerequisites" to have an artistic eye. I don't need qualifications, people started off hating me and still do, but others are getting it. And yeah if not having every single piece worth at least $1k, then I suppose I'm just as worthless than anyone else.

>> No.9987389

Now you're backpedaling because you're spineless.

You also make the idiotic assumption that in order to help people out you have to "take up a trip". That right there tells everyone everything they need to know. You don't know how this community works. I offer plenty of help and advice every day but you wouldn't know it. That's because I have some humility like most of the quality posters on this board and don't need to trip to contribute. I'm not saying to trip you need to be in fashion school but by tripping, you're pretty much telling everyone you're more knowledgeable than them and in many cases and especially in your case. That's just not true. You signing everything with your own little name just screams approval seeking and if that's what you want, you should really return to Kanye forums or whatever cesspit you crawled out of.

Answer this. WHY do you trip? Give me a solid answer. Claiming you have an "artistic eye" is a crock of shit and if you can contribute to the board, there's no reason you couldn't do it anonymously like everyone else.

The truth is you just crave recognition and validation. That's the truth and don't you try and deny it buddy. Everyone knows your trash.

>> No.9987398

Lol i dont browse kanye forums. I dont browse tumblr or any other website you guys think I "came from". And why do you think everything I say is to seek validation. I trip because I feel like it. Is that such a difficult concept? I don't need to be virtually fondled by anons to feel ok with myself, I do it because I want to. I've made and posted so many cops that I never previously discussed whatsoever. I just said hey look this is what I bought. I don't ask "should I buy this?" "is this good quality?" etc. etc. unless I'm being ironic which I don't even think I have. And I'm not spineless, I'm not in the mood. If you even followed any of my posts (the point of tripping) you'd realize just about every post is confrontational and to the point. Get lost man. I can't explain anything to you without it busting your cherry, clearly.

>> No.9987422

>because I feel like it.

Alright buddy.

>> No.9987434


This is the most brutal teardown of a trip I've seen

Keep doing gods work anon :^)

>> No.9987436

Lol. If validation is the only reason you think people trip, sure.

>> No.9988560

You are my hero!

>> No.9988580

anon is right tbh

>> No.9988605

Dubs. Checked.

>> No.9989942

bump for tripfags to see

>> No.9990904

Bump for Tripfags who need to get the fuck out.

>> No.9991472

Bump for tripfag getting BTFO

>> No.9991648


>> No.9991700


>> No.9991712

>Trying to find this certain style that usually incorporates ski mask, shorts, boots, some sort of leg wear (resembles leggings). Had no luck on Google.
google "fuccboi"

>> No.9991717
File: 1.76 MB, 219x186, kim_jong_un_aplauses.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9991822
File: 245 KB, 850x1134, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]