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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.33 MB, 2048x1312, 1433666782767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9983006 No.9983006 [Reply] [Original]

(doesn't have to be the clothes that are effay)

>> No.9983044

Eyes Wide Shut

>> No.9983066
File: 58 KB, 635x424, GACDOGSINSPACE01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dogs In Space was one of the most effay movies I've ever seen. That "heroin chic" vibe is strong in this one.

>> No.9983094

dogs in space is shithouse mate

>> No.9983137

what are some good movies that are actually about fashion

>> No.9983146

Dior and I.

>> No.9983147
File: 4 KB, 138x138, 0870060[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So looking like a "fucked up" middle class kid is /fa/?

>> No.9983150


>> No.9983153

I didn't say it was good as a movie but it had a pretty heroincore effay aesthetic

>> No.9983174
File: 372 KB, 1012x1500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watched this last night and it was alright. It has a pretty stylish vibe and the main characters are model-tier.

>> No.9983185

Anything fairly postmodernist, best entry level is anything by Charlie Kauffman. If you can put it on and make anyone watching it with you feel out of their depth and insecure without being excessively pretentious and arthouse then it's /fa/.

Ideally you want people to be really confused but at the same time give off the impression that you are following it effortlessly and didn't even realise it was a "challenging" film.

>> No.9983187

Basketball Diaries
Io e Te
Laurence Anyways

>> No.9983188

Forgot to say, if you think the outfits worn by the cast is what makes a film /fa/ then you are a fucking moron and there is no hope for you, go hang a trainspotting poster on your bedroom wall.

>> No.9983195
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>> No.9983202
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fuck me, 9/10

Fucking seriously, fuck

>> No.9983213

I heard that this was fucking good

>> No.9983226


Don't listen to the naysayers who are just bandwagoning

I heard there was hype behind this, thought 'just another shitty paranormal activity style thing', got bored and went to watch it alone having NO IDEA what it was about and got scared shitless

>tfw have a jumpscare moment when i see a dude walk directly in my direction then turn around when he reaches me


>> No.9983231


first 1/3 is great and then it gradually drops in quality

worth watching though

>> No.9983245

The Mirror
Barry Lyndon
Le Samouraï
Les 400 coups (basically every french new wave movies actually)

>> No.9983274

what are you new?

>> No.9983397
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idk why but this scene fucked me up

>> No.9983437


>> No.9983504


is that one already online somewhere ?

>> No.9983513
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la grande bellezza

>> No.9983522

Yeah but I found it a bit hard to pay attention until the end

Still pretty impressive imagery, I liked the part where the fat woman sits outside the morning after one of those parties with a nosebleed and the airplane makes white lines in the sky

>> No.9983528

The Virgin Suicides

>> No.9983565
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>> No.9983568
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Brandi from Mall Rats in the first scene

Such a nice look.

Movie was surprisingly funny too, considering it was a Teens-At-Mall-Comedy-Drama.

>> No.9983569
File: 83 KB, 768x576, roger-and-me-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How has nobody realized that the best fits come from documentaries about poor people
Hoop Dreams, Children Underground, Blood in the Face, Roger and Me (no, seriously, watch Roger and Me)

>> No.9983573
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>tfw you don't have burned hands and arms so you could justify using long leather gloves everywhere

>> No.9983574
File: 1.59 MB, 5760x3840, Only Lover Left Alive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Devil Wears Prada

>> No.9983580


>> No.9983590


party scene was great, his speach when they were sitting togheter in the evening aswell

>> No.9983640

The one where he absolutely destroys his friend to the point she leaves afterwards?

>> No.9983682

You're scared of lanklets

>> No.9983947


>> No.9983975
File: 81 KB, 960x638, 201501061933223350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watched coco yesterday. damn, audrey is just stunning.

>> No.9983982


The mom fucking the son to death scene was mad too

>> No.9984000
File: 16 KB, 241x158, 2015-06-14-13-29-34--764039957..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat

>> No.9984087


Expected something good, but nope, just another mediocre horror film. Some seriously stupid scenes and even hilarious at times. Not really thrilling neither.

It felt like an std educational video turned into a movie. Not worth watching, I want my time back.

>> No.9984128


Uneducated, peer influenced, subjective opinion, nice

>> No.9984158

>peer influenced
Never heard anything about this film until this thread.
>subjective opinion
of course

>> No.9985051

is there anything i dont get in the scene with the airplanes?`just watched it again and can't see any hidden meaning

>> No.9985054


>> No.9985060

kids like 18 give im a break

>> No.9985072

nah, just watch La Dolce Vita
also Eight and a Half

>> No.9985151

Trainspotting is effay as fuck though. You shouldn't dismiss it just because it has a tumblrcore fanbase.

>that soundtrack

>> No.9985165
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>> No.9985167

It's not hidden I guess, but the condensation trail of the plane looks like a cocaine line, and the woman has a nosebleed, probably from all the cocaine she's been snorting, you even see her do it in a earlier scene

>> No.9985171

He ruins the look with that fucking Metallica shirt though.

>> No.9985177

I'm by no means a Metallica fan but I disagree, and there are plenty of outfits he has sans-Metallica shirt in the film

>> No.9985192

I know. It's a beautifully shot film. Metallica is shit though.

>> No.9985223

this was fucking shit m8

>> No.9985224
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>> No.9985235
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He looks like simple jack in that picture

>> No.9985240
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>> No.9985398
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I enjoyed it, but it did not scare me at all.

>> No.9985460

nothing special about that movie

>> No.9985507

pink flamingos

>> No.9985526

>middleclass suburbia: the movie

>> No.9985536

lol you probably a fan of interstellar

>> No.9985544

i don't even know what that is

>> No.9985557
File: 37 KB, 344x425, Best Vest in the West.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to the Future is the ultimate /fa/ movie.

>> No.9985592
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this for sure

>> No.9986456
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>> No.9986510
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10/10 movie. So simple but yet so good.

>> No.9986647

my nigga

you jump ship?

>> No.9986760
File: 236 KB, 1280x960, leon-the-professional-0081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Léon The Professional.

>> No.9986767

Trainspotting is a great film and the characters in it are /fa/ as fuck, the subject matter is pretty /fa/ too - this doesn't make it an /fa/ film though, every 16 year old quotes trainspotting as one of their favourite films, nobody will ever hear you say you love trainspotting and think you are /fa/ as a result.

>> No.9986772

That film is just called Léon if you are /fa/

>> No.9986785

Nah, that's for lazy people.

>> No.9987471

Damn, /fa/ has kind of shitty taste in movies
well, at least it's not /tv/

>> No.9987486

8 1/2
Blade Runner
Eyes Wide Shut
The Place Beyond the Pines
Only God Forgives

>> No.9987493

>original title
>lazy people

>> No.9987516



>> No.9987997

God that movie is such a piece of shit

>> No.9988001

There's a biopic about Yves Saint Laurent coming out pretty soon

>> No.9988012

I agree

>> No.9988013

Tom Waits and John Lurie are /fa/ as fuck, the movie is top tier

>> No.9988027

The 4 most effay movies, all in their own respect


>> No.9988031

I also forgot to include

>Anything Wes Anderson

>> No.9988157

Just started watching this movie and it's fucking me up
Thanks /fa/

>> No.9988190

Is this some sort of meme, even IMDB gave this a good rating. I watched it in bed with le asian qt and we turned it off because it was fucking shite. Well, that, and the fact that we both wanted the fucc.

>> No.9988274

that's more than 4

>> No.9988292
File: 109 KB, 1600x867, haine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jeezo guys did we rly need to wait this long for la haine to come up

>> No.9988301
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>> No.9988330

how's being a pleb?

>> No.9988375
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Base movie is based.

>> No.9988411

i fucking love the editing in that part of the film. first the train ride to the center of paris, with hubert staring out the window while vince talks shit, extreme closeup on hubert frustrated face as he closes his eyes. BAM. cut to view from rooftop and dollyzoom on three protagonists, wearing sweet outerwear.

>> No.9988434
File: 10 KB, 305x165, stbyme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously effay

>> No.9989377

It literally says "Léon :The Professional" when you type "Léon" into google.

>> No.9989385


I mean, the movie itself was kind of meh but that fashion, man.
90's cyber punk tech wear.

>> No.9989389

It's the title of the NA release. The French (read: original) version was just Léon.

>> No.9989390
File: 45 KB, 640x598, V1_SX640_SY720_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /marcello/ here

Also this is an interesting read

>> No.9989395

what is this?

>> No.9989401

Pale Flower

>> No.9989408

thanks friend

>> No.9989428

that's ok buddy

>> No.9989581

inter the void

>> No.9989672

fuck yes the colors in that movie were beautiful

>dat intro with the LFO track

Any other movies with an aesthetic like this?

>> No.9989727
File: 1.61 MB, 4096x2731, fullsizephoto168868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Day He Arrives

>> No.9989733

>Hong Sang Soo
Muh nigga

>> No.9991000
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full metal jacket

>> No.9991002
File: 106 KB, 800x531, lives-of-others.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lives of Others

>> No.9991026


>> No.9991029
File: 92 KB, 615x346, CriterionLogoCovers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the vast majority of criterion films

>> No.9991185
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>> No.9992405



>> No.9992556
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>> No.9992575

>>9991002 dat atmosphere

>> No.9992641

lol posted this same image last thread. i feel like /effay movies/ are always same shit over and over.

>> No.9992643
File: 363 KB, 936x609, the-talented-mr_-ripley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9992648

fucking this. good movie and the aesthetics are on point.

>> No.9992657

based criterion

>> No.9992741
File: 258 KB, 812x1492, are you trying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talented mr ripley
>not plein de soleil
>hey new friend

>> No.9992755
File: 1.11 MB, 838x462, tumblr_llsai2c87c1qdffa2o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good god marcello, always marcello

>> No.9993793
File: 506 KB, 962x525, vvgvvgvg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
