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/fa/ - Fashion

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9978586 No.9978586 [Reply] [Original]

What is an /fa/ job

How much money do I need to buy /fa/ lifestyle

>> No.9978605

>not being a trust fund kit NEET

>> No.9978611

no job

ascension beyond money and material need is the only effay lifestyle

>> No.9978612


I am wealthy from a death in my family when I was young but it's not in my name

>> No.9978618
File: 2.22 MB, 2100x1500, US_Navy_080730-N-5277R-003_A_Commander,_Naval_Forces_Japan_firefighter_douses_a_fire_on_a_dummy_aircraft_during_the_annual_off-station_mishap_drill_at_Naval_Support_Facility_Kamiseya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a firefighter, I feel likes its pretty /fa/, but I wish I made more. I'm gonna get a second job as a bartender cause I've got so much time off. I figure I'll become the most sexy dude of all time if I'm a firefighter/bartender. I save lives and look cool as fuck and have more avenues to meet bishes

>> No.9978621

trust fund kiddie

>> No.9978622

you sound like kind of a huge tool tbh

>> No.9978624


...says someone who lives off their parents

lmao that is the most naive, ignorant fucking trustfund hippykid thing to say

>> No.9978644

Lol its a paragraph I wrote on a Mongolian claymation board. I have a ton of student debt and live with my fuckin parents while I'm saving up for a house. Broke up with my gf last month and realize i dont meet women that rent nurses too often. How about now? Lol

What do you do for a living?>>9978622

>> No.9978649

get dubs>>9978622

>> No.9978651

so fucking mad, enjoy your 3 dimensions fuccboi

>> No.9978669

>not downshifting in Goa

>> No.9978993

I'm a garbage man.

>> No.9978996

There are no /fa/ jobs.

Running your own business is infinitely more /fa/
>No bosses
>Complete authority
>Responsible for all operations

>> No.9978998

Do something you enjoy that gives you a significant chunk of disposable income.

In other words, be happy and rich. Not easy or likely, but there you are.

>> No.9979059

Mobile DJ and play at some clubs monthly, make anywhere from 80 - $300k a year

>> No.9980711

Architect is pretty effay imo

>> No.9980743

wage slave as a sales assistant at some high end fashion dept. store and keep going until you're a manager

>not getting your clothes for free or at least 50% off

>> No.9980777

hahaaha. try getting a job in architecture you square

>> No.9980802
File: 253 KB, 2048x1529, IAcgi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bit sad really.

>> No.9980809

>80-$300k a year

>> No.9980813

musician, artist in general

>> No.9980845

I'm in urban design. I would say it's a relatively /fa/ career. I literally draw and render city blocks, neighbourhoods and parks for a living. Not quite as /fa/ as architecture, in my opinion, but I think it's definitely a step up from my original career as a digital cartographer.

>> No.9980849


>> No.9980851

move out of the US and it's not that difficult.

>> No.9980852 [DELETED] 
File: 159 KB, 640x360, trivagoguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9980919

gallery curator
mercenary cook
trust fund kid
trend forecaster

>> No.9980930


sorry if I'm out of the loop here but what is a trust fund kid

>> No.9980960


a kid with a trust fund

>> No.9980993

I want to work myself to death in finance

>> No.9980999

>being a wage slave
>being a NEET with only pennies to live out his hidden existence
clearly the only sensible option for honorable but common men is to procure funds via criminal activity

>> No.9981015

im a custodian, but i live cheap enough that I can afford nice clothing every other month if i save. Not bad, but not what I want to do.

>> No.9981024

I'm a naval engineer
I make a decent amount of money and I get to be around a lot of people in my current job. Plus I really like what I do

>> No.9981069

how can a kid be part of a trust fund and how is it a job?

>> No.9981071

I volunteer at a hospital to gather some sort of sense of helping others.

>> No.9981072

the kids parents just set it up that way or?

>> No.9981078


i got all my trust funds from nice craigslist finds
gotta be quick tho

>> No.9981108

A trust fund is a pile of assets dictated by someone for someone.

This doesn't say anything though, just that they're pretentious enough to bring it up and think it's more glorifying than saying they use mommy and daddy's credit card.

>> No.9981242

wtf? craigslist?

>> No.9981346


not gonna give away my secrets

>> No.9981349

US is shit for work, europe is very possible for employment atm. I work at an interior firm in the uk but am trained as an architect. gotta branch out man

>> No.9981352

Will you let them down?

>> No.9981468

>tfw weaboo who studied japan and japanese and now lives on social aid

>> No.9981564

I rob people while wearing goth ninja and a balaclava

>> No.9981579

stop playing geteay mang

>> No.9981784

is being a surgeon fashionable? lots of money and no time... but i just wear scrubs and white coat all day.

>> No.9981878

They don't wear white coats. Only blue scrubs. You'll likely get stuck into some incredibly boring job - TKAs, bypass, endometrial ablations.

I volunteer in healthcare, and trust me when I tell you it's just like any other job. Boring, repetitive.

The patients you work on will likely need that help because they were too lazy or stupid to enact change in their lives that would have saved them from going under the knife.

>> No.9982613

How 2 have plenty of free time and also make a lot of money without being tied down

>> No.9982624


>> No.9982801

Work very hard for 5-7 years on a project/invention. At that point, your effort was frontloaded and now you can live your life.

I have a friend, who is now 23, and is getting ready to retire. He worked 12-14 hours days since he was 18. Opened up about 10 (maybe 11?) personal finance offices around the west coast and makes roughly $250k. He'll be done entirely in 2 years and sitting on half a mil passively. Only took 7 years.

>> No.9982996

epic thread