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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 82 KB, 500x667, tumblr_ltihse2zZ11qjisrwo1_500.png..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9978107 No.9978107 [Reply] [Original]

why is every gatdam gril dying their hair now? they look like fucking cartoon sluts


should i embrace tumblr shit? thinking that they're just communicating how slutty they want to be with me?

i don't want to date a slut. kind of

>> No.9978116

compensating for a boring personality/face, avoid at all costs

>> No.9978120


Perhaps this is more a function of your age group and the people you associate with than a larger trend.

>> No.9978131


it's been ongoing since 2012
more or less the same time the boys took up hy

most likely they're part of the millennial facebook generation having an identity crisis as they enter adolescence
like how the 80s early 90s generation went through an emo/goth/scence phase in the 2000s

>> No.9978219

that hair color she has will be like that blue for one day and itll fade and turn to shit and jts just ugly

>> No.9978225

You're going to have to embrace it one way or another. If you don't date a religious girl every girl you meet is going to be one of the following:

Like really you won't find someone that doesn't have issues whether it be daddy, mommy, insecurity or anxiety issues.

>> No.9978257

if a girl constantly is dying her hair, then you might want to proceed with caution because it is definitely a cry for attention

now that might not be a bad thing, and i am all for having fun with your appearance. i'm not one of those guys that think if a girl has tattoos then she is a slut or whatever

but i confirm this theory is pretty true

not that wanting attention = bad but yeah

its a thing most people associate with little girl-ism aka what 99% of winged eyed kitty daddy girls have

>> No.9978261

I'm with an autist. It's the best pick of the four, really.

>> No.9978329

what do austist grils act like in the worst situations?

are they decent in the sack?

>> No.9978333

Nothing screams daddy issues like a weird-color dyed hair.

>> No.9978335 [DELETED] 

are you poetry?

>> No.9978412
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>> No.9978414

i kinda just like having pretty colors in my hair, actually

>> No.9978415

btw I'm a girl

>> No.9978421

Was with an autist for a month recently, worst shit ever, she had no idea how to convey emotion and wouldn't even let me smash.

>> No.9978434

Just generally anxious and awkward in most all situations. I'm actually into it, it's cute.

And fantastic in bed, likely due to all that time being antisocial and being bored in her room... if you know what I mean.

>> No.9978443


>inb4 those things see this pic and take it as a compliment

>> No.9978460

>Taking dating advice and advice about women in general from 4chan


>> No.9978487

i've fucked plenty of girls with dyed hair off okcupid

dyed hair is usually a sign they'll fuck on the first date

>> No.9978489

Yep looks pretty tacky, just let the tumblrinas be fun & silly I guess...

>> No.9978514

chicks with abnormally colored hair are 10 times out of 10 batshit crazy

stuck my dick in a chick with blue hair and it turned out she was suicidal and a borderline personality disorder.

>> No.9978532

they're all so sickly pale

they look ill

>> No.9978543



>> No.9978549

Men who are reasonably interesting, or at least interested in something, complaining about the fact that women or rather people in general seem to be wildly without interests of any kind.. maybe I can help

Just as ever, as explained by John Berger in "Ways of Seeing" a woman is fundamentally raised into, and exists, in the understanding that she is an object to be seen by men and indeed other women. We've created this mesh-like cross-reliant social system based on the wonderfully consumerist pastimes of shopping, eating, and watching.

We possess the same dilemma as always, and although it's very much one we put there it is present nonetheless. Women and many men too are raised into being content with simply being rather than doing. This effect is intensified as technology allows humans the option of doing very little, simply look at historical obesity rates. Tumblr is fundamentally based on the redistribution of content, and much like one can find find in drug culture, activity becomes using something rather than creating anything. This is certainly ironic to say on a fashion board, but on 4chan at least there is some self-awareness.

I could ramble all day about this, but it comes down to that it's been like this so long as humans had time to care about how they look or what they do for fun. If you want to find a worthwhile girl or boy, you need to go where someone is actually doing something. Talk to the chick who you find writing in her journal out on a hike. If you're frustrated at what you see, become a doer or at least a thinker and hope you can find another one.

Hopefully this doesn't come across as trying to sound smart or complaining about the state of things, it's just the relatively weak conclusions I've drawn in trying to figure out why everyone seems to be so shit.

Kill all video games

>> No.9978553

Tumblr, leave this place.

>> No.9978554


I want you to die.

>> No.9978559

That's completely untrue lmao, stop projecting. There's always going to be people with stupid issues, and there's always going to be higher ranked people without. I'm guess the latter is out of your league.

>> No.9978566


These are very legitimate criticisms of my half baked opinions

Other people can be correct or incorrect, lets try this again using words!

>> No.9978591


yeah can confirm that, just watch out for the girl that cant keep eye contact

>> No.9978603

There's nothing more pretty than a girl who take pride on her natural aesthetics
Sorry grikl

>> No.9978610


I saw a girl working at the whole foods cafe exactly with hair that color, but shorter hair.]

god damn she was cute...

>> No.9978736

stay the course, op. dont ever date girls with dyed hair, piercings, or tats. theyre all red flags and she should be dropped immediately if she has any of these

>> No.9978793
File: 11 KB, 464x165, 4channe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's nothing better than a girl who doesn't mindlessly pander to what other people think imo. Have the hair color you want.

>> No.9978994

more hot grils who pretend to like pokemon for the rest of us

>> No.9979009
File: 193 KB, 736x589, 1999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf when have people ever not been dying their hair?
anyway in terms of hair dye trends i've been noticing a lot of people with turquoise ombre, and it looks awful. i think kylie jenner made it more "popular" at one point

>> No.9979031

>There's nothing better than a girl who doesn't mindlessly pander to what other people think
tell me when you find one

>> No.9979039
File: 111 KB, 960x720, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem to be lacking that self-awareness you see here on 4ch. self-awareness is more than admitting ones owns fault, or self deprecation in order to seem like you're aware in the faults of your own argument. if you really had such uncertainty and thought that your conclusions were actually "weak", you would have never posted.
evaluate your definition of a "person" and "people", before stating things

>> No.9979297


>> No.9979306
File: 28 KB, 640x584, 11156400_807387932709191_4161019786186795495_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would gladly fuck most of these ladies

>> No.9979311
File: 40 KB, 283x352, eagle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the ordinary "all women are sluts" rant on 4chan by guys who fail to get laid

as amusing as always.

>> No.9979501

>>>9978107 (OP)

MAAAAAN best pepe i've ever seen

>> No.9979521


>> No.9980242

tell me when you actually go outside

>> No.9980271

left is hngg

>> No.9980353

those girls in the bottom right quadrant are totally hott

>> No.9980388


>> No.9980393

>falling for obvious troll/bait/shitpost/whatever kids call it these days

top-kek with cherry and sprinkles on top

>> No.9980401


Fuck, I forgot to remove the trip from previous thread

>> No.9980455
File: 52 KB, 532x800, gothgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sucks that dyed-hair is a tumblr/SJW/Special-Snowflake thing now.

Whatever happened to goth girls. I mean real post-punk and industrial listening goth grils with kinky black fetish gear and smooth ivory skin.

They used to be everywhere back i the 00s and I seemed click with them but nowadays most "alternative" girls are insufferable autistic special snowflakes who hide like scared bitches behind their fat obnoxious or gay post-scene friends and make up weird sexual orientations out of their asses as an excuse to turn guys down (i.e. genderfluid panromantic asexual unicorn etc.)

Yeah I know that the the consensus on /fa/ is "goths suck, they're fat and should fuck-of and die" but hey I can help it, I have a fetish.

>> No.9980490

Dying hair in that way conveys a carefree attitude due to it not being accepted by most schools/jobs

Don't think too hard about it, it's just someone expressing themselves much like many people here do with their clothes
(lol jk most of this board are just trendhopping fags anyway tbh)

>> No.9980502

The only people who call girls sluts are
a) other girls
b) bitter guys

"She's fucking everyone but me, what a slut REEEEEEEEEE"

>> No.9980507


thing is everyone has ink these days, not just "alternative" types anymore. Hell even normal churchy "get married and have kids someday" girls have tats nowadays.

>> No.9980513


or "ugh that fucking bitch took the boy I was crushing on / my ex, she's a SLUT!!!!!!1"

>> No.9980535

be honest with yourself

>> No.9980551
File: 151 KB, 304x408, 1405284414445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the girl at the bottom right with blue hair

>> No.9980578

"alternative girls" are about tumblr now, you can still find goths the rivethead scene

>> No.9980580

I usually call girls sluts while I fuck them. I'm not that bitter.

>> No.9980584
File: 42 KB, 960x769, 14 years old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's like 6 threads right now that are basically 'le where is le class' and shit like that

this place is now a 17 year old redditor's dream

>> No.9980608
File: 169 KB, 800x533, amateur-punk-girl-kimmy-006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah but it's usually those silly-looking "cyber-goths" who look like the love-child of Rainbow Bright and The Predator. I'm looking more subtle perky qt 3.14 goth girls a little more on the emo side. Pic related.

So far I only find girls like that in strip clubs

>> No.9980622

>why is every gril dying their hair now

no they're not. you must live in a flyover state lmao

>> No.9980623

Go for older women with jobs

>> No.9980643

This is the only person in the thread who gets it. People, both men and women now, are so desperate to look like they don't sit around doing fuck all everyday but browse the internet and play video games. If you're good looking enough it can get you attention over the Internet yeah, but real relationships just require character and confidence developed through actual life experience.

>> No.9980653

I can smell the STDs from here

>> No.9980677


Nah I wrap it before I tap it.

Although the military lifestyle doesn't afford me much time for stable relationships.

>> No.9980686


>still using condoms

what are you, a gay?

>> No.9980687

>but on 4chan at least there is some self-awareness.
This is the thing I like most about the boards additionally to being anonymous. See /pol/ for example complains about tumblr complaining all the time, but what separates them from tumblr is the self-awareness (well, most of /pol/ at least)

>> No.9980709

I just want to parrot part of what you're saying, a worthwhile life is one in which you create/explore/experience the world around you. Many people on this board will complain about women being basic and attention seekers whilst bringing absolutely nothing to the table themselves apart from siq fits.
This entitlement is toxic and often leads to people becoming bitter and hateful much like you will see in this thread.

>> No.9980758


Don't be problematic anonymous you silly goose.

>> No.9980784

>a woman is fundamentally raised into

stopped le reading there

>> No.9980825



and the "kill all video games" comment

>> No.9980829
File: 880 KB, 500x279, good job.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kill all video games

Anyway I really liked this post. I don't know if I agree. but it is well thought out.

>> No.9980863


>literally reddit the reply

>> No.9980881

Glad I came here just so I could read this. A worthwhile life is not going to be found through a computer screen, and as much as you all hate to admit it, it is true.
Do, think, experiment, put yourself out there, read, write and think. That is the only way you can develop yourself as a human being and that is the only way you'll find meaning in life.

Self improvement is masturbation unless you have a goal you want to achieve.

Kill all video games and social media.

>> No.9980891

Video games and social media are great advancements
Problems occur when people become addicted

>> No.9980892

He's just saying he liked another user's post and he's expressing it. Better than

>le meme post meme
>go back to reddit fag

What have you contributed to the board today faggot?

>> No.9980900


He's saying that he has no opinion of his own on the post, but because anon looked like he put effort into it by trying to sound as adult as possible, that anon gets an upvote

He's just a fucking idiot

>> No.9980902

What have videogames done to improve your life?

>they helped me think analitically
>they helped me make friends

Yeah or you could have just spent that time reading or going outside and developing real social skills.
Videogames have turned to shit nowadays and serve nothing other than to kill a spare moment or two ( or whole days )

>> No.9980915

Forgot to mention eventual therapeutic uses for videogames. Nonetheless the amount of money going into them combined with the amount of time young adults and children spend on them does not make it worthwhile.

>> No.9980917

THE PLAUGE NO!!!! Get away from fa you fucking sjw scum!!! Get this fucking /v/ gamergate shit out of a fashion board.

>> No.9980923

it sounds silly but FPS games taught me how to optimally handle a weapon

by NOT doing what i saw on screen

when i was in high school, playing grand theft auto a lot (the third one) also helped me with my driving skills back then

>> No.9980931

Everyone needs downtime to relax and escape from everyday life

Plus yeah I formed friendships online which later became people that I would talk to IRL, go to parties, do stupid shit with

>> No.9980946


its fun

>> No.9981098
File: 75 KB, 640x360, tumblr_static_tumblr_static__640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel free to save it guys!

>> No.9981157

>What have videogames done to improve your life?
They're fun.

>> No.9981594

>what happened to goth girls
they never went away, they're tumblr now >>9978131

why do you think people kept saying goth/emo "were just a phase"?
tumblr, neon hair colour, overly-filtered photos taken by leica
they're the myspace emo goth of 2010s

>> No.9981692

you're on point man

>> No.9981732

it's "turn your brain off" fun

>> No.9981737

>ventual therapeutic uses for videogames
please kill me before i ever see this happen

if you're still playing video games after the age of 18 (and even that's pushing it) then you have serious maturity issues

>> No.9981740


and what of it?

>> No.9981743
File: 104 KB, 634x543, article-0-0D5AAEC7000005DC-596_634x543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they look like fucking cartoon sluts
You say that like it's a bad thing

>> No.9981752

that's a wig

>> No.9981792

the teenagers of /fa/ see daniel craig and andy murray leaving gamestop with halo and cod
they yell at them across the street oi loser manchildren smh
making fun of those adults among themselves
while chattering about yung lean and kanye west on their way to nandos

>> No.9981805

>daniel craig and andy murray
literally who?

>> No.9981937

They're trying to convey to you that they're oppressed Tumblr warriors

>> No.9981987

back to this thread


i could see how that sounded very m'lady-ish but I'm no advocate for 'chivalry' or whatever it is they're on about. I suggest you read or watch Ways of Seeing for a better idea of what I mean by the differences in male and female upbringing.


that was genuinely a joke - I'm perfectly fine with video games on occasion but the problem occurs when people determine that virtual reality is equally worthwhile. it makes a good example because at it's extreme (addiction or obsession) it perfectly mirrors the problem of people who supplement themselves with other virtual or synthesized realities


both mensrights and sjw types have ruined any discussion of gender inequalities.. i'm observing, not telling people what to or not to do.

this is a fun discussion though

>> No.9982065

Video games are the best form of entertainment, and they won't be going anywhere anytime soon

You think video games make people stop doing things? Please. People who do "nothing" with their lives have always existed and will always exist regardless of video games

I'm willing to bet you're one of those edgy faggots who tries to assert an ascetic, no-bullshit lifestyle as if it's the only way to live and everyone else is inferior regardless of what they do unless it conforms to your juvenile elitist mentality, but then at the end of the day you watch the Big Bang Theory while stuffing yourself with cookies and laughing at Parsons' zany antics

I mean, what the fuck are you doing on 4chan if you've got such contempt for "wasting time" doing fun stuff? Shouldn't you be in a lab curing cancer or yelling at senators to discontinue the war on drugs?

>if you're still playing video games after the age of 18 (and even that's pushing it) then you have serious maturity issues
What a fucking prick
I can't tell if you're just a pretentious asshole who thinks he's legitimately matured because he's a post-teen who hates video games and is not secure with his own calibre of maturity, or just a really old fuck who still believes that shit and aggressively derides anyone who is having the kind of fun 40 years of inactivity will bar you from
I'm leaning towards the latter though

>> No.9983783

Blue hair chick is Gwen Stefani.

>> No.9983968

>here fishie fishie fishieeeee! I got some yummy bait for you!

too obvious and already 2 naive kiddies fell for this

>> No.9984042


Actually a lot of video game genres like puzzle, strategy, RPGs and even FPS require significant thought and planning to succeed and enjoy.

This whole "turn off your brain" concept sounds like something an uppity "hurr durr I read books cuz I'm samrt" liberal arts hipster would say despite the fact tht a lot of "modern literature" enjoyed by those type is pretentious garbage.

>> No.9984082

>le read a book meme
we live in an increasingly hedonistic world and video games are far from the worst of it

>> No.9984106

What about earrings?

>> No.9984112

>le video games are the cansur!!! xDDD
Stop. Like other anons said, they can be good for a lot of shit. Plus, playing them doesn't imply you have no social life. Sometimes they can be great ice-breakers and subjects of discussing. Not everyone has the same interests as you or socialize with the same methods you use. I don't even play video games anymore, but sometimes I wish so I could participate more actively in the occasional game conversation.

>> No.9984523


doesnt make them less shit tbh lad

>> No.9984597


I kinda suspected but that comment along with the rest of your post read like bait to troll the /v/ and anti-SJ crowd.

>both mensrights and sjw types have ruined any discussion of gender inequalities.. i'm observing, not telling people what to or not to do.

The reason why people bitch a lot about SJWs white knights is not the fact that they tell people what to do but it's that passive-aggressive and arrogant attitude that makes them post snarky comments regarding people with hobbies they don't approve while hypocritically defending "socially awkward geek girls" on tumblr and claiming to be "progressive" when I suspect it's just a ruse to pick up girls like that.

As for MRAs, yeah they're a pain in the ass but the people on the opposing end of the spectrum that really vex me are not so much them but mostly it's the /pol/ crowd from hate-chan. I think it's funny how they're unable to see the hypocrisy in their mindset. They basically do the same form of shit-posting the tumblr SJWs do only replace "misogyny" with "degeneracy" and "patriarchy" with "Kike" and "fuckboy" with "niggers".

But such is the price of the "freeze peach"

>> No.9986058

Dude, ways of seeing is so fucking good

>> No.9986071

>why is every gatdam gril dying their hair now?
Because people these days are so fucking impressionable that they'll just bandwagon onto whatever is popular.

>> No.9986310

I know heaps of girls like that!
If you're actually attracted to that I know for an absolute fact that you've never actually met a girl like that.

>> No.9986341

or that he's a teen
teens don't mind hooking up with those with identity issues, because they have equally poor judgment
like brothers in arms trying to make it through the war that is puberty

then comes 25, those behaviours don't seem so attractive anymore, unless you're looking for casual fucks
26 yo dating girls 10 years younger than them because it's so easy to make those 18 yos dance to your tune

>> No.9986350


Lel the opposite is more Reddit and Tumblr tier. You probably use the word dadcore and call people gay for not liking yoga pants.

>> No.9986361
File: 203 KB, 640x640, 1433298158384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>modern literature" enjoyed by those type is pretentious garbage.

This this this. People act as if books are the most productive ways to spend your time when books like all of what women read (romance, John Green) and probably half of fictional books are chewing gum for the mind.

>> No.9986555

maybe if we lived in a society that wasn't addicted to Pornhub and Buzzfeed I would care

>> No.9986588

How else are they going to convey their unique personality and rebellious spirit?

>> No.9986690


>> No.9986770

> realized I was a boring person in 2014
> dyed hair pink 4 months later
> still boring with more self hate
> wish it was green now
fuck you you accurate bitch

>> No.9986782

maybe if youve read a book in the last 5 years youd reevaluate your opinion. im probably more of a gamer than you are, but its a pretty ridiculous thing to entirely dismiss books categorically because of a le dank meme. youre really only doing a disservice to yourself if you think about it in those terms, and for no good reason other than your pride

>> No.9986788

Fucking Kek

>> No.9986789

It's all about xvideos fuccboi

>> No.9986792

And what color is it naturally?

>> No.9986796

I never dismissed books ya big dumb dumb
I'm dismissing the "read books = inherently valuable, academic, productive" attitude
the most popular literature is trash genre fiction and pop politics

>> No.9987085

Too many tumblr fatties think that if they dye their hair they'll look like the OP's pic.
In reality they look like king kong sized troll dolls.

>> No.9987092

shut up u little wog trash

>> No.9987094

Really luv when girls do it...

>> No.9987386

It's time to grow up, kiddo.

>> No.9987410
File: 31 KB, 421x720, tumblr_mbry23L7mT1rdyou5o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was married to one. And I got divorced.

But yeah, I'm just looking for a goth qt to hook up because of my fetish but I'm not looking for anything serious.

Also I'm not a teen, I'm an oldfag and sometimes I feel like I'm too old to date girls like that but I don't really wanna shack up with some boring single-mom like most of my friends. I'm sick of them trying to hook me up like I'm so desperate for pussy.

I'm doing fine by myself.

>> No.9988498

they all suck at fashion and have a insanely boring appearance so they dye their hair to look different from all the other brown hair brown eye middle class girls, they also have like a ton of piercings.
just a bunch of special snowflakes trying to pretend people give a shit about them

>> No.9988622

If you're a grown up, why are you still on 4chan?

>> No.9988797

underrated post

>> No.9989394

Never date girls to have a tumblr account

>> No.9989421
File: 36 KB, 1869x290, The way of seeing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saved this post.

>> No.9989448

Episode 1


>> No.9989512

This so much. Its an exciting process for me. trying out different dye combinations and then seeing how it turns out in the end. I don't doubt it's about attention seeking for some grills but you can say that about anything really..

also I suppose the random compliments in the street are really nice too.

>> No.9989525 [DELETED] 

I do it for the reason anyone dyes their hair. Wouldn't say I'm crazy, but I'm pretty awkward I suppose. But, Yeah I have picked up on the fact that guys seem to think I'm easy now. Got hit on very rarely before. Now it's every time I go for a night out . Not really into it though

>> No.9989575

that's why you date girls who have legitimate mental health issues, I'm dating a girl right now with ADHD/Bipolar/OCD/depression/Hallucinations/ED, medicated, we basically never fight cause if she's pissed she blames it on the meds and if she's not she's too high to give a fuck. That and the meds make her horny.

>> No.9989625

cuz she do what she want

for real, idk, mang. It's actually been a thing for a long while, and I have mixed feelings about it and I think it has to do a little bit about being an old fag.

For one, kids are going to be dumb and want to be special, so they might as well get it out of their system while they can. I just wish that they'd do a good job with the dyeing. Maybe this has to do with being used to seeing "unusual" hair colors, but I hate flat coloring (lack of high and low lights) and seeing someone's roots.

On the other hand, and this especially true for older people (guys and girls), unless you're working in an environment where things like tattoos and piercings aren't a big deal, it's really dumb once out of college/technical school, especially if that person isn't willing to work around it because of their special snowflake mentality.

In the end, even though their hair may be terribly dyed and fried from over-processing it, it's not my hair and they're not as special as they think they are.

>> No.9989633
File: 307 KB, 1920x1080, 9RNFQXS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you release not all video games are of he same caliber right? Some of them are actually extremely well designed, crafted artistic experiences with amazing stories and an original visionary world. You may as well be saying kill all movies because you saw an Adam Sandlar movie and it was shit. It's a medium, maybe if you stopped making so many generalizations things wouldn't seem so shitty. Not everyone who wants to play a game is suddenly a sedentary obese autismo

>> No.9989645

is a person whos in a new relationship every half a year a slut?

>> No.9989730
File: 124 KB, 525x690, 4L_WEEgLkF4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I needed to read this, thank you. The only worthwhile books are educational, non-fiction books.

>> No.9991405




i am aware of this

>that was genuinely a joke - I'm perfectly fine with video games on occasion but the problem occurs when people determine that virtual reality is equally worthwhile. it makes a good example because at it's extreme (addiction or obsession) it perfectly mirrors the problem of people who supplement themselves with other virtual or synthesized realities

>> No.9991422

>implying you wouldn't

>> No.9991432

You're honestly just a weak pussy. No, it's not a matter of me "not getting it" - I get it. You're a weak little faggot, that's all it is. Quite simply, man the fuck up - you can't always get what you want / life is not fair

If you can fathom to at least some extent the latter of the above notion to may be able to become a half-decent human

>> No.9991764

Whether anyone likes it or not there's an obvious correlation in society between girls, dyed hair and specific views like feminism and also low self esteem. Instead of throwing insults and baseless arguments how about we find a middle ground we can all agree upon.

>> No.9991777

Sounds like a catch until she ODs

>> No.9991792


you need to work on your copy-pasta recipe.

but seriously though why is this thread still getting bumped?

way I see it, different guys have different tastes in girls t like music, colors or food.

yeah sure fruity haired girls tend to be oh-so-randumb geek gurl-gamers or melodramatic artistic types but some guys are into that.

some prefer more plain-Jane girl next doors and some prefer sophisticated older women.

>> No.9991818

honestly playing a lot of videogames if you're older than 18 is pretty sad

>> No.9991908

I wonder how many people who think they want a mentally unstable girl have actually been with one.

>> No.9991920


I was married to one and she put me off marriage for good.

Didn't put me off pussy though. Just afraid of being in a serious relationship.

>> No.9991946

Eron Gjoni was fucking absurd to be attracted to that.

>> No.9991964

Guys in the gaming community stick their dicks into some awful girls. Sad thing is, you can smell the problems from a mile away. Buddy of mine is doing that - girl's nice personality-wise and all, but I'd literally bet $100 on her having a cabinet full of psych meds because she has bright-ass hair, a horrible short fringe, and likes that Stephen Universe show.

>> No.9992011

i date a crazy chick on meds as well but im a nutter too so we have insane yelling matches where i often end up elbowing holes in doors

>> No.9992122


Not even him, but that's just sad. Everyone, I mean everyone, worries about what others think from time to time. Especially when we meet people for the first time. Like on a date?

>> No.9993208

so you heard about the VR right?

>> No.9993388

Is that reeeeee?

>> No.9993456

jesus, I'm envious. what the fuck is wrong with me

>> No.9993464


>> No.9995190

Wouldn't say I was crazy or anything, but I definitely do have low self esteem and I'm socially awkward as fuck. Still, mainly I just enjoy the colours and how it looks. I'm not so keen on the attention personally. I've noticed a clear increase in male interest and I'm well aware that just comes from the stereotype that girls who dye their hair are easy..