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File: 111 KB, 877x771, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9976394 No.9976394 [Reply] [Original]

Such a fa movie that I saw last night. Would I look like a sperg if I took inspiration from the fits in the movie

>> No.9976406

Probably not, but it depends on how whether you integrate the look with your identity or whether you wear it as a costume. Do you share personality traits or hobbies with Gosling's character? Do you work in the same kind of setting?

It could be a bit off if you go to college in Georgia and spend your free time playing golf and watching polo.

>> No.9976407


>> No.9976415

I own 3 bikes & race so maybe? My ultimate goal is to be a motorcycle stuntman though. It's the reason I got into the movie in the first place & im not a skelly so I could pull off the muscle tees

>> No.9976505

you don't "try" to pull off a look like that. it works because it's clear that he doesn't give a fuck.
you making an effort to dress like that would achieve the total opposite of the looks intention

>> No.9976577

Requesting the 'Drive' jacket picture

>> No.9976588

its in le sticky

>> No.9976592
File: 507 KB, 775x1024, tumblr_npsxfqZhsR1rh1fi6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me a bit of this

>> No.9976600

i saw the movie

gosling gets cucked and then dies within like the first 30 mins. don't understand what's so great about it

>> No.9976608

You're not seeing what's great about the movie, because you think the plot of the movie is about Gosling getting "cucked". You are a fucking retard.

>> No.9976609

I like the idea of living somewhere that it's warm enough to drive a bike around with a shirt on

>> No.9976612

He's literally almost a homeless person.

Jesus Christ. Paying hundreds of dollars to look poor has to be the most absurd type of consumerism in existence.

>> No.9976618

youre just a dumbass autsist that doesnt comprehend things that dont involve video games and online fashion boards

>> No.9976620

I liked this movie a lot too OP, but I have to agree few can pull off this look.

I'm almost positive kanye west got inspiration from this movie for his outfits, especially t shirts. I would suggest looking into that

>> No.9976632

i literally haven't played video games in over 10 years you moron

did i trigger you with my cuck comment?

>> No.9976637

Wow so edgy

>> No.9976649

mfw it's gosling posting and that's why he's getting defensive

>> No.9976660

Place Beyond the Pines is a film about consequences. The consequences of actions from one generation transfer to the next. You are missing two thirds of the movie if you ignore the story of Bradley cooper's character and the follow up with both of their children.

In the production, that face tattoo that gosling has. He insisted upon it in pre production. The director was skeptical but said he'd allow gosling to do it for the character. After the first day of shooting, gosling saw the rushes and was horrified at how bad the tattoo looked. He wanted to remove it but the director forbid him. Cianfrance said that gosling made the choice and he has to deal with the reprecussions.

In other words, there's a lot more going on in the film than your silly insecurities about not being able to bed a girl.

>> No.9976685

Gosling doesn't get cucked you idiot
the black guy raises Goslings child, Gosling fucks the black guy's wife

>> No.9976741

wait, are his jeans inside out? it looks like i see pocket bags. god that looks stupid.

>> No.9976752

Patch pockets, I'm guessing.

>> No.9976761

his tee is inside out

>> No.9976773
File: 43 KB, 314x313, THIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thousand times this
This shit only work if you're already trashy and careless, so it's just another aspect of who you are
Trying to get that "I don't give a fuck" look is worse than those fags that try to make their hair look messy on purpose

>> No.9976796

>implying a professional did not spend hours styling him

>> No.9978769
File: 1.36 MB, 2400x4200, fs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9978791

>Trying to get that "I don't give a fuck" look is worse than those fags that try to make their hair look messy on purpose
Agreed. You can't look like you don't give a fuck on purpose, that's called giving a fuck.

>> No.9978821

you will never be the goose my man, just take it easy

>> No.9978842
File: 46 KB, 334x500, andy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this is more your style then

>> No.9978893

>Implying that your a good enough actor to act like you don't give a fuck

>> No.9979353

Its fucking padded leather motocross you blind cunt

>> No.9981317

underrated post.

>> No.9981854

The place beyond the beans?

>> No.9981961

This was filmed in my home town:^)

>> No.9983182

hahaha can I borrow ur simply eric meem?