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9971579 No.9971579 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of job can I get where I'm around fashion models all day?

>> No.9971581

a model

>> No.9971584

I'm not tall or good looking enough

>> No.9971664


>> No.9971671

I believe photography. I dont see another option.

>> No.9971767

most are shit dead end seasonal jobs that involve logistics of fashion shows, other are pretty elite jobs that are out of reach for average ppl.
In the middle there is some shit like photography assistant, makeup artist, hair dressers but it's specialized work that requires actual skills. The dumbest is doing model's driver for some agency, I think.
Anyway, why would you want to stand next to a cake you'll never eat?

>> No.9971773

male prostitute

>> No.9971832

>why would you want to stand next to a cake you'll never eat?

VERY well put. If OP isn't good-looking/tall enough to be a model (or successful/rich), he's just gonna stand there in the friendzone every day. fuck me, that would be pure horror.

>> No.9971893


>> No.9972266

I am 25. I'm finishing up a B.A English major and I can't think of anything I want to do with it. Not teaching.

I need money and a career but I'm having a really hard time trying to find the right balance of income/enjoyment in a job.

I imagine the pay in every job to do with the fashion industry is shit. But there's a possibility I might actually enjoy something there.

>> No.9972272

Why didn't u pick a different major kek

>> No.9972399

my cousin is in a similar position
she's finishing up her phd in speech pathology.
from what she tells me the market for speech pathologists is completely saturated right now with a lot of graduates looking for work, so she's been groomed for academia.
problem is she has no interest in teaching.
she's decided to work as a florist, and i think she found work recently : )

>> No.9972438

don't most models date somebody out of the industry or somebody that isn't a model?

>> No.9972442

One of my degrees is in English.

1) how are you 25 and just now getting a BA?
2) even if it's a good school your degree is as worthless as mine.

Go get some real skills FAST

>> No.9972476

Cocaine dealer.

>> No.9973137


>> No.9973188


Well agencies are like any business. They need people to run it while the models are the product they sell.

So you can either work for casting auditions either as someone that helps with administratives or if you have qualifications in the field you can help decide who gets auditions or not.

>> No.9973224 [DELETED] 
File: 282 KB, 681x1024, 7581208526_c7b5621615_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to be the guy that takes the backstage photographs. They are my favorite as I really don't care for editorials and ads where they put the models in ridiculous dresses, make them do silly poses and photoshop them unnaturally.

I don't care enough to dedicate my life to the industry but it would be a nice experience to somehow be able to go backstage for a day and be surrounded by beautiful girls. But the atmosphere would probably be stressful.

>> No.9973338
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>the guy that takes the backstage photographs
That would be becoming a professional photographer, baka.
No, they just don't ask for "a guy that takes pics in the backstage". Nobody asks for backstage photographs in general. It is up to you to sell your photos to magazines/websites. And there's a lot of competition. And you have to buy the equipment. And you have to learn how to shoot and post process.

Every retard can take photos; selling them is an entirely different story. It is easy to make money photographing chubby cosplayers at conventions, but in fashion they just don't need another photograper in general.

>> No.9974449

hair stylist, designer, drug dealer, deputy member of a rich corrupt country

>> No.9974454


Casting agent/director
Makeup artist
Pattern maker (if you use a fit model)
Model scout

>> No.9974466

isnt there someone backstage at fashion shows who hangs outfits, and hands girls their clothes, cleans up the dressing room, gets the models bottled water. what is that job called?

>> No.9975364

Paper cup holder

>> No.9975389

Become an agent?
like work for IMG or something

>> No.9975391

A volunteer.

>> No.9975416


>> No.9975432

Bump will reply to this thread when I get home

>> No.9975533


Insecurities. Get rid of 'em. Make yourself pretty

>> No.9975591

Obviously you have no idea how tough this kind of job can get. It's definitely not a volunteer job, in my country this kind of backstage job is called being an "officer", no idea for the rest of the world.

>> No.9976504

You can't, OP. None of us can.

>> No.9976529

Set making maybe? You make the backdrops and things for photo shoots, commercials, runway shows, and other similar things.

>> No.9976604

an intern.