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File: 491 KB, 700x700, skin1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9966583 No.9966583 [Reply] [Original]

First 'official' /skin(care)/ thread, let's see how it goes.

Recommended products and applications: http://pastebin.com/XeBKDSMZ
Dark circles: http://pastebin.com/t796eKvr
Soap, pH, irritants, and synthetic detergents: http://pastebin.com/51yse1NE
Popping pimples: http://pastebin.com/MufDiSfy
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation: http://pastebin.com/GXYPdwMf
Skin tone and diet: http://pastebin.com/xSmtegXP
Causes of acne: http://pastebin.com/tudaKWmN

Skin care basics: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Skin-care_Basics
Acne treatment: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Acne_Treatment

Skinacea Links:
Retinoids: http://www.skinacea.com/retinoids/retinoids.html
Sunscreen: http://www.skinacea.com/sunscreen/sunscreen.html
Ridding dark eye circles: http://www.skinacea.com/how-to/get-rid-of-dark-circles.html

Any other resources to add in here would be largely appreciated!

>> No.9966589

is cum good for skin

>> No.9966591

>Skin tone and diet: http://pastebin.com/xSmtegXP
been removed

>> No.9966598

I swear my pastes are randomly being removed. Reuploaded now: http://pastebin.com/yUybMdGW

>> No.9966638

tfw psoriasis growing in beard

>> No.9966666

cool, thanks. i just bought a new juicer so imma make some carrot juice haha >:)

>> No.9966681

damn, there needs to be a new sticky, could focus on fashion as art, diy, this, etc.

>> No.9966933

gonna put this here again as a decent basic order of what things can go in.
remember that everyone's face is different and maybe doing things in a different order works for you, but this is just a basic idea to get you started.


>> No.9966946

PSA: buy like ten pillow cases and switch them out every night. The grease your face leaves on the pillowcase over the course of 8 hours stays there and clogs your pores the next night.

>> No.9966961

skin tone and diet keeps getting removed

>> No.9966994

fucking plebs itt who don't switch their pillowcases at least once while asleep, no wonder everyone here has such poor skin

>> No.9967016

good initiative

I think subject should be "/skin/" and then the first line should be something like "Skincare General Thread" because when you're looking for the thread when searching "skin" then usually skinny jeans and skinny inspo pops up. skincare as a word should be there somewhere in the beginning

>> No.9967020


>> No.9967029

thank you but i can't really tell which is what, is the blue powder wash a cleanser? and the Egyptian magic would be a sleeping pack right?

>> No.9967032

Just visiting to say, thanks to whoever is upkeeping this thread. I always see skincare threads but then forget about the advice when I need to make use of it during outbreaks etc. If this is a regular like hair threads, well done.

>> No.9967159
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the original posts are in this thread:

you'll find skin tone there and some other stuff.

>> No.9967357

What's best way to get rid of pimples on back and chest?

>> No.9967881

thank you based !cfkaiwenfk

>> No.9967891
File: 10 KB, 240x420, a09a9e249bd8104fb489896cdc2eed2d[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that you should wear this EVERY day

>> No.9967984

that's what we're trying to do

Egyptian Magic really just looks like a moisturizer tbh.
looked up the Sekkisei White Powder Wash and the site says this:
>Snow-like powder that delivers highly gentle washing with a rich, creamy lather to create bright, translucent skin.
In the picoprince chart just sounds like a f oaming cleanser

>> No.9967994

thank u so much bb

>> No.9968003

looks expensive

>> No.9968009

Just bought these beauties:


(Two of these actually)

I hope they work for me. I'll get back to you when i've tried them, and tell you what i think.

>> No.9968012

How's that one? Does it work for acne-prone skin too?

>> No.9968016

>CeraVe Moisturizing Facial Lotion
Does that prevent pimples? I'm retarded when it comes to these things but I try to improve. I've been looking for a while some good product to get rid of them.

>> No.9968036

anyone derma rolled before? i ordered a 1mm and used it a week ago but i feel like i should do it again cuz i didnt go hard enuf

>> No.9968040


15 euros, last a little over a month in my experience

well worth it, it's the best I've ever tried

>> No.9968059

A moisturizer won't "get rid of pimples", there's no one magic cure-all product either, it's all in finding a skincare routine that works for you
try reading the pastebins, if they didn't get rando baleeted again.

just sunscreen or sunscreen/moisturizer together?

>> No.9968064


My local pharmacy recommended me this and because I thought they knew what they where talking about I bought it.

Firstly, it's too fucking expensive, it's just a goddamn sunscreen that does what all others do and,

it's fucking greasy and will leave you shining and day. Fuck it, go buy a nivea 30 or something, no one needs 50+ except maybe arabs.

>> No.9968067

Hey there!
I read on /r/skincareaddiction that this moisturiser contains niaciamide, an ingredient that supposedly fights acne. There's many good reviews on it. I've also read that it's lighter than CeraVe in the tub, i have oily and acne prone skin so that's why i chose that one.
I reccommend you lurk /r/skincareaddiction, you will learn lots of stuff.

>> No.9968074

always get products that do ONE thing

that's my girl's advice, and she's a huge skincare addict

I apply moisturizer first, let it dry and then apply the sunscreen

>> No.9968083

>trusting dumb girls who entire ideology is being the consumer whore of a capitalistic beauty product industry

>> No.9968086

>it's fucking greasy and will leave you shining and day.
I strongly disagree, but then again I do have dry skin

>Fuck it, go buy a nivea 30 or something, no one needs 50+ except maybe arabs.

the goal is to block harmful sunrays, why not go all in?

here's your reply

>> No.9968087

>not trusting the gender that's been doing this longer than us for the past couple decades

>> No.9968096

I know. I shower twice a day, change pillow cases, eat healthy, exercise and all but I cant get rid of them. I don't have major acne or anything. I don't have many pimples on face, but my chest and back look pretty awful.

My skin is pretty dry. At least judging from description that could do the thing.

>> No.9968109

>tfw acne scarring on left temple

In regular light, it's not noticeable; but, when I get in a bathroom with top-down lighting, it looks like someone slapped oatmeal on my temple.

Not much I can do, though.

>> No.9968112

bet you listen to what girls say they want in a guy too right ? because after all you gotta listen to the gender that youre trying to woo!

>> No.9968122

>male skin is the same as female skin!
you know what estrogen is?

>> No.9968131

>being this mad

>> No.9968137
File: 91 KB, 562x398, moon3_sept2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why not go all in?

because the very few extra percent of protection may not be considered cost-effective by some.

I personally don't bother beyond 30.

>> No.9968143

Oestrogen doesn't change the way your skin works. Just because we have breasts doesn't mean we're a different species. Proper skincare (aka not buying into gold flakes, magical berries, snail mucus and other snake oils) is based on science.

Just because you're male doesn't mean your skin doesn't age, tan or get acne the same as a woman's. While there may be differences (oiliness, texture, pore size) they are minimal and the same principles for women's skincare apply to you. You're not a special snowflake just because you were born with a pair of bollocks.

>> No.9968151


Because 30 blocks 97% of those sunrays, anything over that is a waste of money, plus it gives you the idea that you're more protected (which you pretty much isn't) so you spend more time in the sun and end up getting sunburned in the end.

>> No.9968155

Im fucked, amazon doesnt let me order even half of the products listen in this threads, so frustrating.

>> No.9968158


What country are you in?

>> No.9968187

While the latter may be true I don't consider it a waste of money because many sunscreens that are SPF50+ cost the same as SPF30 or lower. In the end, you should buy it based on how it works for you regardless of SPF, so long as it's 30 or above. My current favourite is SPF50 but has a better consistency and doesn't sting my eyes like many others do. I think that comfort is a lot more important than the price in this case.
If you're in Europe try ordering from amazon.de
Alternatively try some other websites like eChemist, Feelunique, or Boots (if they deliver to your country). iHerb is US-based but you can look there as well, though you should mind the customs if you order too much at once.

>> No.9968200

it happened to me too. try ebay or the ones >>9968187 said

>> No.9968203

Im in Portugal.

>> No.9968209

Cant order anything from US, too dangerous, most shit gets stucked in the.. idk the name, custom house? And i have to pay for taking it out there.

>> No.9968216

Then try the other sites, they're UK-based, except for Amazon.de (which is German, obviously)

>> No.9968240
File: 231 KB, 499x427, 1431881924424.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

estrogens/oestrogens. a group of substances - not a single compound. both men and women have them, even though they are more abundant in women.

>Oestrogen doesn't change the way your skin works.
It really does, though. Quite fundamentally.

Various estrogens affect skin elasticity (partially through increased collagen production), pigmentation (affects the melanocytes), skin thickness, the hair follicles, sebum production...

The sexes do age differently (mainly due to differences in collagen, hyaluronic acid), and tan differently to some extent (since estrogen affects the melanocytes - see melasma). Skin thickness is also a factor here.

Acne is also slightly more common in females.
There are also several other skin conditions whose epidemiology is very affected by gender.

But as far as I know at the moment, there's no need to treat the skin that much differently from a general skincare perspective.

Articles you may be interested in:

>> No.9968247

most peoples skin looks shit under shitty lighting

>> No.9968260

I was talking purely from a skincare perspective, as the differences are overall insignificant. Just like there's no point to make separate skincare products for both genders (though many companies do that, albeit for a different reason), there really is no point in dismissing advice just because it came out of the mouth of a nasty aul vagina-haver with the excuse that your skin is just 'different'.

>> No.9968266
File: 65 KB, 1320x440, 9ba01d8c4e8dddb16aabe2b80638ebf2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in Europe aswell, my order came to $25, then $25 shipping, another $10 import fees aaand 20% tax on top of that, fuck Amazon.

>> No.9968296

>buying from US Amazon
that's just retard tax

>> No.9968312
File: 407 KB, 500x500, spaghetti-forgetti-regretti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was talking purely from a skincare perspective

... Right. But you also made statements about allegedly negligible gender differences in skin aging, skin photo-sensitivity, acne - even though there are quite significant gender differences in regards to this (see the information I linked you above).

I have no input on the sexism discussion you guys had beforehand, except for a generally gender-neutral view. Please regard the dermatological information I've provided as separate from that discussion.

>> No.9968336

>even though there are quite significant gender differences
>But as far as I know at the moment, there's no need to treat the skin that much differently
>from a general skincare perspective.
So you basically agreed with me in the previous post, and now you claim you weren't?
>allegedly negligible
Negligible from a general skincare perspective, as you put it yourself. Please stop twisting my words.

>> No.9968346

it's actually more expensive on UK/german amazon, so not really

>> No.9968360

>just because it came out of the mouth of a nasty aul vagina-haver with the excuse that your skin is just 'different'.

are you on your period?

>> No.9968388

anyone have a toenail/fingernail care guide / info?

>> No.9968392

cut them before they get long

>> No.9968400

epic one bro

>> No.9968401

i'm liking those digits

>> No.9968453


What are you studying and where?

Tell me about yourself a little bit?

>> No.9968551

>Im in Portugal.
there's your mistake

>> No.9968798

Ok, I now have "Skin tone and diet" reuploaded on a different paste site since for whatever reason, pastebin removes that particular paste.


>> No.9969040


real nice

>> No.9969049

op can u tell me if noxzema is healthy and works for me or not?

>> No.9969113
File: 37 KB, 454x330, ezvs5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the shit's good
but where can you even get it nowadays?

>> No.9969595
File: 125 KB, 640x1136, 1433197641869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros how do i get a more 'clean' looking face?

See forehead and chin

>> No.9969597

bowl cut

>> No.9969604

Its at the top of my list m8. I'll do it after i graduate, which will be next week.

>> No.9969702

so mad at u

>> No.9969735

I have delicate skin, semi oily and acne prone. Looking to add an aha to my routine, any recommendations.

All I do now is cleanse with Cetaphil, moisturize morning and night, sunscreen every morning and at nights I use tactuo.

>> No.9969758


>> No.9970376
File: 15 KB, 469x138, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are these poofs, how do I make them go away

>> No.9970608

I just throw a towel on it and use then after a shower in the morning. I really don't think it makes much of a difference though

>> No.9970850
File: 650 KB, 595x678, 2015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What to do for red skin?

>> No.9970985

cold shower
don't use bar soap on face

>> No.9970990

seconding moisturizer
make sure your skin isn't dry
check for rosacea/dermatitis

>> No.9970996

poof = slang term for homosexual male afaik

what are you referring to exactly?

if you're referring to the stuff on the corner of your mouth, it looks like either oral herpes simplex or dry skin.

>> No.9971000

you read the stuff listed in OPs post, you lazy!

>> No.9971026

If only the janitors/mods are more active. But in the small chance that one of them are and are looking at this thread, I second redoing the sticky.

>> No.9971102
File: 416 KB, 523x412, F3elujo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently had this spot appear under my eye not sure what it is and I want to get rid of it. It literally came up overnight I looked at a photo of my self 2 days prior to check.

I don't think its a freckle, I'm 22 and I've never had them my whole life. I also havent been out in the sun for the last week, I've been studying mostly for my exams.

It also doesnt seem like a mole, its not raised and I heard they only really develop at young ages.

Any idea guys?

>> No.9971286



just to be safe

>> No.9971298

seems a bit to small for that, but I appreciate the concern, its still the first day so I'll look into it if it gets bigger

>> No.9971769

it has grown into that in one day? shit, mate. hope it's nothing serious. I think laser can get rid of that otherwise.

>> No.9972519

Is it possible to become "immune" to acne medication? I was using tretinoin, stopped for a month because I was a lazy fuck, then when I started puttting it on every night again it doesn't do anything?

>> No.9972670

did it expire?

>> No.9972994

Is a jug of Cetaphil from Costco a decent moisturizer?

>> No.9973020
File: 36 KB, 600x685, 3150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/, i got a bad case of chicken skin. itwouldn't be that much of a problem, peelings, moisturizer and shit would take care of that. the real struggle is that i'm a skinpicker. i just can't leave my skin alone. my skin looks horrible (like really really bad...) and i am extremely ashamed of it. it's a pain in the ass, especially in summer cause i can't wear short sleves or pants. how can i stop this madnes? anybody got over it and cares to give me some tips?

>> No.9973141
File: 19 KB, 460x246, 4620855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get a carotene tan as I look really unhealthy after eating bad food for years. Everybody says to eat tomatoes but I looked it up and they seem to be low in carotene. And spinach is high af. What gives?
My current diet is 4 eggs every day with a shitload of tomatoes, paprikas, cucumbers, some apples and protein shakes. Should I start eating my eggs with spinach instead of tomatoes as they have a load of carotene?

>> No.9973196

it's hard to do 'cause i used to do it all the time but it involves making the decision to stop touching your fucking face nerd

But actually, there's no trick for that, you just gotta make the choice and stick with it.

>> No.9973240

I have eczema, so I can get visibly flakey skin for absolutely no reason
Anyone got any good stuff for me?

>> No.9973246
File: 61 KB, 450x517, 1430584799992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about not communicating this clearly enough. I agreed about that there doesn't have to be a difference in general skincare (and products) for men and women. It was the "Just because you're male doesn't mean your skin doesn't age, tan or get acne the same as a woman's." part that I disagreed about.

Re "twisting words" - no need to assume malicious intent. I think there's just been some miscommunication. Text is very limited, after all.

eh. dermatology nerd. considering med school. that's not important, though. sources and reasoning > persona

yep. could always email the admin @ tuxbell, too.
there might be some good information on the horizon btw. (:

>> No.9973265

Well, ok. I need to train my willpower then. But the fact that you where able to stop gives me hope. Thanks

>> No.9973303

In what situations should you use hot water and in what situations should you use cold water?

>> No.9973316
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Compulsive skin picking/dermatillomania/excoriation disorder et c.

A psychological issue rather than a dermatological one.


Good and non-judgemental support community:

See a clinical psychologist. You should be able to be referred to one through your general practitioner/primary care provider.

You're not a bad person because of this behavior you have. Even though you feel ashamed, you need to know that it's not your fault that you're behaving this way. You're just a product of your genes and your past experiences. You didn't choose to have this problem.

This habit you have is something you absolutely can get rid of, with the right help. It's a matter of dedicating yourself to changing a part of your behavior, which is something I absolutely think you can do.

You can be treated with both meds and behavior therapy. I hope it turns out alright.

>> No.9973341
File: 37 KB, 1000x1000, 1115178-w1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear this on my face, then 70 spf aveeno everywhere else

>> No.9973344

Should I replace toner with aftershave in the morning??

>> No.9973398

You don't need to always post gifs for extra attention, your meaningless tripping is enough

>> No.9973489
File: 17 KB, 500x302, table1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not only beta-carotene that can affect the skin color. Lycopene is also a substance that can do this, for example. Primarily found in tomatoes.

I'm sure you're getting enough. It takes several weeks for there to be an noticeable affect on the skin, though. Have you considered getting a light actual tan as well? That's the optimal look imo.

Also, see the post here:

... Did you know that this is an imageboard?

Anyway, I suggest that you filter me and shift your attention to contributing with good content!

>> No.9973547

I live in the UK. What is the equivalent to the CeraVe shit?

>> No.9973572

I think you're able to get it in some larger Boots. Either that or cetaphil.
All I know is it's one of the basic skincare things Americans love and I've seen it in a big boots.

>> No.9973573
File: 118 KB, 1256x1500, 61finq26SCL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's a good cheap diet for healthy skin?

>> No.9973665

My nose is my problem area. It's oily and has black heads. I do have a generic face scrub, but it doesn't seem to help much. Do blackhead strips actually work? And should I stop putting any moisturizer on the nose?

>> No.9973728

I feel like the website Goodguide should be looked at before buying something, or even to look up products you already have. They rate all the ingredients found in skincare products (among other ratings) and you'd be surprised how shitty something like Cerave's foaming cleanser really is. It's almost a 0/10.

>> No.9973738

How to get rid of bacne?

>> No.9973741
File: 277 KB, 1080x1218, Screenshot_2015-06-11-18-03-23-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, look at this shit. Damn.

>> No.9973749
File: 293 KB, 1080x1438, Screenshot_2015-06-11-18-07-52-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No wonder I have manboobs, FUCK YOU CERAVE

>> No.9973795

cetaphil masterrace

>> No.9973835

>high health concern
here we go again

"Sadly there is a lot of misinformation about parabens, including allegations that they are linked to cancer. In fact, they are not a cause of cancer of any kind. A widely repeated allegation. Parabens are non-toxic to human cells. This is because our own skin cells rapidly and easily break parabens down into harmless smaller pieces. This means they are not able to cause harm and do not lead to skin sensitisation. It also means they won’t persist in the environment or harm wildlife in any way. None of the extensive research carried out on the parabens has indicated a potential risk of harm to human health and parabens remain amongst the safest of preservatives in today’s cosmetic products"

In a nutshell, I suggest looking at a website that isn't a steaming pile of alarmist shite.

>> No.9973857
File: 208 KB, 1072x799, 1430760999252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for clearing that up.
>tfw too fat for tanning on a beach still
I went from 210 to 188lbs these last 10 weeks (with about 3 off weeks). Have another 20-25lbs to lose. Now I'm really looking for eating a lot of healthy stuff. I should be ripped by mid-August, by then I'll have a nice base from all the veggies and can get a light suntan and look nice.

>> No.9973866

You shouldn't be using blackhead strips as, more often than not, they're only making things worse. What they most likely are is sebaceous filaments. Unfortunately they don't permanently go away, but they're quite normal. I've found a clay mask to help with reducing their appearance temporarily, or you could try a light chemical peel. I think the scrub you're using may be drying your face out, try something gentler like a konjac sponge or the aforementioned chem peels. Asian gommages are becoming quite popular lately and as long as you aren't being too harsh with your face they're gentle enough.

Don't stop moisturising your nose. If your moisturiser is too rich, try a lighter one or a lotion, but never go without. It can often make things worse.

>> No.9973885

Thanks, I'll look into a light chemical peel or the clay mask.

>> No.9973887

How to diy remove nose bump?

i can apply pressure and it is flattened pretty much ideally, but it reverts :/

>> No.9973889

ugh, this again? reposting:

>a mild, soap-free cleanser, such as Cetaphil (Galderma) [...] should be applied with the fingertips and rinsed with water. A gentle moisturizer (such as CeraVe Moisturizer (Coria)) should be applied after cleansing.

- The Diagnosis and Management of Mild to Moderate Pediatric Acne Vulgaris - Joseph B. Bikowski, MD

>CeraVe Lotion, Cream, and Cleanser (Coria Laboratories) are ceramide-dominant topical formulations that feature multi-vesicular emulsion (MVE) technology.

- CeraVe Lotion is on the list of "Recommending Topical Moisturizers: Clinical Benefits and Practical Considerations", by Practical Dermatology

>A novel ceramide based MVE skin care line (CeraVe) is also currently available and includes a hydrating cleanser, cream and lotion. Within the emulsion layers, multiple ceramides, humectants, dimethicone and ceramide precursors are incorporated.

- Recommended moisturizer in the "What's new in the medicine chest? - New options improve treatment outcomes" by James Q Del Rosso, Clinical Associate Professor of Dermatology.

Both of the main controversial ingredients - propylparaben and phenoxyethanol (both preservatives) - are among the ingredients of the lowest concentration in the product.

>The Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) reviewed the safety of methylparaben, propylparaben, and butylparaben in 1984 and concluded they were safe for use in cosmetic products at levels up to 25%. Typically parabens are used at levels ranging from 0.01 to 0.3%.

The above was re-evaluated in 2005 and left unchanged.

>FDA believes that at the present time there is no reason for consumers to be concerned about the use of cosmetics containing parabens.


Phenoxyethanol is a great preservative (and preservatives /are/ needed) compared to many other more toxic alternatives. The final concentration in the products are generally below 0.5-1%.

>> No.9973903

I recommend the Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque. I get mine from here:
They ship internationally and the fees aren't too bad, alternatively you can have a gander around your local health food store, they usually sell bentonite clay powder that you can mix with water yourself.

>> No.9973904

The discussion came up in the last thread, you see. Please note that that post focuses on the CeraVe Moisturizer, not the cleanser.

Something you guys need to realize is that a product isn't shitty just because it contains a potentially harmful substance. A product is shitty if it contains a high enough concentration of a potentially harmful substance to affect us negatively. That is why there are established safe limits for what kind of substances that are allowed in what kinds of products.

Here's some stuff about the CeraVe cleanser in question:

>Use gentle fragrance-free soap or soap-free cleanser - these are just some
>CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser
>Dove Sensitive Skin Unscented Beauty Body Wash or Beauty Bar
>Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser or Gentle Cleansing Bar

- Dry Skin Regimen, by Barry D. Goldman (MD) and Anna Krishtul (MD).

>Use a mild soap (CeraVe, Cetaphil, Neutrogena) to wash your face

- "On Acne", by the Dermatology Associates of Wisconsin.

>Listed as a non-drying cleanser and "sensitive product"

- Recommended in the "Guidelines for Atopic Dermatitis" at the Texas Children's Hospital.

>Listed as "mild facial cleansers suitable for rosacea patients"

- "Skin Care Based on Science: Improving Outcomes in Rosacea" - Patricia K. Farris, MD


this is /skin/
enjoy your stay

>> No.9973924

Exactly. I feel like the whole paraben affair has gained so much tract that the sole reason many skincare manufacturers are omitting them from their products is because it's easier than convincing everyone that they're harmless.

>> No.9973928

cetaphil products have done wonders for my problematic skin, I use both the cleanser and the moisturizer. quality.

>> No.9973958

yeah. unfortunately this is probably the case. shame to have to change formulations based on chemophobia.

happy for you. that's why we keep recommending them!

>> No.9973963

Heard through the grapevine that there is now a Swedish brand of 'sunscreen mousse' that boasts up to SPF50, promises 90% of PPD from its UVB protection and has no white cast.
https://www.apotea.se/evy.. New thing on the market, it seems.

I can't read Swedish and haven't heard much about it until now, has anyone tried it so far? Is it too good to be true? I want to believe.

>> No.9973983


>EVY sunscreen mousse is a Swedish invention in sunscreen manufactured in Sweden. EVY recommended by both dermatologists and cosmeticians and can be used if you have sun eczema and sun allergies, or skin disease vitiligo. EVY has been named the safest sun visor on the market of Vitiligoförbundet.

Evy formula enhances the skin barrier and helps the skin retain its moisture even in the heat, wind and water stress. Thanks to a bacteria-proof packaging products have a long shelf life.

EVY in SPF 10, 20, 30, 50 and in a Kids variant.

Sunbathing safe this summer with EVY sunscreen mousse!

>> No.9974016

Sure lad, but is it tried and true? That's what I'm asking.

>> No.9974147

If they are so easily omitted why include them in the first place?

>> No.9974183

first day of accutane boys, ready for a rough ride. I mean i kind of ignored my face for a while, but there gets to a point where ur in the bathroom without a light on so you don't have to be disgusted by your own face in the mirror and realise that something's gotta change.

tub of moisturiser at the ready

>> No.9974200

Really want to ask you guys for some help:

So I'm one of those people that got very lucky in high school. I never had a problem with my skin, not even through puberty. All throughout my teens I basically ate an OK diet, played a shit ton of field sports without sunscreen, and frequently went on weeklong hiking/canoeing trips in the wild without so much as touching a rag on my face. I've survived going on a month-long trip without facial skincare and came away from it without a single fucking pimple.

After being in college for 2 years, my skin is ruined. I'm in a very stressful school environment (chemical engineering) and even though mentally I can take it, I always seem to start breaking out with deep, inflamed nodules. Part of it is from drugs, smoking, and drinking, but I partake generally less than my pizza-faced HS buddies and they seem to be doing just fine.

So I'm asking - what the fuck is the best remedy for stress-related inflammatory acne? I've been trying a gentle wash (no BP) with Glycolic acid to try and lift away the marks. I exercise regularly and eat pretty damn clean now. But my skin seems always to be in this purgatory of getting bad enough that I'd want to go see a derm, then clearing up just enough that I think it'll get better on its own

>> No.9974207

juste översättning, kompis.

contents can be found under "innehållsförteckning" here:


octocrylene, Uvinul A Plus, avobenzone, then some bemotrizinol. all quiet on the sunscreen front. no new active substances. just seems like they've created one of the many great possible combinations to shield against both UVA and UVB.

white cast is, as you probably know, generally avoided when using chemical sunscreens like the ones above, compared to common physical sunscreens like titanium/zinc di/oxide (both white).

>> No.9974220

Can second this. Acne finally started clearing up when I switched to purely Galderma stuff. Those guys know their shit.

Anyone interested, I'm currently using Tactuo nightly and cetaphil moisturizer with spf mornings. And obviously their cleanser. Tried Differin + topical BP for a while but Tactuo was much better for me, less irritating than using both together.

>> No.9974225

Oh and this is after literally 3 years of trying different prescription stuff.

>> No.9974781

They're cost-effective, safe and relatively easy to come by.

>> No.9974883
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>> No.9974902

dubs followed by quints holy shit

>> No.9974986

are Neutrogena Wave Deep Clean Gentle Exfoliating Pads any good?

>> No.9975242

Hey, thanks for the heads up! I'm already in therapy and get antidepressants. But under all the other topics, i wasn't able to talk about this one yet, but i plan to do so as soon as possible. I'll look into the supportgroops.

>> No.9975403

will Retin-A help with sun damaged skin or make it worse. nose and forehead to be specific.

Inhouse has a sale

>> No.9975697

Hey guys, i occasionally have backne, how do i get rid of it? My back, especially around the shoulder blades and below the nape already has lots of dark spots caused by acne. How do i get rid of both of them?
I live in a tropical country and i moisturize daily because my skin is dry af.

>> No.9976308

I have eczema and have never had an issue with sunblock

Anyone got any good moisturising / skin soothing advice for a anon with eczema?

>> No.9976360

Switch your shirt everyday, try not to sweat too much, regularly change your sheets, watch out which shampoo and detergent but those are kinda already the basic things to do

>> No.9976429


I'm sure you can find something there

don't irritate the skin
moisturize with approved moisturizers
possibly use steroids
and see a doctor lol

>> No.9976564
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I get an oily forehead, some pimples on my forehead and dark bags under my eyes

what would you guys recommend? a cleanser + moisturiser combination?

>> No.9977104

bags are /fa/
use the aztec clay mask for the oilyness and for the pimples idk ask someone else lol i have no idea