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/fa/ - Fashion

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9963169 No.9963169 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9963171

I literally know 0 thing about fashion and I post a LOT

>> No.9963178

reeeee pls put trip back on

>> No.9963191

I developed an inflated sense of my own beauty because I have nice facial structure, but I have terrible hygiene, am unfit, and no fashion sense so I'm not reall anything special

>> No.9963202

his name is patrick

>> No.9963257
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> The only item I paid more than 100 euros is my suit.
> I guess I'm a hipster, I hate when things I've liked for years suddenly become trendy.
> I dress for myself but I still wish somebody would compliment my fit
> I cut my nails as soon as the tip becomes white and if I go out and realize I forgot to cut them I'll spend the entire day with my hands in my pocket.
> I get autistic about other small things that nobody gives a shit about, like when I noticed that my watch was silver but my jacket's zipper and the buckle of my messenger bag were golden metal

>> No.9964084

I still go to 4chan

>> No.9964127
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I'm wearing a Hot Topic tee RIGHT NOW

>> No.9964138
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>> No.9964355

dam anon u need to cut that out

>> No.9964378

I buy most of my clothes at Old Navy and the GAP

>> No.9964388

>I buy clothes and never wear them
>I want to change my style but I'm too scared that people will notice and make a big thing about it

>> No.9964426

im straight.

>> No.9964452

Do it slowly then, piece by piece.

>> No.9964454

I have no idea what im doing and just buying clothing on the off chance it looks good on me.

>> No.9964499

you know what you need?
you know what gives you confidence?
stepping out of your fucking cofort zone
wear whatever the fuck you want fam


>> No.9964514

I tried that. Went shopping with a friend and bought some really cool stuff. Things I actually like. I wore the stuff a few times but I never bothered again because of lack of confidence I guess. Sure at first I had confidence but that was because I was with my friend who I knew liked the stuff, but any other time I wasn't with her I didn't feel fully comfortable in the stuff.

I'll try and make a 'what should I wear thread' or whatever they are called soon. See if /fa/ could recommend me some stuff.

>> No.9964525

I'm transgender...

>> No.9964548

MFA as a community dresses people to function well in society, not to teach them anything about fashion, and i think that's fine

>> No.9965091

I wear Primark skinny jeans that cost a tenner because they fit well and look ok.

>> No.9965105

I really want to know the name of the girl in OP's photo.

>> No.9965276

I can't masturbate to porn unless the girl has a thigh gap.

>> No.9965363
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I'm poor as fuck and only wear basics and random shit i get from thrift stores. I'm also in high school but rarely post.

>> No.9965370



>> No.9965481
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I took some stufd, passed out, and woke up the day after next to some shitty high-poweree rifle while looking at a bullet hole in the celing.

No perforated ear drums. No pee pants. Just kind of a bemused indifference to it at this point.

Sure as shit changed my outlook on life.

I only wear 527's and rip stop Wranglers for work.

I have never eaten mustard or ketchup.

>> No.9965485

>buys expensive clothes and shoes
>wear cheap jeans, plain tees, and boat shoes most of the time anyway

>> No.9965506

I have no idea while I still come here.

I am slowly amassing a collection of designer shoes.

I have found my ideal aesthetic.

People on /fa/ don't realize people from literally anywhere on earth could post here. Some of you take honest advice from eastern-poverty-european teenagers, middle-easterners, and chinese college students.

I only come here for the interior design and inspo threads

>> No.9965510

i'm started to get sick of this place but i can't stop visiting

i've learned many things and i'm thankful for that, but at some point it just gets tiring because this board is slow and the community is only constructive sometimes. i do appreciate the honesty here though

i guess i just need some hobbies

>> No.9965531

I just spent $1500 in a matter of 3 hours on 2 pairs of shoes and a coat

>> No.9965561
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we literally just had this thread

>> No.9965596

The only reason I look good in clothes at all is my body. People think I have good fashion sense because of it, but actually have no clue.

Also, I own 7 different versions of the same shirt that I almost exclusively wear.

>> No.9965608

>implying that's a lot

>> No.9965642

i have no money and it shows

>> No.9965740

I don't have the receipt

>> No.9966738

this is v /fa/

>> No.9966753


like i know its shit but every other fashion site is more shit

>> No.9967042

I really should not have done that

it was agaisnt everything i stand for morally, why am i making these stupid decisions at 2 fucking am....why didn't i think........

i am a fucking piece of trash

>> No.9967065

i absolutely love H&M, they have some pretentious shit but they also have nice basic clothes and they are pretty cheap

>> No.9967071

>Some of you take honest advice from eastern-poverty-european teenagers, middle-easterners, and chinese college students.

>implying this won't lead to effay fits

>> No.9967078

Are you me?

>> No.9967087

I used to wear socks with adidas sandals as often as possible

>> No.9967103

I've been browsing this board for 1.5 years and have spent less than $150 on clothes since I started

I like to save stock photos of various clothes from websites and pretend I have purchased the pieces, then construct outfits in photoshop as a kind of 'WAYWT' which I then don't get to share anywhere.

>> No.9967118

Post some of the fits

>> No.9967312

Then he'll end up wearing a button up shirt with cargo pants, one loafer and one Van when he goes out. Don't ruin this man's life

>> No.9967316

I always want to make a post asking for a specific item of clothing that's relatively cheap that I can't find, but always delete it in fear of being redirected to /r/ where the only requests made are the sauce on porno

>> No.9967389

My body shape and stature means I will never look or be /fa/ without a shitload of money. So I just try and look cool instead.

>> No.9967409

I know nothing about fashion and i think im starting to get anorexic

>> No.9967410

I have puffy nips and it fucking sucks dick.

>> No.9967436

I've bought designer items exclusively to satisfy cross-dressing urges while still looking good

>> No.9967441 [DELETED] 
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mentally ill cuck

>> No.9967446

Same here only this crosses over to every other interest I have. Nothing compares to the 4chan style of discussion, every other forum moves so slow.

>> No.9967450

the worst of all...

>receding hairline, 21 years old.

>> No.9967481

I dont wanna get anorexic but this board made me super self aware

>> No.9967572

I don't understand why people spend a lot of money on a single item new when they could get it for a fraction of the coat second hand I mean they're basic but I got a fuck tonne of cos cardigans for at most £5 each and then I see people dropping £10 on new h&m it's like the fuck you doing?

Don't get me started on designer shit like the amount of money I wouldn't have if I had bought all my clothes new rather than second hand is absurd.

>> No.9967584
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I'm a twink. I like it. It turns me on. Sometimes I feel insecure about it, but I mostly enjoy it. I'm a fag. I'm really effeminate. I dress like a homo sometimes. I love androgyny. I sometimes get the urge to wear girl's clothing and put on make up. One time I put on lipstick and jerked off in front of the mirror wearing only a long shirt. Sometimes I fear becoming transgender but I'm only a closeted bisexual. It's super obvious. I kind of don't want to come out because I used (still do it a bit) act gay with my friends and as a joke, like other teenagers. I don't really mind being bi anymore.

What if it's just a phase? I used to be really into the rugged Americana look in high school. I wanted to be a man with a beard. However, I was always a little fag, though

>> No.9967595

>calling crossdresser a cuck
That's kinda fucking lazy man you could have used like million fucking terms and you came up with cuck?
Step up, this banter is shameful

>> No.9967911

I sorta used to be like this. When someone points out that you changed your style or w/e, just tell them the truth. No need to think about what they want to hear or how to not embarrass yourself, just tell them you went around and bought what you thought looked good, just like basically everyone else does. No one will really care after that honestly.

>> No.9967921

i wear a white shirt and jeans every day with the same shoes and uniqlo socks

i mainly shitpost and pretend to be different people or knowledgable about stuff i have no idea on

>> No.9967929

you need real friends.

>love h&m
>have terrible mid-length hair cuz I'm trying to grow it out
>have like 7 pairs of vans from being a highschooler, luckily no disgusting patterns though
>most expensive items I have are $150 Doc Martens and $150 Parka from Asos

>> No.9967952
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Whenever I try new outfits I feel like a kid playing dress up

>> No.9967954

wait what? I thought reeee was a qt 3.14 grill

>> No.9967989

pls london

>> No.9967992

I thought I was the only one like this. It's so bad that I don't even like cutting my hair or shaving, even if all I can grow is a pube stash and a scraggly neckbeard, yeah that's right I don't want people to see me WITHOUT a disgusting neckbeard...

I guess it's really low self-esteem.

>> No.9968133

/fa/ literally have a "where to cop" thread most of the time

>> No.9968232
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Confession no.6 :
> I wish someone would reply to my post with a : "are you me ?" ;_;

>> No.9968237

Are you me?
That'll be five bux thx

>> No.9968265

"where do we get the euros for the gay wedding? or can we use normal people money?"

-key and peele skit

>> No.9969063

I want to have nice style but my lack of confidence kills it so I choose basic shit. I'm convinced I'll never look good 'cause I'm short, pearshaped and have round face. I hate those not/fa/ features.

>> No.9969077

You ate that extra donut huh? Jeez get some will power dude.

>> No.9969233

I shop at uniqlo.

>> No.9969238

Haha holy shit your story is almost identical to mine, even down to the whole friend thing

>> No.9969258

well, at least you can wear from both mens and womens lines and still look good
im jelly

>> No.9969274

I have shit taste and never post fits, but I still browse for some reason

>> No.9969278

i know this feel all to well

>> No.9969341

colli kill yourself

>> No.9969552

I feel like this is probably kind of common within the /fa/ community

>> No.9970982
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Stop being a bitch. I'm going to wear this with red aviators this winter. I have bought and worn a royal blue tracksuit to classes and concerts one winter. I'm a big blond guy and it looked hilarious. I wear bolo ties and cowboy hats for no reason already. Why dress to fit in when you can dress humorously and let people know you don't care what they think. That's why I wear velcro sandals too, because they're a pussy repellent. It feels good to outwardly express that you don't give a fuck. Nothing like rolling up on a skateboard in velcro sandals and all linen.

>> No.9970987
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After that I want some american flag pants to wear with these.

>> No.9970988

wow this guy just DOESNT care what other people think what a madman hahaha

>> No.9970991

The trick is to be tall and good looking, someday you'll learn.

>> No.9971011

I'm poor and only really buy cheapo brand stuff that looks just as good as overpriced designer clothes. I also have a pair of fake geobaskets that I wear alot.

>> No.9971018

that guy is a pleb who can't see how this would make you the freshest boy in town

>> No.9971061

>Started lurking /fa/ a few months ago
>Most of my jeans are 28x30, some 28x28
>Clothes are mall-tier

>> No.9971325

Test outfit to get grocery?