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9962311 No.9962311 [Reply] [Original]

>capes will never be a thing again

>> No.9962315


they will, there was one in hedis slps aw2015 mens show

>> No.9962318
File: 86 KB, 1019x1384, 81F11JBLK_3_large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

topman has this "cape" but it's more of a gigantic drape cardigan/kimono

>> No.9962890

fuck yeah that shit looks sick

>> No.9962915
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Capes always have been and always will be fucking cool. As long as you're wearing nice fabrics and not cheap costume-y stuff you could rock one any time you like.

Pic related, not exactly a cape but Lemaire is straight killing it with this.

>> No.9963006

Problem is you have to look like that model to be able to pull it off.
If you look ordinary, you're just a geek in his larping costume, or some fag on their way to some convention.

Remember the golden rule:
If you are hot, you can wear anything, anything at all. From dressing up as a mime, to cosplaying some gay ass animu and mango character.

If you are ordinary or bland ugly, you will look out of place and stupid.

BUT, if you are novelty-tier ugly you could get away with it as well.

Both extremes and you can wear a cape in this day and age:
Chiseled fucking superman, and phantom of the opera.

Everyone else shouldn't, for their own sake.

Isn't that a sad thing?

>> No.9963069

Hitler styling on everybody tbh. Based Hugo Boss.

>> No.9963081

I saw a bloke wearing a cape at uni one day.

Yes, you're right, he was on the autistic end of the spectrum.

>> No.9963092

1. be attractive
2. don't be unattractive
and then you can pull off anything

>> No.9963111


>> No.9963139

But by that logic anyone who doesn't fit onto the magic of spectrum of pretty - ugly should just avoid any clothing out of the ordinary?

Why not instead just wear what you like and not worry so much, seriously fashion isn't just for the pretty that's not the point.

>> No.9963142
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>> No.9963309

>Why not instead just wear what you like and not worry so much
do you like capes?
please wear one to work/school/downtown tomorrow see how that goes for you.
take a vid of people's reactions plz so we can all kek at you too

>> No.9963315

would a giant man look good in a cape? I felt like I would look fairly intimidating, 6'5 290lbs here :)

>> No.9963336

Long coats fam