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9952486 No.9952486 [Reply] [Original]

How do i get a flat stomach? Ive tried working out before and eating better, but none of it ever seems to have any effect. Im not sure whether its because im not doing things specifically enough or whether i just dont know enough information on how to do it, but at this point, i dont even know how to approach trying it

>> No.9952501


Stop eating shit like takeaways, sugar, fat. Actually do exercise, running/weights/swimming/biking w/e 3 times a week.

>> No.9952509

you have to cut your body fat down by eating very few macronutrients while still drinking plenty of fluids and getting all of your micronutrients and remaining active.

>> No.9952512

its mostly stoping eating dumb shit
and taking away soda completely
weight just starts dropping after that

>> No.9952514

You have to specifically target your stomach fat, clench your abs through every exercise you do and you'll notice a different in a few weeks. Going for a run? Clench your abs on and off during. Curling? Lift with your abs. You get the idea.

>> No.9952518

this is the dumbest shit i ever read. you might cut down on fat intake and maybe a bit on carb intake too, but you definitely don't just cut macros out across the board.

you wanna cut fat? eat less calories than you use, keep a low percentage of fat, high percentage of protein. be moderate with carbs. drink water.

>> No.9952519


>> No.9952520

>Ive tried working out before and eating better, but none of it ever seems to have any effect


>> No.9952524

Premium bait.

>> No.9952526

is this b8? there's no such hting as spot reduction m8

>> No.9952529
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>> No.9952532



>> No.9952533

you need to lower your body fat %

believe it or not, you can eat junk and have a flat stomach. its just having low bf

>> No.9952534

> Ive tried working out before and eating better, but none of it ever seems to have any effect.
now that's funny

>> No.9952536

Are you simple?

You can't target where you lose your fat. You should read sometimes.

In order to have a flat stomach, you need a low body fat percentage. The way this can be obtained is through proper diet and exercise.
How I maintain my 6-pack is exactly that.

I normally start my day with oatmeal and some yogurt. Or yogurt and a peanut butter and jelly on whole wheat bread. For lunch I will eat Chicken/Fish with some noodles (lightly buttered) or brown rice. Occasionally I will replace the noodles/rice with sweet potato. For dinner, I eat something different everytime. I cook a range of 25-30 different Peruvian meals that all have some meat, vegetables and something with carbs. I snack on peanuts consistently through the day.

I lift weights 3 times a week and play hockey once a week. I drink 4 scoops of whey protein on the days I exercise and 2 scoops the morning after.

It sounds like a lot but it's really not.

>> No.9952539

Is it funny as in you dont believe me or as you genuinely find it funny that doing those had no effect?
I aftually did try to put in an effort, and it could just be that i didnt do it for long enough, but i never saw any effects from it.

>> No.9952547

I live in the American Gardens Building on W. 81st Street on the 11th floor. My name is Patrick Bateman. I'm 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

>> No.9952558

did you accurately count calories and eat less calories than your body uses per day?

i'll give you a hint: if you didn't drop any size, the answer is no. no matter what body type or medical condition or blah blah, in any particular 24 hour period your body uses x amount of calories. if you consistently eat less than whatever x is on a given day, then you will lose weight and fat. do this enough over time, and you see results.

>> No.9952569

not op, but what bf % do u begin to see abdominal definition?

>> No.9952574

15%ish maybe a bit higher, depends on a lot of other things too.

>> No.9952576

begin to see? usually somewhere around 15%, depends on the person

if you want super shredded abs you usually need to be below 10% tho

>> No.9952579

I wasnt specific with the amount of calories i was taking in, but i know what i ate was definitely less calories

>> No.9952593


less calories than what? less than what you usually ate? or less than you used? because over a prolonged period, it's literally physically impossible to not lose mass on a caloric deficit. matter cannot be created nor destroyed. so if your body is using 1300 per day to survive, and you only intake 1000 per day, it HAS to take that other 300 out of fat stores (as well as slightly out of other tissues).

this is the #1 new-to-fitness mistake. people mis-estimate calories. you need to count that shit. every drink, every snack, every meal. and stick with it. it takes years

>> No.9952608
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A lot of it can be your posture. If I lean over and relax my gut, I can look 4 months preggo.

If I stand up straight and with composure it's like an insta-abortion

>> No.9952618

im here to confirm the calorie deficit advice. i lost 20 lbs in 3ish months just from using myfitnesspal and staying at/under 1200 calories a day. no working out, didn't even completely remove soda and junk food, but just watching the calories

>> No.9952625

its not really that difficult lol

i think ppl just expect to lose 15 pounds in two weeks

>> No.9952641

>that pic

please just let me die

>> No.9952971

>Google "maintenance calories"
>Click first link, find out daily calorie needs
>Eat 300-600 cals less
If you eat too much exercise until you burn it off/
fuckin' simple

>> No.9952988

How long have you been doing this?

It's amazing how many people think a little change over a few weeks will make a huge difference.

You've literally gotta change your lifestyle and make it long term.

It's about the journey and in all honesty you won't see proper results for 4-6 months.

>> No.9953220

post a pic

>> No.9953290

Suffer from hardcore cocaine addiction to the point of which you can only afford minimal food and starve yourself down to skellington form because $60/g is really fucking expensive here.

>> No.9953328

/fit/ here

basically this

Calculate your TDEE and eat 500 calories less than that.

Do cardio.

Stop drinking soda and eating shit food.

>> No.9953335
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Here is me a few months back. I've gained about 3lbs since but it's only noticeable in my chest and thighs.

>> No.9953513

shitch nigga
je suis jalouse

>> No.9953563

But did your stomach actually go down? I am probably 150 right now. Like 2 years ago, i was about 20 pounds less, when i was still very active, but i still had a stomach

>> No.9953572

nice, good insertions

>> No.9953605

Running isn't actually that effective to burn fat.
Something like nordic walking is much better.
It's also important that you walk about 40 minutes or you're not going to burn fat.
I'm not saying that jogging isn't healthy and shit but almost 95% of all people go too fast because they lack in knowledge.
And iust don't eat any yunk food and avoid suggar and fat. If you really want to be healthy and lose weight/body fat you should also consider eating on a vegetarian basis for some time.

>> No.9953614

And don't count calories
It's the worst thing you can do.
Oh no I've eaten 20 calories too much.
Your body needs different amounts of calories every day. E.g you need less in the summer than in the winter.

>> No.9953640

Can you post your lifting routine? And not to be a pest but the weights you lift at for your routine? Just curious.

>> No.9954145

i'm gonna give you an answer that hopefully will help you troubleshoot other problems for the rest of yourlife. Usually if you approach problems like this you'll find a way to solve them.

your problem: fat stomach
you want: flat stomach

difference between flat and fat stomach is a couple cm of fatty tissue.

How to get rid of this? first, why does your body hold on to this fat? because you put more calories into your body than you expend. solution: eat less or expend more calories. count calories and start eating 500kcal less daily and see where that gets you. count diligently. dont guesstimate, measure. if the weight loss is too slow you can take off more calories. you can reasonably eat about half your maintanance (the amount of kcal you can eat without gaining or losing weight) for a long time without problems. below that and you'll want to take breaks every couple weeks. good books on the subject come from lyle mcdonald for example.

now you've lost weight but you still look like shit because you have no muscle mass. so start eating a small surplus(+100-250kcal) and start lifting.

next time you have a problem, define it and where you want to be and think of a path from A to B.

>> No.9954718

this is my goal body tbh

>> No.9954739

>ive tried working out before and eating better, but none of it ever seems to have any effect.
You don't tried working out. You always workout. You don't say it didn't work, in the past, you keep doing it.

>> No.9954798

Was 6'1" 148 lbs, skinny face, legs arms, but I had man-boobs and a flabby gut that stuck out a little bit. Same figure for all of highschool, exact same shitty diet and lifestyle choices. Basically I used to eat pizza at least 3 times a week and I'd usually finish a whole pizza. Didn't look good. Couple weekends ago I slept at a girls house for 2 days and in that time only ate 1 portion of chicken and rice. When I hot home I continued to effectively starve myself trying to eat sub 1000 calories a day. Week and a half later and I know longer have any trace of any gut, my man-boobs have almost disappeared and my love handles are less squishy. I went from 5/10 max body to like maybe 6.5/10 body (assuming you like skinny boys). The only thing I've done differently is eat 3 times a day and kept it small as fuck. BTW I hope you can deal with the hunger because it is real.

>> No.9955445

I do the nearly the same routine and have achieved similar results.

Although I also do intermittent fasting and HIIT in the fasted state right before I have my first meal and sometimes before bed, I do this everyday. To my experience that has been the most efficient means of cutting especially getting to the more stubborn areas.

Remember its a lifestyle change, doing some fad diet where you only eat lemons might yield temporary results but its bound to fail.

>> No.9955518

stomach is the last place you lose fat so just keep going.

>> No.9955551

It'd take wayy too long to post my entire routine because I've developed a few.

Day1: Chest/Triceps/Shoulders/Abs
Day2: Back/Bicep/Abs
Day3: Legs/Abs.

I can't really lift too much weight tbh. I can only bench 135 for 3x5 and I dont DL or squat at all due to back problems. My goal is usually to do about 12 sets per muscle group. So I usually split up my workout in sets of 3s. So on chestday, I'd do bench press 3x?, Invert bench press 3x?, cable flys 3x?, weighted dips 3x? And then pushups to failure. I seriously am only at the gym for about an hour and half and only go 3 times a week. Doesn't take much more ottermode.

>> No.9955592

v nice. do you do the protein thing on days you do cardio, or just working out?

and before or after?

>> No.9955629
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this is what i've been eating for the past month, and i've dropped 10 pounds already (178 -> 168, 6'0"). It costs me $30 a week, which is all I can afford. No room for crap foods.

I want to cut orange juice for something else to put in a smoothie but I'm not sure what. Maybe the bacon, too, for a leaner meat.

Any tips?

>> No.9955648

what website is that

>> No.9955652



>> No.9955685

Lads, what he's trying to say that by working your abs more you make your stomach flatter, which is true, since the internal abdominal muasces will become stronger, do stomach vacuums daily and you will see for yourselves.

>> No.9955690

I only do "cardio" once a week. Which is the day I play hockey. I drink protein in the morning and immediately after any sort of exercise.

"Flatter" being the key-word there. Your stomach already needs to be flat for any abdominal workout to show a result. No matter how many stomach vacuums you do, if your BF% is too high, your stomach will still not be flat.

>> No.9955695

Not that much of a difference, surprisingly

>> No.9955700


Any ab gains you get won't be apparent until you get rid of the layer of fat covering them. If you want an attractive stomach post-weight loss, sure, but if you just want to get rid of stomach fat, it won't help.

>> No.9955702

hey imnot sure if this is the proper thread to ask this q in but hell , my waist is 32 and my inseam is 30, how in the world am i going to buy proper pants? should i buy 32-32's and just tailor them?

>> No.9955723

My waist is a 28/29 and my inseam is a 31. I usually use an inseam of 32/34 though. If you want your pants to have no break and just rest on your shoe, then yes, get them hemmed.

>> No.9955724

ah right, thanks :)

>> No.9955733
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>> No.9956058

new fave trip, soz lelders

>> No.9956366

u dun no nothing