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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 8 KB, 250x214, how do we fix fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9946820 No.9946820 [Reply] [Original]

how do we fix /fa/?

>> No.9946846

>make pigfuck the janitor and pay him an honest wage
>permaban for all gooks and anime posters
>get rid of all trips that haven't been around for at least 4 years
>get rid of teenagers
>delete all template and EDC threads
>delete all "what's the /fa/ way to do ____?" threads
>delete all snapchat and tumblr threads and brit/aus generals and desktop threads

there's more, but that should be a good start

>> No.9946847

it's not broken.
it's never been good.

>> No.9946855

sage tbh

>> No.9946860

hi martin

>> No.9946867
File: 63 KB, 448x385, help me im dying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even him

if i was i would have mentioned something about getting rid of the niggers, but i didn't

>> No.9946890

Only good thread is where to cop nelson Mandela bart t-shirt,
The problem is the user base being ugly insecure teens who just follow their own /fa/ trends and not noticing what else is going on outside /fa/.

>> No.9947093

its not really broken

>> No.9947195

>permabanning our honorary aryan brothers


>> No.9947955

>getting rid of the most /fa/ race

>> No.9947962

gooks are not white

>> No.9947971
File: 159 KB, 200x200, 111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That userpic is associated with me

>> No.9948118

With matches and some gasoline in the server room.

>> No.9948127

he didn't say they were

>> No.9948180

permaban ree
permaban ree
permaban ree

the only way to save this board

>> No.9948208

Adding to this with permaban every MAC address he posts from.

>> No.9948266


>> No.9948780
File: 243 KB, 1500x1000, Caring-about-yourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9948784

can you go look up the wikipedia article for "MAC address" and come back and let me know you still stand by this post?

>> No.9948787

>spoofing mac address is hard

>> No.9948815

Yes, because combine with other techniques (I mentioned one of the two most obvious ones.), we can rid this site of you.

>Implying ree is that smart.

>> No.9948849


baited hard m8

>> No.9949921
File: 21 KB, 366x324, consider the following.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious answer
>disable trips/names
>thread specific IDs
>make some rules about what kind of threads are allowed on /fa/
as in ban threads like "what kind of dogfood I can feed to my dog is most /fa/" etc. You can go ask these retarded /b/ tier questions on an appropriate board.
>get at least one mod/janitor/whatever to actually show up in this shithole and enforce the rules once in a while

I honestly believe /fa/ would be a way better board with these changes.

>> No.9950168

>ban reeeeee
>rape reeeeee
>torture reeeeee
>kill reeeeee

>> No.9950176

change the name to /fart/

>> No.9950179

true, but there was a period when it was better than it is now.

>> No.9950185

Fix it by contributing positively.

post quality fashion related threads and contribute when other ones are posted

>> No.9950194


>> No.9950195

restrict all topics to men's fashion between 1985-2008, there /fa/ is saved

>> No.9950198


>> No.9950209

no streetwear
no dadcore
no fast fashion
no techwear
no palewave
no jewelcore
no comfycore
no gothninja
no fakes
no tumblr/instagram/snapchat
no w2c
no cop or not
no hair/skincare
no homos
no gooks
no niggers
no spics (or any other shitskin)
no women
no liberals
no fatties
no uglies

>> No.9950212

permaban this guy

>> No.9950215

permban everyone but me

>> No.9950469
File: 313 KB, 1280x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We kill the bateman.

>> No.9950484

rename the fuccboi general thread to something the newfags will actually understand so we don't get newfags spamming up WAYWT and creating threads.

the definition for fuccboi has evolved and its probably time we evolve with it.

>> No.9950485

please mods
you banned a guy for saying nigger but not ree yet

>> No.9950488

also "tuxbell.com" does not fucking ring "fashion"
i don't think people will click on it. the sticky doesnt tell people to click on it or what the link leads to.

>> No.9950491

get a life instead

>> No.9950496
File: 613 KB, 295x221, 1427929821931.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is te most redddit post in the most reddit board, you fags are unbelivable

>>permaban for all gooks and anime posters
>We kill the bateman.

>> No.9950501

somehow make it so you cant post anywhere but fuccboi general/w2c wthout lurking for a month

this boards worst quality is that newfags give advice to other newfags who eventually inherit the board
also fuck that picture captcha i was fine with the numbers

>> No.9950503

newfags dont know what a fuccboi is

>> No.9950507


>> No.9950509

Either update the sticky or remove it.

Everyone says "read the sticky" but the website it goes to is broken and has virtually nothing on it.

>> No.9950510

newfags run /fart/ we outchea ;^)

>> No.9950530

>Everyone says "read the sticky"
>but the website it goes to is broken and has virtually nothing on it.

that's the joke you idiot

>> No.9950539

then don't complain when ppl crowd up the board with making individual w2cs for items and "what do i wear with my new birkys" threads, your joke did that


>> No.9950931
File: 110 KB, 1503x894, B&.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you get banned for calling out someone who believes that the Yeezy 2s are better designed and made than anything Raf has produced...

>> No.9951515

Because that's racism, you dumbshit. You weren't banned for expressing your opinion.... Read the rules newfag

>> No.9951523

LOL how can I tell you are newfags?

Getting newfags to ask "how do I pronounce fuccboi, is it pronounced like Gucci" is a quintessential part of board culture

Not going to change just because you want to dress better over the summer so you don't get bullied as much when you enter grade 10

>> No.9951538

just let it die

>> No.9951562

>tux bell
>does not fucking ring fashion


