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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 28 KB, 300x300, gildant-shirt-plainblack_1_109181_black_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9946707 No.9946707 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you adopted anti-fashion yet?

>plain black tee
>black or blue 501s
>black boots or running shoes

Free yourself from the endless cycle of trend consumption. Save money, time and energy. Stop looking like you try too hard and just start living.

>> No.9946709


I don't consume trends. I buy what I like.

>> No.9946712

What brands do u recommend OP

>> No.9946719
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Because my authorities are into fashion.

>> No.9946725

You believe that you do, but in reality you are subtly manipulated by marketing. There aren't billions put into the industry for nothing. In fact, you appear to be in the exact "sweet spot": you follow trends whilst believing that you do so of your own will.

>> No.9946731
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>tfw you realize fashion is a spook...

>> No.9946732


>> No.9946752

This isn't anti-fashion, this is minimalism, yes I have adopted it.

Sorry OP this is also fashion, you're still semi-stuck in it. But the good news is you can be as chained to it as you want, there is low-end minimalism like you've adopted and then there is high-end minimalism...

>> No.9946783

I suppose the point that OP is missing is that any clothing is fashion. Have you adopted low end minimalism? Care to provide an example?

>> No.9946797

I was dressed like that today, good fit

>> No.9946862

But i am wearing brown 522s, navy tee, and canvas shoes.

>> No.9946881


Once you're conscious about what you're wearing you're aware of fashion. OP is fully aware of what brands they are using and trying to adopt an aesthetic, they are in fashion.

Minimalism is just a simple look, the tiers change just based on level of clothes:
>Low-End Minimalism: Basic brands, cheap stuff i.e. Uniqlo, stuff like OP is wearing
>Mid-Tier Minimalism: Contemporary brands i.e. Acne, Norse etc.
>High-Tier Minimalism: Designer brands used to dress in a minimal way

I like mid-tier minimalism, that's what I'm going after.

>> No.9947703
File: 43 KB, 499x499, deadpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I wear is steel toed boots, blue jeans, metal shirts and a black hoodie. I just come here to remind myself of how fucking pathetic you faggots are.

>> No.9947709

just wear blue jeans and a polo shirt and some sketchers you fucking tryhard

>> No.9947723

>not being a nudist

stay pleb, fuccbois

>> No.9947734

How's the 522? I feel like they show them the worst way possible at the levi's webside with the shirts tucked in and no belt. I need a replacement for my grey 508s and they are supposed to be the replacement but I'm not 100% convinced.

>> No.9947743


I was 16 once

>> No.9947758

>altering your interests to gain the approval of your peers

Stay pleb you fucking cuck

>> No.9947768


irony, the post

>> No.9947884

How? The 501 is a classic cut.

>> No.9947907

All anti-fashions are still fashions.

>> No.9947911

The fact that it goes unnoticed doesn't make it anti-fashion; its ubiquity makes it a fashion staple.

/ck/ might call you a flyover for making shepherd's pie, and by no means is the dish haute cuisine, but everybody likes it.

>> No.9947912

>tfw plain black and white tees cost £40 in some stores
literally why

>> No.9947920

Actually, 501s represent something like ten classic cuts.

>> No.9947926

Its called growing up. You don't shit your pants in public when you're 16+
That in itself is "gaining approval" via being socially appropriate

>> No.9947965
File: 189 KB, 900x675, bronies_with_monster_pie__by_purpletinker-d4x9pb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are bronies/fedora wearers true definition of antifashion?

>> No.9947981
File: 799 KB, 3110x2073, 1413765786186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look how much fun they're having.

Now look at this bunch if pretentious tryhards. Seriously, this is fucking embarrassing.

>> No.9947985

If anti-fashion is a response to contemporary fashion, then its definition will always change. Still a fashion.

A more permanent position might be a movement to reduce investment, labor, consumption and thoughtfulness, in regard to production and wearing of clothes. Pure utility over expression. Clothing as a tool, in other words.

>> No.9947986

both are tryhards
just in different ways

>you're seriously telling me some kid dressed up in a suit and FEDORA for a BRONY MEETUP isn't trying hard

>> No.9947991

>>you're seriously telling me some kid dressed up in a suit and FEDORA for a BRONY MEETUP isn't trying hard
he's at least smiling and has a sense of confidence about himself

>> No.9948023

Plain black tee (polo ofc)
Black 511s (rolled up ofc)
Flyknits (beat as shit ofc)

>> No.9948029

w2c parka on the guy with the awful black jeans and meme shoes?

>> No.9948037

That would still be an expression of specific values, just not necessarily aesthetic values. Clothing as utility is still fashion.

>> No.9948039

I like you
Fuck these memedressing faggots 98% of them look ridiculous

>> No.9948040

because normcore is the trademarked property of the year 2013 get with the times OP

>> No.9948054
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>metal shirts

>> No.9948062

you described all of them...

>> No.9948067

this seems like the place to ask, how do Docs fit? true to size?, they dont make half sizes in my size :(

>> No.9948134

Unfortunately this will never be possible as long as fashion industries can target insecure children to sell their overpriced garbage to.

>> No.9948171

As much as I favor utility, I don't think anybody wants to actively look disheveled or unattractive. It's interesting that so many fashion designers fall into wearing a uniform. A person can look good without being wasteful. Decision fatigue is a real threat. We each have a limited amount of time on Earth, and there being three dozen varieties of peanut butter on the shelf at the grocery store does not help.

>> No.9948306

Try some on?

>> No.9948321

A friend of mine has them, they look good, but he's a skelly so most things his size will look good.

>> No.9948332

there has to be some more beneath "low tier minimalism". what about literally, and i mean literally, buying the cheapest possible jeans and t shirts from target and walmart, paying zero attention to their fashion and fit appeal. like poverty-core

>> No.9948333

Hahahahahahaha its so funny that you explained the joke xDDDDDDDD

>> No.9948338

90s grunge?

>> No.9948343

>this is minimalism
L E A V E and never come back

is it that hard to grasp minimalism /fa/? it just gets worse and worse with you guys

>> No.9948346

I need to dress business casual

>> No.9948400

Do explain

>> No.9948405

because I actually like fashion?? why post on /fa/ if you just wear the same thing every day?

>> No.9948932

i don't get why we're so hard on these dudes. they're obviously still young and learning and probably had a good time chilling together. the outfits aren't great but they're not all terrible. a few are but some are alright.

>> No.9948972

>and probably had a good time chilling together
they all look nervous and insecure

the first pic released had their faces all blocked out, but someone eventually released the uncensored version so we could laugh at all the dumb expressions on their face. literally no one is smiling

>> No.9948991

>i don't get why we're so hard on these dudes. they're obviously still young and learning and probably had a good time chilling together. the outfits aren't great but they're not all terrible. a few are but some are alright.
I agree. I mean, >>9948972 is right in that the photo is awkward, but it's very true that they're young and kinda still cutting their teeth on social interaction.

I'm 99.9% sure all of us would be just as bad if forced into a room and into a photo like this. I would be.

>> No.9949163

anyone who says they wouldnt bang the shit out of that androgynous looking boy/girl in the middle is lieing. whatever it is, its heavenly.

>> No.9949178

Not to mention any outfit will be scrutinized far more critically simply because it's in the context of a /fa/ meet up. If seen randomly on the street, most of us would at least appreciate the fits, if not like them.

>> No.9949180

I'm always surprised seeing that... person... in the photo. They seem more MFA than /fa/. Maybe I haven't lurked here long enough.

>> No.9949183

Because there is no boycotting the domination of consumer logic.

You're talking "ethical consumerism," and that form of resistance failed really fucking hard.

>> No.9949291
File: 903 KB, 2880x1800, yes you can.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it OP

>> No.9949405

vans, 501s and a dope beauty tee.

>> No.9949522

i just wear the same clothes every day is that anti fashion

>> No.9949569

the only way to be anti-fashion is to wear what you want regardless of what idiots say about it on the internet

>> No.9949979

Pretty much

>> No.9950294

But I like my trends, they give me purpose and something to spend my parents money on.

>> No.9950352

>Why haven't you adopted anti-fashion yet?

Because i have an actual job and i have to dress diffently every day so people don't think i'm a filthy motherfucker who don't change his clothes.

Because i have to dress nice so when i go out with a girl (who made a lot of efforts herself) she doesn't think she's with a loser.

I bet your mom doesn't care if you wear the same fucking t-shirt and jeans everyday, GOOD FOR YOU.

>> No.9950506

Haha I'm married and I have a job and I wear the same shit everyday m8. The difference is I don't associate myself with shallow children who judge others on what they wear. How sad that life must be...

>> No.9950516

i dont get this meme every other board talks about /ck/ as if they discuss high end dishes there, whenever i go there every thread is "post your dinner" or "favourite snax thread"

>> No.9950735

I've never understood /ck/....

>> No.9950754


>> No.9950982

isn't that minimalist b/w fashion?

>> No.9951005

Its wearing cheap, comfortable clothes

>> No.9951013


This is a highly specific term in the context of art and design

And in the fashion context, it absolutely DOES NOT mean poor faggot dressed head to toe in monochromatic Uniqlo


>> No.9952091

There's a reason why designers where the same simple fit every day. Consuming trends is for plebs.

>> No.9952103

Double kek

>> No.9952111

shut the fuck up you fucking ironic cocksucker

>> No.9952113
File: 64 KB, 256x256, 1259023781840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's called growing up
and yet , that guy probably dresses better than everyone on this shit board
just go check out WAYWT and remind yourself

>> No.9952120

are you having a laugh mate
no offense but i wouldn't touch that thing with a ten foot pole

>> No.9952125

i-i'm not a sheep because i buy slightly less clothing that was designed, manufactured, and marketed to be sold and consumed

i'm b-better than you because of this

there will always be somebody more off-the-grid than you. and there will always be somebody more plugged in than you. you're not a better person than either of them.

if the ills of society could be solved by punk-inspired antifashion, then the antifashion punks would have already solved them.

pragmatically, it will never be adopted by enough people. so, while you might remove some of your hand in the mess, the mess will definitely still pile up. and because of the orders of magnitude of people who don't care about your antifashion ideals, it will likely pile up at basically the same pace.

this is the problem inherent in trying to solve capitalism through personal consumption habits -- those who will alter their consumption habits based on larger ethics are already the people who wouldn't be wasteful in the first place, and are already the people who aren't financially backing coal-burning power plants and shit.

it's like, this rhetoric will only get through to people who were already inclined to practice its ideals, which is an extremely small portion of the population.

>> No.9952131

was this your college thesis or some shit damn

>> No.9952142

you know it only takes about a minute or less to type something like that up

>> No.9952290

Haha wow, OP never once claimed dressing simply would solve world issues or even have any impact outside of yourself. It seems as though you are trying to move the issue away from yourself onto a broader picture.

Why don't YOU stop buying trends so that YOU can benefit? Why do YOU feel the desperate need for approval from others to the point that YOU purchase whatever is shilled to YOU via blogs, TV, film, social media, magazines and an anonymous Vietnamese digital polaroid message forum?

>> No.9952299

top kek, family

>> No.9952400

>Why don't YOU stop buying trends so that YOU can benefit? Why do YOU feel the desperate need for approval from others to the point that YOU purchase whatever is shilled to YOU via blogs, TV, film, social media, magazines and an anonymous Vietnamese digital polaroid message forum?

who said i do that?

>> No.9952425

actually, yeah, when you talk about antifashion you are talking about social issues.

antifashion came out of a specific context, a specific set of subcultures, for various reasons, but many of the overlapping reasons were 'anti-consumer counter-culture' type reasons.

you are deploying this same rhetoric now: >Why don't YOU stop buying trends so that YOU can benefit?
it's inescapable. any benefit that i would receive from 'not buying into sheep fashion marketing blah blah 2deep4u edgy counterculture 16 y/o cliche' is because i am consciously voting or not voting for certain social realities with my dollar. it's inherently social. you can't talk about any sort of personal benefit as if a person is a sealed asocial vacuum. so, yes, talking about antifashion is talking about the effects of fashion on a large scale.

if it were just talking about one individual's personal choices, that's not even a discussion. that's just ships passing in the night 'i like this and i don't like this' 'oh, well i don't like that, but i like this'.

>> No.9952429


who are you to define "my benefit" ?

if it's just about me and not about broader issues, then you have zero authority to make any sort of claim about what's in my benefit. you don't know what goals i am trying to achieve, what shape i want my life to take or what plan i am enacting to take that shape.

fucking idiot

>> No.9953016

be creative write creative make food creative make music creative think creative pain creative
never ever dress creative.

>> No.9953024

$150 patrik ervell tshirt worth it?

>> No.9953029

triple kek

>> No.9953038

because 9/11 wasn't a year ago faggot. stop being so drab and get a hobby

>> No.9953050

too many people die to wear anything but black.

>> No.9953742
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>implying there are no hobbies other than following fashion

>> No.9953807

That depends. You are purchasing this product because, whether you are aware of it or not, you believe that it will somehow make your life better. This is OK, its how marketing works. Just be aware that every other time you have purchased products they fgve you a temporary kick but, ultimately, you are left needing yet another product to fill the gap.

Are you aware of this? Do you like this? If so, then yes, it is "worth it".

>> No.9953814

never thought of it liek that

>> No.9953818

Levi's shill imho

>> No.9953832

Is this the same thing as those people doing "forever," Wardrobes? Where they get timeless pieces of clothes that won't expire to go minimalist?

>> No.9954015

my life

>> No.9954030

If you go anti fashion out of spite be a fashion statement? What happens of anti fashion become a trend? Will you stop?

>> No.9954043

I think I will have to adopt anti-fashion as it is the only way to seem fashionable when you don't really have clothes to wear and also cannot afford new ones

>> No.9954048

Fashion is a racket that has taken the world by storm

>> No.9954050
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Since becoming /fa/ I have started to get the feeling that it is a constant losing battle. As soon as I buy /fa/ clothes they become un /fa/. I feel like being fashionable is a full time job, requiring vast amounts of time money and energy. The only positive side to this is that people look at me a bit differently.

When I really think about it I don't even know if I like most of the stuff I wear...

>> No.9954056

You need to change your views on fashion and clothing completely. Start wearing things you like and don't give a fuck about what other people think.

>> No.9954593


>> No.9954862

Idk I usually prefer cotton shirts, feels lighter and softer

>> No.9954899
File: 48 KB, 800x575, dickowens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give a fuck about dick owens; BUT THIS !!!!!!!!

>> No.9954911

thats not what anti-fashion is

>> No.9954930


>> No.9954962


So jumpsuits from 1984? That'd be cool, can i put patches and pins on mine?

>> No.9955090


>> No.9955125


>> No.9955139

I prefer wifebeaters.

>> No.9955204

What brand on the t-shirt though?

>> No.9955402

If you go on eBay you can find cheap multi deals for t-shirts. I usually buy 5 gildan heavy tees for around 10£ but that's just personal preference.

>> No.9955420

dr martens
common projects
dr martens
ann demulemeester
rick owens

>> No.9955464


>also I have never seen a vagina

>> No.9955533
File: 243 KB, 1700x1700, image_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha nothing is less attractive than an insecure faggot who tries to buy self esteem.

Kill yourself, my man!

>> No.9955541


>he didn't deny it

stay fresh, my virgin friend!

>> No.9955605

I'm not sure whether this is the most autistic thing I've ever seen or not. All I can say is that on some level it's amusing. You have my support.

>> No.9955913

mine as well lad keep at it

>> No.9956024


>> No.9956036
File: 45 KB, 640x637, Imgur_U0ASj85l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Damage control this hard

What next? Are you gonna respond to me calling me a faggot or a virgin?


>> No.9956103

You called yourself a virgin and a faggot?

haha nice slip, virginfag

>> No.9956386

But ism't buying a bunch of black gildan tees, Levis 501's and running shoes following a trend of being "normal"

>> No.9956734



>> No.9956747


>> No.9956791

underrated post

>> No.9957749

This is exactly what I wear since I can't afford to buy the clothes I actully wish I could wear

>> No.9957782


it's like jacob keller's little brother or something

>> No.9957791


>> No.9957895

>wanting dad jeans

>> No.9957896

have u seen my waywts lol get on with it anon

>Four grey tees
>Blue swim trunks + blue chino shorts
literally all I wear

>> No.9957905

that's what I meant

>> No.9958050

Let's all make fun of some kid for shopping at target!

>> No.9958053

literally who are you?

fucking new guys man

>> No.9958083
File: 422 KB, 665x662, 1428138215046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't marry your pillow anon

>> No.9958117


post wife, job title and pay stub otherwise you are just trying to convince others to lay down and take it in ass just like you do in your shitty lifestyle.

>> No.9958532

>Implying spending all your money on clothing like a faggot isn't already taking it in the ass

>> No.9958575

Pretty much my life, except beat as fuck sk8 his instead

>> No.9958700

I got all my clothes at Zara and they're all within the same monochromatic concept. Black top, be it a shirt or a sweater, and some dark denims, dark brown, black, dark olive, whatever. I'm okay with it and don't get why people would care about brands, I mean... As long as the fabric is decent and the cut is nice enough, I'm really fine with it

>> No.9958714

>Why haven't you adopted anti-fashion yet?

if you're wearing clothes you're partaking in fashion somehow.
sorry you had to find out this way.

>> No.9958721

I wear a black t shirt and gray sweatshorts most of the time.

I dress nicely to trick sluts into banging me.

>> No.9958725

I'd argue that being butt naked is a fashion of dress as well technically.

>> No.9959413

I turned my back on fashion long ago. I just lurk /fa/ to make myself feel better knowing that there are this many bottom feeders sucking from the dick of dick ovens and the like haha

>> No.9959447

You only listed 8/10 from >>9947981

>> No.9959549

*tips sociology degree*

>> No.9959601

*tips defenseman mechanism*

>> No.9959605

Lol you rekt him fam

>> No.9959608

"I believe my life has value, and I don't want to waste it thinking about clothing. I don't want to think about what I will wear in the morning. Truly, can you imagine anything more boring than fashion?"
-Ian Malcolm (From Michael Crichton's novel, Jurassic Park)

>> No.9959620

Fashion is made to become unfashionable.
-Coco Chanel

>> No.9959621

I disagree with this. I find that buying tasteful clothing and constructing outfits is enjoyable. The end product is very satisfying. I enjoy admiring how garments are constructed, or how a piece of clothing can make or break an outfit. I like noticing subtle differences like the leg opening of my pants or the bagginess or slimness of my shirts. I think most of the public is oblivious to this, but I find it to be fun. It's artistic consumerism. I wear clothes most hours of the day, so fashion effects every second of my life that I'm under public eye, even if they don't care.

>> No.9959628
File: 187 KB, 346x406, OG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your heroes are mocking you while you consume.

>> No.9959632

not the guy you were responding to, but what was described is just nondescript, normie clothing. if you want to know what minimalism is, do some reading of your own. minimalism is such a buzzword on effay and it seems like the majority of the time the person using it has no idea what it actually is. it's pretty pathetic

>> No.9959646

>perpetuating the ideas of "normies".

This is a term to describe anyone below your appatently lofty position as a patrician of avant garde fits. How sad that the normies haven't realised that you can do things like mimic images you see on 4chan! How enlightened you are to have learned to roll your trouser leg up! How fierce of spirit you must be to purchase your commodities from a different store than the common pleb!

>> No.9959652

Haha woah dude you sound legit soooo patrish right now lol

>> No.9959658

OP you're dumb as fuck

fashion is all about fit and silhouettes. you could wear plain black shirts all you want but the typical "athletic" cut is a disaster for "model" looking people. which is why designer cuts exist

>> No.9959697

are you really this mad?apparently I struck a nerve?? alright, pretend the word "normie" wasn't used, read "generic" in its place. the message is the same

>> No.9959712

im wearing a bandana, plain white shirt i paid 6 bucks for and black jeans. am i anti fashun

>> No.9959721

My message also stays the same: you are a pretentious, shallow, try-hard faggot who purchases approval from other people because you have no redeeming qualities of your own.

>> No.9959742

>goes to /fa/
>looks at front page
"Is my face fa?"
"What beer should I ddrink to be cool?"
"I-i bought this thing, is it good"
"w-which products should I purchase fa"
"Should I clean my shoes?"
"What accent should I have?"

>> No.9959757

lol okay buddy, whatever you say

>> No.9959838

If you want to know what others think if you just take a look over in this thread. Seriously, I'm being honest here: a try hard who relies on his nothing for affection and acceptance is one of the easiest things to spot.


>> No.9960117
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Thank god you're here.

Please help me.

>> No.9960124

>beige/brown with black

pig disgusting trend needs to die

>> No.9960134

no u

>> No.9960240

A few years ago /mfa/ taught me to care about 'fashion'. I learned stuff like how to knot your ties in 30 ways and what was acceptable wear according to them.
In short they made me think more about what I was wearing

I somehow got on /fa/ after that and from here slowly discovered 4chan. (inb4 nice blog)

/fa/ taught me not to obsess about fashion and just wear what my eyes tell me looks good/the way I want to look.

I do no longer visit regularly but when I do at times it still has it's relaxing atmosphere

>> No.9962458

I guess what you are asking is: Is it possible, as a human, to extract oneself from the context that one grows up in. To liberate ourselves from the influences of our environs and authentically express ourselves.

My current answer is no. As a human, I suffer from the curse of having nurture strongly affect my cognition and thoughts. Examples of this are abundant: ethnocentrism, cultural relativism, these are some well explored themes. Additionally, humans that grow up without a culture are notoriously feral, suffering from many cognitive setbacks.

What does this mean then? Not that we should give in and accept our fate to being consigned to conforming to our culture. Rather, humans have this curious ability to spread thoughts through physical representations: ink on paper, waves in air. Explore these thoughts that occurred from numerous humans living very different lives in very different times. Through this process, you will gain the ability to stand somewhat distant from your own culture (odd thing is that, if you think about it, the environment bacteria grows in is also called a culture). With this perspective, you can, to the extent of our own human limitations, analyze and critique your own culture. Then with this knowledge, you can make a conscious choice and in some tiny way, rebel against the absurd.

>> No.9963767

Okay Nieche

>> No.9963821


>> No.9963866

but that's a nice basic point you're making though I like it

>> No.9964664

Fashion is for insecure, spoiled chdren. We've all known this for a while now OP.

>> No.9964676

Anti-trend trends are the perfect scam.

Regardless I *like* clothes.

>> No.9965588

life has no sense, so just do whatever the fuck you want imo, thinking about fashion has the same value of curing diseases