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/fa/ - Fashion

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9944978 No.9944978 [Reply] [Original]

Just admit your faults. Talk about why you even wear what you wear. Talk about what you're too insecure to do with fashion.

>> No.9944988

I'm very close to pulling the trigger on birkenstocks. I want to be creative with them, but I'm not actually that fashionable.

>> No.9945001

get them

>> No.9945032
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If i wore this I'd look like marcus mumford. If I wore it traditionally id look fedora tier. How do I wear a vest?

>> No.9945061

I wear a lot of moccasins and ponchos, which /fa/ has had a good laugh about. Honestly I'd like to pare my wardrobe down to a uniform -- root out decision fatigue. I want to look nice, but at the same time I don't want to have to think about what I put on every day. My body is shaped weird... for reasons, so it can be hard to find flattering cuts.

>> No.9945064

I'm past the point of being insecure with any of my fashion choices and I've only really being dressing up and coming up with my own outfits and styles for my own self amusement and to satisfy my personal aesthetic tastes. Really you can pull off anything if you're confident and unapologetic, it really doesn't matter if some random internet hobo thinks you look like a pretentious slut baby

>> No.9945080

thye're comfy af bro

tbh they give me blisters but i dont think you're supposed to go on like 4mile walks with them

>> No.9945126

>How do I wear a vest?
You put it on.

Now for real don't wear vests they're dead.

>> No.9945133
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I was a disgusting obese manchild for the first 20 years of my life. It wasn't until I got /fit/ this year that I finally started caring about my appearance. I need new clothes because my current ones are all oversized and black. I bought a pair of saturated red converse shoes because MFA said they are fashionable, but they don't go with anything in my closet. They look like fucking clown shoes. I wore them twice and I don't think I can return them. These are probably going to sit in my closet forever because I am going to buy some grey Vans. RIP $50

>> No.9945174

>These are probably going to sit in my closet forever

>> No.9945192

people rag on vans for being high school shoes but they are 20x easier to wear and make look nice than converse and go with far more.

>> No.9945205

the same applies to me.

I was a decrepit drug addict who wore the same hoodies and loose fitting jeans every single day, I thought ktz was the pinnacle of fashion.

I started caring about fashion and my appearance right after I got clean, I have so much energy to refine myself instead of wallowing in my own insecurities. I go to the gym five times a week now and own quite an impressive wardrobe.

It feels good to care about how I look, I still cringe about how I looked, acted and dressed in highschool though.

>> No.9945707


Try leaving them out in the sun and letting it get sunbleached. It'll be paler and you can work it in with some pale fits.

>> No.9945975

I literally browse /fa/ everyday and I still dress like a pleb because I don't want to draw attention to myself

>> No.9946213

I want to wear weirder shit

not like ccp or rick or whatever, more like some of the more crazy dries stuff with art-like prints all over, but I don't really want the attention that usually comes with wearing that type of stuff so I keep it more subtle. For now..

>> No.9946297

How the fuck did you blow $50 on converse shoes?

>> No.9946300

absolutely none at all

>> No.9946305

>all my clothes are oversized and black
Great, you're already /fa/

>> No.9946309

pf, what's your ebay?

>> No.9946357

most likely he's not murican, converse are more expensive outside of the us(where I live in Europe they run for around 50-70 usd iirc)

makes it even dumber that evryone and their mom are wearing them, guess they're just a classic

>> No.9946370

>Talk about what you're too insecure to do with fashion.
wear anything that isnt black

>> No.9946381

They'll be pale only if you wait like 10 years retard

>> No.9946435


>> No.9946595


>> No.9946755
File: 99 KB, 736x1104, 866b4bb0bab615e0d26a5794930aca2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont wanna start dressing too weird or "fashion-ey".

i like stuff simple/clean stuff like APC our legacy etc. when i see these guys wearing full ring / julias i just think it looks ridiculous.

how far can i go before looking like a fashion fuccboi?

i just copped some KVA trainers and concerned I might be heading in the wrong direction.

is it possible to cop high end pieces and making them fit into a 'simple' outfit?

pic related. i dont wanna look like this fucktard.

>> No.9946795
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there is a two tier process to being fashionable

number one, own LOTS of really nice clothes with the right colours and fits, always put quality above quantity

number two, live a natural life and have fun with people

if you seem to be failing to do both of these things simultaneously, you will always feel insecure about your environment, and that has never been fashionable.

this "DIRECTION" you speak of does not exist, like what you wear or wear what you own until you really know you like something else. no need to push yourself to fit into some internet meme-based indoctrination.

>> No.9946825

you're aware that there are shit-tons of different designers doing other stuff that looks a lot more normal but is just as cool or interesting as any of those bands right

it's aboslutely possible to work cool highend stuff look very normal to your average person, some people who are into fashion are always gonna be able to tell, for the most part at least. Some stuff are always gonna be hard to dress down though

>> No.9946864


makes sense. appreciate the responses.

got a full time corporate job next year so it's probably gonna be hard to wear lots of sick pieces at casual fridays lol

>> No.9946915

suits can be sick too if you have to wear that, in another way than your average designer though

>> No.9947329

I only got into fashion a month or two ago, before that I always wore sweatpants and hoodies, I love my progress so far.

I want to wear shit that stands more, makes the fits. My fits are only basic bitch-tier, and even though I normally don't care what people think, there's still something that holds me back on this. I know I just need to wear it with confidence and it'd look good, but its tough to start.

>> No.9947335
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I've been wanting to cop a pair of slp biker boots for a while now but I'm 5'7 manlet

>> No.9947413

>I've been wanting to cop a pair of slp biker boots for a while now but I'm 5'7 manlet
Why is that relevant to you wanting boots?

You're on your way, man. We're all still in progress - no-one on this board is perfect by any means. The desire to do better is really the best way to start.

See >>9946915
Suits are rad and most girls find them hotter than sick cops anyway

>> No.9947552

I'm 5'11 at 135 lbs and can't seem to force myself to get fit. I've gained about 5 lbs in the past few months which is fine and my body actually looks great but it is making it difficult to dress efficiently since I haven't been doing any sort of working out, and I know I need to stop because otherwise I'll hit a point where i just won't care anymore and slump into mediocrity like so many and I really don't want that. Terrifies me.

>> No.9947594

don't do it tbh you will look a right cunt m8

>> No.9947612

Your body probably doesn't look great if you haven't been working out! Why not just get a gym membership?

>> No.9947685

to insecure to wear anything but safe,simple and boring fits. but it's fine because I still look better than most at my uni, which isn't hard but yea.

not a fan of standing out, rather go through the motions being unnoticed and not bothered.

I tell myself standing out on purpose is attention seeking and childish.

bought some cp's im so in love with them. I bought them because all my shoes suck and ruin my fits but now that problem is no more :)