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File: 179 KB, 700x700, d42337f28f2a4472086f347316068929.jpg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9942002 No.9942002 [Reply] [Original]

Is the Bundeswehr Parka effay?

I bought pic related for a steal, since summer is coming. I had hoped to wear it later on in the year when it gets colder and could use a few fits. I'm probably gonna end up taking off the flag patches though.

Wearing a German flag in Germany gets you some strange looks. Go figure.

>> No.9942012
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Random fits

>> No.9942014
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>> No.9942017
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>> No.9942019
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That's all I have, unfortunately. Opnions, /fa/?

>> No.9942024

Don't remove the flag.
It's a bundeswehr parka, it belongs there.

Obwohl das streng genommen nicht ganz legal ist, weils dich als kombattant kennzeichnet.
Das juckt aber niemanden solang du nicht als gewaltbereiter linksradikaler auffällst.

>> No.9942025
File: 764 KB, 1280x1284, tumblr_mm8dj9bp641rvhwhbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not the normal parka but the bundeswehr raincoat

here's another picture of the same person in the actual parka

>> No.9942027

>weils dich als kombattant kennzeichnet.

Nein. Die Deutschlandflagge ist NICHT das Hoheitskennzeichen.

>> No.9942030

Achja und mit Kombattant hat es sowieso garnichts zu tun. § 132a StGB regelt das. Missbrauch von Titeln/Rang.

>> No.9942036

>dFw du kannst nicht Deutsch sprechen
Scheissnazis, warum ist deine Sprache so kompliziert?

>> No.9942046

OP here

Yes, I understand that. But given the current culture present in the country I would not feel well wearing the emblem on both arms. I live in an Urban environment and have no desire to be labelled as a right-wing radical every time I take the bus. I just wanted a nice, cheap, durable parka.

Besides, I feel it would look very try-hard, as I am not in the military myself.

That's kind of a nice fit actually. Thanks

The hardest part of the Language is in my opinion the different Genders and their relation towards "Der, Die, Das". Which sounds very simple at first.. (Der = Masculine, Die = Feminine, Das =Objective).

But then once you add in the different time forms you may as well forget that rule of thumb and start from the beginning.

>> No.9942064

krautboos raus

>> No.9942084

All the other languages I know don't use cases so my biggest problem is with that. And yeah, genders are pretty hard because if you don't know them, the whole grammatical structure of a sentence pretty much collapses

>> No.9942137

Davon rede ich auch nicht.
Das wäre tatsächlich Schulterklappe, Spießschnur oder ähnliches.

>> No.9942145

>I live in an Urban environment and have no desire to be labelled as a right-wing radical every time I take the bus.
Nazis or right wing radicals don't usually wear bundeswehr parkas. It's more common for left wing radicals to wear these.

And even then you will not be mistaken for one because this parka is so common. Every grunge indie punk kid wears it since the 60s. And nobody bothers to take the flag off. Besides overanalyzing sjw fags.

>> No.9942217

Where do you buy them? Just army surplus?

>> No.9942238


Funny though, I've been sieg heil'ed at for wearing a BW parka with the flag intact.

>> No.9942243

Not in Germany you weren't.

>> No.9942261
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Lots of people seem to be buying into the parka phase here in the UK (even to the point H&M are producing fake milsurp), not something I would wear if I was in Germany though just like I wouldn't wear British army milsurp over here.

>> No.9942274
File: 227 KB, 1154x1599, treefiddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this baby delivered, it's as big as a fucking tent but I fucking love it.

>> No.9942277

I'd never waer pants that fucking tight and Joy Division shirts just look tryhard in my opinion.

>> No.9942329


>> No.9942360
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>> No.9942517

I definitely prefer the green one over the flecktarn one
It's pretty fucking good as far as milsurplus parkas go

>> No.9942625

Got lucky when browsing eBay, just search for "M51 parka" and there should be a few of them available. Most of them are expensive as shit though.

Happy hunting!

>> No.9942633

Looks like a slimmer version of an M65 Parka, as far as I can tell.

>> No.9942638

why is it that when a girl wears a olive parka she's a basic bitch but guys get a pass according to /fa/

>> No.9942646

talk about it!

>> No.9942656

Depends a whole lot on the look of the parka, I reckon. I can't stand those short skin tight fishtails that some people bother wearing these days.

>> No.9942725
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As a /k/ burger, I prefer to rock an M65 when it's raining. If I didn't have that, I'd probably buy one of these guys. Something wonderful about 90s era obsolete camo raincoat that doesn't really look camo. I guess you guys can decide if it's effay.


>> No.9942910
File: 86 KB, 600x600, 670-0012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are the parkas that have this kind of collar called?

>> No.9942914

would you be so kind posting a picture of you wearing it?
thinking about copping this one for fall as well

>> No.9942955
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M51 Fishtail parka

>> No.9942957
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>> No.9943008

I got one of these from a friend who got it from his dad who got it in Germany. Never knew what it was called, glad I still have it

>> No.9943097

Best non-thrift poorfag parka?

>> No.9943258

Milsurp parkas are dirt cheap and high quality, as seen in this thread.

>> No.9943287
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>mfw a girl's reasoning for wearing an unknown pleasures sweater was 'it looks really cool, but I don't like the music'

why the fuck do people do this?

>> No.9943291
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I've had M65 and currently M88 Belgian parka, both are great, I kinda dig the cargo pockets of M65 and wish the M88 had ones like those on chest but the design of M88 is better in my opinion.
BW parka is great as well, I like the olive green better than flecktarn. Swedish M90 is pretty fresh looking and I like the camo. Austrian M75 is pretty cool too.

>> No.9943293

I guess it's because much more girls wear them.

>> No.9943300

best way to cop is going to a surplus store, right? i've heard most everything is bulky though, no chance of slim.

>> No.9943316
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>i've heard most everything is bulky though
I don't find that necessarily true, but you have to fuck with the sizes a bit, buying one that is 'right size' according to mil-standards gives you kinda bulky, oversized look because you lot of times are supposed to pack a lot of stuff under and have good movement. Sizing down from chest measurements lot of time gives good results but due to different armies having different standards you have to find one that fits your body well.
Pic related is me wearing m88 parka, the fit might not be that good but the parka fits well. I sized down on the chest measurements and the fit is pretty much on point.

>> No.9943347

OP here, try Ebay man, that's where I found mine. Or hunting and outdoor online shops. Hell, there are even Milsurp websites for this stuff. Shit is everywhere man.

Always size down a little though. Military stuff like this is meant to be worn over several layers and is usually pretty baggy.

>> No.9943357

thanks homies, i'll look around.

>> No.9943637
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Cop or nah?

>> No.9943717
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how shitty can I expect this to be

>> No.9943719

Depends on the price, personally i think the colour is too dark, it's too short, double-zipper is impractical, and sleeves are too long, but maybe

>> No.9943729

Jesus, let people wear what they want as long as it doesn't hurt or offend someone, and by offend i don't mean annoy some music elitist who feels protective of his favorite goth band. Thanks

>> No.9943819


I don't even listen to Joy Division. But why would you wear something you don't support or like. You don't see me walking around with swastika prints eventhough I don't support Nazism.

>> No.9943842
File: 164 KB, 398x307, plebfucking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While this is a cool concept, the stuff posted in here is literally the shittiest I could imagine. Cheap parkas. Even Knochs is lackluster. The only decent one is OPs.

>> No.9943861

Post some more decent ones, then. Would love to see some.

>> No.9943875

Yeah, we should also let people dress as members of the military for discounts and shit, right?

>> No.9943918

You're fucking retarded. Knoch has the same one the guy in the OP wears.

>> No.9943933


Look the buttons and colors before you go spouting shit out of your face. They're clearly different jackets.

>> No.9943944

Okay you literally are retarded. They're the exact same model of the Bundeswehr parka.

>> No.9943955
File: 33 KB, 460x456, herp_derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not even close. One is green cotton with buttons, a liner and different wrist fasteners and other is a grey polyblend with snaps and velcro wrists. Are you literally this autistic?

>> No.9943959

You dumb shit. The burger picture is also Knoch. >>9942025
He has the same parka as the OP.

Reading comprehension, kid

>> No.9943967

Nice reaction images, autist.

>> No.9944036


>> No.9944132

is this what all americans look like?

>> No.9944606

I recommend getting size Gr. 1 or Gr.6 for almost anyone on this board, any higher would have too big of a chest, hence the bulky complaints

>> No.9944726

Personally, I don't mind a little bulk. Parkas are comfy as fuck.

>> No.9944761

i want to get an m51 oarka. but for some reason im hung up on getting an actual surplus one and havent seen any in any thrift stores. have yet to check army navy stores though, which i probably should do.

>> No.9944769

m65 parka is the one with the white synthetic fur. the m51 has wolf hair fur.
you can always buy the m65 parka and replace the hood liner though.
they dont make them that slim but it looks like the m65 parka, however i dont believe they have the brown liner in the hood like that.

>> No.9944776

storm hood?

>> No.9945469

Because it's album art, a swastika represents an ideology, the joy division print is just a drawing that's been used on an album, it's still a pretty graphic.
Why not? Military clothes are cheap and durable, not my problem that america feels the need to glorify murderers and thieves like their military