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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 29 KB, 500x332, drew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9940975 No.9940975 [Reply] [Original]

the wait is over people,

it is official

any of you that ordered a TOJ jacket just pissed away money



>> No.9941001

Just curious, how much were those jackets going for?

>> No.9941044


>> No.9941045


that's tragic though that he lost his restaurant partnership and shit
he deserved it though

>> No.9941049

oh my

>> No.9941050

i really don't get all this. so he didn't want to do it any more and went and started a restaurant and called last drinks and got flooded?

>> No.9941052
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based TOJ

>> No.9941082

The hell is a TOJ

>> No.9941084

that guy has shit tier facial hair genetics

>> No.9941085

serves the leather jacket wearing autist weaboo crowd right tbh

>> No.9941089

temple of jawnz

little independent company started on styleforum

widely considered to be a big fraud, though a few people actually received their orders

>> No.9941094

Let's be honest though

Is anyone surprised? This shit looked sketchy at best to begin with

>> No.9941097


most asians do

>> No.9941102

I was going to make the joke about asian beards and then I remembered I have a fucking whorl on my chin.

>> No.9941109

anyone have pictures of the jackets he sold?

>> No.9941113

how's high school?

>> No.9941124


My understanding is that, for a few years, TOJ delivered jackets that were very quality for the price, some people whose fit got fucked up on MTM jackets notwithstanding.

Then everything went to shit, something about a restaurant and a BMW.

I might've ordered something from them in the early days, but I have *no* clue what anyone was thinking ordering from them once the irregularities started.

A few friends and I were talking half-seriously about starting a custom, Internet based leather business at one point, but it never amounted to anything - partially because lol who would order anything after TOJ? Then again, he apparently was sitting on hundreds of thousands of dollars in recent orders.

>> No.9941127
File: 29 KB, 480x640, sample3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a shame, I liked some of the jackets. I would never purchase for retail though

>> No.9941129

*very good quality

very quality, so typo, wow

>> No.9941252

I really hope people get their money back.

>> No.9941263

luckily i got my 2 before toj went to shit

still looking for an ma1 tho

>> No.9941266

There are a bunch of TOJ being posted on Ebay at the moment. Starting price 150 USD. Could it be drew?

>> No.9941269



>> No.9941299


quality is an adj so you really didn't need to correct yourself tbh

>> No.9941349

A bit simplified but you've got the right idea.

Latest news(from a good source) is that drew has actually sold his cars to try and fix this shit, which is a step in the right direction I suppose. probably to late for that

from the time that they said last call they got around 1 mil usd of orders iirc

If you could get your shit together there is definitely a market though, that's why spots were still selling a few months back(maybe more recently even idk)

there really aren't any good options for the type of jackets toj offered on the market right now, especially when you consider that they offered mtm

there are a bunch of good makers but none of them really fill the same role that toj did for more fashion oriented leathers, especially not at the price

if you could find a way to offer a product like toj did around the same price you could def make a business out of it, not going to be easy though

drew was actually really good at running the business when he was trying to do so, they didn't get so huge solely because of hype or anything

Agreed, hope it gets a decent solution. In some cases I wonder wth they were thinking though, buying spots when there has hardly been any jackets delivered for months...

>> No.9941352


yeah some of them are legit but unfortunately this is what happens when you don't put your money in escrow when dealing with a stranger.

Sounds like Drew now has at least $100k profit from this scheme, enough to get a new identity and move around until the next gig.

>> No.9941398

doubt he lost it, he owns a big part of the business iirc, mor elike the other owners told him to gtfo until he has fixed this mess(if he does at all)

>> No.9941427 [DELETED] 

anyone buying that shit deserves to be scammed.

>> No.9941434

it's a terrible adjective though, given that it doesn't inherently express its meaning
(just to give credence to the correction)

>> No.9941444

It would've been a different than TOJ. One of us had an in on some unique materials, it was going to be pretty concept-driven, much smaller volume and scale, price was going to be higher than TOJ (like low four figures), and production was going to be done by one of us who's a costume designer and has done production on NYFW shows, not outsourced. I was going to handle the business and CS side and help with the design some.

Unfortunately none of us had the capital to get it going then and we haven't talked about it in a while.

I hope someone does fill the TOJ space, more reliably and I'd prefer at a slightly bumped quality (and so probably price) point.

Sounds like he's literally incommunicado with them, too.

It can be used that way, but I personally really hate that usage. 1) It sounds off if you're familiar with philosophy talk and 2) it carries the implication that quality is single, linear continuum. A pair of distressed Prps has a high amount of certain qualities, a pair of Deth Killers has high amounts of others, but they each suck by the measure that makes people want the other one.

>> No.9941535

it's unfortunate that no matter how well thought out your idea it's always limited by capital

doesn't seem like anyone else is up for the challenge really so perhaps it could be left for the future

>> No.9941627


Maybe after this TOJ mess sizzles out someone else will take it up.

>> No.9941818
File: 210 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres pics of outstanding orders on one post alone

>> No.9941820

>150 drewrapedme ($380)

This guy is awfully attached to his $380.

>> No.9941838

This is giving me ideas

>> No.9941849

It's still $380 though..

>> No.9941853

Why wouldn't you ? I'd be pretty mad

>> No.9941883

How to scam:
>get in contact with some cheap manufacturer
>have super small margins
>when SF afficionados are blown away by quality make another list saying it will ship in future months
>collect money

>> No.9941885 [DELETED] 

It's a bit disproportionate, no?

They're equating getting swindled with the violation of their sexual autonomy, and on top of that, *they lost less than anyone else in the pic*.

Like, sucks for them, but whoever they are they fail at perspective.

>> No.9941890

It's a bit disproportionate, no?

They're equating getting swindled with the violation of their sexual autonomy, and on top of that, *they lost less than anyone else in the pic*.

Like, sucks for them, but whoever they are they fail at perspective.

>> No.9941899

Whether you lose 5$ or 5 billion $ you're still getting fucked in the ass, it's not about money, it's about principle

>> No.9941908

Have you ever been coercively fucked in the ass? No? Neither have I, but I hear it sucks a lot more than getting swindled.

Don't get me wrong, fraud sucks, I've been defrauded of more than drewrapedme has, but like... it's egregiously disproportionate to a laughable degree that's just compounded by the fact he lost less than half of what most other people did.

Like, if Drew raped him, what the hell did Drew do to the guy that lost $3450?

>> No.9941915

maybe you're just focusing too much on language. But if we're going to play who's got the longest one ; sure some people lost a lot more money than us in life but is that a reason to let it down ? No.

>Like, if Drew raped him, what the hell did Drew do to the guy that lost $3450?
exactly the same thing, like I said, it's not about money but principle.

>> No.9941925

Did someone say Kickstarter?

>> No.9941932

>Originally Posted by StPauli View Post

>I nominate myself Lord of Shit. I'm out $4,727 USD.

>> No.9941953
File: 36 KB, 600x600, 30720_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hallo, mein nenne ist anonymous und Keith fucked mein bitch.


>> No.9941969

hard to remember, it was 10 years ago

>> No.9941972

this, idiots sending nearly a thousand dollars or more to some stranger in a foreign country for a jacket they've been told might take a year to ship from a completely unknown business without any real history. how can you fall for that so easily?

there's a sucker born every minute

>> No.9941996

What do you mean no real history? He'd been delivering jackets for almost 4 years at the point most of these people ordered...

Shit didn't start looking sketchy until it was too late for chargebacks

>> No.9942206



>> No.9942215

could anyone kindly explain to me what the hell exactly is Temple of Jawnz and why is it being referred to as the best leather jacket manufacturer in the world that 'nobody has heard of', pretty much everywhere?

>> No.9942244

looks like ToJ is a sort of a meme among certain cool fashion people in the know...

I am sure that i can get a custom made to my measurements leather jacket in my city for waay under $800

>> No.9942284

here's the history in short:
>korean or whatever guy posts dope fits on sufu
>baka gaijins want to be like him
>he starts a business selling ok-ish mtm leather jackets online to idiots on sufu and styleforum
>gets rich even though most of the jackets fit like shit
>it all goes south
>people don't get their money or their jackets

>> No.9942294

set aside the fact that these goobers trusted some korean gook mongoloid with thousands of their dollars after he already demonstrated he was not to be trusted, they deserve to suffer for having such shit taste; toj is fucking hideous.

>> No.9942323

"Hey guys I just paid some dude on the Internet over a grand and he's run off, what do I do? :("

It's called suing someone, and you can do it easily. Small claims court aint hard. You may not win, of course, if it turns out that he just collapsed under the weight of demand or whatever.

Not sure if I feel like the people who paid this guy money are idiots or not. On one hand, there's nothing wrong with some dude starting up a M2M shop, especially where there's a burning need. There's also nothing wrong with paying this guy where you want something that fits well. There is, on the other hand, a bit of stupidity in paying some random goober on the Internet over a grand where - at many steps in this process - it was pretty obvious there were backorders and his financial choices were being called into question.

It's like Kickstarter - everyone deserves to be ridiculed at some level.

>> No.9942327

hahaha holy shit I forgot about this. He basically made like 10 jackets at most a year right?

>> No.9942336

why are you so fucking stupid

you're honestly the dumbest fucking trip ive ever encountered on this board, and its more offensive because you're supposedly an adult male professional. you come bumbling into every thread with you're fedora tipping bumbling reddit tier advice which is always, ALWAYS, fucking repulsive to read.

the chink in question lives in korea, you gonna take the cunt to small claims court in korea kid?

fuck the world is a strange place when someone as stupid as you can pass the bar.

>> No.9942338

jesus christ, shut the fuck up you insufferable cunt

>> No.9942349

so i was right, where is my $50 that loser promised me in 2010

>> No.9942352

>so i was right

yes you are the only one who thought toj was shifty

>> No.9942353

it wasn't styleforum posters who knew what they were talking about

99.9% of the people who paid for the jackets are guys new to dressing themselves who in turn signed up for styleforum to talk about the jackets

nobody who knew what they were doing sought out a TOJ jacket

or believed it was made to measure

it was a newbie trap

most of those people did not know what made to measure even meant prior to reading it on the ad

>> No.9942357

you're retarded lmao

>> No.9942358

dressed by internet

>> No.9942365

/fa/ should make a kickstarter "made to measure" TOJ/epautlet/scam for newfags who come to the board asking for advice

so we can pull some profit from these fuckin high school kids trying to get laid

>> No.9942375


stop posting

>> No.9942380

Kickstarter needs a prototype, and our whole problem was that we needed a good deal of prototyping to get things right first.

Thanks, though. It's on the back burner; otherwise I'd be blabbing all over about it.

I appreciated this. The name made it.


Lazy and rushed content monkeys needing to invent a story, lacking the gumption to actually do journalism and tell the better of TOJ's rise and fall.

Where do you live?

Pigfuck just shut up. Like, I've got differences with Bateman, but he was maybe the first great serious trip the board had, he's always out to be helpful, and his advice is often pretty good.

Unlike Bateman, IANAL and don't know where you'd bring a claim against TOJ, but even if it's in South Korea, guy's fucked over enough people to make it worth some lawyer's while to file a case.

The main problem right now seems to be that he literally has disappeared.

>> No.9942392

*the better story of

>> No.9942404
File: 72 KB, 500x312, 1407408137597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i even respond to someone so obliviously cliche to the point of caricature as you? your posts are so quintessentially tumblr/reddit cuck they read like parody, on forum whose users werent primarily 18 year old troglodytes we'd all be clapping along as you pulled off a perfectly executed, irreverent and incisive tumblr impression/critique, but no, you're serious, thats you - mindblowing.

if you were intelligent it might be tolerable - or at least self aware enough to understand how sanctimonious you sound - but you're quite obviously an insipid, sub-intellect, early 20's/late teens faggot too stupid to get that you're a walking punchline.

you didnt just take a bite of tumblr cuck pie, you ate the whole thing, with a smile on your greasy reddity face.

fuck, itd be so much easier to make little ironic and meta quips at your expense as you write out essay after essay earnestly in response, but someone needs to tell you.

>> No.9942409
File: 70 KB, 547x243, 900x900px-LL-ce333757_ScreenShot2015-06-04at10.28.13PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

l o l

>> No.9942433

you need to take a step back and rexamine yourself

defending a dude who sold fake designer leather jackets online for 5 years, then up and scammed people after he took all of his profit and opened up a resturant in korea that folded within a few months

you're also praising the biggest idiot /fa/ has ever seen, patrick's advice has never been "good" it's always been dress like an old man here is how.

le classy meme

you know where the clarks db's peacoat thing came from?


you know where the UNIQLO oxford for college kids meme came from?

him aswell

he also wrote some of the most cringe worthy stickies in /fa/'s history

>> No.9942450
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lmao dude

>> No.9942455

sounds like he didn't have much financial prowess, sounds like he kept borrowing agaisnt assets and couldn't get any more secured loans because he had nothing and couldn't fulfill the orders because he had no capital to do it

coupled with the fact that he had to present a facade of a lavish lifestyle in order to perpetuate the hype machine on the various forums he had posted on/sold on

and it seems once the debt started climbing to an amount that he knew was unmanageable he started allocating his profits to another business venture in a foreign land

>> No.9942470

>you're also praising the biggest idiot /fa/ has ever seen, patrick's advice has never been "good" it's always been dress like an old man here is how.
Suits != Old Man. We run in very, very different circles and have different needs. I can't wear Rick to private events at the Smithsonian, for example, so it helps to have a veritable base of "old man" clothing.

Also remember that I try to base my advice on here on the person receiving it. Not every person asking for sneakers needs to be recommended Common Projects.

>you know where the clarks db's peacoat thing came from?
>you know where the UNIQLO oxford for college kids meme came from?
lol those WAY pre-dated me

>he also wrote some of the most cringe worthy stickies in /fa/'s history
I didn't ever write any stickies, actually.

Water wet, entrepreneurs suck at finances, news at 11. I used to advise entrepreneurs trying to start up businesses until I had to stop because it gave me so many goddamn migraine headaches.

>> No.9942476

all I ever see you do is talk about yourself
I really dislike you

>> No.9942481

Sorry, I know that was a bit too much, I'll tone it down in the future.

>> No.9942482

is he really deaf?

>> No.9942484

Got my Daypack last year so I'm happy.

>> No.9942489

probably lying about that too

>> No.9942493

you write like a 23 year old ozzy dumb ass who works as an English teacher or some other shit tier job and you have a wardrobe of uniqlo oxford cotton button downs

how close am I?

>> No.9942499

not lost retard
he is purposefully liquidating any assets to his name including about $40k worth of used cars so that he can hide for a few years

>> No.9942553
File: 3.26 MB, 3264x1836, 20150523_150807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God i love you

>> No.9942605

im in my late 20's he was a bit older than i was in 2009

he's 29-30

uniqlo uniform is on point though

last fit pic i saw of him which was 6 years ago now was a scrawny nerd in mall tier clothes and some decent boots

>> No.9942636

Haha dude I have never posted a fit pic, ever. Might be getting me confused with someone else. I suppose someone could have used the old name, though.

>> No.9942653

i think they're are two different patrick bateman trips

they're both trash though

>> No.9942691

is the new one just some loser copping an old trip's name?

>> No.9942699

yes, and completely oblivious about it too

american psycho wasn't even a good movie

>> No.9942731


Sup drew

where are you hiding?

>> No.9942741

>quality is an adj

'Quality' is a noun.


>> No.9942788

No I think he's talking about hipster youth. He was the first uniqlo shill on /fa/

>> No.9942796

Nope, I'm the same dude from 2007-2009 or whatever. Just assuming someone else would have popped up in the interim.

>he is purposefully liquidating any assets to his name including about $40k worth of used cars so that he can hide for a few years
This would make sense if he planned to avoid judgment. I'd also be concerned if he's moving the money offshore. Might be trying to avoid people getting lawyers from turning this into a class action and grabbing some of his domestic property.

>> No.9942821

>I ordered a TOJ0 2013 in june 2014 after contacting drew. When I started lookingetting into the PayPal info the other day I realized that the PayPal address I was told to send the money to wasn't Drews official account so I sent and email to the address to inquire about it and found out that drew used me and someone else to refund someone who canceled their order.

Fucking LOL hope this bastard goes bankrupt for life

>> No.9942824

Welp, Ponzi scheme confirmed.

>> No.9942837


still waiting for my kickstarter CD, deakz you slab of adobe shit

>> No.9943305

You realize a big part of the reason I tripped up was to counter-troll people like you?

I mean everything I say, but I'm also deliberately provoking your kind. Besides, I post here for fun, and I love writing in full earnestness and full cheek at the same time.

I'm also doing this to hopefully push this place back from being "18 year old troglodytes" and racist shits like you to being a place of people having convivial, playful, productive discussions.

>you didnt just take a bite of tumblr cuck pie, you ate the whole thing, with a smile on your greasy reddity face.

Woah now, Reddit is garbage and I didn't learn either leftism or how to be a decent human or how to do polyamory from Tumblr.

Try Twitter.

I also have pretty dry skin, FYI.

You fucks think I'm defending Drew because I'm... saying a guy comparing being defrauded to being raped is stretching a bit?

Drew is a POS who's lost a large number of people's money, quite possibly deliberately, at the very least obscenely negligently. Everyone he owes a jacket and/or money to should sue the hell out of him.

I don't know how much clearer I can get than that.

>> No.9943378
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Have you ever been fucked by a stranger in the ass ?

>> No.9943402

i hope someone kills drew.

>> No.9943406

>wearing a leather jacket

>> No.9943420
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Serves you right for falling for the gook jewish meme.

>> No.9943423

Moonman moonman can't you see

>> No.9943426

>namefag who avatarfags too

this isn't fucking steam
jesus christ

>> No.9943427

Gooks on hooks will hang from trees

>> No.9943428 [DELETED] 


spics and niggers needs to hang from trees

>> No.9943446 [DELETED] 
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What's the matter kid. Can't deal with a strong white warrior ?

You all got rused by that gook. Just like a jew with the gentiles, a gook with the gaijins.

Stupid teenagers fueled by animes that thought everything the east produce, leather included, is folded ten thousand time and made by shaolin monks from the skin of rarest animals.

And we all saw the end results. Every teenager without any sense of interest in fashion fell for the circlejerk since it's always easier to follow, and got rused hard.

Serves you right.

>> No.9943450

By way of updates:
- Some StyleForum(?) people are prepping to file a lawsuit. Knowing how things like this go, they probably just spoke to an attorney who indicated he could take the case. Doesn't mean they can serve process, get Drew in court, etc.
- Drew appears to have been forced to sell his share of Libertine, the Korean restaurant.
- Drew has cut off his phone line, ostensibly to avoid the spam that got directed at Libertine for a while. Others claim this did not happen.
- Drew did post some sort of list of people supposed to get coats, but StyleForum seems to indicate that this may reveal that the coats were completed and sitting around for some time. This seems unlikely, given how asinine it would be to hold finished products like that, but I dunno.
- The total amount seems to be around $1 m USD, though this is projected from Drew's comments and analysis taken from a list of 15% of sold orders.

>> No.9943454

yeah I forgot if I think you're retarded I'm a TOJ victim

>> No.9943459


You're a victim in general.

>> No.9943468


>> No.9943488

>trusting gooks
>after Pearl Harbor
>and Korea
>and Vietnam

When will they learn?

>> No.9943501


I've never filtered a trip before, but there's a first time for everything

>> No.9943535

can you imagine how shitty pigcucks life must be in order to dedicate 10+ hours a day to feeding his superiority complex by writing "siq burn" vitriolic paragraphs that will disappear within 36 hours on a chinese communist video surveillance forum?

he must live in the social equivalent of economic squalor

>> No.9943573

He posted dozens of jackets recently, and then revealed more to be ready for shipment. Dude has posted pictures of hundreds of jackets in one room sitting there "preparing for shipment".

>> No.9944272

a while back he posted a bunch of jackets(20+) that had just been sitting around in some storage, and he said there were more

this whole thing is so weird

>> No.9944313

there was no /fa/ in 2007

>> No.9944435

I know everyone's calling you tumblr and whatnot, but I fully agree with you. You make a good point.

>> No.9944723

You're fucking insufferable you know that?

>> No.9944860

what's his name on Sufu?

>> No.9946092

For all we know could have been one massive ponzi scheme.

>> No.9946094
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>but I'm also deliberately provoking your kind

>> No.9946320
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>> No.9946348

fuck off bateman u cocksucker

>> No.9946554

Eh, sorry, years I was in college run together for me. Didn't it start in like early 08? I remember more or less finding out about it the same time I was dicking around with the /v/ TF2 group, which was equal amounts of faggotry on my part.