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9933466 No.9933466 [Reply] [Original]

Why was 1999-2004 so bland and forgettable in fashion?

>> No.9933469

>implying normie group photos now look any better than that

>> No.9933477

its the era we most closely remember but are not apart of.

give it 10 more years and we'll keep talking about the "good olde days".

>> No.9933491

They were iconic.

>Britney Spears
>Scary Movie
>American Pie

You can easily see if a picture or film is from the early 2000s, that's the opposite of "forgettable". You had floral shirts, bell bottoms and a general 70s revival, Bindhis, skater fashion, pop punk, rockers vs bros, etc., lots of iconic stuff that wasn't used later in the 2000s anymore.

>> No.9933499

that was rafs prime

>> No.9933531

because they were very emotional


>> No.9933549

drop trip

>> No.9933552

Thanks Osama Bin Laden

>> No.9933556

drop trip

>> No.9933560

fashion didnt start until 2005

>> No.9933572

Because it was bland in every respect imho. Except for the mortgage crisis buildup.

>> No.9933574

t: Someone who entered his teens in the mid 2000s.

Objectively, what we have today is the blandest in fashion since WW2. We don't even have fucking teen subcultures anymore,

>> No.9933575

you're all fucking stupid

this is all that needs to be said.

>> No.9933599

hollister, diesel, 7fam, abercrombie, "punks" that just wore greenday, my chemical romance and hawthorne heights shirts with the occasional thrift store torn denim jacket with cheap $0.50 ea clash, sex pistols pins stuck to them

and spikes applied to them via their little sisters bedazzle kit

while wearing girls jeans because men's jeans didn't get slim/skinny fit until like 2008.

apple is cool because the spokesmodel on commercials in mac vs pc commercials wore shitty hoodies, stone washed jeans and flip flops

>not my president george bush graphic t shirts

>> No.9933607

it was actually the only time ever heidi was relevant

fresh off of YSL rive gauche and dior's first ever true approach at fashion

raf simons found his grove in the mainstream in like 2011 with his suits and his unique footwear

>> No.9933621

early 90s to 2005 was the peak of menswear. raf simons, helmut lang, the antwerp 6, hedi at ysl and dior, margiela, 95-05 changed menswear forever with a pool of talented designers all peaking in unison. menswear has been shit for a long time.

most of the key players from this golden age are either retired(helmut, ann, margiela) or producing inferior work to their heyday(hedi, raf, dries.)

>> No.9933624


>> No.9933641

helmut was before my time his peak was 1998,

1998 and 2005 were different generations for sure

antwerp 6 weren't too influential in mainstream culture in 2003-5

Ann D saw some commercial success early on as did agnes b.

dries has always been this fringe designer with some few very great pieces and seasons and some really lack luster ones

it seems he's on this 5 year cycle of respect -> nothing ->respect

margiela was also a late 90s designer, peaking at being the creative director at hermes women's

his own collections and commercial success was shortly after helmut's stint

heidi slimane was ontop of the world in the early 2000's

the problem with tumblr and forums is that teenagers compress history

so on forums right now everything from the late-90's to now was one "ERA"

but tom ford gucci, slimane dior

and helmut lang, margiela

were 2 very different times

>> No.9933656

>antwerp 6 wasn't influential in the mainstream until 2003-5

um, try 1986 dude, you know, the year they made their big appearance in London. Where did you get 2003-5?

Also I agree with the idea that calling the 90s the best is a dumb generalisation but at least back your argument up with alternatives because all I see is a bunch of grabbing at straws to prove these designers weren't active and powerful in the 90s, which most of them were.

>> No.9933659

helmut lang was designing and producing some of his most famous and iconic work well into early 00, didnt retire till after releasing ss05.

commercially helmut peaked under prada which was from 00-05.

raf was putting out seminal, influential and revolutionary work as early as 95 but remained a niche, avant-garde label pretty much until he was appointed CD of jil.

>> No.9933664

I think in the context of deciding the peak of menswear design (a dumb classification to begin with), at the very least commercial success / appeal is to be ignored. We're talking strictly art and inter-fashion world influence right now.

>> No.9933666

Are you retarded?
Of course it's easy to see subcultures and stuff like that when looking 10+ years behind because you simplify everyhing. I promise you that in 10+ years you can easily point to today's youth and group them up, perhaps not as easily, but you will be able to.

>> No.9933668

>helmut was before my time his peak was 1998,

it was a response to this statement, which i assume was made about his mainstream/commercial success

even he meant helmut peaked creatively in 98, that would be a debate for another time, but is pretty obviously not true.

>> No.9933676

Yeah, people who think subculture is wiped out are just too out of the loop to actually be seeing it. Sure we dont have thousands of teens dressing identically in a local way any more, but we still see groups of people divided by style, interests, all the usual shit.

Saying subculture is over is an easy way for people who have lost touch to sound all knowledgeable and above everything. Or sometimes nostalgia takes over and because subculture isn't the same as it was for older people, it for some reason is less valid.

>> No.9933684


>> No.9933711

I'd probably give credit to the late 80s, early 90s for being the biggest moment in the blending of high fashion and direct media pop-culture influence (which before remained more an inspiration than a focus). Which is a huge deal as it opens up the world of fashion to those interested in more than simple clothing, obviously a lot more happened that's just what comes to mind when I think about that era.

I would wager easily that if you actually researched even as far back as the 50s you'd find some pretty important and amazing shit went on, maybe not stuff you're personally interested in but still very important stuff. It is pretty incredible some things happened though, and to have so many influential designers in such a short period (which i would say starts more around the late 80s) is interesting.

Possibly this perception (for me personally) is just because the introduction of japanese fashion into the larger discussion basically doubled the amount of great clothing being documented after the initial japanese wave in the early 80s. Sorry if this just reads like a rambling mess im tired and full of dumb ass opinion on this subject.

>> No.9933754

I fucking love you sieg, pf, educated anons

Giving me something interesting to read in this godforsaken mess of a board

>> No.9933780 [DELETED] 

i will respond to this at a later date anonymous, too tired now.

>> No.9933797
File: 28 KB, 450x600, 03aw5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's just take a step back and look at what you just said. 1994-2004 was easily one of the most influential periods. Think of all the designers who were easily in there prime during this period:
The 6 were really just coming into the spotlight

Not to mention this was the period many of the huge names started designing especially Rick and Raf

So no this was not forgettable or even low point for the fashion world. If anything this is one of the points where it was just influential especially when it came to the surface/pop culture your average normie saw.

>> No.9933888

most certainly

>> No.9933953

drop trip

>> No.9934012

drop trip

>> No.9934015

drop trip

>> No.9934018

drop trip

>> No.9934024

drop dead

>> No.9934027

people were tired of 90s trends but didn't realize those trends were unbeatable

you can only go down from 90s style

90s fashion is obviously in now but a bit modernized. not as tacky. i love the tacky part shit tho

>> No.9934322

bump because this thread has potential

>> No.9934337

2000s was goth

>> No.9934354


>> No.9935677


because it was the final era before the internet came into daily lives and changed everything. before the internet, not everybody could find cool shit 24/7

>> No.9935736

Throwback Jerseys and retro sneakers
White tees and airforce ones
Button ups and Jordans
Hoodies/Dickies and Timberlands

maybe you just werent cool enough to be fashionable?

>> No.9935748

that nigga on the right
ayy lmao

>> No.9935756

This is a great post.

>> No.9935775

the point was that kids today just lump 2 sperate entitys together

like the 90's weren't relevant in the early 2000's

sure some people were still lusting after late 90's stuff

but it was a different era

like how 2015 is not 2009........some people (like the younger anons) are copping 2009 era designers like it's the hot shit

but they're a full rotation behind.

people just strech 90's and 00's menswear into a catagory

even that kid tried to strech it from 1986 to 2005......

2002 was the first year i ever wore a designer piece on my own will.

i was born in 1987

do you see how big that gap is?

there were stylistic changes

basically the "peak of menswear" cannpt encompass a person's lifetime

that's the span, not the peak

>> No.9935776

Oh god, why are you all such wastes of oxygen?

>> No.9935798

No '80s excess and sentimentality, no '90s reversal into grunge and edginess (edgy was a compliment back then.)
The only way to go was back to the middle of the road.

Later (between then and now) we got new excess and new grunginess, except both are kind of tongue in cheek. Scissor Sisters/LAdy Gaga/Nicki Minaj/Kanye for "excess," indie folk and lumbersexuals for "grunge." Neither really take themselves all that seriously, but maybe I just see it that way because I know these goofballs better.

>> No.9935804

>he dropped trip
now >>9934024

>> No.9935811

drop trip

>> No.9935814

...Having said that, you can't really compare ironic indie folk with grunge for sincerity. Grunge takes itself seriously, while "grungy/rough" music from our time is histrionic.

But comparing an '80s hair band and a late 2000s hip hop thing is more difficult. I think it might be reversed. The hair bands et al were theatrical and not sincere, while our luxy hip hop actually believes its own bragging.

>> No.9935833

Why? Because you weren't an adult so you missed everything while you and your friends dressed in the clothes your moms bought you.

>> No.9935854

I dunno, I was 8 years old. I thought cargo shorts were the coolest shit.

>> No.9936397

I was a preteen and I'm talking about the typical average joe. Not fags and labels that no one has heard of. The everyday clothing of 1988 was way more cool and established than the everyday clothing of 99-04.

>> No.9936455

The short answer is things were less global.
There was a huge difference between fashion in 2000 Manchester to 2000 Seattle to 2000 Tokyo.

It's a lot more blended up now due to the net.

>> No.9936596

because Kanye's influence wasn't intact

>> No.9936610

honestly this

Kanye brought fashion to hiphop culture and normies feed off of pop culture

>> No.9936812

don't drip

>> No.9936825

All Kanye did was fuck a vapid slag with a fat arse

>> No.9936857

Wow, you take your mom getting fucked pretty personally.

>> No.9936862

It's called normcore you stupid faggot

>> No.9937004


>> No.9937223

but pedestrian clothing has always and will always be shit

>> No.9937246

Yes yes we've all seen this thread