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/fa/ - Fashion

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9932527 No.9932527 [Reply] [Original]

is there any hope here /fa/? is this salvageable at all? Sucks pretty hard having a recession this bad and at the age of 22, seeing dudes 50+ with a better hairline is shattering.

I don't really mind going bald, I just don't want this loss to continue at this rate. This seems very bad for a 22 year old to my eyes. So was wondering what /fa/ thought. Would fin be able to maintain my hair somewhat for the next ten years before I just succumb to genetics? Thinking of getting a transplant to retouch some of the hairline too.

>> No.9932532

at least you have a good face

>> No.9932539

welcome to my world. it sucks man. but what can you do. I myself am on the fence about taking finasteride. I have the script and everything I just haven't cashed it in. I'm scared of the (albeit extremely slim chance) chance of sexual side effects. But if you're bald, fashion is one of those things you should probably pay attention to to make yourself more attractive to women.

>> No.9932558

OP don't stress yourself out about things you can't control.

I'm 21 and my hairline is much worse than yours. I cut it short and it works for me. A lot of the guys I'm with are surprised when they see me out of the shower and realize my hairline is super shitty, but they've never left me for it or had a negative reaction.

You have a nice face and can grow a full beard. I'm in the same place as you. When my hairline reaches a point that I can no longer style it, I'll just shave my head and keep my beard. I'm pretty sure you'd look good like that. For every person that thinks bald heads are gross, there's 10 more that finds it sexy.

That said, the balding guys that don't have beards are fucked lol.

>> No.9932599

Wouldn't go the transplant route this early, brother, that is unless, you know you're not going to recede any further than this.

>> No.9932607

Let it keep growing. As long as your widow's peak holds strong, you could rock a sick shoulder-length mane

>> No.9932647

you say you dont mind but you think about getting transplants

>> No.9932678

obviously meant in future.

30 and receding? sure no worries by that stage I wont give a shit anymore. Mines at a pretty bad level for 22, sucks confidence out of you looking old but being young

>> No.9932691


Good places won't even perform them until you're 25 and won't rec fin unless you're certain you don't want children, or have already had them.

>> No.9932692

same here.

but im attracting girls not guys...
i've heard this but seems if I keep on fin it could last awhile, like I said i know im going to go bald.
hair is shit and thin, doesnt look good long

>> No.9932698


>> No.9932701


>adopt kid
>have shrunken dick that jizzes water
>have garbage hair-transplant hair on head
>commit sudoku

>> No.9932904

Fin doesn't cause infertility you fucking retard, nor does it have any impact on conceiving children when on it.

>> No.9932906

damn thought u were 35+
sucked in aye

>> No.9932949

you dont need to shave yet. it's just a very mature hairline, not balding. i think the point where you NEED to shave is when it starts balding on the crown but im assuming you dont have that yet. that being said, you'd look fine with a shaved head, so you can go either way.

dont get a hair transplant. there's no return from a hair transplant, even if they fuck it up. you won't be able to cut your losses and just shave your head because you'll have a red scalp and a big scar on the back of your head, so even if your hair is fucked you'll still have to keep it. you'll also have to be on fin for the rest of your life.

>> No.9933212

finasteride can repair thinning but not baldness

>> No.9933740

dont listen to this idiot

get a FUE hair transplantion, its teh only thing that can save you brother

>> No.9935116

But you still need to take finasteride after having a hair transplant.

>> No.9937601


sorry but its bad

>> No.9937606
File: 100 KB, 634x726, 27A43E4900000578-3042431-Still_handsome_Even_with_the_new_look_which_presumably_is_for_a_-a-47_1429212796530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly just buzz it and compensate with a well groomed and maintained beard.

>> No.9937672

>extremely slim chance

just don't take it. I ruin my dick with that shit.

>> No.9937852

What happened?

>> No.9937872

>be 19
>hair receded like OP's
>can't grow much facial hair atm
>slight baby face

I probably have a bit more hair in the middle than OP. So I'm thinking a HY cut to offset babyface + receding hair and I'll make the top look messy?

>> No.9937886


>> No.9937889

and lose your penis

>> No.9938288

It's possible that your recession will stabilize at this point. If it does, then you absolutely have nothing to worry about.

If it continues or begins to (or is already) thinning on top generally, then you should either be saving up for a transplant, or doing neck exercises to get a thick tree trunk before you buzz your head so you don't look like a cancer patient.

Either way, you'll survive.

>> No.9938375

Get over it and buzz cut it, bro. You're a baldy, just accept it.

>> No.9939907
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Not trying to jack your thread but the face rate thread I posted in the other day has 404'ed now. Anyways I'm 21 and have a receding hairline and my hair is also thinning a fair bit on the crown and top.

>> No.9939915
File: 1.48 MB, 2425x2666, DSC_0176_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyways everyone was telling me to shave it off so I just did.

>> No.9939963

Bad decision.

>> No.9939974

Looks fine, i think after letting it grow out a little maybe cut with a 2! I think that will give your hair a little more thickness and look better imo

>> No.9939981


looks much better, just needs to grow slightly longer

>> No.9939984


>> No.9939986

ok thanks, I was asking what length or if I should do a fade at all but everyone was just saying as short as possible.