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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 129 KB, 1600x976, macbook-pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9930191 No.9930191 [Reply] [Original]

What are some aesthetically pleasing laptops besides Macbooks?

>Also aesthetic gear thread.

>> No.9930273
File: 367 KB, 786x800, making_steve_Jobs_proud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Having multiple MacBooks.

>> No.9930287
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I love the look of the Lenovo X1 Carbon, but this is someone horny for IBM/Lenovo laptops in general

>> No.9930639

Black laptops are awesome no one will steal them https://youtu.be/5fyOf5HjkmQ

>> No.9930701

>that huge shit left in the toilet

>> No.9930731

A friend of mine has a really nice Asus laptop. Looks pretty slim and nice...nicer than my macbook, imo

>> No.9930739

The blacklenovos all look really aesthetically pleasing

>> No.9930744
File: 1.34 MB, 320x240, ohB4y2j.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no butterfly keyboard to impress the ladies

>> No.9932168


>> No.9932245

might as well kill yourself

>> No.9932273
File: 3.17 MB, 3840x2160, Nyx_111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surface 3

Can be bought second hand for a couple hundred dollars cheaper than retail.

>> No.9932280

The XPS(s). Those new re-branded Hewlett Packard laptops.

Some Ultrabooks. Most art a bit silly though.

>> No.9932292

There's no way you can look cool while using a laptop. I have yet to see it done. Because to use a laptop you have to be involved. And being over-involved is the antithesis of fashion and coolness. You're gonna have to save the shota for home, boys.

>> No.9932335

>Fucking True

I left my Lenovo in hotel lobbies for hours at a time and came back.
Hotel staff dont touch them because they think its to important
Nigs dont because its a trap.

>> No.9932384
File: 57 KB, 853x375, PDVD_023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clear laptop, yes please.

>> No.9932543

what I would give

>> No.9932581

I think mac's are finally pleb tier status. pc's have finally caught up aesthetically while still being more powerful and cheaper. and now every fuccboi and his mum owns a macbook. nothing effay about having an identical laptop as 40 other classmates

fuck apple

>> No.9932644


>> No.9932669

I used to think the same way as you, but I'm finally buying a Macbook

Actually retains some value, and looks pretty. I'll probably just install Windows on bootcamp or whatever tho

>> No.9932706

I'm sorry, but this is bullshit. Laptops do not get stolen off tables, Mac or not, with any kind of regularity. In a small place like that, it's obvious the person is in the bathroom and can leave at any minute, and it's being watched by other people in the store.

Guy also doesn't get the dynamics of the laptop market. Obviously, if a laptop thief is faced with a Macbook Pro on one table and a Thinkpad on the other and can, for some reason, only grab one, he's grabbing the MBP. But you can move or part out any laptop.

Also, he's just a through doofus. Talking about "what kind of neighborhood" something is, walking down the street doing his YouTube shtick while talking about how this beggar annoyed him, like, come the fuck on.

>> No.9932830

Zenbook maybe?

I've been looking into copping one for myself

>> No.9932973

They should start making these again. Would look rad.

>> No.9932996

i wouldn't get a notebook today, if i were a student i would probably go with a tablet over a notebook

and i wouldn't want a notebook as my sole home workstation

>> No.9933087

I'd disagree with this. I used a tablet for Uni for about 3 weeks before selling it and getting a laptop.

>> No.9933094

I've been looking into the Dell XPS13. Anyone have experience with these?

>> No.9933106

Just get a Macbook, the amount of hours saved over a year by the intuitive trackpad must be immense.

>> No.9933121


got and Ipad now and the laptop look silly for Uni, tablets hold battery way better, are not noisy at all are cheaper and more portable.

Unless you need autocad or engineer programs there is no point of having a laptop and anyway you can work on the uni computers or at home.

>> No.9933125

Most /fa/ headphones?

>> No.9933918
File: 35 KB, 770x433, toshiba-chromebook-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying the Toshiba Chromebook 2 once someone buys my tower.

>> No.9933933
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that bezel

>> No.9933968
File: 42 KB, 820x420, 2015-macbook-retina-hands-on-91-820x420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why doubt, just get a macbook

>> No.9934006


although windows generally are more handy. way easier to get programs if you are a creative. + you can save $500 but macbook is really the only fashionable laptop

>> No.9934017

just buy audio technica m-50s

basically industry standard

why would you buy a chromebook? do you only browse the internet when you are using a computer?

>> No.9934023

seriously? a tablet?

good troll

just get a macbook expensive but worth it

>> No.9934060

The only acceptable answer. Fucking god machine for anything but gaming and 3D rendering. Got the I5 with 8GB RAM and 256 HDD, great fucking machine, slick, and people are surprised when I show them it's a full-functioning Windows 8.1 computer.

>> No.9934090


you guys obviously know what you are talking about

why is this good? am i the only one happy with a standard mouse and keyboard computing experience? why do i need that?

it looks like shit and will probably break really quick

touch screen laptops are terrible

just my opinion though

why do you guys like them?

>> No.9934373

It looks fucking good. I mean, it's a tablet with a detachable keyboard. HOLY SHIT! That's the epitome of /fa/ technology. All the same functionality of a laptop while being more compact and portable. If it's still too big with the optional keyboard, I can just tear it off and continue working with the on-screen keyboard. And personally, I quite like the touchscreen. I use it more than the trackpad by habit.

>> No.9934380

That new MacBook is a pile of shit. Buying it means you just became a technology victim.

>> No.9934712

on one rn. i recommend.

>> No.9934812
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>buying inferior laptops
lenovos are better for business but can't beat apple

>> No.9934903

i think the macbook pros are the best looking macbook, the airs are too curved and I don't need to point out the flaws of the new one.
also the surface looks good but is really frustrating to use with the small screen.

>> No.9934963

Prepackaged malware is not really /fa/ if you ask me.

>> No.9934982

computers aren't /fa/ you fucking nerd

>> No.9935008

then dont use one

>> No.9935024

i'm tapping this message to you on a fucking telegram you fucking cunt

>> No.9935036


>> No.9935043
File: 663 KB, 2371x1778, DSCN5774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u jelly?

>> No.9935225

i got one for work and it feels like shit

>> No.9935529

I feel older (but not too old) thinkpads really work with the minimal, mono /fa/ aesthetic. Matte black, can get nice small-ish sizes, square, iconic, but understated.

>> No.9937090


>> No.9937107

audio technica is garbage

it's like having a crocodile gnaw on your head

it's a fuckin meme for a reason lol

>> No.9937164

The M50s are gaining, but the 7506 is still what I perceive as the standard and it's better, anyway.

You're right about Chromebooks, though. They might make sense for some people who aren't comfortable with computers, but except for the Pixel a used low end laptop or even a $100 netbook is physically nicer and more flexible.

Why? Just because they made one ass-stupid design decision with the port?

Other than that, which you can get around rigging up a dock, it's perfection if you don't need more power. Incredible screen, silent cooling, beautiful design, and I thought I'd hate the keys but they're actually nice in their own way.

This needs to come back.

The ideal laptop, though:

- the 9.7" 4:3 screen from the iPad.
- Full size except function keys keyboard.
- Throw a good speaker array on either side of the screen in the thick bezel. The result of all this is about the width of an 11" laptop.
- Deep palm rest, the best key switchse you can fit, huge Apple-style trackpad, mini joystick mouse, touch screen.
- Give it as fast a processor as you can fanlessly cool.
- Pare it down to minimal, cutting edge tech, like a Macbook. Thunderbolt, USB-C, and audio ports only. Maybe an independent Ethernet. And instead of a stupid magsafe power thing or a doubled-up USB-C port, give it an independent *locking* power connector with a robust plug that'll last through abuse.
- Throw it all into a Toughbook-grade case only as thick as a business laptop from a few years back, because you've slimmed the guts down to Macbook scale.
- Ship it with an eGPU.

Ultimate portability when you need it. Sets up to a workstation when you need power.

>> No.9937172

mfw i am using 7506s right now

u have good taste muff ear maniac

>> No.9937264

Thanks, reeeeeeeee.

>> No.9937330

>Other than that, which you can get around rigging up a dock, it's perfection if you don't need more power.
its entry level model is the same as an entry level 13" rmbp, if I recall correctly

so why the fuck would you pay the same price for added inconvenience, a smaller screen, a shitty trackpad that doesnt physically click, and decreased power? even if you "dont need more power" its a bad choice

it doesnt even look that nice, i think the retina pro looks nicer

>> No.9937363

More portability and a sleeker design.

Like, have you handled one in person? It's a joy to touch and see in a way the rMBP - which is no slouch itself and probably the best workhorse laptop around - is not, and if you don't need the extra screen size or power, why carry the extra bulk and weight?

Personally, I'll always always always always choose the smallest laptop screen that matches to a full size keyboard, and rig it up to multiple external monitors for anything that needs more real estate. I like being able to tuck something in the middle of my vision, and spread out screens can be suboptimal working with text. Plus, portability.

The trackpad is... okay, again, I've got to ask if you've handled one.

I first handled the Macbook when my phone died, I needed Internet, and I stopped in an Apple store. Walked up to a new Macbook, forgetting about the new touchpad design. Didn't even notice it wasn't clicking until I saw some informational thing about it on the iPad next to it, and then I was like OMFG I THOUGHT THIS WOULD SUCK ITS PERFECT.

And I'm hyper-sensitive to small tactile variations. Somehow they have the vibrations dialed in exactly and it's as good as the great classic Apple trackpads, plus the new features. Now it just needs a mini-joystick and a touchscreen and it'd be perfect.

I also think new rMBPs are shipping with the new trackpad, but I might be wrong about that.

>> No.9937427

thinkpads are beatifulls

>> No.9938227

I'd kill for a 90's thinkpad with modern internals

>> No.9938238

>I'd kill for a 90's thinkpad with modern internals
You can very much still get them. I called into Lenovo and got them to custom-build me something. The power brick ended up HUGE, but I ended up saving a dime because I asked them to install Linux instead of windows (removing the licensing fee from the purchase).

Be warned, though my oldschool Thinkpad may be able to play Civ V and shit, but it also weighs like 10 lbs. Not exaggerating.

>> No.9938275
File: 2 KB, 100x100, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

macbook air, surface pro 3, xps13, ux303la, acer s7

this is my shopping list

which one do i get

>> No.9938290
File: 48 KB, 620x465, hp-zbook-15-main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are workstations effay?

>> No.9939613

I usually wouldn't even consider replying to you but I have a surface pro 3 and would recommend it

>> No.9939823

Workstations are, but that zbook is not.

>> No.9940388

xps 13

>> No.9940433

I guess it depends how much portability matter to you

i personally dont think 1-2 lbs makes a difference enough to sacrifice features, but I guess I see where youre coming from

>> No.9940546
File: 64 KB, 625x450, msi-wind-u110-eco-off-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not pounds, I usually don't give a fuck about weight, but size. I can carry a few extra pounds, but my bag can't always fit a few extra inches. Thickness is also hugely overrated as an aspect of portability. The main limit is almost always flat surface area.

And from the other side, smaller laptop = potential to carry a smaller bag. There's fanny packs the Macbook (or Air 11", but fuck the Air) can fit inside.

My favorite laptop to travel (in city, out of city, under the arm to a coffeshop, living out of a pack, whatever) with that I've owned was the MSI U110 Eco. It was an otherwise unexceptional netbook that boasted a few critical plusses: 10-14 hours of battery life when most things topped out at 6 or 7, a full size alphanumeric keyboard, a battery that doubled as a stand and impromptu handle, and a design that was soft-utilitarian in a similar way to Ive designs from early in the last decade were.

Still have it sitting in storage, it's just kind of smashed up and needs a screen replacement. Not sure how it'd handle heavy browsing of the 2015 web.

>> No.9940549
File: 36 KB, 728x435, apple_mac_g4_cube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a similar way to Ive designs from early in the last decade were

Like the greatest industrial design for a computer ever.

>> No.9940559

i see what youre saying

I dont like smaller laptops though

my hands are big and they start to cramp up on smaller keyboards and more importantly i dont like looking at screens less than like 13"

>> No.9940561
File: 552 KB, 2131x2918, 3985914531_ec856ac97b_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the great things about Apple is that they (by which I mean Jobs and Ive) insist on a thorough beauty, one that extends into the way the machine's guts are built.

>> No.9940581
File: 362 KB, 2036x3054, 3986668060_0598821dbf_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To each his own. 13" is the biggest laptop I'll buy.

I hate small keyboards too, but there are many (not most, but enough, I think the Macbook does) small machines with full size or nearly full size alphanumeric keyboards.

This and the last image from

>> No.9940588 [DELETED] 

If anyone wants one of pic related, especially if you're in NYC, let me know and we'll trade emails.

>> No.9940591
File: 432 KB, 2846x2135, bTJSlDBZ5HVNW6qw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone wants one of pic related, especially if you're in NYC, let me know and we'll trade emails.

>> No.9940626
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Titanium Powerbook

>> No.9940636
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>> No.9940651

>buying apple products

It's like you want people to think you're unintelligent.

>> No.9940653
File: 330 KB, 3054x2036, 4052389716_5ce2b3dd73_o(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From same guy as the high-res Cube pics.

>> No.9940657
File: 280 KB, 3054x2036, 4051644247_3736174206_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note the handle!

>> No.9940686
File: 9 KB, 300x157, blueberryibook.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When was the last time a company cared about how you carried your laptop outside a bag?

(Answer: when Panasonic did its great but now obsolete unless you're jacking into ancient hardware with a serial port Toughbook case, I think.)

>> No.9940701
File: 17 KB, 461x600, steve-jobs-and-apple-ibook-clamshell-gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: Steve Jobs eventually got Issey Miyake to custom design his black turtlenecks. This is before it happened.

He also got Issey to design a uniform for every last employee at Apple, a ripstop nylon jacket that converted to a vest. Employees quite understandably hated the idea, the pushback was strong enough the idea was canned.

>> No.9940704
File: 199 KB, 1980x1485, IBook_G3_M6497_J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Later iBook.

>> No.9940709

>caring what autismo plebs think about you
I have a Moto G, a WP and an i5, the iPhone is so much better it's not even funny
Android is fucking ugly and sucks unless you put a shitload of time in it (then it's good but I won't do that) (also the apps are ugly as shit as well)
WP lacks basic shit though I like the UI
iOS is overally great

-posted from my iPad

>> No.9940710
File: 33 KB, 358x362, apple-spec-callouts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best classic iPod, 4th Gen non-photo.

>> No.9940714
File: 65 KB, 500x529, tumblr_lrzfbckCM71qamqi0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last CRT Studio Display.

>> No.9940717
File: 8 KB, 300x225, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First LCD Studio Display, in an image size suitable for display on it.

>> No.9940720
File: 53 KB, 500x312, apple-17-studio-display.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prettiest studio display. I'll dump more, non-Apple stuff later.

>> No.9940729
File: 37 KB, 537x402, steve-jobs-1-537x402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fun fact: Steve Jobs eventually got Issey Miyake to custom design his black turtlenecks. This is before it happened.

Oh, but this the Miyake turtleneck, if anyone was wondering. Note the cool seams.

Don't know that there's any public pictures of the jacket. Sounds like a cool design, but fuck uniforms.

>> No.9941035

>being this pleb


>> No.9941051
File: 152 KB, 640x826, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the rec

surface pro 3 is cool as hell except i already have an ipad. might replace it with the surface tho

do you use a keyboard cover with yours?

>> No.9941078
File: 453 KB, 1400x1700, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, was also looking into that

i can get MacBook Air 13" for 850
or Dell XPS 13" for 750

both are the most basic, non-touch configs cuz I don't really need anything more than that

haven't used a Mac in years so I guess there's a learning curve but advantages are it's pretty and it also keeps like half its value if i were to sell it like in 2019

dell xps is faster tho and the infinity screen thing is fucking cool

decisions decisions

do u have the dell? what do u think about it

>> No.9941120

That comic just changed my life.

Thank you, Reeeee :~)

>> No.9941152 [DELETED] 
File: 159 KB, 1000x930, New-Balance-Wearers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



i have more

>> No.9941166
File: 289 KB, 1920x864, csm_lenovo_thinkpad_x200s_biegung_copy_03_1f27916f88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest this ultrabook trend is the worst fucking thing to happen to laptops in a while.

I don't want a laptop that is thinner, I want something moderately sized that can take a hit while being able to run cool and have enough power.

If we just kept laptops the size of old thinkpads, we could probably cram a lot more into them

-Sent from my X220T which I am almost done fixing up and fucking love

>> No.9941176



1) nobody is forcing you to buy an ultrabook. if you want a huge-ass laptop, there are desktop replacements and everything in between

>If we just kept laptops the size of old thinkpads, we could probably cram a lot more into them
2) u realize things are getting smaller, right? in middle school, standard usb sticks were like 512mb - now they're probably like 50gb and half the size

>I don't want a laptop that is thinner, I want something moderately sized that can take a hit while being able to run cool and have enough power.

3) that's the whole idea of an ultrabook, except it's thin... why do u want a thicker laptop u autist


>> No.9941191

Don't be such a reckless ogre with your laptop and it won't break.

>> No.9941216

I purchased a used for two weeks Surface Pro 3 i5 128 GB SSD for $780 on eBay (about ~$300 cheaper than retail). Came with the keyboard and stylus. I use it for everything I do on my desktop (internet browsing, watching movies, using photoshop, autocad programs, etc). No complaints.

>> No.9941226

Nice deal

How often do you use the touchscreen? Or do you find yourself using the trackpad on the keyboard or an external mouse more?

>> No.9941231
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>> No.9941283

You'll find a better deal if you wait a some weeks for good prices. I bought mine after only a few days of looking around. Although I was lucky to find a two week old surface at that price.

No mouse because I use the tablet for mobile. I use the touchscreen more than the trackpad anyway. It's more comfortable and convenient, but not as reliable in rare situations. Clicking small buttons (like tick boxes on survey sites or the board options on the top/bottom of this webpage) takes a few taps. I've landed on /gif/ a few times on accident when trying to get to /g/. Some things (usually video games) don't work with the touch screen either and I have to switch to the pen stylus or trackpad.

>> No.9941309

people talk shit on apple but they really overlook how simple it is. I've used windows prior to my current mac and i couldnt be happier to have made the switch.

windows OS is trash, specially the newer versions where everything feels so limited and faux-modern

the only reason mac has caught up and has turn """"pleb tier"""" is because of how easy they are to use. faggots need to get off their high horses and stop talking shit on apple because theres a reason why they're literally number 1...

>> No.9941369
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1. That is the shittiest fucking way to justify something in the world.

Nobody is forcing me currently. No shit. but as time marches on, one day my trusty laptop isn't gonna cut it anymore for business-purposes. I'll be unable to avoid an upgrade. One of the best examples is the death of old-style keyboards in favor of this chiclet shit.

In 2015, you can absolutely not get away from this. The ultrabook thing only came about because everybody wanted the Apple audience. As progress marches on, options that were available in the past are no longer existent. The 21st century in general has seen the death of "niche market" models, which is why the Thinkpad line has seen so many things die such as being modular and shit keyboard layouts. If this trend continues, then it basically kills off features people desire.

2) I think you are missing the point. Thickness leaves room for more peripherals, better cooling options (which is something laptops desperately need) and paves way to being modular. (although not necessarily) Technology gets smaller, so rather than making everything else smaller, it makes more sense to cram in some better tech. Just my philosophy

3. Just because I don't need my laptop to fit in a manilla envelope to impress my hipster douche friends doesn't mean I want a box computer. I just want something portable but sturdy.


Life happens man. I'm careful as fuck with my phone and I still managed to break it because of a slip. I just want my expensive stuff to be as life-proof as possible.

>> No.9941464
File: 243 KB, 1500x1000, Caring-about-yourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks i have more

>> No.9941467

hmm sounds interesting! honestly sounds like the kind of machine i need.

any tips for searching ebay and getting a good price?

>> No.9941507

Thinkpad T530

>> No.9941527

Just bought an x220t on ebay, I can't fucking wait. My last laptop was a shitty Asus that broke when someone opened a door into my bag.

>> No.9941534

Searching on eBay is super simple. Just make sure you're searching under the correct category and you don't limit your results by checking every tickbox on the left. Some people are retarded because they don't mention a keyboardt's color or certain features, and eBay excludes it entirely if you search "red keyboard", "1.5GHz processor", etc. Most importantly of all, be ready for bid prices to spike upwards of $100 at the last moment. Gotta go in with a set budget and commit when it's important to.

>> No.9941540

thanks! never thought about the search thing.

When you're bidding, do you just set your maximum bid whenever, and let eBay do its thing?

Or do you wait for the last moment then place 1 big bid?

>> No.9941543

All else being equal and sane, a thicker laptop is going to be tougher and have longer battery life.

Thinness past a certain point just isn't really inherently desirable. This trend towards thinness in devices is just an artificial marketing-driven design gimmick to sell new gadgets every few years to customers they don't think much of.

Because, God, no, no one is going to read a spec sheet, or use their devices in logistically or physically trying situations, or care about how it feels in their hand, or remember when you could take a phone out of any pocket, throw it against a brick wall for 48 hours, and make a call.

No. We'll just dazzle them with IT'S SMALLER AND BIGGER AT THE SAME TIME!

Just think about this: the Macbook lasts for 9 hours in web browsing use. By some napkin math, if it was as thick as the pre-Retina MBP, it'd last a little over 16 hours. If it was as thick as that guy's X220, it'd last just under 24.

This can be a big thing when you're on a long haul transit thing and the outlets aren't working. Or when a superstorm blasts out the power in your city. Or when you just forgot to plug it in for a while, notice it's at 10%, have to run, and you get to the coffeeshop and all the outlets are taken.

Like, I *like* the Macbook, I defended it upthread, but things could be better.

What, you want me to *snort* *take care of* a *thing*?

Seriously, though, 1) why are you moralizing taking care of objects and 2) why should people have to?

It's genuinely demeaning to expect people to take headspace and time off the more interesting, exciting, and important things they could be doing with something to coddle or maintain it. Especially when you sell it as It Just Works.

Macs are more durable than people make them out to be, for sure, but ruggedized everything should be a fairly high priority for the electronics industry. It won't be, because capitalism, but what's new?

>> No.9941563

Honestly ree you are just awful, please drop trip and fuck off

I mean this genuinely, please seek attention elsewhere, every one of your posts, comics, etc. is vomit inducing

You are accelerating the ruination of this board

>> No.9941564

v6 are better

>> No.9941566

can you explain exactly which part of the comics you disagree with?

>> No.9941568


i wouldn't be able to tell the difference anyways lol

but thanks

>> No.9941615 [DELETED] 

Speaking on the second one, the basic thrust is okay but you fuck it up by dipping into junky /pol/ style genetic crap, counter alienated model worship with a super normative relationship model that doesn't work for everyone (personally, I like it, but that's me), and WORST WORST OF ALL acting like there's anything wrong with 576s and AF1s.

Self-aggrandizement is also generally a poor way of giving advice.

>> No.9941621 [DELETED] 

Oh and actually, "dress to impress" is just junk advice. People shouldn't care what most other people think, and should wear what they think looks good - you just can't be stagnant with it.

Socially, "dressing to impress" in an amorphous way is meaningless. You dress reaching for affinity with people who you have potential affinity with.

Delete the thread you made out of this so I don't have to crosspost.

I like you, reeeeeeeee, actually, and you're well intentioned with these, but it just goes back to

>Self-aggrandizement is also generally a poor way of giving advice.

>> No.9941642

Placing a max bid will guarantee you're the top bidder until someone outbids you, and everyone will be able to see your top bid (not to be confused with max bid). So, it's better to place any kind of bid as late as possible so people don't have time to react.

Typing this from my Surface Pro 3 as I take a shit. This one is for you, ree.

>> No.9941760

No, I don't meant just getting a thinkpad. The newer thinkpads are not quite up to scratch with the old IBM think pads quality and design wise, if you've ever seem them. I mean a 90's thinkpad chassis with modern components retrofitted.

>> No.9942743

got a lenovo edge laptop. has a really cool bloodred top/back.

looks very nice.

>> No.9943292
File: 355 KB, 1878x1152, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dell Inspiron 7000 Series

One of the few nice looking 17 inch laptops.