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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 82 KB, 428x864, 1430118062343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9919061 No.9919061 [Reply] [Original]

>All the honeys talking about my fit
>"I really dig your style anon. It's so different"
>"Where do you find all this stuff?"
>mfw can never speak of this shit hole and usually just say tv

>> No.9919069

some bitch called my shoes ugly

fuck you bitch they're designer

>> No.9919073
File: 71 KB, 314x145, youarwastingvaluableoxygen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9919074

/tv/ is as autistic as here m8

>> No.9919122

Pretty sure they meant actual TV, not a 4chins board.

>> No.9919132

you spend too much time on 4chan for your own good

>> No.9919136

The irony in your post.

>> No.9919138

you too

>> No.9919169

Haha, just say you shop a lot.

>Wearing a suit as always
>Some dude keeps fucking with my (simple square-folded) pocket square
>Keeps pulling it up until it's like 3" above the pocket for some asinine reason
>Then makes a grab for my tie clip to move it to 1" below the knot
>Uhhhh, what the fuck are you doing
>Spaghettis out and talks about Italian suits

It was weird.

>> No.9919188


you sure this isn't something *you* did?

>> No.9919213

shut the fuck up you unibrow cunt

>> No.9919222
File: 7 KB, 566x76, Patrick Bateman confesses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


chill out "patrick bateman"

>> No.9919233

reee for god's sake would you just fuck off

you're the worst trip by far

>> No.9919245


caught samefagging again, "patrick bateman"

we all know you use another device to samefag, so no point posting your screenshot "proof"

you're a pathetic excuse for a human and you even admitted to being ignorant about fashion

>> No.9919252

i'm not even patrick bateman, i'll prove it in any way you want me to

>> No.9919257
File: 16 KB, 960x205, Patrick Bateman is a fucking loser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9919265

what do you want me to do you autist

>> No.9919272

be nice :~)
and i'll be nice to you too :~)

>> No.9919280

I'm not going to be nice to you because all you do is shitpost and act like a cunt

>> No.9919304

Pigfuck and Bateman are both better than you

>> No.9919305

>Man pretending to be a woman
>Calling anyone else a pathetic excuse for a human.

-1,000,000,000,000,000/10 please fuck off

>> No.9919307

you have shit taste in trips

i don't just act like a cunt tbh

>> No.9919311

people are still doing this?

i thought the latest one was reeee = sieg heil

>> No.9919313

no, you don't just ACT like a cunt, you are a cunt as well

and your comics aren't funny

>> No.9919321
File: 29 KB, 310x326, hearty laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw overly eager for a summer internship to afford cops
>tfw it's too fucking hot outside to wear my best clothes
>tfw not tall

things could b worse !

>> No.9919322
File: 183 KB, 750x1000, Obh5EmM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filter/ignore because pic-related is all the man is doing.

>> No.9919344

>you too
get rekt

>> No.9919351

yeah that was a pretty sick burn tbh

>> No.9919358

>people keep mentally judging my fit
>they all have pleb tier fits with northface jackets and true religion jeans

>> No.9919366

>Short dude, hard to find clothes that fit on point
>Just found an extremely talented tailor that can make gold out of a pair of bad fitting jeans.
>tfw your fits are getting alright

>> No.9919371

>my friends make fun of the cuffs on my jeans

>> No.9919454

learn to cuff better then they probably look shit

>> No.9919484

you're missing the point
my friends make fun of the choice of cuffing my jeans
>anon why the cuffs? is your house flooded?

>> No.9919490

then they probably look shit regardless

stop doin it

>> No.9919496

Respond with: "Why no cuffs, is your house so flooded you have to keep your pants down to protect your socks so you don't get wet socks?"

>> No.9919565


>> No.9919626

who fucking says 'honeys' anymore

>> No.9919733
File: 32 KB, 600x600, wardrobegoals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao do you live in south chicago?

>> No.9919764
File: 985 KB, 400x343, realshit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>partying with squad
>bring expensive sunglasses, watch etc.
>literally everyone asks me if they can wear my gear

>> No.9919776

Raf x Adidas isn't designer babe

>> No.9919861
File: 88 KB, 541x327, 1432265272854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i get like 8+ compliments on my fits a day when i go out on a day off from work.

>mfw i never tell them about /fa/.
>always says shit like.
>copd this shit when i was in Japan,London,NY.

im cool your not you cant sit with us.

>> No.9919889

People who pound pussy.

>> No.9919904


the answer is tryhard shut-ins who look up dated slang to use on urban dictionary

>> No.9919913

You're projecting pretty hard there mate. Only autists care about shit like that.

>> No.9919923

replace the true religions with some nike techfleece trousers, the timberlands for huaraches, and the ralph lauren baseball cap for a nike baseball cap, and you're in london

>> No.9919936

>tfw my gf dumped me a week ago
Actually feeling more confident than I have in a very long time after realising that I'll probably be fine without her - I miss her, but I have a tendency of striving to improve myself a lot when I can't get what I want, so even if I won't get her back, I'll most likely find someone else pretty fast.
I feel like I have the whole world waiting for me right now, and I just have to go get it

>> No.9919938

literally everyone cringes internally when you try to use dated slang, they're just too polite to tell you

>> No.9919949
File: 120 KB, 640x640, 1420184723971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never meet katya

why even live

>> No.9919953

is this kid actually autistic wtf

>> No.9919959

No one cares. Unless you're hanging around with other autists. Then that would explain why you would think that.

>> No.9919963

So change almost the entire fit? You sperg

>> No.9919970

Yah! Change everything and it's exactly the same!


>> No.9920013

Damn we've got some legit autism here