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File: 59 KB, 600x400, beyonce-death-grips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9916299 No.9916299 [Reply] [Original]

W-what should I wear to the death grips tour?

I'm planning on wearing my death classic t, dont know what else though. It's going to be pretty moshy

anyone else in vancouver goin? im gonna try to pick up a bandwagon slut while im there

>> No.9916304

wait, is robert pattinson really the new member of dg?

>> No.9916307
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yeas beyonce too

tour schedule for anyone interested

>> No.9916316

Beyonce looks very out of place here.

>> No.9916333

You're wearing merch from the performing act?
Wear another tee.

>> No.9916343

Why? What? Mine's old ripped and weathered, i have some patches on it too. I need something to distinguish myself from the hordes of people who hopped on dg in 2013/2014

>> No.9916351

but then again maybe you're right. Maybe i'll wear some autistic drkshdw or vtb shit

>> No.9916358

whos opening for them? or is it just them

>> No.9916362

Rule of thumb is that wearing a bands tshirt at their concert is p lame. If you want to wear a band tshirt then wear another one, it'll make you stand out / seem more interesting / spark conversations with new people. Otherwise just wear something you won't feel bad about getting sweated on by other people

>> No.9916363

Just them, standalone performance

>> No.9916371
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Yeah I understand. I don't have any other band ts but radiohead and gorillaz which are pretty fucking gay

>> No.9916403

True, but you also won't look like the asshole wearing skramz shirts to every show ever
>pro tip that's me and I know I'm trash

>> No.9916407

Doesn't have to be a band tee.
Wearing the bands tee at their concert means you're one of 3 things: a groupie trying to hop of their dick, 18 y/o that just discovered 'real' music, or an autist who has no other interest other than the performing act.

>> No.9916416

>tfw going alone
im going to look autistic anyway, how am i suppose to find friends who like death grips

>> No.9916421

have you been to other shows alone before?

>> No.9916423

nope, usually have friends that like or picked up the band a little bit before, nobody could get into this unfortunately

>> No.9916430

You are going to a death grips concert, you don't need a tee to show you like the band.
Just arrive early and look around for the guy or qt standing awkwardly by himself.

>> No.9916432

I've gone to shows alone before. Not quite as fun but usually someone will be out going and talk to you if you don't look like a creep or an asshole. I got to meet my favorite band once because the drummer of one of the openers struck up a convo while I was hanging around before the show like an awkward idiot

>> No.9916433

yeah i plan to do this but with a girl hopefully

>> No.9916435

yeah i dont really do things alone so this is weird for me, but the fact that its death grips might mean that groups of people and their friends arent going to be as popular, and people who their own individual interest in the band might show up

>> No.9916445

>wearing a band's t shirt to their show

>> No.9916451

one time I was at a show where I was the only one attending who wasn't friends with the headliner. I just stood in front of the stage until the show started. On the plus side I stood out by being the only one that knew the songs of one of the openers and ended up chilling with them after the show for a couple hours.

I've never been to a Death Grips show before though, mostly just punk stuff. I'd imagine it's probably a very different attitude in the crowd even with the very punk mindset the group has

>> No.9916463

This is some of the most autistic shit I've read.

>> No.9916473

>tfw i look through the "going" list on facebook
>everyone is an ugly fat metal lover
suddenly i feel less intimidated

>> No.9916489

holy fuck, almost every girl on this going list is a red lipstick liquid eyeliner tumblr whore

holy fuck how far has dg fallen?

>> No.9916494

It's not.
The easiest way to spot autists at shows is to see who's wearing a performing acts shirt. They're usually new to shows and causing issues for everyone else.
Even aside from that, if your at the show you clearly like one of the fucking bands playing so it's redundant to advertise it. It's much more interesting to wear the shirt of a different band, maybe a lesser known band or a similar band in the scene or what the fuck ever. Spark a fucking conversation, show what else you're fucking into, hell maybe even grab the attention of one of the bands while they're performing I've seen that happen more than once.

>> No.9916509

You're either an idiot or socially clueless. Everyone knows it's poor form to wear the band you're seeing's merch to their own gig

>> No.9916510

>new to shows and causing issues for everyone else
I don't even know where to begin. I'll assume you have no interest in your local music scene.

>> No.9916517

You have no self-awareness. You sound like the type of guy who wore a hat in high school because you thought it would make you "unique."

>> No.9916521

Please, the more local the band I've seen the less likely the crowd was to come in a band shirt at all.

>> No.9916526

do you guys think there will be cute grills at a dark grips concerto? do you think theyll like my edgy dark fit and hitler youth?

>> No.9916528

That'll be at the techno show m80

>> No.9916532
File: 96 KB, 650x650, dg1_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are trolling, a death grips show is the only sociably acceptable place to wear this shirt
>pic related
i got kicked out of a mall when i wore this shirt, cant wear it to school, or anywhere else basically cause it has tits

>> No.9916535

I just want a qt meme grips gf who ironically likes them

>> No.9916539

"but those aren't female mammaries my friend, that is just a man with gyno 8^)"

such is life in britbong

>> No.9916540

Censor the tits with a sharpie.

>> No.9916543

Nah most concerts would be chill for that, I saw someone wearing that at a Dillinger show. Fucking weird looking guy but he was wearing it.

>> No.9916558

i wear it to school preddy regularly. admittedly one of my teachers listens to DG as well but in general I think people are too weirded out by it

>> No.9916565

thats what i said and nah im in texas (usa), you also cant wear a hood inside the mall, yet they let the pakis wear turbans and those full body suit things that cover everything except your eyes...
thought about it that but using black electrical tape instead. i decided not to cause that seems like a pussy thing to do
yeah but i dont really go to shows at all, my money goes towards clothes mostly

>> No.9916570

america, everybody

>> No.9916643

So not wearing a t-shirt of the band you're seeing is actually a thing... Stupidest shit I've ever heard.

>> No.9916661

>Pattinson looks like he's ready to sell drugs.
Cool jacket though.

>> No.9916669

It's always just been kind of associated as try hard, I guess. Like you're at the fucking show, why do you feel the need to advertise any further you're a fan.

I think it's pretty damn rad when a band member wears their own merch on stage though. I feel like it takes legit balls to do it because they know it's faux pas

>> No.9916689


>> No.9916697

yes ye we all know meme grips is done but i have never seen them live (never been to vancouver) and ive been a fan since exmil and i have to go at least once

>> No.9916742

Why is Stefan always so sad

>> No.9916748

he doesnt look to people for inspiration
he is his own inspiration
emotions are the folly of mortal men

>> No.9916766

ikr, he seems geniunely autistic or something. Hes like one of those people whos loud and dickish on the internet but a total shy and quiet nerd irl

>> No.9916768

not really
he seems the type of dude that struggles against killing himself every night


>> No.9916797

im loud and dickish online I just dont really like alot of people so i dont say shit. i must be full autismo
also >>9916748
on the fuckin money dude. relatable

>> No.9916830

fucking embarrassing hipster trash band hahahahahahahahahahahahahah

>> No.9916958

anyone going to the SF show?

>> No.9916982


>> No.9916989

How the fuck can someone care this much?

W-w-what should i wear while eating my breakfeast i-internet fashion club?

>> No.9916996

sold out ):

>> No.9917003

This, though I think it's somewhat more acceptable to wear a band's merch at a festival they're playing. (less acceptable if they're the headliner though)

>> No.9918405

This could be alittle cool especially if the band has already played. I was at a fest once and bought a shirt from a band I had just watched after my shirt was trashed. Ended up talking with a few people who were in that crowd too and it was p tight

>> No.9918550

just wear a shitty shirt/jeans/shoes outfit that u don't care about stretching or whatever

its a show for a fuck sakes

>> No.9919182

i'm gonna be at the atlanta show and i'm planning on wearing my dg t-shirt, either black jeans if its cool enough(lol) or black running shorts, and prolly new balances or some running shoes.

>> No.9919194

either that or some other tshirt if my dg one gets too torn up by then.

>> No.9919209

>dressed by the internet
>music taste by the internet


>> No.9919442

OP dont wear the band shirt, you dont need it to validify that you like the band. I personally think its corny, i went to that shaky knees music festival in atlanta and it just looked so corny when ppl had the band shirts.
Anyone going in ATL? I would go but literally no one in my town knows who they are and idk what kinda crowd goes to DG concerts

>> No.9919452

he played guitar on one of their songs so i guess he death grips fam now

>> No.9919577

anyone else going to dc show

>> No.9920220

ATL here! you should go. like 99% of the people i know who are going don't really know much about them past me and a couple friends who like them. still gonna be a fun night.

>> No.9921361
File: 114 KB, 600x400, TZ_LUM_Lower_LST-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. black shorts. faggy shoes.

>> No.9921392
File: 20 KB, 404x404, 1412780888529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9921461

my black 511s, skate shoes, probably a white or black T-shirt. my locks of luscious hair. going to the Chicago show

>> No.9921834

they haven't. learn to separate artists from their fan base. these choker wearing basic azz hoes prolly only like dg cos of the internet reputation they got tbh

>> No.9923585

Suffocate me, already

>> No.9923621

Wtc that dope ass shirt

>> No.9923861

Oblivion access is boutta be nuts. >>9923621
Thunderzone. Get one before the end of June or they're gone forever.

>> No.9923928

who /seattle/ here