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/fa/ - Fashion

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9916198 No.9916198 [Reply] [Original]

How /fa/ is your city?

My home town
> baltimore

our nick name is mob town. how cool is that?

we eat crabs and have the best seafood. There is an abundance of heroin and drugs.

> 1 NYC
> 2 chicago
> 3 seattle
> 4 boston
> 5 philly
> 6 washington DC
> 7 baltimore
>8 Atlanta

>> No.9916496

>best seafood
i suppose mob town is better than beantown, as far as nicknames go. i dont even like beans, and it was a moniker given by the slave traders.

>> No.9916531

From Brooklyn, pretty /fa/
Virginia Beach nowadays. Not so much. Crabs & oysters for days tho.

>> No.9916715

>8 Atlanta

As someone from Atlanta, I'm not sure how I feel about that.

>> No.9916726

In Baltimore right now. Isn't it generally called Charm City or some shit?

Not sure if I'd consider this place fashionable but the restaurants make it worth it every time.

>> No.9916758

>implying montreal isnt the most effay city on earth.

>> No.9916780


the city itself? sure, but the people here dress like shit

>> No.9916790


I rarely see fashionable people in seattle

>> No.9916791

people here dress like shit generally but the city of SF itself is pretty /fa/

>> No.9916811
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>thinking this
try again

>> No.9916815


>> No.9916831

why is OP so east coast-y? Except for Seattle...

What about Los Angeles?

>> No.9916842

There's much better seafood in the Caribbean than in Baltimore. The harbour smells pretty terrible too. The aquarium was cool though.

>excluding Miami
I wouldn't say it's particularly fashionable but it has its own art/fashion scene and a fairly relevant fashion week (for swimwear). At least more relevant than Philadelphia. Los Angeles and San Fransisco are also missing

>> No.9916890

Houston ? Lol

>> No.9916894

Zia if you ever come to vancouver can we date? I've been in love with you for years.

>> No.9916904

>San Diego

its beautiful and comfy all year round but its actually pretty boring for people in their 20s unless you do alot of drugs

>> No.9916913

No thank you!

Worth noting that I tried to go by Zia for a few months but it didn't work. People just call me by my name or as Lex.

>> No.9916921

Okay if I move to toronto how can I go about inconspicuously running into you on the street?

>> No.9917013

I see some downtown and the occasional dude on the hill. The city is definitely more fashionable than the people though.

>> No.9918622

Never thought I'd meet a fellow Baltimore person on here.

>> No.9918642

I went to a Titus Andronicus/The Energy show at Rice a few years ago
That school had a fairly decent streetwear/gutter punk vibe....I was quite impressed

>> No.9918792
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Los Angeles is so trendy.

>> No.9918796

>There are people who think L.A. is fa

If you believe this then I'm sorry to tell you that you're very wrong.

>> No.9918851
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LA has a store that sells Briefing
They get a pass

>> No.9918871

>Ctrl+f no New Orleans.
Come on guys new Orleans is /fa/ right?

>> No.9918903


Never seen someone on /fa/ mention that they are in Hampton Roads. This area seems pretty disinterested in fashion aside from the occasional Flip yeezy hypebeast kid.

>> No.9918910

shit tier

>> No.9918915

dallas, tx
complete opposite of effay
50% of pop is over 40 with too many kids
anyone under 40 is either a redneck poser or a $30k millionaire driving a leased bmw spending 50% of his paycheck in the club
power gap
power gap

>> No.9918924
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>> No.9918926

what the hell, why is nyc on top of the list, are u dumb?

>> No.9918933

none of you know what you're talking about

>> No.9918936

he's from baltimore

>> No.9918938

I bet you live in new jersey faggot

>> No.9918942

Baltimore is okay, but not really fashionable imo. I lived in Annapolis for 2 years and even though I had some good times, it was shit.

Currently living in a shittown in Massachusetts, and I visit Boston every now and then, and I can say Boston is pretty fashionable.

>> No.9918958

Lots of people in this day and age honestly believe NYC matters because of the financial industry.

They seem to not really realize that power is much more distributed nowadays. D.C. could wreck an entire industry with the stroke of a pen, SF/SV is the linchpin of half the useful American industries nowadays, etc.

It's old world thinking at its worst. Fuckin' hate NYC. Full of drab poorly planned streets and buildings littered with trash.

>> No.9918977

NYC here, everything is expensive and there's more tourists than locals

>> No.9919384

confirmed for never having lived in/explored NYC. lotta cool stuff you internet shmucks.

>> No.9919399

Los Angeles here. Specifically Brentwood area.

We have our /fa/ parts and are not so /fa/ parts.

As for how /fa/ the entire city is, I'd say not at all. People here trendhop more than anywhere else I've lived.

I'm <Hour away from the beach, desert, snow, mountains, etc. So that aspect of it is nice.

>> No.9919458

1. Nacogdoches, Texas
2. Nacogdoches, Texas
3. Nacogdoches, Texas

>> No.9919473

London > all

>> No.9919480

boston here

the people here aren't all fashionable but there's some fashionable college kids by the fenway and the hill and allston and all those schools, other than that its yuppies and minorities

>> No.9919506

london is literally meme tier

>> No.9919520

yes very
completely devoid of sensible fashion

>> No.9919601 [DELETED] 

My hometown is Calais in France.
Once the jewel of the British crown. It has now become a shithole, the city centre is dead, nothing to do. It's only a shadow of its former self.

>> No.9919614

idiot, manhattan is very /fa
rarely see people wearing sweats or slob clothes even to go to the deli in the morning, most new yorkers dress well no matter where they are going.
definitely most /fa city in the country, but manhattan specifically wow

>> No.9919619

lmao fuck texas

>> No.9919629

>usa edition fucking moron
not to mention your city is overrun w pakis and indians

>> No.9919633
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>> No.9919639

>willingly living in the USA

>> No.9919680

Las Vegas

We've got some good restaurants, and just about every big name label has a boutique here, but the people by and large dress like shit.
Tourists are the worst offenders- it's a sea of cargo shorts, graphic tees and sperrys during the day and poorly fitting, gaudy club wear at night.

>> No.9919690

Providence is low key effay as fuck

>> No.9919703

there is not a single person in Boston that calls it bean town

>> No.9919802

providence blows, around the colleges is alright
everywhere else is shit and full of blacks and spics

>> No.9919834

you seem kind