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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 84 KB, 594x349, teamlightskin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9911313 No.9911313[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are lightskin niggas the most /fa/ race?

I mean they are the most attractive and they get all the bitches so they must be the most /fa/ as well, right?

>> No.9911322
File: 75 KB, 600x900, lightskin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More proof

>> No.9911325
File: 350 KB, 603x583, tyga-thejennersisters-trey-songz-chris-brown-that-grape-juice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even more proof.

If you're allowed near a Kardashian (let alone 2) you're probably /fa/ enough to fuck them.

>> No.9911580

doesn't matter if they're light skin they are still niggers. niggers can't be /fa/

>> No.9911591

This : wrong
This : you sound retarded. im mixed/lightskin/(insert retarded word to describe my skin color here) and I can say white bitches love us but as far as being /fa/, we are objectively not the most /fa/ because like
said, most are still nigs. see

are you sure you're lightskin?

>> No.9911602

I feel like black people are the most versatile race in terms of fashion, like a lot of the time asian and white people look super fucking out of place and tryhard wearing streetwear but if you're rich and black you can wear way more styles without looking like someone that gets made fun of all over the internet

>> No.9911605


>> No.9911610

also true. also why blacks get alot of hate because of people of other races that are mad at them, believe it or not. insults (e.g. racism) are typically stemmed from insecurity and the likes.

>> No.9911638

infighting weakens

>> No.9911641

blacks look out of place in anything other than a ball and chain

>> No.9911748

Jesus, how do you know this? I feel like you, as a light skin black person are making excuses as to why people hate on you.. Maybe it's not even to do with your race? Not every non black person is insecure about not being able to wear different styles of clothing, most hate on you guys simply due to stereotypes.

>> No.9911756

>Jesus, how do you know this? I feel like you, as a dickhead /fa/ whiteboy, are ignorant and make boring posts.. Maybe it's not even to do with your being a 4chan poster? Not every 4chan poster is as bad as you.

>> No.9911765 [DELETED] 

light skin, dark skin, it doesnt matter, you're a nigger, an ape, a coon, a jigaboo, you're genetic slime, a waste of life, you're the worst of the worst, you're worse than indians and puerto ricans, niggers the bottom.

>> No.9911769

Don't run from the cops, that's all you gotta do nigger. Your so called African-American plight is nothing to do with race, it's your vile culture which is destroying America and landing all your brothers in jail. But of course; you dindu nothing. :^)

>> No.9911775

light skin, dark skin, it doesnt matter, you're a nigger, an ape, a coon, a jigaboo, you're genetic slime, a waste of life, you're the worst of the worst, you're worse than indians and puerto ricans, niggers the bottom.

>> No.9911781
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nigger hate thread??

>> No.9911786
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>> No.9911790




>> No.9911793
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>> No.9911797
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>> No.9911801
File: 122 KB, 571x591, 1426795814834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only good nigger is a dead nigger, no nigger is your friend, you dont have any nigger friends, there are no 'black people' only niggers, and they all must die

>> No.9911803

Kek all these sub humans are literally biologically above you; they get with the white women while you type away in a fit of racist rage on 4chan. Hehehe, it's cool though, your ancestors have the same skin colour as the men who invented everything we use today, therefore you are not genetic slime. Weird how them white women don't see the inventive catch that you are right? Naaaaawww, they just niggalovers lol

>> No.9911824
File: 1.35 MB, 2355x2356, it hurts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shame your coon cuck fantasies arent reality, isnt it travyon?

the only women who fuck niggers are damaged. even your own monkey ape women want to fuck white men more than another coon.

>> No.9911831
File: 1.75 MB, 1072x858, not even hookers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even the dregs of society, hookers, dont fuck niggers lmao

watch less tv and pron nigger ape, theres a real world out there that passively rejects you, even if they're not shouting nigger from the rooftops like the internet.

>> No.9911845

No, I just hate niggers.

>> No.9911848

lol we don't care about no statistics, white boy. As long as we get white pussy, it's cool. It's also great when you cucks don't give a shit, or even begin to find sexual fantasy in something as humiliating as someone else, usually black, taking your woman right in front of you.. Thank god I don't belong to such a messed up lonely race.

>the only women who fuck niggers are damaged
Of course they damaged, we the only ones that can damage a woman's pussy, while you white boys jerk off to some regular Jamal pounding your wife. Lmao, get real white boy.

>> No.9911850

What are you talking about?
That girl looks upper class as fuck, she had it coming.

>> No.9911851
File: 92 KB, 1002x597, 1417020190769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol we don't care about no statistics

>> No.9911853

go back to stormfront you dumb hick

>> No.9911855

Shut the fuck up nigger, it's a myth that coons have big cocks

>> No.9911860

yesss that's right nigger, all that matters is that you're getting pussy. ignore what's really going on

>> No.9911862
File: 59 KB, 378x548, interesting turn of events.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9911865
File: 92 KB, 634x471, article-2348155-1A813F70000005DC-218_634x471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thank god I don't belong to such a messed up lonely race.

You're right.

It's even worse for blacks, because they're just a messed up race in general.

>> No.9911869
File: 452 KB, 467x700, 1429968319141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting bbc

>> No.9911871

Hitler would be proud, no? You sitting there, spouting memes. Ain't no fourth reich coming from this white pussy anytime soon.

Also, I laugh at how your white race bends over for the black man not only physically, but through government aswel.. I understand some niggers ain't doing so well. Hell, let's offer them relentless benefits, food stamps. Everything! Seriously, even I feel sorry for your country. Lol thank god I'm not some pale white boy who felt the need to make this >>9911831 seriously, I could easily make one that applies to beta white boys, but I cba lmao.

>> No.9911882

I think Asians are the most /fa/

>> No.9911883
File: 187 KB, 327x316, 2ec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>He's still responding

>> No.9911884

>implying whites in poverty don't get benefits and food stamps
>actually being proud of getting cucked by the government

o wow, niggers are beyond help

>> No.9911886

Lol! Asians are objectively worse than even blacks lmao. Literally the most ugly, short, weird people there are.

>> No.9911887

What if you're mixed.

>> No.9911888
File: 17 KB, 262x300, urine2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

triggering niggers iinto writing longwinded responses to prove they're just as good as whitey really is like taking candy from a baby.

do you think he actually thinks i read it?

suck my cow pussy nigger, suck it goood mmmmm

>> No.9911889

kill your whore mother

>> No.9911891

/pol/ pls



>> No.9911894
File: 122 KB, 375x500, 1427265099763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're trash

yeh its no different than the old days really, same shit, different ball and chain.

dance for me monkey, dance!

>> No.9911896

Lol at how you assume the woman is the white parent. I guess it's ingrained that it's always the white woman who is the whore. Lol white people.

>> No.9911898
File: 300 KB, 600x1074, race is only color aha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or beta father

>> No.9911899

Off topic
Nuke thread

>> No.9911902

because most white men are too proud and smart to impregnante a she-ape

>> No.9911903
File: 42 KB, 300x613, replyrate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if a white woman racemixes she is a whore and we ostracize her from our race, white women are expected to be pure and forthright, we're the only race who rejects those who racemix.

every other race craves white dick and puss

>> No.9911910

And they're falling for it right? Lmao.

>> No.9911916

Please leave your house more. Race-mixing is more common than you might think. Also, getting data from a dating site is pretty stupid imo, only the least successful people utilise such things.

>> No.9911919

if degenerate used up trash like hookers wont even be paid to fuck niggers i think we're on the right track :)

>> No.9911931

i am a white girl and i can say that i would never have sex with a black guy, not to sound racist but they're just gross....

most of my friends were like this as well, only girl i knew that had a thing for black dudes got super fat in college and had an abortion.

i honestly dont know where so many black guys get the idea that white girls are into them??? they're always staring and making remarks in public like its attractive? ugh its just gross...

>> No.9911936

I'm glad I don't live in America.

>> No.9911940

get a load of this cuck

>> No.9911942

>a female
>implying youre that relevant

>> No.9911953

look at this coon incapable of accepting reality, why do beta niggers on /fa/ think they're going to live out the celebrity coon lifestyle and fuck bottom of the barrel white groupie sluts like their nigger idols?

guaranteed this nigger is sheltered middle class cuck whose daddy slaves away in some dead-end middle management position and grovels before his white boss so he can send his monkey son to college, hoping to gain the approval of white society.

what a disappointment you must be to daddy ape, stuck on 4chan living vicariously through chris rock, what a beta little chimp

>> No.9911958


>> No.9912022

Lol, the amount of insecure white people and naive black people here. I thought this was /fa/ is this some sort of /pol/ raid?