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/fa/ - Fashion

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9904520 No.9904520 [Reply] [Original]

>wake up 7 am
>shower hair
>apply moisturizer to face
>brush teeth
>get dressed
>apply hair products
>leave for work 7:30
>working 8am-4pm
>drinking coffee&eating eggs at work
>get home, make a vegetarian dinner
>brush&floss teeth
>read book/computer in bed
>hit the bed before 11pm

>> No.9904542

>wake up at six am
>eyes are closed but mind is awake
>pretend i'm breathing in deep sleep pace
>get dressed so quietly
>frozen by jingle of my keys at the door
>get outside and smile to the dog
>don't wanna wake her up
>my love is never going to be enough
>so i took my things and got out of the way

>> No.9904545

not /fa/ at all

>> No.9904568


>> No.9904605

>wake up at 7:30 am
>know I can't sleep anymore
>go on PC still turned on from last night
>rewatch a few episodes of arrested development while swiping around on german tinder
>go on /b/ to find something that makes me happy
>browse some YLYL thread filled with the same shit like every thread before
>it 404's
>go on /fa/ (actually happening right now)
>get some inspiration on fits, what 2 cop when I have money again
>plan in my head what to wear today
>take a shower
>get dressed and experiment around with my fit for some time
>do hair and apply perfume
>finally leave the house around 3:30 pm
>feel hungry
>realize I'm out of cigarettes
>realize I don't have enough money for a pack
>buy a bottle of water and some bread
>drive around in public transport for a while
>sit at some sea until it get's cold and late
>go home again
>check email for job offers
>think about sending out more applications
>waste the night away on 4chan and youtube instead
go to sleep at 2:00 am

>> No.9904606

Wake up (wake up)
Grab a brush and put a little makeup
Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup (hide the scars to fade away the)
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
Here you go creating another fable
You wanted to
Grab a brush and put a little makeup
You wanted to
Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup
You wanted to
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
You wanted to

>> No.9904620

I'm surprised you guys care about such stupid, inconsequential and piddling shit.

Get better concerns.

>> No.9904621

In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

>> No.9904627

are the almonds water activated aswell?

>> No.9904630

>>drive around in public transport for a while
>>sit at some sea until it get's cold and late
this sounds pretty /fa/

>> No.9904639

>wake up at 05:30
>make oats with frozen berries
>eat while watching yu-gi-oh on tv
>around 6:am
>facial cleanser
>walk to bus stop for 20
>catch bus for 45 minutes
>work cuz

>> No.9904649

best part is spending so much time on all those fits barely anyone will see.

>> No.9904653


>brush teeth
>take a shower if I need it
>never use shampoo
>apply coconut oil to all of body while it's still damp
>a bit of wax in my hair
>apply face moisturizer
>apply SPF 50 sunscreen to face

>> No.9904662 [DELETED] 

>wake up
>stumble to shower still half asleep
>wash body with bar soap, wash face with cleanser/moisturiser, wash hair roughly twice a week
>put on uniform
>have toast and coffee
>drink coffee while packing my bag n shit
>leave house
>come home
>do work (Procrastinate doing work)

>> No.9904762

>wake up at 9am
>go straight to home office and work
>lunch at noon
>get dressed
>quit at 5-6pm
>whatever till 11pm
>watch Netflix in bed
>sleep at 1-2am

>> No.9904775

Fucking Kek

>> No.9904779

Im proud that I caught that reference.

>> No.9904811

>woken up by the sun at seven thirty
>same same

>> No.9904822

>wake up at whenever
>eat whatever there is
>get dressed with whatever is clean
>go out bomb some hills in sanfran till I get to market street
>go to the spot and chill with the guys
>some few blunts, drink few beers
>go to some street spots or something
>crash at some bar for a drink
>get to a party if there is one
>get wasted
>sleep, repeat

>> No.9904853

>wake up
>do thing
>go work
>come home
>do thing s
>go bed

>> No.9905057


>wake up in e the morning feeling like p diddy
>grab my glasses i'm at the door i'm gonna hit the city
>before i leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of jack
>cuz when i leave for the night i ain't coming back

>> No.9905060

look at this newshit

>> No.9905110

Wake up
Make breakfast (Poached/overeasy eggs and a slice of toast.)
Bike to work
Bike home
Make/order dinner
Do internet bullshit
Try to sleep

>> No.9906661

Wake up at 5:30
>Actually get out of bed at 6:00
Take a fat shit
Jump in the shower
Sit in my towel for 10 minutes
Brush my teeth
Apply medicine to face for mild acne
Slick back hair with pomade
Strap on my meme clothes
Tie on my meme shoes
Attempt to make coffee
>not enough time
Leave house

>> No.9906728


>> No.9906791

wake up at 6 am
do 500 sit ups
brush teeth
get dressed
got to work 8-5pm
eat breakfast at 10 am
eat lunch at 2 pm
come home
fuck my girl
smoke weed and converse with friends on gta online all night
brush teeth
go to to bed

>> No.9906800

>wake up about 6am
>check weather to see if I can ride my bicycle or I need to drive to work
>eat sandwich
>get dressed
>leave apartment at 7:15 if I'm riding my bike, 7:30 if I'm driving
>work 12 hours
>get home
>eat shitty frozen dinner
>hang out with friends for a few hours
>get home and pass out

>> No.9906805

are u fucking serious

>> No.9906834

Now, this is a story all about how
My life got flipped-turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute
Just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air

In west Philadelphia born and raised
On the playground was where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool
And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school
When a couple of guys who were up to no good
Started making trouble in my neighborhood
I got in one little fight and my mom got scared
She said 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air'

I begged and pleaded with her day after day
But she packed my suit case and sent me on my way
She gave me a kiss and then she gave me my ticket.
I put my Walkman on and said, 'I might as well kick it'.

First class, yo this is bad
Drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass.
Is this what the people of Bel-Air living like?
Hmmmmm this might be alright.

But wait I hear they're prissy, bourgeois, all that
Is this the type of place that they just send this cool cat?
I don't think so
I'll see when I get there
I hope they're prepared for the prince of Bel-Air

Well, the plane landed and when I came out
There was a dude who looked like a cop standing there with my name out
I ain't trying to get arrested yet
I just got here
I sprang with the quickness like lightning, disappeared

I whistled for a cab and when it came near
The license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror
If anything I could say that this cab was rare
But I thought 'Nah, forget it' - 'Yo, holmes to Bel Air'

I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8
And I yelled to the cabbie 'Yo holmes smell ya later'
I looked at my kingdom
I was finally there
To sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel Air

>> No.9906853

vegetarian is not vegan dipshit

>> No.9906863

go hard or go home

>> No.9906910
File: 558 KB, 750x1000, coffee-morning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After several snooze/wake-up moments sit up in bed, light a fag and look at the slag that I porked whilst contemplating life.
>Take a line of cocaine from the Kartell Ghost Buster bedstand.
>Walk nakedly towards kitchen, admire form in every mirror that I pass.
>Put 80's British music on the antiquated B&O Beocenter 8000
>Open a new bag of beans from the local roaster down the street, grind them up in the Mazzer Robur before pulling a shot on my La Marzocco GS3, admire face in reflection of said overpriced coffeedevice.
>Put on the robe I stole from Plaza Athénée,
>Drink several cups of espresso and smoke several fags on the balcony overlooking the people walking their dogs in the park and the cars in the streets going by and contemplate life.
>Go to library to sit on my Corbusier LC4
>Have a nice tug thinking about the fit gash that I plastered last night.
>Have maid make breakfast for said clunge.
>Go to shower.
>Piss in shower.
>Apply products, Aesop and Clinique mostly.
>Stare at wardrobe in the walk-in-closet for 30min. contemplating different fits but always going for the full SLP uniform every time.
>Go outside, step in the red Porsche 930 Turbo my dad left me and drive to restaurant 400m away.
>Order brunch, don't eat anything, just drink wine, whilst starring intensely at other people till they look away and contemplate life.
>Drive back home.
>Browse /fa/

Such is life, I need to do something constructive with it though.

>> No.9906918

You have a horrible life

>> No.9906972


>> No.9907030

>wake up at 5:15 by the alarm of my phone
>drift over to shower in state of very tired delusion
>wash body with bar soap or irish spring body wash
>wash face with different bar of soap, scrub
>one day out of the week, use light amount of moisturizing shampoo to get out hair product from day before, get out grease
>dry hair wiith white cotton tshirt to avoid damage, dry body
>get dressed in outfit i layed out night before
>brush teeth
>floss if i have floss on hand
>apply mousse to hair, blow dry it out until my hair is light and fluffy
>apply fingertip amount of expensive paste evenly through hair
>hairspray, scentless
>2 squirts of cologne
>grab keys, wallet, phone, headphones, lunch of expensive organic foods, bag
>drive to school
>head to the bathroom, piss at nearest bathroom of entrance
>wait for friends in area near cafeteria, eat breakfast, fuck around before out first period classes
>normal school shit for 3 hours
>lunch, take friends to restaurant of their choice sometimes out of generosity
>do more normal school shit for 4 hours
>go home
>do homework if i have any, which is gladly rare
>fuck around on PC for 6 hours
>go to sleep before 12

>> No.9907036

>wake up at 7am
>go downstairs
>have cereal
>get down to the bus stop
>see my friends

>> No.9907046

>Wake up 5:30
>Try to remember/influence dreams
>Repeat as I slip in and out of conciousness
>Finally grab phone and check her (not my gf) social media feeds
>tfw in love with 2 girls
>Reply to gf texts and snaps
>browse /fa/
>browse /b/
>try to stay strong enough not to fap
>Finally get out of bed ~11:30
>admire self in mirror
>throw on yesterday's fit that's still clean enough to wear
>admire self in mirror
>cereal/social media/4chan
>listen to effay music while tidying
>try to do some uni work
>watch a season of something
>go to the gym with friend
>nice bus journey home
>close enough to enjoy silence
>home about 4:00
>Eat something high in protein and carbs, but also vegetarian
>sit in desk chair on phone and Mac
>listen to more music
>maybe go out with gf
>maybe play squash
>have slow candle lit shower
>savour every moment of not thinking about anything other than the sensation of water
>get into bed as early as possible
>listen to either music if I'm 'lovesick' again or Ricky gervais show if I want to ignore it
>asleep about 1:00

>> No.9907057

please be bait
for everybody's sake

>> No.9907129

No wonder everyone looked shit that infamous meetup pick(or the ones before). You all have bad body shapes and effeminate look over your faces because you don't eat and workout like men do.

>> No.9907132

I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack, I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower, I use a water activated gel cleanser. Then a honey almond body scrub. And on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub. Then apply an herb mint facial mask, which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion. There is an idea of an Anon, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real me. Only an entity, something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our life styles are probably comparable, I simply am not there.

>> No.9907143

>wake up to 1PM phone alarm
>turn it off and probably fall back asleep until 3ish
>get up and eat a pop-tart maybe
>fuck around on the internet or PS4
>eat dinner either out of a freezer or brought home from somewhere
>hang out with pals for a while
>toke the reefer if I'm feeling like it
>netflix until the birds are chirping and the sun is coming up
>sleep around 5-6 AM
>college summer break

>> No.9907151

you're a fag someone already said most of that

>> No.9907176

Looking to start a daily /fa/ routine. Lately, mine is:

>Roll out of bed
>Take depression and ADD meds to get me going
>Do whatever I can for my terminally ill dad
>Roll back into bed

>> No.9907185

>wake up at 3pm
>get dressed
>go to work
>come home at 8pm
>browse /fa/
>go to sleep

>> No.9907186


What do you do for work? I'd love to work from home

>> No.9907265

>Wake up whenever
>Have a liter of water
>Two cups of coffee and two cigarettes
>Read the morning paper
>Take a massive shit due to the coffee's laxative effects
>Brush and rinse with listerine
>Sit in front of the computer for the rest of the day

I ain't even ashamed.

>> No.9907280

>Wake up
>Eat some high protein nonsense
>Shower, shave
>Skin routine, hair products
>Suit up
>Leave for work
>Work way too goddamn long
>Get home late
>Hit gym
>Get home, shower again
>get into pajamas
>Work more, study, get shit done
>Knock out around 2-3 am.

>> No.9907307

this actually got me giggling

>> No.9907400
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>Spoiled middle class faggots think "public transport is so /fa/"

Confirmed for having never used public transport for any extended period of time. Try using public transport here in the UK, it will depress you more than a bottle of whiskey a day would.

>> No.9907407

I love taking the bus to school. Dunno why.

Sure, it's full of niggers and I usually have to stand, but it's relaxing to just look out the window and listen to music.

>> No.9907430
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>> No.9908091

Do you work 2-hour shifts or something?

>> No.9908093

usually 4 to 6 hours. i work at a grocery store right up the street, part-time.

>> No.9908124

>wake up, drink a glass of water with vitamins and supplements and meds
>cardio at the condo gym
>skin routine, teeth, hair
>get dressed
>call a taxi
>Individual therapy session
>buy a bathing suit
>drop off passport application
>streetcar home again
>work on an essay
>weights at the condo gym
>meet a friend for a movie
>get tea with friend
>walk home
>lie in bed
>friend texts me that she's in my neighbourhood and wants to see me
>get dressed
>walk over, have something small to eat
>walk home
>skin routine + teeth

This was a weird day.

>> No.9908217
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>wake up
>splash water on face
>coffee and oatmeal. sometimes eggs or just a banana. i shuffle
>surf web
>snack, usually an apple and/or some almonds
>write or go over notes
>surf web some more
>lunch, light turkey sammich, caesar salad, or minestrone soup usually. again, it depends
>go on a fairly decent walk with music
>drop by a local bookstore i like, or go to market
>write some more or more notes
>fuck around with a game or something
>dinner, usually chicken breast, salad or a baked potato etc.
>read a little

That about sums her up I guess.

>> No.9908222

what a meme life you live

>> No.9908252

underrated post

>> No.9908262

>wake up at 7
>consume food with good nutrition
>clean teeth
>cycle to uni
>come back at around 5
>work out
>do something
>clean teeth
>read or tv until sleep

>> No.9908263


>wake up, 6am
>drift to kitchen, half a sleep.
>eat like one toast cause not really hungry
>shower,teeth,hair,deo etc
>7am, leave to catch my bus/metro to school cause class at 8am
>get to school, buy cheap coffee and a bite
>go to class, leave at 3pm, 6pm, midday, or 10;30am depending on day
>catch metro/bus back home
>eat lunch, play vidya or browse 4chan til dinner
>7pm, eat dinner
>do homework/study if need to
>if not just play more vidya/more 4chan


>wake up 2 hours before my shift at work starts, usually hungover as fuck
>shower, eat, go to work
>come back from work
>go out, concerts bars or clubs with friends
>go to sleep at like 4 or 5am
>wake up next day for another day at work hungover again

>> No.9908264

i dont think you trust in myyyyyyyy

>> No.9908286

it's a meme you dip

>> No.9908288

>wake up at 1pm
>clean face and brush teeth
>sit on 4chan for a few hours
>go to my job at fuckin Starbucks for 6 hours
>come home and sit on 4chan until 5AM
>sleep, repeat

>> No.9908293

what movie?

>> No.9908328

Welcome to Me.

>> No.9908334

>fuckin starbucks
don't like it?

>> No.9908389

>wake up at 6:30am
>brush teeth
>wash face
>style hair
>leave at 7am for train station
>get 7:30am train
>get to work for 8am
>feel my life drag by until 11am at break
>20 minutes to reminisce about how much I enjoyed being NEET
>bore myself to death again until 2pm
>leave work
>catch 2:30pm train
>either return home or spend rest of the day in coffee shop with my laptop
>if I went the coffee shop, come home at about 7pm
>hour in the gym
>TV/movies/no friends until about 11pm
>sleep and dream of being happy

>> No.9908551

Wake up 6 am
Drink of coffee
Go to work
Work from 7:30 to 5 pm
Take train home
Browse 4chan

I miss the neat life.

>> No.9908646

im trying to drink away the part of the day that i cannot sleep away

>> No.9908713

>Pour up (Drank)
>head shot (Drank)
>Sit down (Drank)
>stand up (Drank)
>Pass out (Drank)
>wake up (Drank)
>Faded (Drank)
>faded (Drank)

>> No.9909901

>wake up at 5 am
>clean my teeth
>blow dry
>leave for uni
>grabbing a coffee and a pretzel
>studying from 7 am to roughly 16-18 pm interrupted by lunch
>drive home
>watch some videos on youtube
nearly literally every single day
at least I am not a NEET

>> No.9909923


>> No.9910003

>apply coconut oil to all of body while it's still damp

Are you serious?

>> No.9910123

>wake up 1 hour before i have to leave (7am)
>dry hair while listening to radio or reading newspaper and drink ice water
>take bus to train station buy a pack of cigarettes that i smoke half of during my day
>take train to school
>go meet up with friends at café or go home studying
>listen to music and do browse w/e on computer
>chat with grills on tinder
>shitpost /fa/
>go to bed between 23 and 00

>> No.9910175

>wake up 6am
>get out of bed
>get in shower
>walk downstairs
>make coffee
>sitting by the kitchen table, I see my common projects on the shoe rack
>with tears in my eyes I give off a slight, twitchy half-smile
>finish my cup and walk into the hall
>gently strap my common projects to my feet
>walk outside
>the sun is rising, small birds sing in the summer morning, in the breeze I can feel how the world is slowly awakening
>I gaze upon the sky and wipe my tears away
>"t-today might be the day, the day that I meet her" I say to myself
>then I head off to work
>7pm get home
>lay down in bed tired

>> No.9910176

>wake up at 8
>basic hygiene
>leave for work at 8:30-9:00
>work 9-19
>get back home
>make a dinner (quality depending on how tired I am)
>work at home 22:00-2:00
>go to bed

>> No.9910187

i still don't get it

>> No.9910191

> don't wake up at any particular time due to no sleep
> take 400mg aspirin
> take 400mg penicillin
> lie in fatal position waiting for drugs to kick
> drugs don't kick much, remain metal
> become incredibly thirsty, lack willpower to get up and drink
> after an hour of pain and increasing thirst go drink
> drink half a cup of water, pain shoots through mouth
> force myself to drink 3 cups
> head spinning in pain
> get back in bed
> wait for time to take aspirin again
> take aspirin, pain
> ears aching, head pounding, neck aching, looking around takes extreme effort

rinse and repeat for the last 5 days

>> No.9910192
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>be me
>wake up
>be here

to be continued

>> No.9910234


I would rather be dead than live life like this, I can't understand how people do it

>> No.9910263

>wake up 6am
>shit, piss
>go back to bed
>wake up 9 or 11am
>shitpost on the internet and watch anime
>shower maybe? nah.
>get dressed, leave for work 4:30pm
>working 5-12
>12:30 get home, crash into bed fully dressed

>> No.9910301

that's because you're an uncultured swine

>> No.9910311

what\s the reference?

>> No.9910315

i enjoy your presence cause you really make it obv how dense most of the people on this board are. like how do people get rused by >>9904779

>> No.9910331

it's from fight club
meme movie btw

>> No.9910339


You work on personal projects at night?

>> No.9910363


>> No.9910370

What's your life like?

>> No.9910375

>wake up at noon
>shower, dress, groom, etc.
>breakfast (typically cereal or occasionally chipotle)
>go to class if I feel like it
>teach class
>study for ~7 hours at the cafe
>flirt with some cute baristas
>watch an obscure foreign film
>dinner (typically a home-cooked meal or sometimes chipotle)
>11pm go with fellow grad student to a deserted building and collaborate/shoot the shit till 3. He brings the wine and/or weed.
>go to bed

>> No.9910405

>i do this everyday

>> No.9910415


I work a 40h week, mostly 8h shifts between 8-21. It's just

>work at home 22:00-2:00

that I would never be able to deal with. Like most people, I work to live, not the other way around. Maybe he/she enjoys working but I didn't get that impression from the post

>> No.9910454

Well, i doubt there's a lot of people who truly enjoy their everyday lives, apart from rich people. It's this or suicide, really. Sad but true.

>> No.9910542

>wake up
>do some work
>a bit more work
>fucking around
>more meds
>go for a walk

>> No.9910547
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Now that my Spring semester of uni is out of the way

> Wake up at 7:00 AM
> Brush teeth, shower
> Shave, shape eyebrows, moisturize
> Put on work uniform
> If I am not running late, brew coffee while I cook some eggs to put on my toasted, whole wheat bagel. If I am running late, do a line before I leave and eat my bagel and a banana on my way to work.
> Cashier and stock shelves at a local grocery store from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Not luxurious but it's easy and I can easily work there high/a little drunk/hung over.
> Have an American Spirit on my walk home
> have a mid afternoon snack, usually an apple and some yogurt
>If it is a Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, I go for a jog, lift, and then prepare a vegetarian dinner before driving downtown for my Summer course at 5:30.
After class is over at 9, I take an hour to do the homework that was assigned. Then I sit on my front porch, have another cigarette and a glass of wine or whiskey (or both), after which I take my sleeping pill, brush my teeth and wash my face, and go to sleep.
>If it is a Tuesday or Thursday, I play basketball with my friends for an hour or two after work before retreating to my house to study calculus, music theory, and to practice my instruments. Around 7:00 I like to grill up some veggie burgers and then put on a movie. around 9:00 I roll a spliff and usually mix myself a girly drink (vodka with coke or cherry frost gatorade, usually), and sit on my back porch listening to music until I'm too tired to stay up anymore.

>> No.9910548

What meds do you take?

I didn't read that it was for a daily routine, oops.

>> No.9910553


i'm still scratching my head over this tbh

>> No.9910558

mostly shit for crohn's

>> No.9910570

>2pm, wake up
>shitpost on image boards until 7pm
>play video games until midnight
>read a book until 4am

>> No.9910600

you forgot your trip reee

>> No.9911482

It took me a while but I started fucking crying with laughter

>> No.9911535


>> No.9912809

i dont play video games

but yes, thats basically me in a nutshell
